Month: June 2020

  • Who Makes You

    Who Makes You

    Romans 9:14–33 (read online ⧉)

    A vignette from a life…

    “It’s your fault,” said the child.

    “How so,” asked the parent.

    “You knew, and you didn’t stop me,” responded the child.

    “Except I warned you before,” the parent replied.

    “So, what,” retorted the child. “What’s that got to do with stopping me?”

    Or, a different vignette…

    “It’s your fault.”

    “You were warned.”

    “You made me so mad, though, that I wasn’t thinking, and I did it. So, it’s your fault.”

    Paul’s use of Old/First Testament imagery causes many modern people to struggle with these verses. In the Wesley/Arminian , these words are a particular struggle, as they appear to not to be free will, a core belief in the tradition.

    However, what we miss is the rhetorical questioning that is going on in the Greek. A rhetorically adequate translation would be more along the lines of, “Yes, while God can make you, that does not make it God’s fault that you still chose your path.” One theologian argues, with some decent reasoning, that even when God hardens hearts (sometimes called judicial hardening), it’s not that the hearts weren’t already hardened. It is that God firms their already stubborn and ungodly hearts so that their immediate action will result in the display of God’s .

    In other words, God helps them be more firmly where they have already decided to be. Their decision was made first.

    Now, unlike some other traditions, this is not a one-way road. God is in the business! Even when God hardens the for one action, there is often a redemptive action waiting in the wings. It is here that a person will choose to continue to harden their own heart or not.

    The potter and the clay? An analogy, not a description. This passage, too, is often confused as that Israel (and thus the rest of us) are lifeless clay. Paul asks, what if? Paul is not concluding that God made some people for wrath and some are not.

    God did not make us that way. Just as the passage of the Potter’s House, Paul is not saying that God did it so that people are separated from God. God made is so people choose to be separated from God.

    This, too, is hard. For those of us who know God, and have a saving relationship with God, it is beyond our comprehension that people would choose anything other than God. Be grateful that you have chosen.

    Paul’s ultimate conclusion is that God set out works for the people of Israel to do. They believe that is was the works (the tasks) they did to fulfill the Law that made them righteous. This was all while the lesson of Abraham was right there in the …following and choosing God through faith.


    Gracious God, we thank you that we have been gifted the freedom to choose you in love. May you our hearts and guide our lives that we can help also choose you. Amen.

    1) Do you think you have ever experienced a time when God “hardened” your heart? Why or why not?

    2) Why do you think people believe that God designs people and plans for people to be inflicted by God’s wrath?

    3) What is the hardest thing to realize and feel about knowing that you have to daily choose God?

  • Dividing Rightly

    Dividing Rightly

    Luke 12:49–56; John 17:20–26 (read online ⧉)

    ‘ words are definitely uncomfortable. They are intended to be. The image of warm cuddly Jesus is great in pictures and in our hearts. It also true. However, there is a hardness to Jesus that we try to ignore, for when we see it we often become afraid.

    It is here in these words that some of our fears seem to be right there. Separation from family is a big one. In a culture where family was the primary social and survival network, dividing from one’s family was often a sentence.

    If you were to take Jesus’ words and put them in someone else’s mouth (for the sake of argument, President Trump), there would be many people who would immediately agree that this sounds like Trump. Trump, whether by his own actions and words or by the overwhelming dislike toward him by many seems to have this.

    Before you think that this is supporting or defending Trump, it is neither. It is actually a mirror. Our society, and in many ways the whole world, is divided just as these words of Jesus go.

    If we view as being part of the family of God (whether in our biological family, family, city, state, country, continent, the world), these words had better be distressing! We are divided from our brothers and sisters in Christ, because of skin color, language, nationality. Not much of “be as one” as we ought to be.

    In many respects, this is what makes faithful Christians dangerous to many powers. Loyalties that supersede the state is bad. Authoritarian countries have been known to keep or gather familial “hostages” to assure the return of scientists, teachers, politicians, athletes, and business leaders. Faithful Christianity is more dangerous insofar as keeping things within the state, yet strong ties outside of the state.

    It’s likely you thought of one of those authoritarian nations. It’s not just authoritarian nations. We can look at the States and see the tensions that go along with Christianity. Certain Christians are challenging the authority of the government around churches being closed for health safety. Many of these same Christians challenge the Patriotism and even the of those who question the government or the country in other circumstances.

    This is not to point at a side, nor think that another side doesn’t have as bad or worse issues regarding faith, patriotism, and country.

    Division under the direction and love of Jesus Christ isn’t bad. In fact, it is scriptural. However, within the division, there still needs to be unity of . This unity of heart is toward fellow members of the Body of Christ. We love them because God loves them.

    When we question whether another’s motives are Christian, we first need to look in the mirror to make sure we are being Christian.

    Remember, the love of each other (unity) is how the world knows that Jesus is in us and that Jesus was sent by the to the world. Our love for each other, especially in these times, is how the world can see that Jesus is love.

    God, you are love. As your children, we are to be love. Help us to be strong in love. Amen.

    1) Arguing well and respectfully is a lost skill. Why do you think such a vital skill to a democracy, republic, and faith communities has been so deeply lost?
    2) Why does arguing often devolve into issues of authority and power?

  • Seashell Summer

    Seashell Summer

    Matthew 3:1–13; Mark 10:35–40; John 13:1–11; 1 Peter 3:18–22 (read online ⧉)

    What is one thing you think of when it comes to Summer? How about a Summer trip or vacation? Today is the first day of Summer. Today is also National Seashell Day, in honor of trips to the ocean being the summer trip that many people take.

    For those of us more familiar with coastal life, the sea may not represent the most interesting thing. For many, it is a place of recovery and . For others, it is a place of power and majesty (there really is nothing like a storm on the Pacific coast). For others still, it is a place of family and fun. Then for others, it represents the most dreaded time of all, concentrated time with family.

    The seashell actually has a place in the Christian world, too. If you are familiar with Lutheran, Episcopal/Anglican, and Roman Catholic baptism traditions, it is not uncommon for the priest to pour water over an infant 3 times using a seashell invoking, “In the name of the Father (pour 1), and in the (pour 2), and in the Spirit (pour 3).”

    Where and how the seashell (in particular the Scallop seashell) was tied to baptism is tied to 2 men. The first would be St James the Greater who supposedly used the seashell to beg for alms on his pilgrimage, allowing even the poorest person to feel generous and able to . How this exactly would have gotten tied to baptism is a mystery, so is unlikely.

    The other likely avenue is St. Augustine, who had a vision of a boy trying to empty the sea with a seashell. After suggesting the boy why of this pointless activity, the boy retorted why are you trying to comprehend the entirety of the mystery of the Trinity. This as some greater weight, tying in water, pouring of water, and the Trinity. Still, someone would have had to make a huge leap.

    There is another theory that John the Baptist used such to “aid” in baptism. However, one of our Jewish friends made a valid point that John would not have used an “unclean” (or non-Kosher) item to do such. Of the 3, the tie to Augustine makes the most sense.

    However, there appear to be mosaics and frescos that predate Augustine that still have the seashell. Take your favorite theory and it’s fine. Just note that using a seashell for baptism is not mentioned in the Bible, so it is neither necessary nor forbidden.

    The methods of performing baptism (immersion once, immersion thrice, pouring, drawing the cross, infant, child, confessing, adult) have long been an issue in the church. It is one well wrestling over for it is a command of Jesus. Yet, seashells are a weird non-sequitur, and there may be others you can think of. Such traditions and symbols can be valuable, but only if used and explained.

    While denominations have been formed over methods and timing of baptism, none of them deny the significance of baptism. Wesleyans (such as the Church of the Nazarene, of which Generations is a part) believe that baptism is an outward sign (public profession) of inner . Other traditions hold that baptism is the act by which a person (particularly a child) is irrevocably sealed to the family of God. There are myriads of understandings.

    What isn’t up for debate is whether one should be baptized. The symbolism of and . The public profession of faith. The commandment of Jesus. All are part of the Christian journey and life.

    One thing to leave you with. The tradition (inherited from the Jews) is baptism in “” water. If you do make a trip to the sea or rivers, take some time with God and your baptism.

  • Domination


    Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:3; Psalm 148; Revelation 5:13 (read online ⧉)

    Long has human pride (and bad interpretation) taught humanity that we were to dominate Creation. Even when this interpretation came to the forefront in thinking, Creation was pretty brutal: typhoons, hurricanes, floods, droughts, pestilence, insect swarms, disease, and so on.

    Humanity has, for far too long, focused on dominance. The domination of other humans, especially through war, has been one example. The other is the attempt to contain Creation. Our forms of agriculture are predominately formed as an attempt to mitigate the disasters of Creation, with some success. Other attempts such as damn and levees don’t work as planned.

    Humanity’s attempt to control has been somewhat successful. Then again, the regular summer fires show that things aren’t really under control.

    Ecclesiastes puts us into perspective. While humanity does have the (Image of God) imprinted in us, this doesn’t mean that domination is the way. We became obsessed with power over , rather than God’s overwhelming .

    While talking about the reality that we all pass away, just as the animals do, isn’t all bad. Often, it is our mortality that drives us .

    Fantasy writers long understood the danger of not fearing death. They wrote about “elves”. These magical long- creatures would become…bored. They could live almost forever (from a human point of view). Mortality just wasn’t there. Our mortality helps us live.

    “Man’s chief is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever.” —Westminster Shorter Catechism

    If Ecclesiastes is correct, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism is correct (in larger concept, at least), then Creation’s purpose is also to glorify God.

    As we read in Psalm 148, this isn’t a stretch. The list of non-human worshippers of God is impressive. Even that which we do not consider alive praises God. In Revelation, it cannot be ignored that all of Creation bows down to Jesus on the throne.

    What does this have to do with you? Pride. Jesus submitted to death. We are called to live similarly. While we have the Imago Dei, that does not us license to do as we wish. It means we have a responsibility to .

    Holy Spirit, convict us of our pride. Convict us of our desire to put others down. Convict us of our desire to raise ourselves over others. Give us the conviction to lay down at your feet. Amen.


    1) Why might serving Creation be important?

    2) What does serving Creation look like?

    3) How does or did God serve Creation?

  • On the Other Side of This

    On the Other Side of This

    Matthew 18:15–20; 1 Peter 1:13–24 (read online ⧉)

    Once, an old warrior told a young man that the young man’s father was killed by a certain individual. The young man later confronted the certain individual and learned that the certain individual was actually his father. The young man then confronted the old warrior said that it wasn’t a lie, it was the told from a certain point of view.

    There are many perspectives floating around at the moment. Most are carried with verve and vigor. Many are carried with pain. Many are carried with anger. Many are carried with fear. Many are carried in vengeance.

    In the midst of chaos and strife, it is easy to get caught up in the emotions, especially the negative ones. People will often watch or other otherwise consume media that reinforces their viewpoint. This further entrenches the hearts of people, making the divides wider.

    Right now, there are many paths being laid, and the sad truth is that each will walk a path, and there is little likelihood of . It is not just our country, it is our cities, our state, our world. The saddest place of is in our churches.

    While we are going through the COVID-19 situation, to have the additional stress and strain of societal disruption (regardless of right or wrong) will result in hearts that harder then they were already.

    There are cultural and societal sins at play. Individuals are not guilty of these sins, but they are responsible for them. We as ambassadors of the Heavenly Kingdom—where our citizenship rests—are called to be of one mind.

    Being of one mind is hard, especially when we focus on all that separates us. If we were, for example, to focus on Christ, what Jesus has done for us, the freedom that he has given us, our ability to move beyond our earthly desires should improve.

    This does not mean that sorrow, grieving, repentance, and reconciliation don’t need to happen. They, in fact, do need to happen. It is through these that the human walls between us are broken down and we can truly be .

    Lord, as our hearts ache and our tempers flare, grant us . As we look to the world in disarray and fear, us peace. As the world seeks and , make us peace. Amen.


    1) What do you plan to do to heal the rifts between fellow Christians?

    2) As barriers grow, how will you lovingly break them down?

  • Ready! Set!

    Ready! Set!

    Luke 5:1–11; Luke 6:12–16; Luke 9:1–6; Luke 9:28–36; Luke 24:44-49; Acts 2:14 (read online ⧉)

    What’s your 6-month plan? What’s your 12-month plan? What’s your 3-year plan? What’s your 10-year plan?

    Some variation of this question is often asked of high school students, college students, recent graduates, job interviewees. In this particular time of COVID-19, it seems a little far-fetched to even make a plan.

    Depending on your personality and training/learning, you may have a plan laid out for even 10- or 20-years. look at their past life and the , and say why bother? Who knows what the next monkey-wrench will be.

    Businesses have begun to , thanks to the start-up culture, that rigid plans are deadly. There is a term for it, agile. Businesses are now called to be agile by their stockholders. It’s a necessity as the next technological disruption is just around the corner. Other disruptions, like COVID-19, are much harder to be agile toward, however, companies that already had some agility were better able to respond.

    If you look at the verses from Luke in sequence and ending with Acts, you see a in plans. Peter is a major focal point as he moves from fisherman, to acquaintance, to follower (i.e., disciple), to inner-circle follower, to faith healer and herald, to an even smaller inner-circle, to transformed (by the Holy ), to preacher and leader. This was not part of Peter’s plan.

    At the point we meet Peter, his lifetime plan is fisherman. Three years later he’s the leader (of leaders) of a religious movement! Peter met , and the plan…it was gone.

    It’s not that plans are bad. Jesus even praised (Luke 14:28-32). However, we have to be and willing to toss out our plans when Jesus calls.

    Plans are our way to control our circumstances. This is why we have planning departments. This is even how we have modern agriculture. Planning is good.

    Planning still has to yield to Jesus’ call. That’s where we often fail.

    There will be many churches, businesses, cities, and even families that will not recover from COVID-19. In many cases, no amount of planning will prevent that. On the other hand, churches (especially) chose to not be agile, because that is not the way we’ve done it before.

    Churches chose to die, rather than respond to Jesus Christ’s call for them to be agile in how they performed their mission. It could be, sadly, that they forgot the only mission that they had, “Go and make disciples…baptizing them…teaching them…”

    On a personal level, just like an organizational level, we need to be agile. Our plans (as much as we want them to be) cannot be rigid and inflexible.

    Whether it was the leaders (it was) or the people (it was) forgoing the mission for the sake of “the plan”, it means that “the plan” became the mission, and Jesus became a mascot.


    Lord, give us your plans. Help us to release our plans. May we be the salt of the earth that you have called us to be. Amen.

    1) What would be your if God were to turn your plans upside down? What in your current life would you be willing to give up to follow God’s plan?

    2) What are your plans right now? If you have none, why not? Should you? If you do have plans when was your last time to renew/refresh it?

    3) Why do you think churches have a hard time changing plans?

  • Rescuers & Yachts

    Rescuers & Yachts

    Ezekiel 33:1–16; Matthew 14:22–34; Colossians 4:2–6 (read online ⧉)

    When sailing ships were still the primary transportation across the oceans, John was lost overboard during a . Before his friends (the crew) could rescue him, they lost of him in the storm. By providence, there was another ship nearby that did see him and was able to rescue him. John was very grateful that the ship was nearby.

    Many days later, John was eating at a local pub, and started telling his story of his rescue. One of his listeners spoke up after John’s tale and said that he, too, had a similar tale. Will, for that was his name, started talking to John, and they became friends.

    More time passed. John and Will had gathered a number of people around them, and they formed a rescue society, whose purpose was to be the nearby boat to people in the storms.

    They saved many people over the years. Their society grew. They gathered more and more to share their camaraderie. Other people joined just to hear the tales of rescue. Then, as John, Will, and others got older, the warmth of the and camaraderie kept them indoors. Soon after, the gatherings became focused on boats. Their rescue society, over time, transformed from rescue society to yacht club.

    Some have said that the true legacy of yacht clubs is not the wealth, but the rescues they forgot about.

    “Making people fully functioning followers of Christ,” and “Encounter, Connect, ” are the 2 common phrases (or statements) at Generations Community church. Then there is the “” (friends who are like family), too. Your church (if it isn’t Generations) may have similar mission statements or values. Something along these lines is quite common among American churches.

    It’s not that these are bad. They really should be second.

    We have been rescued. Have we forgotten? We are called to be the ones who help to rescue those who are lost at sea. All too often, however, we are comfortable at the yacht club.

    Framily is great. Encounter (-ing God), Connect (-ing with God and Others), Serve (the World) are good, too. Becoming fully functioning followers of Christ () is great! However, if we only keep it to ourselves, is it really all that great?

    The world doesn’t need more people hiding behind their walls. The world needs the of Jesus Christ.

    These few words cannot contain the responsibility that each of us must and should feel. This does not mean to be annoying or aggressive. It means be asking and praying for the right to occur, and even many conversations over time. It means being grace-filled in our conversations with others, just as Jesus Christ poured grace over and into us.

    Paul’s words tell to season our conversations with the salt that is Jesus Christ. Be the light.

  • How We Live

    How We Live

    Galatians 3:1–9; Galatians 5:16–18; James 2:18–26 (read online ⧉)

    Is it faith or works? What saves you? That’s a pretty important question.

    From a historical Jewish perspective, it was works. The entire sacrificial system seemed to be about works. This meant that from their perspective, salvation (and the Messiah) would only come through perfectly performing the Law.

    Christians tend toward the faith side. In fact, while Martin Luther struggled with this exact passage in James. He wanted to toss out the book of James because it seemed contrary to grace. Martin Luther chose to the “doctors” of the and kept the book of James even in the first Lutheran bible.

    As the doctors of the church discerned that James was an inspired book of the Bible, we cannot ignore it, either. Nor should we fall into an extreme view of works.

    Martin Luther struggled with how the was often lived out among Roman Catholics. They would perform acts (such as penance) without . He saw a conflict there. It was a significant point to Luther as during his monastic years he was known for returning back to his confessor moments after he left due to some errant thought that might be a sin.

    Imagine that way! The reality is that many Christians did and do live that way. This even among those who would hold Roman Catholicism as a bad way to live, especially in Evangelical circles. The constant weight of kills hearts and souls!

    Most of James’ concerns were with consistency between espoused faith (what we say) and a lived-out faith (what we do). In James’ time, some believed that they could have faith, but that works were unimportant. The private faith was what mattered. The public faith was nice, but not necessary.

    Paul, however, was concerned with people trying to be like the Jews, and doing all these “things” to get their salvation. He drove the point with grace, not works. Paul’s constant push on it often causes the church, as a whole, to put it first (which it is) and only (which it isn’t).

    James didn’t want people to emulate the Jews, he wanted them to live out their faith. Live like your faith means something and has transformed you. Paul didn’t want actless Christians. In his letters, there was quite a lot about behavior. Works (or faith lived out) were important to Paul, too.

    For both Paul and James, works were lived out as a response to God’s grace and movement in the lives of believers. Works were what got you saved. Works are a result of you being saved.

    Lord, by grace you have called us into your family. By grace, we are called Childen of God. By grace, let us like it. Amen.

    1) What acts show the world that you are saved? How do they do so?

    2) If a person does not display (via acts) a so-called Christian life, are they saved? Why or why not?

    3) How do you balance question 1 and question 2?