Tag: Salvation

  • More Present

    Psalm 139; Isaiah 12; Matthew 1:1–12

    The lineage of Jesus. How boring. Did you think that? You are not alone in that. Many people read the lineage of Jesus or just skip it. , did you skip it? If so, please read it now…

    Why was that important, you ? It tells a story. It tells a very important one. It tells the story of lives that were lived that led to Jesus. It puts Jesus in a specific time. It places him here on Earth, in the midst of Creation, not separate from it. “…Mary, who gave birth to Jesus…” Right from the beginning, Jesus’ first breath of air was just like ours. It was the first breath after being born. Birth is very , and despite the advancement of science, life is still a mystery.

    In Psalm 139, David embraces the mystery. He notes that he was knit inside his mother. This was very mysterious and miraculous in David’s day, and though we know what is going on, it is still wondrous! David talks about the always present God, who was present while David was still formless. God was as present when we were formless as God is present now.

    God was, is, and always will be present. Yet, through Jesus Christ, God became even more present somehow. It is a marvelous, wonderful, and mysterious . It is…God incarnate.

    Incarnate is not a that you will find in the bible. It is a truth that is found in the bible. The early church wrestled with the what and the how. Eventually, incarnation came to explain, or at least provide a word for, this great mystery.

    The last verse of Isaiah’s song of (12:6) proclaims a hope that is part of , God among us. For Israel, the existence of the and the Ark of the Covenant was proof of God’s , while in reality, God was (and is) always present. No Earthly place, even the temple, could contain God. When Jesus was born, he was God “contained.” This infant boy was God, and God was among Israel, fulfilling the fullest expression of Isaiah’s song of praise.

    1. Think of your family stories. If you recall any, what did these stories tell you about where you came from? How did those stories you?
    2. The Bible is full of stories. What Bible stories come to mind? What do they tell you about God? How are you shaped by what the stories tell you about God?
    3. [+FD] Of all the stories—whether Bible, family, books, movies—which is your favorite? Why? Do you see God present in that story? How?
  • Family Praise

    Psalm 145; Isaiah 12; Hebrews 2:6–18

    Praise is words that glorify God. The English word “praise” comes from the Latin word “pretium”, which means “value”. We or sing in such a way that we express that we value God. The important concept to understand is value. If all you were to hear from a person was, “thanks for (all) the (s),” at some point you would question whether they actually value the gifts or you (i.e., see your , and want to have a with you).

    It is in Psalm 145:1-13 that we see this spirit of praise. Then in verses 14-21 we see more and , though verse 17 gets back to praise. The psalmist speaks more of who God is and what God is like in comparison to what God has done. When we speak only of what God has done, we put God the Action Hero . God becomes someone who does something for us. Our relationship becomes shallow and transactional, rather than relational and transformational.

    Isaiah’s song of praise (Isaiah 12) starts with relational . As it continues, there are acts yet everything revolves around the restored relationship. This is especially important in the time of Isaiah as the exile of the people was ultimately the result of a destroyed relationship. At this point, the Lord’s salvation was primarily viewed as a salvation. Be that as it may, the physical salvation was a result of relational salvation, which lead into full salvation in Christ.

    Underlying the passage in Hebrews is the concept that full relationship (and thus salvation) was so important to God, that—in the form of of Nazareth—incarnational (i.e., God physically being present) relationship between God and Man was not only possible…it actually happened! In Hebrews it goes on from “just” relational to “familial,”…becoming the family of God!

    1) What do you think of the “praise” definition above? Does it match or conflict with your understanding?

    2) How was physical salvation a spiritual “trap” for the exiles? Do you see that same “trap” alive today? If yes, where? If no, what do you think it would look like?

    3/FD) Jesus thought it was important for us to know we are his brothers and sisters. Why do you think Jesus thought it was important that we are (and know that we are) part of his family?

  • Through the Hurt

    Through the Hurt

    Psalm 97, Hebrews 1:1-2:9, Galatians 4:4-7

    During this Holy Day, in the midst of gift-, family, loneliness, heartache, healing, hurting…look to God.

    Two holidays often are the most bittersweet, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The joy of (Thanksgiving) and celebration of the Savior (Christmas) can get confused with family struggles, financial struggles and family losses. These two gatherings will often stir up our deepest emotions, both good and bad. It can make the holidays some of the most stressful of the year.

    It’s okay. Joseph and Mary were expecting their first child. The mysterious and amazing circumstances only heightened that expectation. They had to travel in the midst of that. The stress of bearing the probable condemnation of their families, plus the confrontation with the Roman authorities (they were traveling to be counted and taxed) would have strained their joyful expectation.

    If you are questioning how could a person be stressed during this time… PRAISE!

    If you are questioning your value or faith or walk, because you are stressed during this time, give yourself a break. The mother and earthly father of God were stressed, too. You are not alone.

    Stressed or not, Christmas is time to be present. Spend time with one another. If you know someone is alone, invite them. If you are alone, it’s okay to to come and visit. This day is for Framily.

    Heavenly Father, continually make us glad and joyful in this remembrance of the birth of your only , Jesus Christ. As we receive His Advent, help us receive him as our Redeemer. Help us, through the , be assured of our and with you. May your through Holy help us look forward to the earthly return of our Messiah. Give us confidence to bear your light into the world. This we pray in the grace and love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

    May you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!

  • Pieces of Love

    Pieces of Love

    Isaiah 52:13-53:12, John 15:7-21, Luke 1:68-79

    This passage in Isaiah does not use the love. In fact, it sounds that God is cruel.

    This passage does not use the word love. It preaches and lives it from its very core.

    How? Through Jesus. Only through Jesus was such a horrific event transformed from terror-inducing to -giving. Only God can take something soaked in and turn it into something that produces life, and only through the very being of God’s self: the second person of the Trinity, Jesus.

    Jesus’ words to his disciples were just words. It’s not that they didn’t think Jesus’ words were unimportant, but they were lacking the understanding of how deep their meaning was. As we quickly approach Christmas, we should hold in our hearts and minds, as we celebrate the gentle, warm and easy baby in a manger, that and Easter are coming. A simple child will the world.

    Zechariah’s for his son, John, was both filled with of and fear for his son. Such a prophecy means that his son would expect a life of hardship and opposition. Prophets are often unloved by those that God sent them to. A father’s joy of birth, overshadowed by what was to come. God the Father, and all the Heaven’s, filled with joy of the coming birth of the Messiah, yet that simple life-giving act was known to not be the act of , but merely the starting point of salvation fulfilled by the cross.

    When we speak of Christian love, it is a hard love. This is not the soft and gentle love that the world wants, but the love the puts other ahead of self, and the lower above the higher. Jesus shows us what godly love is, and we struggle to do it. We often think of it as easy, but it violates the world’s love, and the world will do anything to oppose it.

    Christmas is love in action. Christmas is the celebration of a loving act, by a loving God, fulfilled by a loving God, to call back to love a world filled with fear, anxiety, prejudice and hatred.

    Most parents have learned a of love. Having a child is having part of your forever outside of yourself. Imagine how God feels. Billions of pieces of God’s heart are walking on this planet right now.

    1) What are your thoughts about being “a piece of God’s heart”?

    2) Often when following God, we have to release those we love to Him. If you’ve done that, how does it feel? If you haven’t, can you imagine what it feels like?

  • Beyond Hope

    Beyond Hope

    Luke:1:46b-55, James 5:7-10, Hebrews 12:1-2

    Mary’s song/poem of praise is often called the Magnificat in the Protestant/Roman Catholic tradition, or the Ode of the Theotokos (Bearer of God) in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. It is a joy-filled response to God by Mary that appears to be a response to Elizabeth’s joy-filled pronouncement of the Sprit-filled joy of John the Baptist (in utero, of all things) to hearing the voice of the Mother of God (Jesus).

    The double-meaning of Mary’s praise of “…my rejoices in God my savior…” is the Jewish understanding of God (the Father) as the savior of their people, along side the coming salvation of Jew and Gentile through the death of Jesus (God the ). There is the reality of God as past, present and future savior.

    The Jews knew many experiences of God as savior. The for the coming Messiah was built upon an understanding of a God that was and would fulfill promises made.

    As a Jew, James had the same Jewish understanding as pregnant Mary, and he had seen fulfillment of the Messiah’s coming and salvation. Now James is passing the hope on. It is the expectation based upon God’s faithfulness that the Messiah will come again and the hope that remains strong in the face of adversity.

    In Hebrews, the author notes that Jesus went to the cross joyfully, not because Jesus was looking to the , anguish, and death. Jesus was looking beyond the cross, beyond the grave, and even beyond the Resurrection. The author notes that Jesus’ prize was the throne of God. Though the author doesn’t say it here, the other prize was you and me before the throne of God, not in of judgement, but as Children of the Most High God.

    Elsewhere, the author of Hebrews notes that Jesus, our Savior, is continually interceding on our behalf and for all eternity. No matter how you feel about yourself being , it doesn’t matter. As shirts and bumper stickers read, “I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I’m to die for.” That is our hope and joy.

    1) Are hope and joy the same thing?

    2) Why are having hope and joy important for a Christian?

    3) Why is it important to look at the Old Testament in regards to salvation?

    KD) Why does the author of Hebrews compare to running a race?

  • The Hope Beyond Us

    Psalm 38, Isaiah 32:10-20, Joel 2:12-13

    In regards to their , many people struggle with two particular areas. The first is pride. Realizing that one’s salvation involves the surrendering of self, a person can stop right at the light. Holding onto one’s self (one’s pride) can keep a person from taking the final step of into God’s salvation.

    The other area is . Often the struggle with sin goes hand-in-hand with pride. If we look around us at the world, however, we can see that the world’s definition of a “good” person might not God’s definition of “good.” You may have heard a phrase similar to, “good enough is the of great,” usually used in the business world. Let’s take that with sin. Good enough could be “better than the other person” or “everybody’s doing it” or “no one else is getting hurt by it.” Great is God. If we’re “good enough” are we the enemy of God?

    It sounds harsh. David, according to the world, was “good enough.” He committed sins, just like other leaders. He killed people in war, just like others. He was, it seems, a weak parent. While he wasn’t an enemy of God, per se, at the end, his greatest project of building God’s was handed over to his because of the blood he had shed.

    There are consequences of doing wrong. Our legal system takes care of some things. Our social circles take care of other things. At the end of our lives, God takes care of the things, as we stand before the throne.

    The passage in Isaiah takes us through the good enough, through the consequences, and to the . The passage in Joel calls on us to be honest with ourselves, and what we have done, all in the context of God’s grace, , and love.

    To get to the best part of the story of ourselves, we need to dig into the ugly part of ourselves, hearts conflicted with pride and sin.

    1) Why do you think it is important to know the starting point of a journey?

    2) Does the starting point of a journey determine the end of the journey?

    3) Why do you think people judge/condemn others (or themselves) for the starting point of their journey, rather than focusing on getting to the right end?

    KD) What does it mean to you to be good enough? Why would you want to be better?

  • Hope Fulfilled and Hope to Come

    Hope Fulfilled and Hope to Come

    Psalm 25:1-10, Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:25-36

    “…for you are the God of my …” Psalm 51:5

    “In those days and at that time, I will cause a Branch to sprout up for David, and he will administer and righteousness in the land.
    Jeremiah 33:15

    “…they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with and great .”
    Luke 21:27

    . It’s a big word for how small it looks. The Psalmist knows God is the source of his salvation, despite current circumstances. God’s words to Jeremiah provide for a hope that Jeremiah can guess he will not see, but they are still hope for the Israelites.

    Christmas is about hope. It is about Emmanuel, which means God with us. It is about God sending the Son down to us. Advent, however, is not just about Christmas, and the singular time that God became man. Advent also looks forward to the next time God returns…at the end of the story.

    Advent, therefore, is about both the hope for both Israelites and the rest of the world, and it is about the hope to come when Jesus returns. Hope is to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment. Hope was fulfilled when Jesus was born in a manger. We obtained hope through his on the cross and his . Then there is the expectation of the of Jesus…more hope!

    1/KD) Why is hope important?

    2) Why do we easily think of the hope of Christmas, but not of the hope of Jesus’ return?

    3/KD) What is your hope this Christmas?

    4/KD) What is your hope a year from now?