All Are Called

Psalm 22:23–31; Genesis 15:1–6, 12–18; Romans 3:21–31

You are by God. Yes, you. If you are reading this, and are not a believer in Christ, you are loved by God. If you are Jewish, and not a believer in Jesus Christ, you are part of God’s Chosen People. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God.

Whether non- Jew, Messianic Jew, or Christian, we are called to praise, honor, and stand in awe of God. Actually, we are all (believer or not) called to praise, honor, and stand in awe of God.

All too often, though, modern people make judgments about God when they do not understand the significance of the stories. The story of Abraham and the smoking pot is a story of vast significance, especially when we talk about this passage in Romans.

The symbolism of everything surrounding the smoking pot can be summarized. God made a with Abraham. Abraham made a covenant with God. The penalty for breaking the covenant: . God took the place of Abraham and God as the covenanter who would pay the price upon violation of the covenant.

“…God displayed Jesus as the place of …”—Romans 3:25

Sometimes writing too much takes away from the Scriptures. This is one of those times. Read again the passage from Romans with the knowledge or reminder that God had promised to die long before Israel (Jacob) was even born.


  • What does this tell you about God?
  • What does this tell you about us?
  • What are you going to do with this?


Lord, let us not forget that you knew the price of loving us while maintaining your . Thank you for your unending , , and . Amen.