Tag: seeing God

  • Star Light Star Bright

    Star Light Star Bright

    Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29; Jeremiah 33:1–9; Philippians 2:12–18

    I’m guilty. I’m guilty of not seeing God’s many . God’s blessings have been more than I could count, granted, but I should count more of them. I was convicted by Jeremiah 33:9, “They will be in total awe at all the good and prosperity I provide for them.”

    ※ When was the last time you were awed by all the good and prosperity that God has provided? ※

    If you’re like me, you could look at all our troubles and disagreements on race, (any) immigration, political party, president, COVID practices, and ask, “Good? Prosperity?” This is where we humans tend to get ourselves in trouble, especially when we evaluate God. Just saying “evaluate God” sounds unwise, doesn’t it? Yet, when we ask God, “why,” and don’t keep in mind the blessings, this is often exactly what we do.

    ※ Is your tendency to ask God, “Why”, before praising God?※

    wrote to the Philippians, “Do everything without grumbling and arguing.” We’ve been pretty awful at that lately, as a . People of all political stripes and persuasion have developed a habit of ad hominem attacks (attacking individuals, not policy). The “gridlock” of Washington, D.C., will get far worse because of it. That, brothers and sisters, is where we come in.

    ※ Imagine responding to attacks on people with a grace-filled commentary on a policy. What would the response be? ※

    This is not a blind hope that a “gentle answer will turn away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1). There actually isn’t much that Christians will change the tenor of conversation (although we’ve been some of the most guilty). Changing the general tenor isn’t our job, nor is it our responsibility. It is our tenor that is our responsibility.

    The reason for keeping the blessings and prosperity in mind is that is a good way to cultivate our hearts to be warm and full of love, which allows us to respond in a Christ-honoring way. As they are God’s blessings and prosperity, they are not ours. Another way of saying it is that since it is God’s, we shouldn’t be holding onto what isn’t ours so tightly. Our responses to need to be inspired and driven by the generosity and grace of God.

    Before someone asks, “I’m to be a doormat?” No. Turning the other cheek refers to being insulted. Going the extra mile is acting above and beyond the requirements. As Paul phrased it, “Among these people you shine like stars in the world because you hold on to the of .”

    ※ If someone with whom you have strongly disagreed were asked, would you be described as gasoline on a or as a star in the world? ※


    Lord, when you called Abraham to look at the stars, he saw a legacy of children. Help us, Lord, to not just to be a number amongst the stars, but to embody the of the stars into a world darkened by . Amen.

  • Seeing Well

    Seeing Well

    Psalm 50:1–6; 1 Kings 16:1–7; Luke 19:41–44

    “If only I had known…”

    We often will look back on our decisions as if we could have fixed them, or even with the that we are wiser now than we were then. “Hindsight is 20/20,” is a pithy saying, but even our hindsight may only be slightly better than our foresight.

    Baasha had hindsight. God’s word had come true about Jeroboam’s fall. Baasha, therefore, had foresight of what was expected. Baasha maintained the false worship set up by Jeroboam (and continued by his son, Nadab). This was after assassinating Nadab.

    Jehu was sent to announce the consequences. Baasha had a chance and still went his own way, and his died out as consequence. Baasha had foresight and hindsight…and still, he made the decision of false worship.

    While the false worship of idols and such from Jeroboam to Baasha is certainly large and significant, the false worship that confronts is different. Jerusalem, from a Jewish perspective, was the City of God. It had a special place. One would think that the exile would have dealt with some of that, but it is quite likely that the Maccabean revolution restored much of that perspective.

    Along with that was the inability of people to see God moving among them. We’re not just talking about Jesus, but the entire era. The Jewish world was unsettled, with and without Roman oversight. God was shaking things up.

    Jesus’ words were aimed at two things. The first was the false of Jerusalem. It sounds almost blasphemous. However, transforming, “I will meet you there,” and “I will put my there,” into only meeting God there is a problem.

    The other issue is being unable to see the of God when it is right next to you. The phrasing here in Luke is distinct as it is about . This contrasts with the imagery of Jerusalem falling in conquest. Seeing (and accepting) the Kingdom of God (peace) is the opposite of the world (conflict).

    We often view these words in Luke as a kind of times , especially as Jerusalem did indeed fall a few decades later. God, though, isn’t so concerned about a place (not that God isn’t), as God is concerned about the people. It may be that Jesus was looking for people to see the disruption of God’s Kingdom on earth when in the middle of the corrupt world.


    • What do you have the greatest hindsight regret for? What do you have the greatest hindsight appreciation for?
    • How do you see God moving today in comparison to the story around Baasha, and in comparison, to Jesus going through Jerusalem?


    Lord, as you transform us, may we transform the world around us. Help us to look for your hand in the past and look for your grace in the . Amen.

  • Pour


    Matthew 25:14–30; Luke 19:12–27 (read online ⧉)

    If you’re like most people in the US, you have a retirement account. If you’ve retired, the stock market swings may not affect you very much, except for secondary investments. If you are not retired or have other significant investments in the stock market, your stock funds—your financial future and security—might seem pretty shaky.

    If you’ve been taught to treat the stock market with a “long game”, then the current volatility isn’t too concerning. If you haven’t been taught that, you’re watching the stock market with acid indigestion when it falls and elation when it rises.

    We really do understand the concept of investing when it comes to money. We don’t do so well investing in people.

    Over the last few decades, as the focus on schooling increases (along with its costs), mentoring is talked about a lot, and done very little. There seems to be an that people will now self-educate. There is good in that, as true education (versus regurgitation) requires self-direction. The problem that then arises is a lack of and loyalty.

    In Luke’s version of the minas (i.e., talents), the nobleman who left his servants behind expected self-direction. In this version of this tale, 10 servants are each given a mina (for a total of 10 minas). We only about the super-successful servant, the quite-successful servant, and the vocally ungrateful one. The prologue to the tale indicates that the vocal servant probably voiced the feelings of them all. He was just the only one who said anything.

    What about the other 7 servants? Did any fail and declare bankruptcy? Did some only earn 1 or 2 minas? Did some at least put it in the bank and interest?

    The and difficulties of parables and illustrative stories such as these are that we can miss differences. Most of us read into this Lukan version what we read in Matthew. We see the 3 and miss the 10. The differences in these 2 versions mirror similar tales in our days. Magazines, blogs, TV shows will focus on the super- and quite-successful entrepreneurs and leaders. They rarely pay attention to the burying type but are vicious wolves when they do.

    Except for election season, the remaining 7 are ignored. Leaders will all too often focus on the 3, and not the 7. They will pour 80% of their effort (even its nothing more than taking credit) into the 2, get 800% back, evaluate themselves as successful, and cast-off the 1. The 7? Only God knows. Their potential has been completely squandered.

    This is not to say that everyone is capable of pouring into 10 people and making them all successful. However, the reality is that while the nobleman got something from 2, what does this tell us about his leadership for the other 8?


    All-, help us to see those you have put before us to lead and mentor. Help us be humble to for the guidance and of others. Amen.

    1) Which of the 10 servants (in Luke’s story) are you?

    2) Who are you pouring into, leading, and mentoring?

    3) Is mentoring and leading a role, or is it a ? Why would the difference matter?

  • The Sky Is Falling, Right?

    Psalm 27:1–6, Acts 9:1–22 (read online ⧉)

    The psalm may have stirred up a hymn or worship song in your mind. If wired a certain way, maybe you started singing. This psalm is from a person who is very weary. The psalmist feels as if there are neverending battles needing to be fought. The psalmist perceives that as long as God is there it’s okay. Now that doesn’t mean from a human perspective that everything will work out fine, just that as God is there it’s okay.

    The psalmist resorts to being in the house of God and in the . God is it, so thinks the psalmist. Is there and assurance that everything will ultimately work out? Yes. However, God often means not trusting ones’ own plans.

    American Christians, with some justification, are perceiving more and more that the culture (and maybe even the world) is turning against the . There has always been some opposition to the faith. It’s not a new thing. Perhaps what we are seeing is a to true balance, meaning that those that deceived themselves that they were Christians or misunderstood themselves as being Christians have begun to be free of those particular shackles. This in no way implies that Christianity is bad (just to clarify), but that many people misunderstood (and still do) what it means to be a . Instead of mourning or getting defensive or getting angry about all the changes (including in our families) perhaps we ought to look to the psalmist for guidance. We are not called to win on our own, but to work on God’s plan and timetable (honestly, the hardest part). That of course, doesn’t mean we don’t have a part to play. Quite the contrary we each have a part to play.

    Paul (formerly Saul) had a part to play. He was one of those who was slandering and attacking Christians to purify the Jews of this sect. His name became feared. His arrival meant nothing good. Except that God had a plan. It certainly, from the outset, didn’t seem like a great plan. Let’s have this guy harass and even endorse the killing of Christians. Let’s have him go from synagogue-to-synagogue and even town-to-town and cleanse the faith. All seemed lost or at least losing. Until Saul had a fateful encounter with Jesus. The event was so profound that Saul chose to go by Paul, meaning that he set aside the old and became new. Remember, he was “the enemy.” Now, his writings are an essential part of the Bible.

    1) Politicians often use fear to motivate. Fear of “losing” Christianity is starting to grow. What should be the proper motivation regarding working for or expanding the Kingdom?

    2) If is the reason for our faith, then why are we allowing fear to drive our decisions regarding our faith?

    : Pray the psalm, asking God for insight as to what it means for your faith and your world.

  • Blind to the Signs

    Ezekiel 12:21–28, Jeremiah 32:17–23, Matthew 16:1–4

    In the Post-Enlightenment or Scientific Age (depending on how you want to define either or both), evidence has been crucial. It’s not as if we are all that different than the Israelites.

    Ezekiel’s words come at a time when there have been many Men of God who, by God’s direction, preached repentance and warned of impending doom. Yet, instead of taking such to , the people hardened their hearts away from God. They thought that the so-called Men of God must have been delusional because the doom hasn’t come. This is instead of seeing it as God’s (conveyed) , , and forbearance. The lack of doom caused them to think that those that were promising were more-likely from God than those preaching doom.

    Yet, Jeremiah and Ezekiel were almost (plus or minus a few years) contemporaries. Jeremiah comments on God’s past and present (implied expectation of ) signs and wonders. What different perspectives these 2 Men of God have compared to the people! It is definitely a case of at work in the world, rather closing one’s eyes to it.

    It’s not as if didn’t have the same issues. When it came to signs (the weather), the “great” leaders had no problems interpreting the signs. However, when it came to God acting they were blind!

    1) While the world can claim ignorance of God working, we cannot. Where are you seeing God working both miraculously and in the mundane?

    2) Signs of significance continue to be an issue. What signs do people demand in the world (i.e., corporations, , environmental, people, etc.)?

    3) Acts of forbearance are often seen as , rather than love and grace. Why do you think that is? With the results of the demise of Jerusalem, and the exile of the Jews, why do you think God acted that way?