Family Parts

Psalm 19, Matthew 12:46–50, Ephesians 2:1–10

often rewrites the rules of , friends, and culture. We seem to have an understanding of what family ought to be, but in the midst of our mixed-up world, we don’t know how to live it out, and we often don’t know what it should look like. It sounds strange to long for something we can’t do or see, yet the longing drives us toward it.

When makes this astonishing, audacious, and offensive statement, there is by many, an automatic of that wrong, how could that be? Then there is the response of, it’s Jesus saying it, so it must be right (often at the same time struggling with the other response).

When Jesus talks about doing the will of the , what is he talking about? We have our assumptions, however, what if some of our assumptions are wrong? Reading the passage in Ephesians, we see that God is at work in us, even when we are not aware, for God continually draws us to him.

1) Do people who do not know God do the will of God?

2) If people are being drawn to God, and doing the will of God, does that make them part of the family (or framily)?

3) What makes a person part of your framily?