Tag: vision

  • Unlimited


    Psalm 4; Daniel 10:2–19; 1 John 2:26–28

    are very important to us. Sometimes relationships can seem to be invisible or even not related to us. The invisible and “unrelated” ones will often have impacts beyond our imaginings or expectations.

    Daniel had a with God. It was very solid and sound. Daniel trusted God implicitly and explicitly. God provided and mystical visions to Daniel.

    Some of those visions were…unsettling. Daniel often struggled with those he received. He even needed supernatural support to recover, at least this time.

    Daniel had times where he had to choose God or ease, and chose God. Daniel was secure in God.

    Daniel’s relationship is often called, “anointed.” John refers to anointing, well. While it may seem to be different, it is not, and yet is.

    It is the same insofar as the Spirit empowered Daniel, just as the Holy Spirit empowers us. It is different insofar as most of us don’t have the gifts of wisdom and mystical visions. There are some that have one or the other, but very rarely both.

    Our empowerment by the Holy Spirit is also not limited to that. Think about that. What we know of Daniel is beyond imagining. We are not limited to Daniel. The church—The of Christ—is not so limited.


    Do you think the church is limited? Do you think you are limited? What does being empowered by the Holy Spirit mean to you?


    Lord, us your to do your will in , , , and love. Amen.

  • The Dead Eat

    The Dead Eat

    Psalm 114; 1 Corinthians 5:6b–8; Luke 24:13–49

    Those guys (and women) didn’t know what they were talking about! Really? The tomb is empty, and you think he’s alive? A vision of an angel? Really? God doesn’t do that anymore.

    The just happened mere hours before and the questions are already flying. Those 2 disciples on their way to Emmaus probably were not the only ones questioning things.

    Why approached them is a question to in Heaven. It’s a good question. The Bible doesn’t say why.

    The two men were convinced that Jesus had been the Messiah, but they felt that the crucifixion showed that Jesus wasn’t.

    There was no question in anyone’s minds that Jesus had been tortured, crucified, died, and was buried. Alive? That’s impossible!

    It is not insignificant that Jesus reinforces his resurrection around meals. First, meals were a cultural gathering time. They were often a time where identity and history would be reinforced.

    Jesus’ presence on the road to Emmaus was first teaching, but then through the breaking of the bread, these 2 disciples began to not just understand, but to feel, and believe.

    Yet, again, the remaining 11 had to be told. They weren’t there (again). Then Jesus shows up and eats. Tortured? Yes. Crucified? Yes. Died? Yes. Buried? Yes. Alive? YES!


    Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting : Grant that we, who celebrate with the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may, by your life-giving Spirit, be delivered from and raised from death; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • At The Gates

    At The Gates

    Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29; Jeremiah 33:10–16; Mark 10:32–34, 46–52

    When we read the word “barren” in Jeremiah, we often think it is talking about the land, in particular the environment. The barrenness is in regard to people, in particular, God’s people (and their herds). They will soon no longer reside in the Promised Land, praising and worshiping God.

    Poor decisions made by the People of God led to the barrenness and their exile. In response to their despair of exile, God promises them . They have not even repented and God already promises their . God spoke into the . God spoke hope in the face of the people’s .

    Fear is often a response to the unknown. Fear is also a response when we think we know what bad will come to pass. Those that followed Jesus behind the Disciples likely presumed the demise of this Messiah (self-declared Messiahs weren’t unknown, and they all died). They weren’t wrong.

    This particular journey of Jesus to Jerusalem would indeed end in Jesus’ death. Those that feared weren’t wrong. Without being too specific (we have to that we often read the end into Jesus’ words, and the Disciples weren’t there, yet), Jesus spoke hope to the fear. Even while describing what would happen to him, Jesus spoke hope into the darkness.

    The story of blind Bartimaeus seems to be just one of those stories of Jesus, but don’t overlook its placement within the context of Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus was physically blind. Bartimaeus, on the other hand, had spiritual vision. We could just dismiss his cries to Jesus as pure desperation. Jesus, though, doesn’t seem to to sole desperation at other points in the Scriptures. Bartimaeus was something more. It seems quite reasonable that Bartimaeus’ place in the was to represent a counterpoint to the physically sighted who were spiritually blind.

    The particularly glaring issue with the spiritually blind was how much vision they thought they had regarding spiritual issues, and definitely someone as significant as the Messiah. The so-called enlightened being compared to the least (a physically impaired person whose only source of income was through begging) would have been quite insulting.

    Mark’s intent likely was that jarring comparison. As Mark wrote after the , death, and resurrection of Jesus, Mark (along with other followers of Jesus) would be striving to confront those that thought they were spiritually enlightened with the world-changing Jesus.


    • Which is your strongest tendency? (1) Seeing the bad that can/will happen and being overwhelmed with your fear of it (i.e., like those who followed the Disciples), (2) So consumed with the spectacle that your are blind to the darkness around or ahead of you (i.e., the Disciples), (3) Are sure you know that bad or darkness ahead but face it with the and strength of God (i.e., like Jesus)?
    • Are you quick to assume you have Godly spiritual vision, or do you wonder if you are spiritually blind?


    Lord, each of us have different responses to the world and its struggles. Help us to build Godly responses to the darkness. Amen.

  • 45 Days Countdown

    45 Days Countdown

    Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22; Daniel 12:5–13; Ephesians 1:7–14

    We countdowns. Before service starts, we have a countdown. Every sporting event has a countdown. Part of its attraction is the pressure. It moves us.

    Another attraction of a countdown is finitude. We know there is an end, even if our team is losing (or maybe especially). It will end.

    As we read Daniel, it’s often about the visions and their exact meanings. They are visions. Sometimes I interpreters of visions about as much as I trust an interpreter of dreams. After a few psychology sections on dreams, I realized that what people determined the meaning of certain objects would not connect with me. So, when it comes to the greater of God and God’s vast , we should be cautious in our interpretation.

    In this passage, what struck me was not the vision, or that it would be sealed, but the time. Happy are those who make it to 1,335 days. The bad stuff timeline is 1,290 days. The difference from misery to happiness is 45 days. For comparison, that 1,290 days is more than a quarter gone since the beginning of the COVID era (not that the vision and COVID are comparable or related.

    The vision doesn’t state that the 45 days will be easier than the 1,290 before it. It could be inferred that the 45 days will actually be worse. Can you imagine counting down those 45 days, and knowing that you would be happy?

    It would be similar to the climax mentioned by Paul in Ephesians. It would be that moment when all, for no matter how long or short, would be well.

    This countdown mentality, however, can also be the greatest detriment to our . If we are so focused on “that” will make me happy, we miss so much of what God has already graced us with. As Paul told the Ephesians, we have the down payment (the Holy ) of our inheritance, why are we looking for more, right now?

    Should we not be using what we have to make a difference now, rather than effectively burying our inheritance in the ground where it does not even interest? We are often told to be , though perhaps it is the results that we are to be patient with, not with what gets us there.

    In a place I used to live, hay was grown. When growing hay (and many crops) time is of the essence, and sometimes just timing. Certain farmers planted their hay just a week earlier than others. More often than not, they could get 4 cuts (i.e., 4 harvests), while those (their neighbor) who planted a week later got 3. It was all based on temperature and rain. The third cut was usually the cut that you went financially from red to black. The fourth cut was profit.

    Other crops have a different problem. Once the crop starts to ripen, you have 2-3 days to get all the fields done. Some of these farms were really large. I watched the equipment still working in the dark as the harvest continued for 24 hours a day for 3 days.

    Sometimes you have to wait at the beginning. Sometimes you have to wait at the end. We just cannot that all waiting is the same or always appropriate.


    • What can you think of that you waited too long before acting?
    • What can you think of that you acted too quickly instead of waiting?
    • What is your process to determine when to act and when to wait? How is God part of that? How is wise council part of that? When do you listen to those outside your comfortable circle?


    Holy Spirit, guide us when to wait and when to act. Soften our hearts and open our ears so that we will listen to you. Amen.

  • So Bright

    So Bright

    Psalm 50:1–6; 2 Kings 2:1–12; 2 Corinthians 4:3–6; Mark 9:2–9

    “From the rising of the sun to where it sets,
    God, the Lord God, speaks,
    calling out to the earth.”
    —Psalm 50:1 [CEB]

    God has never stopped calling out to the earth. Even after humanity’s exile from Eden, God has continually sought humanity.

    There are unique stories in the for certain unique people. Elijah was one of them. He had done many miraculous things under God’s auspices. Even his exit from this mortal coil was a miraculous event.

    While we often get “caught up” with Elijah’s being whisked away, it is all that is happening with Elisha that should, perhaps, catch our attention. If you read the story well, you can see that God had let Elijah and Elisha know that “today” was the day.

    Then to make it undeniable, some other prophets were also told (based upon the phrasing, separately from Elijah and Elisha), and they told Elisha. This story may really be less about Elijah than about Elisha. Despite the miraculous, Elijah seems more of the forefather , rather than the main character.

    When Elisha asks for a double portion of the spirit, he is requesting to become Elijah’s inheritor. As Elijah’s “inheritance” is God-imbued and not that of man, it’s hard for Elijah to make that decision. As the story progresses, it becomes abundantly clear that this story is about Elisha’s inheritance from Elijah.

    It may seem that God is not calling out or seeking, yet there is plenty of God moving both from telling Elijah and Elisha that the day is here, to a number of other prophets who also hear the same thing.  We are often blind to God moving because we have expectations of how God is to move. We can see this in our Sunday Services with the varying traditions from to church, from Pentecostal to Eastern Orthodox. We box-in the movement of God…God will break out.

    Much of ‘ ministry was God breaking out of the box that Jewish had turned into. The trip up the mountain turned into another “break out” moment.

    For the 3 disciples, they had their own “Moses” moment. Instead of a burning bush, they were next to a cloud filled with God’s . It might have even reminded them of the story of God’s glory filling the Tent of Meeting in the time between leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. It might have reminded them of the story of God’s glory filling the (at the time, newly consecrated) Temple after Solomon’s opening .

    The 3 disciples had plenty that they could associate with this experience. While we might consider them naive in their response, at the same time, they understood that this was not the “same old” experience. They were blessed to “pierce through” the veil, as Paul calls the “gap” between God and humanity’s perception of God.

    “…He is the same one who shone in our hearts to us the of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6 [CEB]


    • When are you guilty of “putting God in a box”?
    • What is (or would be) your response were someone to say to you, “God does not move that way”? Have you ever said something similar to someone else?


    Lord, may we be and willing to meet you where you choose to meet us. Amen.

  • What A Sight

    What A Sight

    Numbers 22:1–35

    Moab feared Israel. Israel “just” had a military victory against major forces around Moab. Israel had marched around Moab and yet hadn’t done anything directly against Moab. Moab was deeply concerned that they were next.

    According to Moses (in Deuteronomy 2:9), God had directed him to leave Moab alone.  There is no record of “official” interaction between the Moabites and Israel, so it would seem that Moab’s fears were based on assumptions rather than experience. Which leads us to Balaam.

    The King of Moab called upon Balaam to curse the Israelites. Accusing the Israelites of being, basically, locusts seems to be a case of hyperbole. Yet, there was unsurety in Moab. It’s safer to wipe out the “other” than to communicate with them.

    At first, it seems that Balaam was a righteous God-follower. As we continue the story, it seems that perhaps it was not quite so. There is an implication that God condescends to Balaam going to prophesy on King Balak’s behalf. The “go” seems to be more along the lines of, “You can go. You’re going to anyway. So, I will use your desires to bring to me (God).”

    And then we come to the famous part of the story, which recently came up in a conversation. The entirety of the conversation was about a talking animal. Which I get it. None of us have had an animal to us in human speech.

    While human speech is important, our dog communicates just fine: whines, stares, growls, barks, licks, gnaws, pounces on, and so forth. She generally is successful in communicating her needs without human speech. A human baby communicates. It’s usually the parents who get the subtle differences between, “I’m hungry” cry, and “my stomach hurts” cry.

    We could blame children’s Sunday School for the emphasis on a talking beast of burden. The adults are just as nonplussed as the children, though. The talking animal wasn’t the point of the story, not even close.

    The talking animal was more along the lines of, “Yes, you (Balaam) said you heard me (God), but you need to understand how important it is that you actually listen to me!”

    In the , preachers/pastors/teachers will often say something along the lines of, “Yes, this hard, but the say…” Part of this is the reality that preachers/pastors/teachers don’t want to deliver hard truth. It’s hard, and we all want to be liked. In a that respects the of God, that can work.

    Balaam probably doesn’t have that particular protection. Like many people of , and especially with the gods of that era and place, they thought with the right amount of money or right they could “move” gods to do their will. God doesn’t work that way, and Balak would likely have little joy in being thwarted.

    However, that talking donkey and then the vision of the sword-bearing angel? That imagery was probably quite strong in Balaam’s eyes and heart. Likely, it was that which gave him the strength to deliver the oracles for Israel despite Barak’s insistence on curses.

    A vision/experience like that would give many of us the strength to face the world.


    • When you recall the talking donkey, what else do you recall? Do recall the of the story?
    • Why is important, especially with stories like this, to understand that the Scriptures use imagery?


    Lord, may we have the strength of your vision as we navigate the chaotic waters of this world. Amen.

  • Heart of God, Speak

    Heart of God, Speak

    Deuteronomy 18:15–20; Mark 1:21–28

    is not unique to the Judeo-Christian , not by a long shot. In the current world, there are many forms of prophetic voice.

    A short list (i.e., not exhaustive) of prophetic voices: environmental collapse; sustainability (related, but not the same as environmental collapse); gender identification; minority redress (including, but not limited to, white privilege); economic growth; and so much more.

    From a Judeo-Christian standpoint (and certainly from a number of political points within the church), it might seem dangerous to call these “prophetic.” The Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Theology says that prophecy is, “…an urgent message from God to an audience.”

    That being said, the only similar words with the same underlying (i.e., surpassing the human condition) meaning are revelation (firmly culturally tied to Christianity), (mostly having turned into meaning the fall of the modern world), oracle (too new-age-y even for many new-age-ers), and vision (which has too many meanings to be useful).

    The reason this is important is that for many of these “prophetic” voices they are sharing the urgent message from their “god”. In some of these cases, it should be understood that we are not talking about gods as if they were God. We are talking about a world understanding framework that for Judeo-Christians we would think God. This means that is as much a part of their prophetic voice as God is part of ours.

    On the other hand, there are many prophetic voices in these areas that are believers in and followers of Jesus Christ. For them, there is a direct tie between God, their voice, and the issue. As with many important human issues, it’s quite a mess.

    The great sage, Ben Parker, once said, “With great , comes great responsibility.” Christians have been given a unique power, that of the . In combination with the Word of God (the Bible), we have the ability to influence , and thus must be very careful in using what we have. This is especially true when used with other believers.

    What has become also very evident is that people are disregarding prophetic voices that don’t agree with their line of thinking. This is the most dangerous. When we disregard the prophetic voices solely because they do not align themselves with our brand of Christianity (including denomination, political-alignment, lifestyle choices, or national origin), we are in grave danger of repeating the patterns of the Israelites…casting out the voices into the darkness, while condemning ourselves.


    What prophetic voices have you been hearing? What makes them prophetic? What, if any, change in your have they prompted?


    Holy Spirit, you are living and active in this world right now. Give us the heart, wisdom, and discernment to the prophetic promptings of your people called by your name. Amen.

  • Wolves Invisible

    Wolves Invisible

    Psalm 62:5–12; Jeremiah 20:14–18; Luke 10:13–16

    Do you know the story of “The Boy Who Cried, Wolf”? The boy who falsely cried “wolf” so many times that after some time no one would come to his aid. Of course, as the case with moral tales, the real wolves came, he cried “wolf”, and no one came. He died.

    This could be a tale of bearing false (the 9th Commandment). It also could be because not everyone has the same vision.

    We see that all the time from politics, to businesses, to churches, to families. Each person has a slightly different “vision” of the . Often, we criticize, minimize, denigrate, and insult those that have a different vision. It can be hard, especially if they’re , yet those differences are the “spice” and “flavor” of life.

     The 11 Apostles (remember, one of the original 12 died) received their commission, “I’ve received all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you. Look, I myself will be with you every day until the end of this present .” [Matthew 28:18–20, CEB]

    Go into the [whole] world. Such a small thing. It’s kind of like a commencement address, full of a huge concept that sounds awesome and inspiring, then (just like commencement) on the other side, reality hits.

    It is what is on the other side that reveals the foundation of our life.

    The Psalmist that God is “rock and salvation”, a “stronghold”. If indeed humans are nothing but a breath, nothing but lies, and don’t even register on a scale (all from an “absolutist” infinite deity perspective), what little remains of a human’s is based upon their foundation.

    Jeremiah mourned the event of his birth. His grief was based on a couple of things. First, he was a “messenger of doom” for Israel. That was pretty rough.

    Second, he mourned the hardness of of the Israelites. He couldn’t understand how the Israelites could be so heart- and faith-less toward God. The entirety of the story of Israel revolved around what God did!

    ‘ reprimands to Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum echo what Jeremiah said. “Doom is coming. The consequences of your decision to harden your hearts and reveling in that hardness is coming.” (Ian’s summation)

    The reprimand is a result of cities not welcoming the harbingers of the Kingdom of God (it’s more of an advance warning for when it happens). The disciples of Jesus were to be completely dependent upon the towns and people they would come to.

    They were not sent with massive amounts of money, food, clothing, or protection (no weapons). They were sent as they were. They might have had a drachma or denarius or a few. They had a pair of sandals (which they were wearing). They had the clothes (again, that they were wearing). That’s it.

    And off they went, the commencement of the first missionary event.

    Most of us are uncomfortable with being missionaries. Regardless, the Great Commission is still our mission. You are a missionary right where and when you are now.

    If you think there is no one that you are and are to be a missionary to, pray that God gives you the spiritual eyes to see who is before you. Perhaps why the church is so weak right now isn’t because we are “set aside” or are “unimportant”. Perhaps we have long forgotten that we are to not just be missionaries to the world; we are also to be missionaries to each other (the “bible-ish” word is edify).

    Many of us are looking for that special answer or that perfect argument. Others of us want to be an example yet realize that compared to Jesus we are not much to look at.

    We are called to cry, “wolf”, and the world doesn’t believe us. It’s hard to explain the wolves coming that they cannot see.


    • When we looking for the special answer, perfect argument, or being the example, what is the real foundation of that?
    • Why is it necessary to be missionaries to one another (to edify)?
    • The example of the disciples’ first missionary journey is not burdened with “stuff”. How can that be an example of our journey? What could be a wrong application of this lesson?


    Lord Jesus, you have called us to go into the world. Help us be the encouragers of others, that all your church—your —will reach the world for your name’s sake. Amen.