In Peace We Trust

10 December 2020

I leave with you; my peace I to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
—John 14:27 (NRSV)

Okay. I am just going to say it. This has been a very hard year. A year filled with heartache, uncertainty, , and more. All the emotions have hit and have hit very hard. There have been moments where I didn’t know what to think and had no words. There have been moments where I have been frustrated and unsettled. Maybe you feel the same?

The world has given us, this year, a lot of crud. The world has not been kind to us this year. This has not been our year.

But. Thankfully does not give to us as the world gives. Jesus gives us so much more. We don’t have to be afraid or troubled because God sent Jesus to make it so we can have right with Him. God sent Jesus to give us peace. I have not felt much peace this last year. Reading the news every day was hard and did not give me peace. Being a parent and making very hard decisions about my kids did not give me peace. Being a pastor—I have not felt peace.

But lately. I have been praying for peace. I know that because of Jesus I can have peace. And you know what? I have been starting to feel it! Slowly. But it’s there. The more I let Jesus in and pray for peace the more I am able to be at peace. And you know what else? I have been praying for peace for you too! Because peace was our from Jesus. He desires for us to have peace especially in the moments where it seems impossible to have it.

Do not let your be troubled, dear friend. Don’t be fearful of the things to come. Put your in Jesus knowing that He gives you the peace that you need.