Tag: Advent

Devotionals specifically for the Advent Season.

  • Future Tensely

    Future Tensely

    Psalm 126; Isaiah 40:1-11; Romans 8:22-25

    Have you realized that is weird? I Advent, don’t get me wrong. However, the world has done a successful job of retraining us on what Advent is all about.

    Partially, I think, this is because of the image of an unthreatening baby Jesus with lambs, other baby animals, with the inferred warm smiles of (an exhausted) Mary and Joseph. This is a fairly safe form of evangelism, and it’s easy to put out little statues in our homes and on our lawns.

    We, the modern church, have become very comfortable with this form of Advent, which creates this weird situation of celebrating the Advent of the birth of Jesus, which already happened. By simple definition, advent is about an event that is coming. Except Jesus came already, and Jesus went already.

    Yet, we treat this as more than a simple birthday. This is also more than the annual “discussion” of which Christmas is really of pagan origin and the dispute/defense of those traditions (either way). The problem is that when we talk about the Advent of Christ, it isn’t just about the birth of Jesus. This is where it gets uncomfortable, including for the Western Church.

    The Advent Season is about the event of Jesus being born. It is also about the Advent of Christ’s . It’s that whole return thing that gets uncomfortable.

    Today’s passages are about the past. They are also about the future. Psalm 126:1 talks about the past of God. We can equate this to the birth of Jesus (for the sake of example, not making a theological tie-in).

    Psalm 126:4 is about the of those fortunes lost. And that’s important. God provided previously. The blessings were “lost”. So, the request is that the blessings be restored. We, too, are in that in between time. The time between blessings.

    We look back at the blessings provided and look forward to the blessings to come (the return of Christ). Yet, contrary to the sentimental Jesus of the manger (which was not sentimental in reality), the coming of Christ is not foretold as being comfortable.

    For both who have declared Christ their Lord and Savior, and for those who don’t, the Day of the Lord always comes at a cost. Some who thought they were saved may discover they are not. The of losing ones and the pangs of the world will be unpleasant. So, it makes sense that we don’t talk about it when we want to talk about baby Jesus.

    Except, the true is that this is not the end. The pain, misery, injustice, degradation, death, war, pestilence, poverty, slavery that is all around is proof that all is not well. The Advent of baby Jesus didn’t solve that. Only the next Advent will solve it.

    Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

  • Little Pieces Together

    Little Pieces Together

    Psalm 104:24–35; Joel 2:18–29; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

    Before churches had stained glass, there were two ways the church would decorate and—more importantly—tell the stories of the Bible (and the church) in pictures. The first was primarily on the wall and ceilings, and that was paintings. The second was primarily on the floor, but also sometimes on walls, and was mosaics.

    Many ancient sites were discovered to be churches often because of the mosaics. As they were made of stone and/or ceramic, they would withstand dirt, mud, and being buried. If you have the chance to check out YouTube, you should be able to find videos where you can watch archaeologists unbury and then restore the beautiful mosaics to their former (in time-lapse, of course). Symbolic of we humans restored by the blood of Christ from messy and dirty (and buried in and ) to the beauty of God’s child.

    As an art form, mosaics are often made from broken pottery and put into a larger picture. Whether it is the church, humanity as a whole, or as a whole, they are made up of smaller pieces that are often broken or damaged and are a beautiful bigger picture. One could even say that each is greater than the sum of its pieces.

    Within the respective circles of church, humanity, and Creation, there is a cycle of death, birth, and growth. The psalmist says that God makes the face of the earth new again (Psalm 104:30). The cycle of life is both renewal and change. Nothing is ever quite the same.

    Through Joel, God tells the people that things will be good again in regard to land, crops, security. Even so, underlying that is the reality that things will never be exactly the same. Things certainly won’t be as they were in David’s and Solomon’s time (especially as David and Solomon’s time would have grown into mythic proportions).

    The between the people and God would be restored. The Promised Land would be restored. The people’s place in the Promised Land would be restored. Still, things would not be exactly the same. Other prophets also told the people that they would be restored, but it would be different and in a good way.

    ‘ advent was even more so a new way of things that the world needed to adjust to (and is still adjusting to). With Jesus’ departure, the coming Holy would change things all the more. People had had their roles to play. Some were moved by the Holy Spirit. This new coming, however, was different. Roles were one thing (still are), but gifts were a new thing.

    Now everyone had a . Each of those gifts had a purpose and place in the here on earth. All the gifts together (the mosaic) make Jesus’ beautiful bride, the church.


    What makes a gift “spiritual” versus “natural” or “trained”? Do you know which spiritual gifts you have? If so, what are they, and what are they doing? If not, God to guide you in searching, that you may have a greater effect for the kingdom (Don’t worry. It can take time.)


    Lord, may we be renewed and empowered to do your will. Amen.

  • Messianic or Messiah

    Messianic or Messiah

    Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1–6; John 15:9–17

    When we read the , as has been often in these devotions, we bring in our understanding of things. Those who have been indoctrinated (in a good way) into the faith and theology of orthodox Christianity will read into the Scriptures that which they have been taught. The opening verse in today’s reading from 1 John is a good example.

    As we read it, we have a particular understanding of what the “Christ” means. Theologians and Biblical scholars will often differentiate between messianic and Messiah for this very reason. It is important for us to understand, too, because it gives us insights into the perspectives of the other 2 Abrahamic religions (Judaism and Islam) and also remind us of how revolutionary the resulting Christian orthodox stance was.

    Prior to the birth of Jesus, Judaism had evolved its understanding of messiah. Within messianic narratives, one person may not fulfill all the aspects of a messiah. A messianic figure could be solely for social reform or religious reform or solely for governmental reform. Christian scholars and theologians will often simplify it to Prophet, Priest, King. The evolution of messianic (any combination of the 3) to Messiah (all 3) is one of those changes that occurred between the time of the book of Malachi to the of John the Baptist (around 400 years).In Luke’s birth narrative, we read about where “the” Messiah would be born. This is the written acknowledgment that Judaism had become Messiah-oriented, more than messianic-oriented. Of course, Judaism (as a whole) does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

    Islam (and even some in Judaism) looks at Jesus as a messianic figure. It gets a little messy from there as the 3 main branches of Islam have different outlooks from there and the 2 recognizable branches (Shia and Sunni) have their own interpretations within them, too.

    Even in the modern era, the messianic figure exists. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, FD Roosevelt, Mao Zedong, Castro, Reagan, Putin, Obama, Trump, Biden all had (have) messianic attributes associated with them. It’s jarring to see these names tied , especially for so-called Christian countries (and only one of these countries didn’t have Christian cultural roots). It is arguable that John’s statement about the Messiah is even more true today than it has ever been before!

    Where we “hold” Jesus in our lives is critical to our Christian walk, or whether we are a Christian at all! How we view Jesus, as Messiah or merely messianic, critically feeds into this as well.

    If Jesus is merely messianic, then while his words hold significance, they aren’t particularly life-changing. If Jesus is Messiah, his words are life- and orientation-changing.

    One of the primary orientation changes is how we love. We often talk about a God of love, but that is so very much removed from us. If he is the Messiah, Jesus’ words telling us to love each other (and the context is within ), then we really ought to be doing that.

    There is, so it seems, a between the love within the community (), and the love of neighbor (mercy). It may all be a hairbreadth’s difference, it may be a mile. Regardless, there should be a in us.


    • Where have you looked at people or things as messianic? What makes something or someone messianic?
    • What are other reasons that we need to differentiate between the Messiah and messianic?


    Lord, you are the Christ, Messiah, Savior. As such you call upon us to live changed lives. Empower us, , to do exactly that. Amen.

  • Saving Love

    Saving Love

    “Indeed, God did not send the into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
    —John 3:17 (NRSV)

    Have you ever started disciplining a kid (whether your own, relative, or perhaps you were bold and disciplined a complete stranger’s kid) and you caught yourself wagging your finger in their face?! I catch myself doing this quite often with my own kids – I must admit. I am not proud of it. When I realize I am doing it; I try to stop myself because I don’t want to get in their face of make them feel condemned. I just want to correct them and lovingly guide them.

    This is what I think of when I think of this passage. God didn’t come to wag His finger in our faces. We weren’t made to feel badly about the brokenness that entered the world with Adam and Eve—we are also not meant to be made out to feel bad for our personal . Should we —you bet! But God doesn’t want us to feel shameful or bad about our sin. God desires right with each of us. That’s you!

    God desires to fix the separation that was so that we might be whole again with God. God desires for us, in turn, to to that they might find and follow so they will not live in brokenness but live free in Jesus Christ. As you enter into the final day(s) leading up to the celebration of Christmas – be reminded of the “why” of Jesus coming. Because God loves us and so that we could be saved through Him and be made whole. Amen.

  • Believing Love

    Believing Love

    “For God so the world that He gave His only , so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have .”
    —John 3:16 (NRSV)

    God loves you! Did you know that? Okay – if you are reading this…chances are that you did know that. But do you believe it? There is a possibility that at some point, or another, you have questioned if a certain person in your life loves you. A parent, your spouse, a grandparent, your kid, etc. Personally – I have questioned this a handful of times in all four of those areas mentioned. It’s not a good feeling to question if someone loves you. Maybe we logically know they us, but we don’t feel it or see it very often – which leads to the questioning. We can also have a hard time loving ourselves even.

    This can lead to questioning God’s love for us at times. But. I want you to really know, and believe that God has a deep love for you. It’s the reason that He sent – His one and only Son – to come to the earth as a helpless baby only to up and save us all. So if you believe in Jesus you should also believe the love that comes from God. If you believe you have eternal life because of the you have in Jesus, then you should believe in the love that comes from God.

    God loves you! God’s love is the never failing kind of love. When earthly love can fail us – God’s love never fails. When you fall short as a grandparent, parent, sibling, parent, child – God’s love never fails. When you feel unlovable – God’s love never fails and He demonstrates that love through Jesus. that this Christmas season. You are loved. And because you are loved you can love others.

    Maybe you are like me and have given yourself a hard time or two about how you have showed your love to your kids, spouse, parents, grandparents, friends, or people you don’t even know very well. yourself a break and then remind yourself that you can love others because you are first loved by God. Then go out and try to show that love again and again and again. Love others the way that Jesus loves you.

  • In Love’s Time

    In Love’s Time

    “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent His , born of a woman, born under the law.”
    —Galatians 4:4 (NRSV)

    I will never forget finding out we were having our first child. I was still finishing up my masters and an internship at a I had been serving at throughout college. We were so excited when we found out, but the timing wasn’t the best. I was super nervous to tell our pastor, by boss, that we were expecting our first child. Partially because I knew that being pregnant would mean a crazier schedule with doctor visits and partially because I knew I needed advice. My internship was ending when I finished my masters that spring and that made things sticky.

    Johnny, my boss, gave me the best insight that day. “There is never a ‘right’ time to have a baby.” He is right. We could always make excuses or explain why it’s such a terrible time to have a baby. But, we adapt. It made making the decisions to add to our family much easier because we weren’t looking for a magical timing of owning a home or having dream jobs (so long as we could support our family).

    This is what makes ‘ story even more unique than it already is! The timing of Jesus being born was the “right” time. It was the time that God had planned on all along. While there may never be a “right” time for us to have babies…Jesus being born was the right time. It was the exact time that god had laid out knowing what the next 33 years would hold for Jesus and what that would mean for us.

    God’s timing is perfect. It’s not always what we expect, desire, or understand…but God’s timing is perfect. Which is really hard when we have to . God’s people waited and waited for a king to come them. They got a baby. So not only did God’s timing seem off to them because they had waited for so long, but then they were caught of guard. But we know the story. We know how it all plays out. It was perfect. Jesus was perfect and showed us perfect that is now a part of our stories.

  • Room Enough to Love

    Room Enough to Love

    “While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn and wrapped Him in of cloth, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”
    —Luke 2:6-7 (NRSV)

    We just had our third child. I when we went from one kid to two I was so nervous about the I had in my . I wasn’t sure that I would be able to love two kids the same way I our first child. My heart had been opened up to this child and I wasn’t sure how it was going to work adding a second kid. Was I going to love our second born as much? Was my love for our first son going to diminish a little to make room for the second child? Maybe you’ve had kids and have had some of these fears or maybe it’s just me. But then we had our second child. And our oldest came to the hospital to him and I realized my heart stretched. It was big enough to love both boys the same amount (which is a lot). And now we have 3 kids. We added a daughter! But, this time I wasn’t scared or nervous. I knew, because of last time, how our hearts would and make room for another child.

    As Adam and I talked about this love we talked about how much greater the love God has for us as His children. Love that we can’t even fathom. Love so great that He sent His one and only Son for us. To do something indescribable for us. How often do we, because of that great love, go out and show love for ? That was our next thought.

    Truly. God sent His Son to show us love so that we might go out and love others which hopefully in turn makes disciples of all nations – something that we are called to do as Christ followers. So. How often do you go out and love others? I know that is particularly difficult given the current COVID circumstances. So we have to be pretty creative. So, what does that look like for you? This week. Show someone you love them. Go out of your way even if it’s a little, but then try to make it more habitual so it’s not “going out of your way” – rather, it’s a part of your every day .

  • Discipline of Joy

    Discipline of Joy

    “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”
    —Psalms 32:8 (NRSV)

    My boys hate to be disciplined. I guess, probably, most kids don’t like to be disciplined. But we do it as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc…because we the kid we are disciplining. Right? We do it because we want them to live the best and to make the wisest decisions. So we lovingly guide them, but not only when they need . Especially when they are younger – but even as they get older we lovingly guide them. When they need help, when they need love, when they need to make decisions, when they are learning, and more. We do this when they are young, but we also do this as they get older.

    I will never forget being a full fledged adult in college my freshman year. I was standing in the laundry detergent aisle because I had ran out of clean clothes and needed to do laundry. I called my mom to her what kind of detergent we are supposed to use, ha! My mom lovingly told me what she uses, but that I could use whatever I chose to use.

    Often in life we need God to guide us. Okay. All the time we need God to guide us. All the time we should be in with God and be seeking instruction from Him because He desires amazing things for us. I love the ending of this passage in this version, “with my eye upon you.” God is always looking after us. God is always with us even when we don’t think He is or feel Him. My favorite quote in life: “When nothing appears to be happening; something is happening. Because in the waiting; God is working.” How true!