Be Sent

Psalm 150; Proverbs 9:1–6; Mark 16:9–18

One of the great truisms of the is, “Jesus loves me, this I know; for the bible tells me so.” It is that simple. It is, however, much more than that.

It would be nice were it only that, and it was that simple. As most of us understand, yes, Jesus us loves us, and Jesus showed it through his sinless and his . That isn’t it, though.

We like to keep our faith simple. Simple is good. Often, though, we keep our faith simply foolish. The foolishness is not presenting the of Christ first. Nor is it foolish to be authentic and transparent about your failings.

The “woman of wisdom” sends people out to and invite people into a feast. She calls on people to walk in , leaving the simplistic ways they know.

We could say that the “woman of wisdom” is talking about our faith maturing, and that isn’t a bad thing. However, the biggest danger is making our faith so complicated that we cannot it, while still make sure that we don’t make it so simple that get a false understanding of what it means to call Jesus Lord and Savior.

Despite the oddity of the verses in Mark, there is an obvious message of going out into the world, evangelizing, and discipling. This is part of our . This is where we are called to be the servants of the “woman of wisdom” calling and inviting others to the feast at the table.


  • What are your thoughts about the “woman of wisdom”? Who might the “woman of wisdom” be?
  • What does it mean to you to call and invite people to the table? Which table or tables?


Lord, send us. Amen.