Dancing in the Streets

Luke 10:17–24; Revelation 19:6–10

One of the greatest joys a parent can have is the of their children. This isn’t necessarily financial nor even survival. The best times are watching them succeed when they do not think they are capable.

That’s when the 72 disciples return. They recognized that through Jesus they could now do amazing things. They went out with almost nothing. They came back changed.

In his book, Rings of , Leonard Sweet says that, “Jesus celebrated, danced, prayed, and let the loose.” That’s the kind of rejoicing that Jesus did.

This is the kind of rejoicing that occurs in Heaven when the and the . The same kind. This is the joy that Jesus had upon the return of the 72.

In the days ahead, we will watch and experience friends, , and much of the US population apparently lose common sense as the US Presidential election looms. No one knows what will happen this year, as both political parties have already gathered their legal forces to challenge the results.

There will be gatherings that mourn the electoral losses. There will be gatherings that celebrate the results. The political talking heads will have their day full of predicting what will happen.

No matter the result of the election, we will still be able to be rejoicing as we are part of the party in Heaven. We cannot let the ways of the world get the party down.


1) What’s your when you think of Jesus dancing or leaping for joy?

2) How does Jesus’ joy for the 72 impact you? Does it matter?

3) How will you keep your “dancing” joy over the next few months with the tension and animosity that will be building?


Jesus, thank you for us lives that rejoice. May we live in such a way that people see the joy of our hearts. Amen.

Image courtesy of Hanson Lu