Worthy Legacy

Psalm 84, 1 Chronicles 28:1–29:9

When we of , it is usually about what we leave behind. In Shakespeare’s play Julias Caesar, Anthony says, “The that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.” That sad is that often the bad that people do (even if simple, stupid mistakes) outlast the good. Even the awareness of the good (even good that outweighs the bad) fades, as we seem to be attracted to the bad.

Planning your legacy is important. If you are a parent of younger children, start thinking about it now. If your children are middle- or high-school, it takes a different kind of planning. If your children are out of the house, yet a different. If you have no children, pour into those younger than you. Legacy isn’t a future thing, it is an action for the now.

David wanted to now to build a for God. He made the building plans. He probably started storing supplies for the building. He was to go! Then he was stopped by God. Was his legacy to be stopped by God? In a way. There is definitely Godly separating the warrior king and his warrior ways from God’s holy temple. One can infer that while God (because of humanity’s fallen nature) tolerated and used war to preserve the Israelites, it really wasn’t the goal or intention. Despite being stopped, however, David’s plans still came to fruition.

When David’s , Solomon, became king, the temple project went from plans to fruition. The temple is still referred to as Solomon’s Temple, yet David designed (with Godly inspiration) and provided for its construction. While it was “Solomon’s Temple”, it was still David’s legacy. Through David’s legacy, people worshiped God. David just didn’t get all the credit.

1) Our best legacy can often be what could have had our name attached but doesn’t. What legacies can you think of that would still be worthwhile even if you are forgotten as part of it?

2) It’s never too late to start a legacy. Even if your is broken, or you are broke. You choose your legacy. What legacy will you choose?

3) We all leave a legacy. It may only last a generation in a form we recognize. How can a legacy transform and grow beyond what we ourselves did?