Month: August 2019

  • The Truth of Lies

    Proverbs 29:22–25, Philippians 2:5–11, Galatians 6:1–5 Tell the truth. That is a maxim for life. However, often we succumb to the temptation to lie. We can be surprised when it pops out, or we could plan for it. There are times where lying is appropriate (as many Germans, for example, lied to the Nazis to…

  • Through God’s Mercy

    2 Corinthians 4:1–6 Ministry. Mercy. Determination. Cleansing. Sharing. Shining. Ministry: each and every one of us is a minister of the Gospel of Reconciliation. Every one of us. Pastor and preachers they have their roles. That does not excuse anyone from being a minister of the Gospel. How are you being a minister of the…

  • People Needed

    Isaiah 30:8–17, 1 Thessalonians 2:2–12 “To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”—Church of the Nazarene Mission Statement “Iron sharpens iron and one person sharpens another.”—Proverbs 27:17 Discipleship is not a program, nor is it a class. It is a lifestyle. If we are not careful, Sunday School, Life Groups, Youth Group, Children’s Church, even Sunday…

  • Just Praying

    1 Samuel 1:1–18, Luke 18:1–8, Matthew 6:5–15 “…The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.”—James 5:16 As a gift, prayer is probably second only to salvation and reconciliation. The ability to talk to the Creator of the universe. The God who calls us children. Prayer can take many forms. While there…

  • Spirit Grades

    Jeremiah 23:30-40, 1 John 4:1–6 What is a spirit? In the Scriptures, there is the Holy Spirit. That is certainly one. However, often the time spirit is used, it is not a good thing. There are evil spirits. There are deceptive spirits. It is the deceptive spirits that make an appearance all too often. What…

  • Be Strange

    Joshua 7:3–15, 1 Thessalonians 4:1–12 The pivotal character in the book Dune at one point talks about having a “stamp of strangeness” put upon him. This stamp was definitely a different context, yet “stamp of strangeness” was and is exactly what God does to us when he calls us and we accept him. When the…

  • Not Anything; Something

    Ruth 1:2–18, 2 Samuel 15:19–37, Matthew 19:16–30 Something more. Something greater than ourselves. That kind of thing calls to us very deeply. In this modern world, we have a greater amount of freedom to find that “something”. There is an argument that the only reason that we have that “freedom” is that we have so…

  • The New Healing Miracles

    2 Kings 4:18–37, 2 Kings 5:1–14, Mark 10:46–52, James 5:13–18 We are embodied creatures. In other words, our bodies are part of our being, well-being, and attitudes. When it isn’t well, it is harder for our perspectives to be positive or good. We have to work harder, pray harder, trust more to be joy-filled when…