Ways of Speech

Psalm 1; Exodus 13:3–8; Hebrews 1:1–4 (read online ⧉)

There is no one way that God speaks, and no one person by whom God speaks.

The author of Hebrews recalled all the prophets that we have in the . In addition, there were the Jewish leaders and teachers that went before that the author also had in mind. Often we think only of the great and lesser prophets (those we have in the Scriptures), and less about those who guided both the collection of the Scriptures, recognition of God speaking through certain Scriptures, and who guided those that followed after them.

The Christian church really is no different in that regard. Sometimes they are called the Doctors of the Faith (those whose thoughts are foundational of Christian thinking and theology). Sometimes they are called theologians (people who study the work of God). Sometimes they are called philosophers (those think about meaning). Sometimes they are called pastors. Sometimes they are called believers.

Often God speaks through people in a still small that we do not recognize as being God until long after they have gone. Sometimes we don’t recognize those that have spoken God into our lives, and we may not until we reach the other side.

, however, was something altogether different. In the other 2 Abrahamic traditions, Jesus is only a prophet. This is important for prophets are fallible people, just like you and me, even while they are inspired by God. If Jesus is only a prophet, then we have a problem. If Jesus is who he says he is, then we are blessed to know him.

In this of many voices, we can be drawn away from God at anytime. It is only by knowing and trusting him that we can maintain our walk with him. This is where we often have to choose and it may feel like we are just stabbing in the dark. This is also where we need to walk alongside one another to lift up and encourage one another in the faith.

Precious , we you all the glory and we can, even when we feel as if we are not of your . Jesus, we thank you for the life of love that you lived for us, that we could see God’s love lived out. Holy Spirit, continue to counsel us into the perfect truth that is you, the Triune God.

1) In the current crisis, what doubts do you struggle with? How are you managing them?

2) Who, in your life, has provided the greatest impact regarding your walk with God?

3) What do/would you say to someone that believes that God no longer speaks or that does not believe that God ever spoke?