Tag: questions

  • Our Blindings

    Our Blindings

    Read: Luke 13:23-30


    “For ways are under the eyes of the Lord, and he examines all their paths.”

    Proverbs 5:21 (NRSVue)

    ‌‌✟ Devotion

    ‌When you read the passage (Luke 13:23-30), what did you focus on? Did you focus on ‘ command to enter the narrow door? Did you focus on its narrowness?

    ‌While Jesus’ answer is very important, you’ll note he didn’t actually answer the question, at least in any way that is definitive.

    ‌“Lord, will only a few be saved?” (Luke 13:23 NRSVue)

    ‌What if the issue is the question itself?

    ‌“There are no right to wrong .”

    Ursula K. Le Guin

    If you don’t the right questions, you don’t get the right answers.

    Edward Hodnett

    ‌How did you read the question in the passage? Is the asker wanting to know who gets in and who is kept out (exclusionary)? Or is the asker wanting to know if they can even make it?

    ‌Our reading of the question helps us define the answer, thus understanding how we see the question is important. Is it a question of rule or a question of ?‌

    Another possible view is the goal of the asker. Is this about seeking the best way, the sure way (what can I get away with), or a different way?‌

    What if Jesus’ long answer was less about rules and such, but instead about focus? Are you focusing on Jesus (God) and God’s ways, or are you focusing on the behaviors of ?

    ‌What if the narrow way is more like a horse wearing blinders? A horse that wears blinders is doing so because their rider or driver is seeking to keep them from being distracted from everything around them, and wanting the horse to focus on what’s ahead, and on the rider (driver).

    ‌‌🤔 Reflection

    ‌When you first read the passage, what was your focus on? Has your focus changed at all? Do you ever find yourself watching others more than you are watching and seeking God?

    ‌‌⏏️ Act

    ‌Find one small and simple thing can you remove from your to narrow your focus on God.

    ‌🙏 Prayer

    Help us to look ahead to you, Lord God, and not look side to side at others. Amen.

  • God’s Earthly Love

    God’s Earthly Love

    Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; Song of Solomon 3:1–11

    If there ever was a book of the Bible that was inappropriate for younger audiences it would be the Song of Solomon (or the Song of Songs). In some traditions, the Song of Solomon is not permitted to be read until adulthood. That should tell you something, indeed.

    It definitely dances around avoiding certain specifics. On the other hand, it is quite open about the intimacy between the male and female main characters.

    This is one of those books that both Jewish and Christian interpreters actually interpret mostly the same thing…this is about the intimacy between God and God’s people. Some people struggle with this (self included). It seems a little odd to think of our with God in this manner.

    The gift that both Jewish and Christian interpreters think the same allows us to strip (pun intended) us of our American Puritanism. American Puritanism isn’t all bad, but when it conflicts with the plain reading and even allegorical reading of the Scriptures, it needs to be confronted and removed. Wrestling with the Scriptures is not a bad thing. Often we Christians look at the words of as challenging and -changing (they are). We will dismiss (unwisely) the books that discuss the violent mess that birthed the Promised Land. We will also avoid the books of Law and Purity, even though they provide insight into the heart of God once we look beyond the words of the Law.

    What does this have to do with the Song of Solomon? A lot. The Jews view this book as the love story of God for his people (the Jews). Christians view it as the love story of Jesus and his (the church). The intimacy of husband and wife should be embraced as the view of God’s love for us. We, on the other hand, seem to be more of the wandering away type.

    What would our Christian lives be like if this described us…

         I will rise now
              and go all around the city,
              through the streets and the squares.
         I will look for the one whom I love
              with all my heart…
         I held on to him
              and now I won't let him go,

    On the Evangelical side, we’ve largely dismissed a whole group of people whose life is defined by being “married” to God, the monks, and (more often) nuns of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. It seems that we evangelicals are finally maturing to the point where we are able to those who walk this path willingly or not.

    One of the side-effects of this is that we can remove the pressure to “get married” (for solely getting married, not talking about other moral issues). This means we can open our concept of a and fulfilling Christian life. Married and single life both provide valuable reflections on this loving God that called the Jewish people his wife, and the self-sacrificing Son who calls his church his bride.


    • What do these verses in the Song of Solomon tell us about God? How do the words from Psalm 118 affect your thoughts in comparison to the Song of Solomon?
    • What have you learned about love from Christian singles in your life? What have you learned about love from Christian married couples in your life? If the same questions are asked in regards to non-Christians, do any ?
    • The Song of Solomon isn’t the only Scripture that challenges our remote/separate/pure view of God. Which other verses or stories in the Scriptures do that? How do they affect your view of and relationship with God?


    O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our , that we may behold him in the fullness of his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen [Wednesday of Easter Week Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • The Dead Eat

    The Dead Eat

    Psalm 114; 1 Corinthians 5:6b–8; Luke 24:13–49

    Those guys (and women) didn’t know what they were talking about! Really? The tomb is empty, and you think he’s alive? A of an angel? Really? God doesn’t do that anymore.

    The Resurrection just happened mere hours before and the questions are already flying. Those 2 disciples on their way to Emmaus probably were not the only ones questioning things.

    Why approached them is a question to ask in Heaven. It’s a good question. The Bible doesn’t say why.

    The two men were convinced that Jesus had been the Messiah, but they felt that the crucifixion showed that Jesus wasn’t.

    There was no question in anyone’s minds that Jesus had been tortured, crucified, died, and was buried. Alive? That’s impossible!

    It is not insignificant that Jesus reinforces his resurrection around meals. First, meals were a cultural gathering time. They were often a time where and history would be reinforced.

    Jesus’ on the road to Emmaus was first teaching, but then through the breaking of the bread, these 2 disciples began to not just understand, but to feel, and believe.

    Yet, again, the remaining 11 had to be told. They weren’t there (again). Then Jesus shows up and eats. Tortured? Yes. Crucified? Yes. Died? Yes. Buried? Yes. Alive? YES!


    Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Jesus Christ overcame and opened to us the gate of everlasting : Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may, by your life- Spirit, be delivered from sin and raised from death; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [ Collect, Book of Common 2019]

  • Can’t Wait to Wait

    Can’t Wait to Wait

    Job 14:1–14; Lamentations 3:1–9, 19–24; Psalm 31:1–4, 15–16

    “Jesus, 33, son of Joseph and Mary, was crucified and died yesterday. Survived by mother Mary. Wandering prophet who proclaimed the was near. Performed miracles. Challenged the status quo. Caused the leaders heartache.”

    Even in our days, dying in one’s 30s is sad, but doesn’t have the same resonance as dying in one’s 20s or younger. There is something about age that leads us to directly evaluate a person’s death. If they lived to 90 or 100 or beyond, no one really it. As our modern lifespan increases, we may begin to push at that, but not by much.

    By measurements such as children (Jesus had none), wealth (Jesus had none), or influence (he was crucified), Jesus was a failure. It’s jarring to think that way. We look beyond Good Friday and Holy Saturday. We know what is next.

    In many respects, is the hardest day of waiting in the Christian year. The tragedy and horror of Good Friday. The and of Resurrection Sunday. No one wants to sit in the in-between time and wait. On Holy Saturday, our lives are often filled with activity. It is a “standard” day off from the 5-day work week. It is also the day we prepare for Easter celebrations. We don’t wait very well.

    Even the lectionary (the set of Scripture readings for each day) doesn’t wait very well. In there are 3 readings that were skipped as part of today’s devotional (1 Peter 4:1–8; Matthew 27:57–66; John 19:38–42) as there couldn’t “rest” between Good Friday and Easter when one includes them. In particular, is the shock, grieving, despair, and even the feeling of abandonment that is so central to Holy Saturday.

    I wish that the Church (and even I) could treat Holy Saturday as a pre-. Saturday for Jesus’ followers was a rest day, no matter how much they had to do to complete Jesus’ burial rites and process. Perhaps it may be time to have a 2-day Holy Day time, each with its own purpose.

    The one unique part of Holy Saturday that I have personally continued to come back to is how much it resembles our lives right now. We have been saved and to God: Good Friday and Salvation (no matter when our occurred). We are in a state of hopeful : Easter, the return of the Messiah, our resurrection, and eternal life. Our lives, our very , are between the two.


    • We are all waiting for something in our lives, often in different aspects. What are you waiting for in regards to career, education, faith, family, or other areas?
    • What your reflections on waiting? Are you good about waiting? What do you do with your waiting time?


    O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.[Holy Saturday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Just the Right Size

    Just the Right Size

    Psalm 77; Proverbs 30:1–9; Matthew 4:1–11

    In Through the Looking Glass, Alice comes to a mushroom. Eating from one part of the mushroom causes her to turn into a giant. Eating from a different part she turns smaller than . She finally ate from the “right” part and returned to her normal size. Often our image of ourselves is too big or too small, and far too rarely (or for long enough) just right.

    The proper perspective of God and man is critical to our walk. The improper perspective of God and man all too often leads to misunderstandings and walking (or running) from a saving relationship with God.

    The rhetorical asked in Psalm 77:7–9 are often asked by people in trouble. They may not put “God” in the equation, but the question remains the same. God does not reject forever. God does not forget to be gracious. God’s faithful never ends.

    Sometimes we these questions because we have lost perspective of ourselves in comparison to God. In such cases, we have also lost perspective of ourselves in comparison to the world. This does not mean that we are not allowed to have feelings. It is just that we must keep them in perspective.

    Then there is the other version of out of perspective. Agur calls himself the most stupid (or ) person in the world. Agur then also belittled himself. This view of being so little is just as bad as being too big.

    There is a balance, though we all vacillate from one extreme to another. It is part of our emotional condition. We just need to aim for the center (the balance), but accept that we will not maintain it, and to ourselves grace when we can’t.

    Temptation often comes when we think too much or too little of ourselves. It is usually in those times of (that we sometimes wrongly view as strength) that we have the greatest likelihood to succumb.

    As we read the Temptations of Jesus (which were not the only ones; they were just significant as it was the Tempter, the Enemy, who was doing it directly), we can see that if Jesus had had an out of balance perspective on his view of himself, he could have fallen. It could be argued that as Jesus is God, Jesus wouldn’t, but that doesn’t deny the reality of temptation.


    • In whose words do you see more of yourself, the Psalmist or Agur?
    • Balance is a powerful and yet dangerous . How do you pursue balance without the pursuit harming or even destroying you?
    • What do you think of temptation being strongest when your perspective of yourself is wrong?


    , guide our minds and hearts to keep ourselves “just the right size” as we look at your majesty, glory, and creations. Amen.

  • You Stink!

    You Stink!

    Psalm 50:1–6; 1 Kings 11:26–40; 2 Corinthians 2:12–17

    “You stink,” is not a compliment. In an era when most people bathe daily, human body odor has become almost offensive (exceptions being hard labor and workouts).

    It is quite probable that you have smelled a skunk long before you saw it (if you saw it). The burning sensation is…unique. You could also have driven behind an older car that is burning too much gas or oil, or behind a diesel with its distinctive smell. You know what is coming (or what you’re following) by the smell.

    Paul’s evocative imagery was meant to remind all of those in the Corinthian Church of . Whether they were Gentile or Jew, incense was used in religious observances. Such a smell was always intended to incite religious fervor. The smell was to “remind” people that God is (or gods were) near.

    • As we think of ourselves as the incense of Christ, what might/should happen around us as we walk in the world?

    Asking that question is important, as Paul then leaps to someplace uncomfortable. We want to be the “pleasing” incense that humanity finds enjoyable, and wants to partake in. Paul reminds us that the greatest smell to us may smell like to .

    It is startling to think that if we truly are the incense of Christ (the Living One, the Living Water, the Light of the World), we smell like…death. We should smell like ! We do…just not to the dying.

    Paul isn’t talking about our corporeal death. He’s talking about spiritual death. In other words, to those whose current path is aimed toward Hell, we smell like death. To those whose current path is aimed toward Heaven, we smell like life.

    Where this gets interesting (and raises questions) is when we get to passages such as this one in 1 Kings. Solomon was following other gods (granted, at the behest of his too many wives/concubines). Jeroboam was going down the insurrection road. While Jeroboam was by God, it seems, on the other hand, Jeroboam followed God just long enough to take control of “his” 10 tribes, and then did worse than Solomon or Rehoboam (Solomon’s ).

    While Solomon is still revered as a wise man, he didn’t follow God wholeheartedly. We don’t if God smelled of death or life to Solomon. We can say the same about Jeroboam and Rehoboam.

    On a slightly darker train of thought is whether God smells like death or life to us. This may seem to be an easy answer but look at Solomon. Look also at the Corinthian church. They had lots of troubles. We don’t know which people “smelled” God as life or death.

    ※Further Reflection※

    • How does one know (versus hope) one “smells” God as life?
    • How might a man whose wisdom was supernaturally gifted by God get so confused? What does that teach (or warn) us?


    God, you are the very of our lives. Let us breathe in your and breathe out your . Amen.

  • Help Me Understand

    Help Me Understand

    Psalm 102:12–28; Job 6:1–13; Mark 3:7–12

    The recent Super Bowl reminded me of the first Super Bowl victory of the Seattle Seahawks. Having grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area and experiencing the 49ers and the Raiders, a Super Bowl championship was exciting, but not region-stopping. Super Bowl XLVIII was a disappointment in gameplay, but the Puget Sound and much of the Pacific Northwest was ecstatic with the Seahawks victory.

    The reason to bring this up isn’t the victory itself, but the aftermath. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the area, the areas outside of Seattle proper like to avoid Seattle proper. Yet, people took vacation days and pulled their children from school to go to the Seahawk victory parade. This was a seriously happy occasion.

    That’s kind of the image that we have here in Mark. People from the surrounding area came to the area to find . Can you imagine the ruckus that went with that? All those people! Imagine a small town that suddenly had a huge influx of people from everywhere else (Sturgis is another example of that).

    Amidst all that chaos, all that overwhelming number of people. God moved. People were healed. The of God wasn’t just near…it was at hand!

    Then Mark just seems to toss in a quick mention about the evil spirits. Yep, nothing to see here. Just along.

    Yet, there is something strange here.

    1. These evil spirits, if they were really in control, would they have gotten anywhere near the of God?
    2. Were the evil spirits drawn to the , even as we are, despite their nature?
    3. Did, perhaps, they seek even when told to be silent?

    The Scriptures don’t say why. That really isn’t the point of the Scriptures. It’s in the of the whys, though, that we exist.
    We shouldn’t avoid the whys. The whys are where most people live. We should be present with in the whys so that they know they are not alone.


    Lord, we always have more . us in our questions, and help us to meet others in theirs. Amen.

  • Joy in the Questions

    Joy in the Questions

    “Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the of the Lord; let it be with me according to your .’ Then the angel departed from her.”
    —Luke 1:38 (NRSV)

    When it comes time for the season and thinking about the story of Christmas— coming to earth for all humankind…I often think of Mary and Joseph. I think about what it must have been like to be these young teenage kids seeing an angel and getting this crazy, but amazing news. I think about Mary. She had to have known that by saying yes to this plan that God had for her was going to make Joseph question everything in their . She had to have known that this would have ostracized them both from their and there would be whispers. All the whispers.

    She had to have known the repercussions and probably had so many for the angel. I mean—wouldn’t you? And yet. She said yes. She said that she would the Lord in this way. In this crazy unforeseen way she would follow through with what the angel was proposing to her. She could have said no. She could have! But, she knew (somehow) that God had a bigger plan and purpose here and for her. So she said yes. Yes to serving the Lord in this amazing way. She said yes in the face of potentially losing her fiance, dealing with all the whispers and questions, to caring for the Son of God.

    God asks us all to serve. God asks us to serve those around us for the Kingdom so that all might know Jesus. Ultimately this is what I think of when I think of Mary saying yes. When we invite Jesus into our lives we say yes to Him, but also to serving Him. We are to make disciples of all nations.

    This Christmas may not look normal. We won’t be in the building like we typically would be for the candlelight Christmas Eve service. But! You can still invite someone to and to experience the love and light of Jesus. You can invite them to your home to do circle church or you could invite them to watch with their own families. Tell someone about Jesus this year. Bring to someone else the way that God has brought joy to you.