Tag: betray

  • Restoration


    Do you think God is done with you, yet?

  • Poison Pills

    Poison Pills

    If Jesus could love someone who betrayed him, that means he loves us, too.

  • Christmas Poured Out

    Exodus 33:12–27, John 6:35–40, John 17:6–24, John 18:8 (read online ⧉) Judas Iscariot—Jesus’ betrayer—is often one of those characters that we just “go with the flow.” It is easier to just see him as the betrayer, rather than see him as what he was, human. When we wrestle with the person that was Judas Iscariot,…

  • Holy Wednesday

    Psalm 55, 2 Samuel 16:15–17:10, John 13:21-32 Betrayal. It’s not that we expect our enemies or adversaries to “play” fair, but our friends? Co-workers? Family? It’s hard. It hurts. We often feel absolutely powerless in the midst of it. Then we feel angry. All very human. The psalmist (probably not David, but maybe) goes through…

  • Forth Sunday during Lent

    Isaiah 12:2–6, Jeremiah 31:31–34, Luke 22:14–20 Isaiah is often not filled with much encouragement. This particular “song”, however, is a pronouncement of the saved telling the unsaved that they can be saved. Isaiah starts out with his salvation, and that his relationship with God is sound. He then tells the wayward hearer that they will…