Tag: witness

  • False Sacraments

    Joshua 22:9–34, 1 Samuel 2:12–17, Psalm 40

    What’s for dinner?

    In other denominations, Fridays in Lent are meat-free. No steak or burgers. No bacon. Oddly, due to the latin root “carno” (i.e., carnivore), fish isn’t a “meat”. So, fish Friday it is. If you’ve ever gone out to dinner on a Friday, there is always clam chowder. This originates from the Roman Catholic tradition of not have fish on any Friday. After Vatican II (a revision of the Roman Catholic ways), fish Friday became a thing only during Lent, like today. So, what’s for dinner, again?

    Why ask this? Did you know about the reasons why clam chowder on Fridays? Some geographic areas follow this same observation, but often don’t know why. It just is. There are a lot of “that’s the way it is.” Do we ever wonder why? Let’s unpack this a little. Our supermarkets full of pork, beef, chicken, fish are an historical anomaly. Sheep, goats, beef (okay, not pork for Israelites) were not part of the normal diet. Such meat was eaten as either part of the sacrifice (hence the deep sin of Eli’s sons) or a celebration. Both of these events have a deep tie to and thanksgiving to God. While in the early , eating such meats (beef, sheep, goat, etc.) was still not a regular practice, it was decided that to honor throughout the year, meat (i.e., flesh) was not eaten in honor of God (Jesus) who died in the flesh.

    How we approach Fridays in Lent, Good Friday, , 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas is very important. Even secular holidays are important in how we observe them. As Christianity fades from our culture, Lent, Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, and other observances, how we mindfully observe them becomes critical, for it becomes our witness. How the culture raises other observances into almost a sacramental view is important for us to understand. It is because something is missing.

    When the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh built their alter it was a sort-of good thing. It was a hedge against being forbidden from worshipping at the Tabernacle. That sounds smart until you think through the heart. They didn’t trust their fellow Israelites. For some reason, there was already an emotional barrier in place. The heart of worship is supposed to be God. The sacrifice is an act to remind us of God’s . When a culture raises things to the point of God-relational act (such as sacrifice or worship), it becomes a secular thing. It wasn’t that long ago, that the Super Bowl was the event of the year. Yet, because it really isn’t important (sorry, football fans), it loses its shine. Something else will replace it. When the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh build this altar they effectively declared that the altar defined their relationship with God. They even put it in God-honoring language that the remaining Israelites bought into.

    So, what does this have to do with dinner? There are many things (habits and traditions) we do that we are not even aware of, or are so accustomed to that to not do them seems wrong. To most of us, fish Friday is not a religious act of devotion, yet it remains one for . Eli’s sons didn’t care about the sacrifice, but more about the choice food. The Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh built an altar that their descendants became entrapped and confused (in regards to worshipping and relating to God). As we approach a discussion of sacraments and , sometimes our legacy can be false sacraments we left behind.

    1) Think of a normal worship service (whichever you attend). What’s one thing, that if removed, would keep you from feeling as if you were truly worshipping God?

    2) Spiritual Disciplines often can become actions we do, but have no life. What spiritual disciplines do you practice? How do they give you life?

    3) If you chose to abstain from something during Lent, have you been consistent? If not, why not? If so, have you experienced and changes or had significant reflections?

  • Stones Alive

    Psalm 148, Acts 7:37-53, Hebrews 2:9-13

    …[‘] followers began to shout and sing…”Blessings on the King who comes in the of the Lord! in heaven, and in highest heaven!” But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” [Jesus] replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” (Luke 19:37-40, NLT)

    All of Creation knew and knows the Creator (Psalm 148). Jesus’ walk upon the earth was even transformational for the non- aspects of Creation. Creation has its own part to fulfill, and that was to second what humanity was crying out. In the law, a testimony wasn’t true without at least two witnesses. As a whole, Jesus’ followers were witnesses, and Creation wasn’t going to be silent either!

    In the story of Israel, piles of stones or a single large stone were memorials (i.e., witnesses) of what God had done. When Jesus says the stones would cry out it was reminiscent of the stones of .

    Stephen (Acts 7:37-53) reminds the Jews of what God had done, sending witnesses (prophets) to remind them of who God is. While they were alive, sometimes the Israelites would listen, but after they died, their hearts were dead stone. In other words, their hearts of stone were unable to proclaim God’s glory, unlike the stones that were on the road that Jesus walked.

    Jesus, who for a time was slightly lower than the angels (Hebrews 2:9), brought the world to , so that Creation (that man too often thinks of as mute) wanted to sing out the redemption of the world.

    • 1/KD) What would you do if a stone started singing (or shouting), “Great is the Lord!”?
    • 2) Does thinking that all of Creation celebrates redemption through Christ how you celebrate?
    • 3) What symbols (e.g., stones) do you use/have that remind you of God’s and love?
  • Stirring Up

    Stirring Up

    Psalm 71:1-9, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Matthew 12:9-21

    “Be a rock of refuge for me, where I can always go…”
    Psalm 71:3

    “I will put my in you, and you will live… I have spoken, and I will do it.”
    Ezekiel 37:14

    “The nations will put their hope in his .”
    Matthew 12:21 (also see Isaiah 42:1-4)

    When we read Psalm 71, we read chronological (birth to old), and that is as the Psalmist intended. Let’s look at it differently today. Let’s look at it as our in Christ. Most people (not all, and that’s okay) when they first come to know Jesus Christ are eager to about their new life in him. Often huge life changes occur that bear to the life- that is available through Christ. However, as our ages, often the enthusiasm goes away. We become “old.” In other words, our life in Christ is not very vigorous. Some people start out “old,” because they grew up in the church, and knew nothing different, and those around them (having been in the church awhile) were “old” already and were thus not very enlivening to a new believer. There are some who appear “old” due to their personality. They, too, need better ways and habits to invigorate their spiritual lives and the spiritual lives of others.

    By God’s , we don’t have to rely on ourselves. The Spirit that was promised to each and every believer will help us with our spiritual lives and help us help others with their spiritual lives. When we, in partnership with the Holy Spirit and each other, stir up our spiritual lives, the world will look at us and our hope, and the world will hope in His name.

    1) Why is a strong spiritual life an essential component to hope?

    2) What is one thing you can start doing to stir up your spiritual life?

    3/KD) No matter how young or old you are, you are important to other people’s spiritual life. What is one thing you can start doing to stir up others’ spiritual lives?