• Hope Fulfilled and Hope to Come

    Psalm 25:1-10, Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:25-36

    “…for you are the God of my …” Psalm 51:5

    “In those days and at that time, I will cause a Branch to sprout up for David, and he will administer justice and in the land.
    Jeremiah 33:15

    “…they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great .”
    Luke 21:27

    . It’s a big for how small it looks. The Psalmist knows God is the source of his salvation, despite current circumstances. God’s words to Jeremiah provide for a hope that Jeremiah can guess he will not see, but they are still hope for the Israelites.

    Christmas is about hope. It is about Emmanuel, which means God with us. It is about God sending the Son down to us. , however, is not just about Christmas, and the singular time that God became man. Advent also looks forward to the next time God returns…at the end of the story.

    Advent, therefore, is about both the hope fulfilled for both Israelites and the rest of the world, and it is about the hope to come when returns. Hope is to desire with of obtainment or fulfillment. Hope was fulfilled when Jesus was born in a manger. We obtained hope through his death on the cross and his . Then there is the expectation of the return of Jesus…more hope!

    1/KD) Why is hope important?

    2) Why do we easily think of the hope of Christmas, but not of the hope of Jesus’ return?

    3/KD) What is your hope this Christmas?

    4/KD) What is your hope a year from now?

  • Restoration


    Do you think God is done with you, yet?

  • Throne Encirclement

    Throne Encirclement

    Psalm 95; 1 Chronicles 11:1–9; Revelation 7:13–17 Thrones are attractive. The concept of a throne involves power, wealth, and influence. Depending on “the throne”, it might also have religious and cultural ramifications as well. Thrones, or their facsimiles, often draw those who are weak, yet seek strength. Thrones also draw those who crave power and…

  • A Matter of Age

    A Matter of Age

    Psalm 95; 1 Samuel 16:1–13; 1 Peter 5:1–5 Are you old, or are you young? It might seem to be an easy answer. Even with twins (or other multiples), there is always one who is older. Except, that far too often, we focus on chronological, rather than contextual age. There are stories after stories in…

  • We Maybe Sheep

    We Maybe Sheep

    Psalm 23; Genesis 48:8–19; Mark 6:30–34 “They’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off!” For someone who wasn’t raised on a farm (me), it is probably a bad phrase to use, though I understand the concept. I’m sure it’s different were one to experience it. Oddly, that phrase comes to mind when Jesus…