• Wise Wisdom

    Psalm 119:121–128, 1 Kings 3:16–28, James 3:13–18

    ‌James’ words should deeply with us. His words should our conversations and even our thoughts. Let’s also be clear, and in and is rarely celebrated. Most celebrities, from actors to CEOs to politicians, are not generally known for their humility and wisdom. Humility, especially, is actually contrary to their functioning in their roles, and especially gaining their roles. It often takes a fair amount of (dishonest?) arrogance to persuade that the person in question is right for the position.

    ‌Theoretically, each should should be evaluated by their past successes and failures, yet, it just doesn’t seem to actually work that way. We Christians are often complicit in this. While we are called—whether by James, the wisdom of Solomon, or the Psalmist—to be wise, we often succumb to the world’s to follow the arrogant.

    , rivalry, slander, partiality, hypocrisy are all things James brings to mind as contrary to pure, -loving, gentile, willingness to yield, compassionate, and good deeds.

    ‌The Psalmist reminds us that we are to seek God, especially in regard to getting rid of those patterns of behavior contrary to godly wisdom. We ought to keep asking for that; this includes not getting frustrated when it doesn’t happen immediately.


    ‌Of James’ list, which one seems the easiest? Which one feels like it’s aimed at you?


    ‌God, grant us the godly wisdom you want us to have so that we can draw people to you, and to make our lives into conformance with yours. Amen.

  • Fairly Cruci-Formed

    Fairly Cruci-Formed

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 3:22–33; Mark 5:21–43; 2 Corinthians 8:7–15 Grace. Unmerited favor. Overwhelming love. Not words that would usually be associated with Lamentations. With the content of Lamentations being a result of the fall of Israel (and in particular, Jerusalem), it is peculiar to think of grace. Lamentations is poetry, lament, and theology all wrapped…

  • Our Warring Hearts

    Our Warring Hearts

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 2:18–22; Luke 4:31–37 In the science fiction series, Babylon 5, we learn about the “great” war. The great war was between two sides fighting for the benefit (or the evolution) of the “lesser” species. Each side has a different method to initiate change and improvement. One side (“the light”) seeks to change…

  • Aiming to Change

    Aiming to Change

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 2:1–12; 2 Corinthians 8:1–7 The implication of today’s reading in Lamentations is that this came suddenly, or that all the preparations were annihilated. The sad reality is that sometimes things that came “suddenly” were actually quite predictable. God sent multiple prophets. Before the Israelites even entered the Promised Land, Moses had warned…

  • Lamentable Change

    Psalm 30; Lamentations 1:16–22; 2 Corinthians 7:2–16 The might of God both obvious and not-so should provide comfort for all who follow God. We should also be aware of it such that we do not wander far away. We read the triumphant story of Joshua yesterday, and today we read lament. This lament is that…