Tag: separate

  • Empathize and Build

    Philippians 2:19–30, Romans 15:1–7

    empathy: the of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner [Merriam-Webster.com]

    Imprisoned is concerned about the Philippians. More correctly, he is deeply concerned for the Philippians. Paul’s empathy is such that he appears to viscerally feel the emotional distress of the Philippians for their emissary/friend/missionary Epaphroditus. The Philippians’ distress for Epaphroditus’ health tells us how significant Epaphroditus was to the Philippians. It also shows Paul’s importance to them for them to send such a significant person.

    In the Roman era, if you did not have or friends to take care of you, you were not going to last long. The primary care of a prisoner would be performed by those same family and friends. Epaphroditus was one of Paul’s care-givers. He was a key part of Paul’s survival. Yet, Paul viewed the Philippians’ worries of higher importance than his own. So much so, that he put their emotional welfare ahead of his own and emotional welfare. He also, therefore, took on their coming as his own.

    Paul echoes much of this in his earlier letter to the Romans. He talks about bearing the weaknesses of so as to not please oneself. He talks about pleasing our neighbor, especially to build them up. He also says that this also means that when these people are insulted, he (or we) are also insulted.

    This is not the way of the world. The way of the world is to . Even as Christians, the world tries to separate us from each other, and we let the world do it.

    1) How can you build-up your empathy muscle? Why should you?

    2) How do you think empathy helps build the ?

    3) Why do you think we avoid feeling empathy toward others?

  • Enemies and Adversaries

    Rom 2:25–29, Revelation 3:7–13

    The struggle between Jew and has long been the case. Initially, there was a mix of those with good motives (e.g., preserving the “true” , protection from apostasy) and bad motives (e.g., pride, influence). Then there were those who regularly challenged the theology for various reasons.

    regularly had to oppose them to protect the fledgling churches. Oddly, we ought to be grateful, for without opposition we might not have even had the letters that we have. One could argue that it is because of the opposition that the grew as it did (and many do argue that to this day). Without question, opposition forced the church to figure out what it did believe, wrestling with it over generations.

    Paul struggled to separate the Jewish Laws and customs from the new Christian life, and due to the Jewish basis of Christianity it continued to be an issue. Yet, what was an issue of understanding became something much darker.

    In Revelation 3:9, John wrote “…synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews…” This phrasing, which was intended to illustrate the same struggle that Paul had, became a verse of hatred. It’s easy to see why. Seemingly tying the Jews to Satan is pretty inflammatory. Christians for generations vilified and demonized Jews based on verses like this and an erroneously singular focus on who was the root cause of ‘ crucifixion (the Jews, rather than all of us). Some interpreters are quick to point out that what is translated as Satan is satanas, a Greek take on the Aramaic/Hebrew for adversary. The question for some becomes is this a proper name (the Adversary) or a descriptive name (an adversary). The reality is that there is an adversarial toward the church, trying to skew its theology.

    The reason this odd historical piece is important is that the church, still, often resorts to adversarial/ language when discussing or interacting with those whose theology is different. We cannot behave that way, for while we were sinners (enemies of God), even before we were born, Jesus died for us. Imagine if Jesus treated us as if we were his enemy.

    1) Is there someone you have treated as an enemy, that God is calling you to ?

    2) Is there language that you have been using the frames as the enemy or adversary? (This is beyond just not agreeing with them on something)

  • Be Strange

    Joshua 7:3–15, 1 Thessalonians 4:1–12

    The pivotal character in the book Dune at one point talks about having a “stamp of strangeness” put upon him. This stamp was definitely a different context, yet “stamp of strangeness” was and is exactly what God does to us when he calls us and we accept him.

    When the Israelites are finally about to enter the Promised Land, God calls on the Israelites to consecrate themselves. In other words, they were to emotionally, spiritually, and physically separate themselves for the work (taking, , and thriving) in the Promised Land. This means that Egypt was a closed door. This means that they were to be separate even from their “relatives” (i.e., the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother). They were to be strange.

    later tells the Thessalonians to be strange, too. In this passage, there is a cultural battle they are facing. In their larger culture, it wasn’t uncommon that a man had a wife (often a political or social marriage), a lover (intellectual and/or sexual), a concubine (generally an indentured servant or slave), and a prostitute. A man would be considered normal to have at least 3 of these, and potentially more (e.g., the number of concubines and prostitutes could vary). In some areas, this was encouraged. Heterosexual monogamy was strange. It doesn’t appear that there were specific issues that Paul was addressing, but an attitude and . Just like the Israelites, Christians were to be strange.

    Due to frailty, we often don’t want to be strange. We want to be normal. We want to fit it. While it is important to have non- friends and acquaintances, it is due to the expectation of being strange that means we (as Christians) must have Christians in our most intimate (non-sexual) where we are held accountable and hold accountable.

    When we read Paul’s words today, they are strange yet again. The world is heading toward (and arguably is) a society of relationships that are not in line with God’s (especially sexually). One can point to a huge number of issues (and it’s not one or two) that are not only opposed to created intent but are also being found to inhibit or damage real relationships with people. Paul addresses that, too, when he talks about behaviors damaging others in the faith, and they don’t have to be participants to be damaged.

    All believers are called to be progressively sanctified. In other words, part of our Christian journey to be continually shaped by the into the image of Christ in partnership with fellow maturing believers. The “stamp of strangeness” grows stronger, and becomes a cross to bear in the world of the transforming nature of God.

    1) What are you actively doing to place yourself in an authentic accountable relationship? If nothing, what is holding you back?

    2) The world speaks and trumpets individuality. However, the world only celebrates “safe” individuality. What makes “Christian” individuality dangerous? Is there really such a thing is a Christian apart from the body of Christ?

    3) Thinking to the separation aspect, what is a place in your life that you need more separation from the world?

  • Favor of Love

    Exodus 23:3, Deuteronomy 21:15–17, James 2:1–9

    Favoritism generally does not result in good things. By good things, we don’t mean financial . The “benefits” of favoritism is gaining influence or wealth to the detriment of another, usually by showing preferential behavior to an .

    Most of the time, favoritism is construed as the “weaker” party trying to curry favoritism with the “stronger” party. Usually, the intent would be wealth, , or protection.

    However, that is not the only form of favoritism. There is a form of favoritism that shows preferential treatment for the poor or disadvantaged.

    We have, with good reason, developed a methodology to aid historically disadvantaged people. It is an attempt to show favoritism to those who were shown quite the opposite for generations. Regardless of one’s political , God directs us to not show favoritism.

    Now, here is the narrow path we walk. We cannot fix a broken system or broken culture, for both are made of broken people, separated from God and in broken with one another.

    What we can do is each other. What is really hard is to, but is the most important, is to love each other without favoritism. How does that work? Often, poorly. We all have our friends. We have our “groups”. That collection of people with whom we are the most comfortable. Yet, when we show favoritism, we alienate. We dehumanize. Most of all, when we show favoritism we the people of God’s from each other.

    1) What do you think of the favoritism? What thoughts come to mind?

    2) Have you ever been a victim of favoritism? Have you ever shown favoritism?

    3) Why do we show favoritism? How does favoritism damage the family of God?

  • Struggling in Unity

    John 17:20–23, Philippians 1:27–28

    E Pluribus Unum.

    If you look at US currency, most (if not all) will have this saying. In Latin, it means “Out of many, one.” While the US might be the gathering place of people of many nations, it is the church that should be living out this saying more than any entity in Creation.

    Jesus prayed that we (all the church, in all the world, in all of time) would be one, just as he (Jesus) and the Father are one. This is one of those areas of mystery and for the people who make up the church. Our theology and tradition teach us that God is One. Our theology and tradition also teach us that as One, God is still (at the same time) Father, , and Spirit. In purpose and intent, the Father, Son, and are One. However, they are also separate (the great conundrum of the Trinity), which should be kind of like us.

    United in intent and love, and at the same time. As we can see, it hasn’t worked so well in the United States. It certainly could be worse. It certainly could be better. Jesus doesn’t give us the excuse of, “it’s a republic.” We are to be united (a perfect single unit) so that the world knows that Jesus is the Messiah. This is not so the world knows we are Christians or good people, or we’re “saved”. Unity is the testimony that Jesus is who he says he is.
    takes unity and puts it as a symbol of trusting in the Gospel. In other words, Paul is saying, “you’re preaching it, but do you believe it?”

    The church in general and even Generations Church has a problem with unity. Unity is hard work. Unity is never about our-self, it is about all of us….

    Whether you struggle with being united with an “opposing” political party, a different skin color, a different language, a different nationality, a different sexuality (or lack thereof), we are called to be united. We have seen denominations start the long and painful road to separation. Church history is filled with splits. Even positives, like the Church of the Nazarene (which united different churches), are outweighed by splits.

    It may seem abrupt to tie this in, but evangelism as a practice is in decline. Evangelism, not sharing the faith. Yes, there is a huge difference. Evangelism is often a whip. Sharing the faith isn’t. Unity is the example the world needs. Unity shows the world who Jesus is. Unity shows the world we believe what we say.

    1) Have you ever left a church for a reason other than moving? If so, why?

    2) What are you doing in this church framily to build unity?

    3) One of the biggest struggles in unity is speaking in love. To whom do you need to truth?

    4) Often the biggest struggle in unity is hearing truth spoken in love. What truths have people shared that you did (and/or do) not listen to?

  • Blessing of Enemies

    Psalm 3, Genesis 14:17–24, Exodus 23:20–33, John 16:1–11

    Enemies are a thing. Sometimes the enemies are more in our head than outside in the world. Sometimes enemies are those that do us harm when they are supposed to be striving for our good. Other times, and currently the most seen, the enemies are those not like us. In , they are not our enemies, they are just different, and difference can be perceived as dangerous.

    Abraham’s victory over those who kidnapped his was attributed to God by Melchizedek. The enemies of Abraham may not have even known they were the enemy until Abraham came to Lot. For Abraham’s sake, God gave them to Abraham, who was to God.

    As the Israelites have left Egypt and are headed to the Promised Land, they are told that there are enemies. These are the enemies they will have to defeat to recover the Promised Land. God promises them victory over their enemies…as long as they follow his ways. And there is the rub. They didn’t do a very good job of that. Under only a few leaders, and only for a limited time, did Israel actually follow God’s ways. However, the rest of the time God allowed their enemies to be victorious, and it is directly tied to their orientation toward God.

    So, if things were to continue, one could reasonably draw the conclusion that once we have a and reconciliation with Christ that our enemies would be overcome. Yet, says the opposite. “You’re mine, and the world hates you because of it. Therefore you are surrounded by enemies.”

    Granted, the enemies that surround us are actually those that have often put themselves against God (whether they are aware of it or not). It still doesn’t make it sound much better.

    1) If indeed we are now surrounded by enemies, how is that the Good Life?

    2) There are many kinds of enemies: national, religious, political, general life. Think of those that you know that fall under each of these categories, and what can you do to shine the of Christ into their lives?

    3) Thinking of as enemies can be a beneficial starting point because then you can more easily see the barriers that need to be worked on prior to sharing Christ with them. Why is it important to recognize the barriers that ? What should we do with those barriers?

  • Unity Dream

    Psalm 100, Ezekiel 37:15–28, John 10:14–18, Galatians 3:28

    is a powerful message, and it calls to the deepest parts of us. E Pluribus unum—Latin for “Out of many, one”—is the motto of the States. In this motto is the desire that no matter where people came from, and what differences they might have, they can be united in the United States. This is a great motto and a great goal. However, it’s easier (but not always easy) when the people come from the same general area (Northern Europe, for example) than when they come from diverse places (like anywhere in the world). Finding unity in such diversity is a struggle at best. It is it though.

    When Ezekiel is speaking, he is speaking to a people that were now divided. No longer were the tribes of Israel under one banner. As a result of the division, animosity developed between people groups that at one time viewed themselves as one. Military and political conflict was occurring. That God led Ezekiel to preach this message shows us that the division of Israel was not what God wanted. It wasn’t the goal. A united Israel that worshipped God—and God alone—was what God wanted. David’s line would also again be king over this united land, which was a tie back to the height of Israel and a tie to the coming of , of Joseph of the line of David.

    By the time of Jesus, the dream of unity was long gone, so it seemed. Samaria (formerly the Northern of Israel) had lost most of its Israelite-ness but retained enough to know where it came from. The bloodline was corrupted from a Jewish , but the ties were there. Into this Jesus—who was speaking to Jews—spoke of those that were in another flock. Jesus said he was gathering them, too. No longer would there be multiple flocks. There would be only one flock.

    “There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus.”—Galatians 3:28

    Time and time again God speaks to unity across all the boundaries that we have made.

    1) Where is God calling you to be a unifier, and not a divider?

    2) Why is the temptation so strong to ourselves from others? When is it good, when is it bad?

    3) What behaviors, tendencies, or beliefs cause others to separate themselves from you? What of those things are God-oriented, and what are self-oriented?

  • Community Rhythm

    John 16:16–22, Galatians 4:8–20

    How often when we know the story so well do we look down on those who don’t get it? The disciples certainly didn’t get it. Jesus often spoke in parables, and because we think we know the answer, we find it easy to impose our understanding onto Jesus’ words.

    If we think of the disciples’ time with Jesus as an extended “mountain-top” experience that seemed to be never-ending, we can understand their confusion. What could possibly go wrong? We know the ending, but they didn’t.

    Part of the mystery and rhythm of the “” year is the annual repetition of the joy, , heartache, and (again) joy that is Jesus’ . It is also not just Jesus’ life. It is ours as well.

    Not all that long ago, we celebrated the birth of Jesus, less than (but almost) 2 weeks ago was his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Just 8 days ago Jesus died on the cross. Just 6 days ago, Jesus rose again. This ebb and flow like life. Was Jesus belittling his own painful on the cross, linking it to the labor pains (not that such are small or minor in anyway), or (more likely) equating the short term pain with the joy that comes with new life. With the joy of such new life overriding the anxiety of the pain just experienced. We know what the new life is of a mother giving birth. What about Jesus?

    When Paul speaks to the Galatians, he expresses the heart of Jesus insofar as the new life that Jesus spoke of. It is you. It is me. It is the extended framily called the church. This new life is a called to God with one another in and .

    1) What do you think when you think of the “church year”? Is it a new concept to you? How does it shape your life, both in and outside of church?

    2) Do you find it difficult to separate your from the story? You know what’s going to happen. Are you able to “live” with the disciples as they walk with Jesus?

    3) Paul states that his “birthing pains” continue as he awaits Christ’s in the Galatians. Aren’t the Galatians Christians? What do you think Paul means?