• Discipline of Joy

    Discipline of Joy

    “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
    —Psalms 32:8 (NRSV)

    My boys hate to be disciplined. I guess, probably, most kids don’t like to be disciplined. But we do it as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc…because we the kid we are disciplining. Right? We do it because we want them to live the best and to make the wisest decisions. So we lovingly guide them, but not only when they need . Especially when they are younger – but even as they get older we lovingly guide them. When they need help, when they need love, when they need to make decisions, when they are learning, and more. We do this when they are young, but we also do this as they get older.

    I will never forget being a full fledged adult in college my freshman year. I was standing in the laundry detergent aisle because I had ran out of clean clothes and needed to do laundry. I called my mom to her what kind of detergent we are supposed to use, ha! My mom lovingly told me what she uses, but that I could use whatever I chose to use.

    Often in life we need God to guide us. Okay. All the time we need God to guide us. All the time we should be in with God and be seeking instruction from Him because He desires amazing things for us. I love the ending of this passage in this version, “with my eye upon you.” God is always looking after us. God is always with us even when we don’t think He is or feel Him. My favorite quote in life: “When nothing appears to be happening; something is happening. Because in the waiting; God is working.” How true!

  • Joy Decision

    Joy Decision

    “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of his to all generations.”
    —Psalms 33:11 (NRSV)

    Have you ever had to make a big decision in your ? It’s hard! Especially when it affects lots of different other areas of our lives. Maybe it was a big , a job shift, adding to your , etc. These types of decisions are big and take lots of and consideration. When I have to make a big decision I seek out counsel. I hope you do too! Maybe you have specific people in mind you go to before you make a big decision. Your spouse, other family members, friends, and even pastors.

    I hope you also seek out counsel from God. Because God has a plan and a purpose for us all. I believe that counsel from God is displayed in various areas. Scripture, music, listening to Him, and other people. God speaks to us in all of these avenues. God desires for us to seek out counsel when we make big decisions because God has a plan for us. God wants to be intimately involved in our lives. It’s why was sent to live among us – so that we could be in direct and right with Him.

    In this advent season – if you are facing a large decision that might affect multiple areas of your life – I hope you find in the fact that God sent His , Jesus, so that you might have the counsel you need from God. You are never far from God’s heart. You are always on God’s mind. God has a plan for you. Live into that plan and always seek after God.

  • Joy in the Questions

    Joy in the Questions

    “Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.”
    —Luke 1:38 (NRSV)

    When it comes time for the Advent season and thinking about the story of Christmas— coming to earth for all humankind…I often think of Mary and Joseph. I think about what it must have been like to be these young teenage kids seeing an angel and getting this crazy, but amazing news. I think about Mary. She had to have known that by saying yes to this plan that God had for her was going to make Joseph question everything in their . She had to have known that this would have ostracized them both from their and there would be whispers. All the whispers.

    She had to have known the repercussions and probably had so many for the angel. I mean—wouldn’t you? And yet. She said yes. She said that she would serve the Lord in this way. In this crazy unforeseen way she would follow through with what the angel was proposing to her. She could have said no. She could have! But, she knew (somehow) that God had a bigger plan and purpose here and for her. So she said yes. Yes to serving the Lord in this amazing way. She said yes in the face of potentially losing her fiance, dealing with all the whispers and questions, to caring for the of God.

    God asks us all to serve. God asks us to serve those around us for the so that all might know Jesus. Ultimately this is what I think of when I think of Mary saying yes. When we invite Jesus into our lives we say yes to Him, but also to serving Him. We are to make disciples of all nations.

    This Christmas may not look normal. We won’t be in the building like we typically would be for the candlelight Christmas Eve service. But! You can still invite someone to and to experience the and of Jesus. You can invite them to your home to do circle church or you could invite them to watch with their own families. Tell someone about Jesus this year. Bring joy to someone else the way that God has brought joy to you.

  • Unplanned Joy

    Unplanned Joy

    “The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a , and you will him Jesus.”
    —Luke 1:30-31 (NRSV)

    I was thinking about Mary as I read this passage and her journey after she found out she was pregnant with Jesus. I was thinking of my own pregnancies. Each were different and none of them went exactly as I had planned. I had planned to be super healthy each one. But inevitably I had cravings. I had planned to not get sick each one (not that I am remotely in control of this). Each one I got sick and the last one was the worst! I had plans for how I would give birth. Not one of those went as planned as well and were all very different from each other. Adam, my husband, also had plans. He had planned to not get grossed out each time I got sick. He had planned to not break his wrist a week before we had our last baby.

    I if Mary’s pregnancy went as she had planned. Certainly it was not in her plans to have a baby out of wedlock. Certainly it was probably not in her plans to have her first baby be the Son of God who she would eventually watch be put to for all human kind so that we might have to the full. So I would imagine her pregnancy didn’t go as planned as well. I , also, that having this baby in a manger was not in Mary and Joseph’s plans.

    I am a planner. I really am. And so when things don’t go as planned, it throws me off.

    But. God had a plan for Mary. That’s why God sent the angel. To tell her of His plan. Thankfully she said yes! I am so sure that this plan gave Mary a lot of . Babies bring joy. Watching our children up gives us joy. Probably watching Jesus serve , teach, and love gave her joy. Ultimately knowing that God had a plan through it all gives joy.

    I am a planner. Lately it’s been really hard to do that. I know you all can relate. I basically didn’t use my fancy planner I bought at the end of 2019 for 2020 for 8 or 9 months. I didn’t like that.

    But. I find a sense of , yes, but joy in the fact that God has a plan here. God didn’t will all of what was 2020 to happen. But God brings good out of bad and hardships. God has a plan here. In that we can find joy. In God you can have joy.

  • Companion of Peace

    Companion of Peace

    “I have said this to you, so that in me you may have . In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”
    —John 16:33 (NRSV)

    I think it’s interesting that we see the “persecution” in this translation. Persecution at its base is ill treatment or harassment. We have seen this for many in our world and especially in the US this last year. Maybe you have even felt persecuted in some way or another in this last year or at some point in your .

    It’s not a great feeling. In fact it downright feels terrible. It feels pretty disheartening to see it happen to as well. I’m betting, like me, over the last year you have wondered where the peace was in our world.

    The reality? Our peace doesn’t come in or from this world. Our peace comes from . Even when our world is in shambles – our peace and the peace that everyone needs comes from Jesus. That is why it’s so important to tell everyone about the peace that Jesus can bring and already has brought us. That’s why it’s so important to tell everyone about Jesus. What He is doing in your life!

    That’s right! Yes, Jesus can bring us peace. But we have to that Jesus has already brought the peace. Jesus conquered the world. Jesus defeated . For us! For you, for me, for our neighbor. We don’t have to be afraid, or disheartened, or face persecution alone because of what Jesus did for us. And this brings peace.

    Take courage. Find peace in the fact that Jesus came so that we might have life and have it to the full. So that we might have peace in the face of some really tough circumstances where we see persecution around us or in our own lives. Take courage. Take peace. And then that peace to someone else that needs it just as much! We all need Jesus. We all need peace – especially now.

  • In Peace We Trust

    In Peace We Trust

    I leave with you; my peace I to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
    —John 14:27 (NRSV)

    Okay. I am just going to say it. This has been a very hard year. A year filled with heartache, uncertainty, , and more. All the emotions have hit and have hit very hard. There have been moments where I didn’t know what to think and had no words. There have been moments where I have been frustrated and unsettled. Maybe you feel the same?

    The world has given us, this year, a lot of crud. The world has not been kind to us this year. This has not been our year.

    But. Thankfully does not give to us as the world gives. Jesus gives us so much more. We don’t have to be afraid or troubled because God sent Jesus to make it so we can have right with Him. God sent Jesus to give us peace. I have not felt much peace this last year. Reading the news every day was hard and did not give me peace. Being a parent and making very hard decisions about my kids did not give me peace. Being a pastor—I have not felt peace.

    But lately. I have been praying for peace. I know that because of Jesus I can have peace. And you know what? I have been starting to feel it! Slowly. But it’s there. The more I let Jesus in and pray for peace the more I am able to be at peace. And you know what else? I have been praying for peace for you too! Because peace was our from Jesus. He desires for us to have peace especially in the moments where it seems impossible to have it.

    Do not let your be troubled, dear friend. Don’t be fearful of the things to come. Put your in Jesus knowing that He gives you the peace that you need.

  • Surpassing Peace

    Surpassing Peace

    “So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and ponder them in her . The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.”
    —Luke 2:16-20 (NRSV)

    News about a baby is excitement meets . Hang with me for a second here. First let’s talk about excitement. Has anyone ever told you they were expecting and you almost leapt out of your skin?! It is just so wonderful when someone you is expecting a baby! You almost feel like you need to go out and tell everyone. But, usually it’s not your news to tell.

    In this case of baby …The shepherds got to go and tell everyone! How fun would it be to go and tell literally everyone you wanted and knew that your friend or relative is having a baby?! The excitement of baby Jesus was just too much for the shepherds to contain. They ran to go see the baby and then they left and told everyone and anyone!

    Okay. Now the peace part. As a mom to three (one of them being a newborn) I know that babies aren’t always the most peaceful. They are up a lot at night which is supposed to be a peaceful and restful time. But. Have you ever held a sleeping baby or a baby? Are they not the most peaceful things you ever did see?!

    Jesus brought peace. Jesus brought excitement meets peace.

    Do you need peace in your ? Or rather – do you know someone in your life that needs the peace and of Jesus? Will you go and with excitement tell them of the news of Jesus and what Jesus has done in your life – what Jesus can do in their life?

    I encourage you to find one person you know that needs peace this season – this COVID season. Tell them about the peace you have experienced. Peace that surpasses all understanding.

  • Peace Bringer

    Peace Bringer

    “In that region there were shepherds in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in of cloth and lying in a manger.”
    —Luke 2:8-12 (NRSV)

    I am betting that you have felt . The longer you have lived the more you have lived and the more fear you probably have experienced.

    Fear after losing a job. Fear of being able to provide for your . Fear in regards to your children or grandchildren or family members. Fear of . Fear of having your freedoms stripped away. Fear can grip us. Fear can hold us down. If we let it.

    But God says. Do not be afraid. God sent to be with us. Emmanuel. Because of Jesus and the Spirit dwelling in us we don’t have be to be afraid. We don’t have to succumb to fear in any moment of our lives.

    I have to be honest with you all. In this past year. I have felt fear a handful of times. I still feel it a little thinking about what might be ahead for us. Are you, possibly, in the same boat? Do you need the peace that surpasses any and all understanding? Do you need to be reminded in this season of the peace that Jesus coming to this world gives to us? Be still. The angel brought good news to all people. Not just the shepherds. That good news was for you, your family, your friends, even the people you might not like…that news brings us peace.

Discipline of Joy

“I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
—Psalms 32:8 (NRSV)

My boys hate to be disciplined. I guess, probably, most kids don’t like to be disciplined. But we do it as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc…because we the kid we are disciplining. Right? We do it because we want them to live the best and to make the wisest decisions. So we lovingly guide them, but not only when they need . Especially when they are younger – but even as they get older we lovingly guide them. When they need help, when they need love, when they need to make decisions, when they are learning, and more. We do this when they are young, but we also do this as they get older.

I will never forget being a full fledged adult in college my freshman year. I was standing in the laundry detergent aisle because I had ran out of clean clothes and needed to do laundry. I called my mom to her what kind of detergent we are supposed to use, ha! My mom lovingly told me what she uses, but that I could use whatever I chose to use.

Often in life we need God to guide us. Okay. All the time we need God to guide us. All the time we should be in with God and be seeking instruction from Him because He desires amazing things for us. I love the ending of this passage in this version, “with my eye upon you.” God is always looking after us. God is always with us even when we don’t think He is or feel Him. My favorite quote in life: “When nothing appears to be happening; something is happening. Because in the waiting; God is working.” How true!