Tag: relationship

  • Significance Over Wealth

    Psalm 49, 1 Chronicles 29:16–22, Acts 3:1–16 Wealth and prosperity have long been a source of strife, envy, pointless striving, overwork, and abandonment of others. In an achievement-driven culture, it became an even greater issue as an “achievement” of wealth is measured against those whose wealth is an astronomical amount (i.e., a person valuated higher…

  • 5th Thursday after Easter

    Mark 9:33–37, Acts 15:36-41, 1 Timothy 6:3–11 It is an amazing fact that you might have learned yourself: people are different, and don’t always agree. There are various kinds of disagreements, and it is not necessarily bad to disagree. In fact, it is often through disagreements that better solutions, not just compromise, can be found.…

  • 5th Monday after Easter

    Acts 3:1–26, Acts 14:8–18 All of us have experienced—or know some close who has—a significant health issue, whether going on for years, or for a short time. Often those health issues come with significant costs, too, making a bad situation even worse. It also isn’t necessarily a matter of good or bad health care insurance.…

  • 4th Sunday after Easter

    Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 22:34–40, John 13:31-35 It is not a minor thing for Jesus to affirm the Law and the Prophets. It is an essential fact to understand. Jesus in no way denied being a Jew, nor did he say being a Jew is bad. Over the course of history, it was bad theology that…

  • 4th Friday after Easter

    Psalm 148, 2 Samuel 6:12–22, Matthew 6:1–8 Do or do not before others? David danced in all his power during a massive 10 mile parade, taking the Ark from Obed-edom’s land to Jerusalem. He was the king. There were many sacrifices happening. There were all the musicians, followers and soldiers that would have been a…

  • 4th Tuesday after Easter

    Psalm 25, John 19:28–30, Hebrews 10:1-14 The End. It’s the end. Jesus has declared it so. What is the end? The remembrance of your sins. The beauty of the cross is that the record of our sins has been amended. While some say that they are wiped out completely, it is probably better to say…

  • 3rd Friday after Easter

    Psalm 105:1-22, Romans 1:18–32, Ezekiel 20:39–44 They were given over. God let them loose. Whether it was the Israelites or Gentiles, God let them loose. The world is a very bad place. People hate. People steal. People lie. All sorts of things and behaviors are just wrong. God let it be. When Paul writes to…

  • 3rd Monday after Easter

    Galatians 2:15–3:6, Philippians 1:20–26, The church in Galatia was struggling. Someone was pouring bad ideas and thoughts into them, causing them to walk away from the faith that Paul had taught them. The funny thing is that many of them probably didn’t know that they were being drawn away. It is easy, step-by-step, to be…