Tag: share

  • Living Speech

    Living Speech

    Psalm 133; Daniel 2:24–49; John 12:44–50 One of the gifts of being human is speech. One of the curses of being human is speech. Perhaps the whole reason for the King of Babylon’s test of all the magi and wise men was that they all talked too much. Perhaps (as many paid consultants today) they…

  • Shun To Death

    Shun To Death

    Shun evil. That seems straightforward. However, we human beings often make it far too complicated. Or, even worse, we make it about others.

  • Forging Character

    Forging Character

    Developing character and faith isn’t always easy. It often hurts.

  • Freely


    We are often quite ready to put boundaries on many things in our lives. With whom and how, however, the fewer boundaries we place the more likely we are to be where God already is.

  • Abandon Ship

    Abandon Ship

    Jonah 3:1–5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29–31; Mark 1:14–20 Jonah may have been the most successful preacher in history. He preached and an entire city repented, and a large city, at that. The church celebrates 4000 in one day as a supreme act, yet cranky Jonah exceeded that by far. We often question and scorn Jonah…

  • Not Yours, But God’s

    Not Yours, But God’s

    Psalm 69:1–5, 30–36; Genesis 17:1–13; Romans 4:1–12 “Abram” translates to “exalted ancestor”. “Abraham” translates to “ancestor of a multitude”. While Ismael was Abraham’s son (the son he had with Sarah’s servant), it didn’t quite connect with Abraham as Ishmael wasn’t a result of him and Sarah (his wife and love).Both names had their own sting.…

  • The Tax Man Comes

    Mark 2:13–17; Luke 19:1–11 Zacchaeus has been a staple in Children’s church for years…♫♪“Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he.”♪♫ His stature makes him identifiable for children. They understand being too short to see things that all the adults get to see. What gets lost for the children is Zacchaeus’…

  • Can You Relate?

    Can You Relate?

    1 Corinthians 3:5–9; Philippians 1:12–21 “It can never happen here.” “No one respects God here.” “How could God move in this [horrible] place?” You can probably think of a number of questions or statements that give an excuse or justification for why you can’t be a missionary where you are. Let’s not devalue those statements.…