Where Peace Resides

Psalm 94, 2 Kings 11:6-23, 1 Peter 5:6-10

“When I am filled with cares, your brings me .”
Psalm 94:19

“Don’t be afraid, for those who are with us outnumber those who are with them.”
2 Kings 6:16

“…casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7

While when we discuss or think of peace, we often look to the outside. Really, true peace starts on the inside, specifically the inside that is being transformed by the love and of Christ. Often when we do not feel at peace, it is because we are allowing something to shake us up. I know I find that hard to accept that I am allowing something to upset me. It may be hard for you to accept, too. However, when we look at the peace promised by Jesus Christ, versus the worries we try to bear on our own, it seems that we often don’t chose Christ’s peace.

True peace begins with a surrendered will. Not a surrendered will to politicians or power, but to Jesus. The King Sennacheribs of the world (see yesterday’s reading) what is already ours, or as if it is generous to let us live, and that it is their continued generosity for us to continue . Jesus takes our surrendered , gives us a greater one on this earth then gives us an eternal one.

1) Why do you think we have to our will to have peace?

2) Does surrendering our will mean that we are no longer ourselves? Are we no longer an ?

3) How does being surrendered to Christ and still be yourself work? How does it conflict?

KD) Put your hands up! Give it up! How is that feeling different than it should be when we surrender to Jesus?