God of Sight

Numbers 24:2–9; Matthew 6:19–24; Ephesians 1:15–20 (read online ⧉)

Eyes are fascinating organs (sounds odd, doesn’t it?). Our eyes, when functioning, can see things near and far. They see colors. They can even see heat waves (under certain conditions).

Other creatures have interesting eyes, too. Predators and prey have different eyes depending on need. Insects have compound eyes that are so different than ours (part of what makes them hard to swat) that see dozens if not hundreds of images.

Under even more special conditions, eyes see visions. Some cast them aside as a delusion. Some see them as nothing more than daydreams.
Today, we think we know all about it. However, the reality is that even in our fictional stories, we understand that there is a in the eyes. As an old man once said, “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t them.”

If you’ve taken any of a myriad of tests, or seen memes, you know that between your eyes and your brain, what can be done is amazing. Yet, we take so much of it for granted. As we get older, we lose certain aspects of our eyes. We can get glasses to get some of them. However, some lose their eyesight forever. Others never had eyesight, or lose their eyesight, they can still “see”, it’s just not the same.

In ages far past, the eyes were supposedly the “window to the soul”, or (as said) the lamp of the body. This is where concepts such as the “evil eye” came from. There is a touch of in the concept. When some have certain mental illnesses or are on certain medications, their eyes may display a lack of vitality. When we look at a person’s eyes, we draw far more conclusions than we are aware of. That doesn’t mean that we’re always right. It just means that we view the eyes as something more than just a pair of organs that allow us to see.

It’s not just Jesus’ words that guide us in this direction. Paul, too, talks about it in a strange way. In most modern English translations, it is “the eyes of the .” The King James Version actually translates it as “the eyes of your understanding.”

What does this mean? In a simple way, our eyes guide us to understanding. Actually, this isn’t that hard to understand in our day. We read. We watch. We write. All require, fundamentally, . Seeing is important, and how we see is even more important. By now, we aren’t just talking about the , but the mental and spiritual, as well.

Perhaps, “see” and “eyes” are the wrong . They are the words provided by scripture, so they are worth using and worth thinking about.

※ Prayer ※
Lord, give us your eyes to see your Creation as you want us to. Help us to see the world with your heart. Amen.

1) If you were to use something other than eyes as a symbol to use in the context of Paul’s words, what would you use? Why?
2) Sight and Sound are the 2 primary ways we express interacting with God. How would you use touch, taste, smell to discuss interacting with God?
3) How do you think eyes are “windows” or “lamp” for the soul?