
1 June 2019

Exodus 33:18-23, Exodus 34:29–35, 1 Kings 19:3–18, John 1:10–18

Have you ever hidden your face? Embarrassment. Shame. . Avoidance.

The Israelites hid their faces from God. Originally it was out of . They only understood fearing gods, as gods were capricious and unpredictable. Now they were in the of a god that they were told of but hadn’t experienced. This god that was only a tale led them out of Egypt. This god called them to him. Now what? Of course, they hide their faces. They send someone in their stead that way they don’t have to face God.

Facing God is a -changing experience…and so many try to avoid it.
Moses was physically changed forever. He was changed in such a way that interaction with people was over. How about you?
Elijah’s experience was different still. In the midst of his being overwhelmed, in , and in fear, God was there. Elijah may not have hidden his face from God, but God hid his face from Elijah.
God’s and were too much for any to handle. God made a way.

was the face of God. Instead of being afraid, or hiding away, God was right there. Imagine instead of being afraid of God, eating with God.

1) What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? What about it was embarrassing?

2) Have you ever been too embarrassed to talk to God? Is it more embarrassing to think that God already knows, or is it comforting?

3) In regards to coming face-to-face with God, why is Jesus’ coming so important?