Tag: separate

  • Revealing Unity

    Numbers 16:1–50, Romans 16:17–20, 1 Corinthians 1:10–17

    Most of us have heard John Dalberg-Acton’s quip, “ tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” What is most often missed is Acton’s “tends”.

    David Brin takes a slightly different tack, “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.”

    Lastly, Robert Caro’s take might be the most significant for us, “We’re taught Lord Acton’s axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believed that when I started these books, but I don’t believe it’s always true anymore. Power doesn’t always corrupt. Power can cleanse. What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals.”

    Korah wanted more than he had. Whether he wanted power, prestige, or influence, is unclear. Who knows, maybe he thought he could earn holiness by being the chief priest. Regardless, his entire family was given a duty in regards to the holy things of the temple. It was still an , but as some many of us struggle with, it wasn’t the honor he wanted. The undercurrent of this is power. At this point, the religious was the people’s leader. It’s not clear whether Korah convinced people to follow, or that they gathered somehow. The reality is that they did gather. Scripture says that they rebelled against Moses, but as the story unfolds into the relation that as they were rebelling against the leader by God, they were rebelling against God. Without question, Moses was chosen supernaturally by God, and there were multiple events that testified to that. It was abundantly clear. However, in our day-and- is it the same?

    How our leaders are chosen is different than such an obvious outward sign of God’s hand. It is through prayer, wise thinking, discernment, and much counsel that good leaders are chosen. However, we are all human. Leaders make mistakes. Followers make them too. Two of the biggest obstacles to unity are not necessarily tied to the leadership position itself (for who wants the blame), but the influence and power of the leader, then there is jealousy and envy. This is human reality. Human selfishness often hides behind the call of doing the best for others, but truly only serves the self. When talks about divisions in Romans, there are obviously people stirring up trouble. That’s got to be dealt with. Most people expect the leader to do it, yet it is not the leader’s responsibility, it is the responsibility of everyone. There is mutual and responsibility in the . Yet, people will still be people, and divisions will occur.

    In Corinth, we read of divisions of which person they follow. While most of us would say, “I follow Jesus,” is that true? As the Western World runs away from Christianity (sometimes with good reason), while the Middle East and Eastern Worlds actively oppose Christianity, the has to come to a form of unity. The Church for far too long has been separated for good doctrinal reasons, but the reality is that every denomination and unaffiliated congregation will have to come to some sort of agreement with one another. As long as the church eats itself, it cannot feed the world the Bread of .

    1) Where do you see the greatest unity in your personal life? Where do you see the greatest division?

    2) Where do you see the greatest unity in the world around you? Where do you see the greatest division?

    3) For each of the above, what can and will you do to build unity and heal division?

    FD) People usually separate from others when they are hurt emotionally. What can we do to help?

  • Not Impressed

    Isaiah 52:1–53:12, John 15:17–16:2, 2 Timothy 2:1–10

    “(He/She/They) never impressed me much.” This phrase is often spoken when someone leaves in disgrace, or leaves well and everyone who remains is jealous. This phrase is also used when famous people do stupid or immoral acts that get them. Regardless of the reason or circumstance, the phrase is always used to diminish another person. Yet, Isaiah’s “Song of the Suffering Servant” takes that phrase and uses it to make a point. God’s Suffering Servant would be dismissed by so many. Even many who knew him would avoid him. Despite being treated poorly, the suffering servant would still take on the suffering of many, and also the mistreatment by many.

    commands his disciples (and by proxy, us) to one another. There are multiple pieces to this. It cannot be coincidental, however, that—right after that moment—Jesus talks about the world hating the disciples because the world hated him first. There have been many who wear the hate of the world as a badge of , which it would be if they were hated for loving and following Jesus. Often people are hated not because they follow Jesus wholeheartedly, but because they follow something (or someone) else and dress it up in “Jesus” language. It is a constant threat to the walk that something (with good intention) is followed as if it were Jesus, but it isn’t Jesus. Is there a particular thing in mind, here? Yes and no. That’s the problem.

    There are so many things that people follow/believe and dress up in “Jesus” language that it can become very hard to who Jesus really is. Think about that. If that pet issue or concern confuses people about Jesus, then the issue is probably about you, not Jesus.

    What gets really confusing at times is that sometimes we show Jesus to others, and sometimes we hide Jesus from others. We can’t tell the difference, and neither can those who don’t follow Jesus. There will indeed be times where we righteously choose Jesus and the world hates us for us. There are times we choose something other than Jesus and the world hates us for it. We cannot judge the “Jesus” path by the hate of the world. Which ties us back to love one another.

    When we love one another, we can be honest with each other. We then strengthen the aspects of Jesus we see in others, lifting that above the mire of our souls. When we fully live in love with one another, we experience and live out the of God, and God’s thrives in us.

    Through loving one another and with God’s grace in us, we can be strong against the world. When we are in such a way, as reminds Timothy, we keep ourselves from getting more involved in the world than is needed to be ambassadors to it. Our primary focus should always be to please God, and that will often bother those who do not know God.

    1) Have you ever used the phrase “[someone] never impressed me much?” Why?

    2) Have you ever felt hated because of what you believe? Are you able to separate yourself from Jesus, and see who (or what opinion) is really hated?

    3) What is “Jesus” language? Where have you seen it misused?

    FD) Hate is a strong . Love is stronger, but we often don’t feel that way. Why?

  • Heart of Food

    Psalm 141, Daniel 1:1-16, Mark 7:14-23

    With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, chocolate and sweets often come to mind. Food is often a significant part of gatherings whether they be gatherings of , friends, or . Barring royalty or the blessings of developed nations (mostly), food scarcity is a real thing. In the days of Scripture, people would spend either the majority of their time or to secure food. When food is such a significant part of your efforts, food can take on deeper cultural and religious meaning.

    The story of Daniel begins with a test of food. It is easy, but not certain, to believe that the king’s food did not meet Jewish dietary law. Or it could be that the food was first “sacrificed” to idols before being eaten. Or it could be that the four wanted to show that their sympathies were with their starving fellow Jews. Regardless, food was the center of a challenge. As the four were Jewish captives, this was viewed as a political . The religious overtones within Scripture are there, as well. All of it revolves around food.

    In ‘ time, there were many rules regarding food. The Jewish religious rules were intended to fulfill the requirements of Israelite law. And the religious leaders imposed further rules, just to assure that the original rules weren’t even close to being infringed upon. Under Roman rule, however, Jewish dietary law also took on political overtones. Dietary laws were often used to socially Jews from Romans, creating a barrier between people. Food, one of the unifying themes of humanity, was now a separator, not an uniter.

    Jesus’ declaration regarding dietary laws was indeed not just about the food. It is definitely about . Jesus takes the concept of food and turns it into the matter of the . When we look at how food was used to separate people, we can see Jesus’ point. Food was the outward symbol of an inward .

    1) Have you been the guest of a family whose taste of foods was distinctly different than yours? How did you react? Did it impact your ability to fellowship with them around the table?

    2) While Jesus was correcting the excesses of the Jewish religious leaders, he is correcting us. What outward symbol (food, attire, accent, stuff) have you ever used to categorize another person? Does that categorization help or hinder looking at like Christ?

    FD) Why do we use food in our gatherings? Why is that good? Why is that bad?

  • More Present

    Psalm 139; Isaiah 12; Matthew 1:1–12

    The lineage of . How boring. Did you think that? You are not alone in that. Many people read the lineage of Jesus or just skip it. , did you skip it? If so, please read it now…

    Why was that important, you ask? It tells a story. It tells a very important one. It tells the story of lives that were lived that led to Jesus. It puts Jesus in a specific time. It places him here on Earth, in the midst of Creation, not from it. “…Mary, who gave birth to Jesus…” Right from the beginning, Jesus’ first breath of air was just like ours. It was the first breath after being born. Birth is very , and despite the advancement of science, is still a mystery.

    In Psalm 139, David embraces the mystery. He notes that he was knit inside his mother. This was very mysterious and miraculous in David’s day, and though we know what is going on, it is still wondrous! David talks about the always present God, who was present while David was still formless. God was as present when we were formless as God is present now.

    God was, is, and always will be present. Yet, through Jesus Christ, God became even more present somehow. It is a marvelous, wonderful, and mysterious truth. It is…God incarnate.

    Incarnate is not a word that you will find in the bible. It is a truth that is found in the bible. The early church wrestled with the what and the how. Eventually, incarnation came to explain, or at least provide a word for, this great mystery.

    The last verse of Isaiah’s song of (12:6) proclaims a hope that is part of salvation, God among us. For Israel, the existence of the and the Ark of the was proof of God’s presence, while in reality, God was (and is) always present. No Earthly place, even the temple, could contain God. When Jesus was born, he was God “contained.” This infant boy was God, and God was among Israel, fulfilling the fullest expression of Isaiah’s song of praise.

    1. Think of your stories. If you recall any, what did these stories tell you about where you came from? How did those stories shape you?
    2. The Bible is full of stories. What Bible stories come to mind? What do they tell you about God? How are you shaped by what the stories tell you about God?
    3. [+FD] Of all the stories—whether Bible, family, books, movies—which is your favorite? Why? Do you present in that story? How?