Tag: creation

  • Wrong Thing Vision

    Wrong Thing Vision

    Psalm 52; Ezekiel 31:1–12; Galatians 6:11–18

    “When a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?”

    That philosophical question is designed around the of a being. “Sound” being a human , the implication is that the tree wouldn’t make a sound, as there is no one around to hear. From a purely scientific standpoint, of course, the tree makes a sound. We understand that even when we are not present, there still will be sound waves. The animals will certainly hear it and try to out of the way.

    Yesterday, when we read about the cedar, it was referring to the David line. In today’s passage, is refers to kings and leaders, just not the Davidic ones. The cultural awareness that the cedar represented royalty helps us understand that the cedar might be used in multiple contexts to represent the kingly leaders.

    The difference here is that the tree representing Assyria goes down and has no legacy. Yesterday, the Davidic cedar had a bough taken off and replanted. Here, there is no legacy. In fact, the land animals resting on it show that it is nothing more than dirt.

    The tree, oddly enough, goes down not necessarily for Judah and Israel’s benefit, but to show Egypt who God is. Or perhaps we should say, remind Egypt who God is (reminding Judah and Israel, too).

    Governments, as they are a gathering of people, look to other governments and other people to get an idea of how to succeed, and often how to beat the other guy. Governments too busy looking at the other “guy” aren’t looking to God.

    Often when we are busy looking at the “other” (whether people, governments, and many others), we are not looking at the right things, let alone the things we can control.

    Paul refers to the new . When we look too much to the world we lose of the new creation that is inside of us. It’s not that we corrupt it, but we can avoid it. As we look to others to define us or oppose us—instead of God—we miss out on the new creation. As the “others” look to unGodly things, they are often looking at the unGodly things of others, creating a vicious cycle.

    We need to break the cycle. How we break the cycle will be a very individual thing. We, like Paul, may up bearing marks like Christ on our bodies. We almost definitely will bear them on our souls.


    • How much do you reflect on the new creation inside of you?
    • Do you ever see when the world tries to this new creation?
    • Are you more driven by leaders, governments, or people within your circle? How do you try to influence them for Christ?


    Lord, give us the to recognize that we have been freed from the ways of the world. Help us to look to you first, so that we may transform the world through your love for us. Amen.

  • Unity of Three

    Unity of Three

    Isaiah 6:1–8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12–17; John 3:1–17

    In the current , the concept of the has been attempted to be explained by books such as “The Shack” (which acknowledges itself as an allegory and not as doctrine, a key response to those who decry it), or an egg (shell, white, yolk), water (which, under special circumstances, can exist as solid, liquid, and gas at the same time).

    In older ages, the three-leaf clover, the sun (sun, light, heat), and the Triquetra and triples circles (the symbol on the featured image) were used in an attempt to explain the Trinity. All of these are allegorical (whether current or older). While, if used wrongly, they may lead to false theology, there is no adequate way to really describe the Trinity.

    The Athanasian Creed is an attempt to define the Trinity, but honestly is a theologian’s way to describe and cover all the bases and is really (overly) complicated. It is traditional in liturgical churches to read it today, as today is Trinity Sunday. It is long, so I will not include it in the devotion itself (you can read it here). While it is complicated, it is essential. Even in its complication and desire to cover the entirety of the Trinity, it cannot explain the Trinity fully.

    The reality is that the Trinity is indeed one of the hardest things to understand, and on this side of life barring perhaps someone at the theoretical physics level and higher plane theological level (there’s an interesting combination), none of us will fully get it. It is truly a matter of .

    It is also an important one. If you have been baptized, the baptizer should have said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.” Though in some churches they may eschew “the Father” for “the Mother” (which is an issue, but probably not one that is salvational, though that is up for discussion), or use “God” (which is definitely an issue, as Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God), the Trinitarian form is still followed.

    Much of the theology of the church (and thus orthodox Christianity) is built upon the Trinity. We can see glimpses of the Trinity in the , but it is (when we’re honest) threads woven through the tapestry of Creation and the Scriptures that we, as humans, try to codify and define in our constant attempt to understand God, Creation, and ourselves.

    Even devotionals (like today) get stuck in theology when talking about the Trinity, for we just want to understand.


    • How would you explain the Trinity to others?
    • How do you explain to yourself, or understand for yourself, the Trinity?
    • Why do you think it could be an important part of your faith?


    Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants , by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to the : Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. —Book of Common Prayer, 2019

  • Pridefully Divine

    Pridefully Divine

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 5:15–24; John 15:18–20, 15:26–27

    When we read about “divine beings” we, understandably, think about angels. What, however, makes a divine being…divine? Apart from God, there is no divine being that isn’t of God. Which becomes a little daunting theologically when we recognize we have the in us.

    To be clear, we are not gods (except, perhaps in our deluded fallen minds). We a created beings with the spark of divinity inside of us. It may be a fine line to some. It is a line as large as Creation itself to . Yet, part of the divine spark responds to God, and God completes us. So, it’s not wrong (totally) to think in terms of the divine beings in Psalm 29:1. Just like those divine beings, we are called and made to glorify God.

    This seems contrary, in some ways, to the initial verses of Isaiah. Humanity will be brought low. Yet, it is often the arrogance of humanity that results in wars, animosity, and the general inability of getting along. It is also that particular thing, that when brought low, places humanity in the position of accepting God. One cannot truly accept God through arrogance.

    Even as we read further, the arrogance continues with demanding that God hurry up and accomplish God’s work. This all merely so humanity can understand it. Perhaps arrogance is the wrong word. Self-absorbed is probably closer, while arrogance remains part of it.

    There there is a lot of doom.

    The last of today’s verses in Isaiah though starts with purifying. If you catch the wording, “ of fire”, might it remind you of when tongues of fire appeared? In this case, the tongues of fire are more of purification rather than empowerment. But that God and the “holy one” are tied into the same verse as “tongues of fire” really do seem to be somehow tied to Pentecost. Then again, that very well be reading too much into it (but it’s fun).

    And, while it doesn’t seem to be related when we understand the pride and arrogance of humanity as observed in Isaiah, ‘ words to his disciples (and thus to us) make more sense. The fallen nature of humanity has striven against God. For far too many, it evolved into hate. To be, once again, more along the lines of a divine being rather than fallen creation would indeed cause striving fallen humanity to hate and lash out at those who have been touched by God in such a way.

    If we take all of today’s into the picture, it makes perfect sense why Jesus warns the disciples that no matter how much they now have (or will have after Pentecost), they are still not greater than God. A good warning, as not too long after Pentecost, Peter performed his first miracle. The Companion (Comforter, Counselor) would come, and they would be tempted to think more of themselves, and even be called gods (Paul and Barnabas).



    Lord, guard our hearts against the pride of the world. Let our pride be that you us and that you work through us recognizing that it is for you and for ourselves that we about the world. Amen.

  • Utopia Maybe

    Utopia Maybe

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 2:1–5; Romans 8:9–11

    The statistics don’t seem promising. The percentage of regular -goers has been falling generation by generation for the last four generations. While the percentage of Americans that say they are is high (relatively), a very high percentage of them say isn’t that important to them, and all religions are the same.

    The usual accusation is that it is a significant cultural shift that is at fault. There is in that. There is also a denial of reality. Culture is always shifting. Sometimes it is slow. Sometimes it is fast. As we look around the world in places like China and India, there are fast and slow cultural shifts. The problem with this accusation is that it ignores the self. Without introspection and honest self-evaluation, the church will see the number decline.

    This sounds depressing. It is, and it should be. We are called to be the to the world as ambassadors of Christ. In many, perhaps even most, respects, the church has been (culture) warrior first and ambassador a distant last.

    The is that God isn’t done—not with the world and not with us.

    The triumph and of the passage of Isaiah is palpable. All nations would (willingly, longingly) submit to God. God would judge between nations echoes how the Israelite priests were to judge between the Israelite tribes and members. It foreshadows that all of humanity, not just the Israelites, would be equal before God.

    The last piece always catches my attention in this passage. When I was a child, my mom had a button that said, “swords into plowshares.” She had joined (?) an arms reduction organization of some sort and explained weapons (tools of death) being transformed into agricultural tools (tools of life). Regardless of one feels about war (just war or not) or policing (or its abolishment), the concept of sword into plowshare is powerful. Humanity would no longer feel the need for war, for their deepest needs were being filled by God.

    The selflessness that Paul alludes to comes from this same basic concept…the fallen nature of humanity to strive upon the backs of others is contrary to God’s desire for his creation. It isn’t merely weapons of war. This can include anything from cars to homes, to stuff, to power. It covers that which we seek to fill needs that ultimately will be filled by God.

    While we can look at Isaiah’s passage as a utopia, that isn’t it. We can look at Paul’s compliments of the Romans as sanctification, it isn’t that (it is, but it isn’t). What we see in both passages is that being fulfilled by God leads to us being fulfilled by others and seeking to fulfill others. Sounds pretty nice.


    • Where do you see the of Isaiah being fulfilled in your life?
    • Where do you see the vision of Paul being fulfilled in your life?


    Lord, help us to bring “your Kingdom come” in the one area we can with your help…ourselves. Amen.

  • Little Pieces Together

    Little Pieces Together

    Psalm 104:24–35; Joel 2:18–29; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

    Before churches had stained glass, there were two ways the would decorate and—more importantly—tell the stories of the Bible (and the church) in pictures. The first was primarily on the wall and ceilings, and that was paintings. The second was primarily on the floor, but also sometimes on walls, and was mosaics.

    Many ancient sites were discovered to be churches often because of the mosaics. As they were made of stone and/or ceramic, they would withstand dirt, mud, and being buried. If you have the chance to check out YouTube, you should be able to find videos where you can watch archaeologists unbury and then restore the beautiful mosaics to their former (in time-lapse, of course). Symbolic of we humans restored by the blood of Christ from messy and dirty (and buried in death and ) to the beauty of God’s child.

    As an art form, mosaics are often made from broken pottery and put into a larger picture. Whether it is the church, humanity as a whole, or Creation as a whole, they are made up of smaller pieces that are often broken or damaged and are a beautiful bigger picture. One could even say that each is greater than the sum of its pieces.

    Within the respective circles of church, humanity, and Creation, there is a cycle of death, birth, and growth. The psalmist says that God makes the face of the earth new again (Psalm 104:30). The cycle of is both renewal and . Nothing is ever quite the same.

    Through Joel, God tells the people that things will be good again in regard to land, crops, security. Even so, underlying that is the reality that things will never be exactly the same. Things certainly won’t be as they were in David’s and Solomon’s time (especially as David and Solomon’s time would have grown into mythic proportions).

    The relationship between the people and God would be restored. The Promised Land would be restored. The people’s place in the Promised Land would be restored. Still, things would not be exactly the same. Other prophets also told the people that they would be restored, but it would be different and in a good way.

    was even more so a new way of things that the world needed to adjust to (and is still adjusting to). With Jesus’ departure, the coming would change things all the more. People had had their roles to play. Some were moved by the Holy Spirit. This new coming, however, was different. Roles were one thing (still are), but gifts were a new thing.

    Now everyone had a gift. Each of those gifts had a purpose and place in the of God here on earth. All the gifts (the mosaic) make Jesus’ beautiful bride, the church.


    What makes a gift “spiritual” versus “natural” or “trained”? Do you know which spiritual gifts you have? If so, what are they, and what are they doing? If not, ask God to guide you in searching, that you may have a greater effect for the kingdom (Don’t worry. It can take time.)


    Lord, may we be renewed and empowered to do your will. Amen.

  • Divided Unity

    Divided Unity

    Psalm 33:12–22; Job 37:1–13; 1 Corinthians 15:50–57

    God’s might and cannot be denied. God’s is present in . A majority of people surveyed stated that they are closest (or most aware of) God when they are in “nature” (or non-humanity altered environments). As Elihu says (the person speaking in Job), God’s power is everywhere. God’s handiwork is present in all things. God has set the world in motion, while we try to keep our balance.

    In some Eastern traditions, there is a concept that this world being a training ground for the next one. In some ways, we can see truth in that, but not the whole Truth.

    This is a training ground of sorts, or perhaps a sifting place, or (to pull from the Old Testament) a threshing floor. There is a way of separating that this world is very good at.

    We can see separation in regards to skin color, nationality, “”, language, state, political-leaning, , computer operating system, game console, truck brand, and so many other things. In fact, sometimes we can be so overwhelmed by separation that any similarity is completely and utterly lost.

    Before we say, as some would, that God would never divide, that also isn’t true. The very story of Creation separates night from day, land from water, and waters from waters. The multitude of creatures and plants are created. Multitudes of kinds (even of life) is division. The last one though maybe the greatest division of them all…humanity.

    A number of commentators interpret that the original Adam was not male, per se. Adam, to their understanding, was without gender. Genderless is often used to describe this Adam, yet even that is misleading, for this Adam existed prior to gender existing. It’s a nuance, but it makes the division of humanity into male and female even more divisive, for it is a form of re-creation. And that is the point.

    Division is not merely a form of destruction or alienation, as we are being confronted with daily, it is also an of Creation. You find that at the genetic level, through division new creations and new beings are formed.

    There is, from a human , an ultimate division…those that know Christ as Lord and Savior…and those that don’t. Those that do known will be unified with God, each other, and in some not fully understood but divine body. Those that do not know will be forever separated, one way or the other.


    • What are some other areas where you see division that helps?
    • What are some areas where you see helpful ?• Where might unity be unhelpful?


    Lord, guide us to what you want us to divide and what you want us unite. Amen.

  • Enter In

    Enter In

    Psalm 80; Isaiah 65:17–25: John 14:18–31

    I might be a nerd (okay, “might” should be replaced by “am”). When I was young I was fascinated by the stories of elves. In particular, I grew up with the Pinis’ Elf Quest. As I got older, I learned about the “real” elves of The Silmarillion (Tolkien’s Elves). I was fascinated by their mythic slowness. Life, death, marriage, war, and all those things that define much of life changed in such strange ways.

    This came to mind as I read the passage of Isaiah. A person who dies at a hundred will be as if cursed. These days, we celebrate those who live beyond one hundred, trying to their secret (there doesn’t seem to be one).

    As Isaiah continues, he shares how God will provide the life essentials to everyone. God will provide a way where everyone need not fear for their well-being. The implication of no orphans or widows (the weakest and most vulnerable) is there too.

    How these verses is also interesting. The serpent is definitely an allusion to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, whose food continues to be . On the other hand, the life and death (and the taking of life to live) of and its creatures ends, too. It indeed would be a new creation, or perhaps Creation as intended before the Fall.

    The totality of this of warmth and belonging won’t be experienced on this side of life. The does still us, however, and that is ours to hold onto.

    Remaining “in” the Father and “in” though is a little more than just sitting. It is an active pursuit of a relationship with God, through the of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that remains to teach and guide us, even today.

    Yet, just because the Holy Spirit is here and present, does not mean that we do nothing. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would teach us. Teaching, though, requires students. Until we die (and maybe even after), we are all, to be constantly learning about God.


    • How can the finite (us) not continue to learn more about God (infinite) day-by-day?
    • What are you doing to learn more about God?
    • Who are you bringing with you as you learn?
    • Is anyone bring you along with them as they learn?


    Holy Spirit, nudge our hearts and minds to pursue relationship with you that we know God better than we did yesterday. Amen.

  • Blessing of Blessings

    Blessing of Blessings

    Psalm 23; Genesis 30:25–43; Acts 3:17–26

    “You’ve been such a in my !”

    Hopefully, you have said that to at least one person in your life. Even more so, would be for someone to say that to you. In both cases…and mean it.

    Laban and Jacob were the perfect foils for one another. Both seemed to have issues with straightforwardness (Jacob has been nicknamed the usurper and trickster, with some justification). It’s hard to believe that the first issue pops up more than 7 years into their when Laban deceives Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel. If personality issues such as this only show up every seven years, then that’s not too bad (though, really, over marriage?). It seems unlikely.

    Through a parable, said that a person who could be trusted with a small task could be trusted with a larger one. There are people who can be trusted with big things but need a lot of people around them to keep from failing with all the little things. There was just something (okay, a lot of things) wrong in this family.

    Throughout this, Laban seemed to care little for his daughters, other than how to tie Jacob to him. It is not unreasonable that if it hadn’t have been Jacob, Laban would have tried to hoodwink someone else. The only time Laban appeared to care for his daughters was when Jacob left (Genesis 31), but as Jacob may have been the sharer of the story, he may have left out the positive sides of Laban. Maybe.

    The reason Laban’s care (or lack thereof) for his daughters is important is that this was his justification to chase after Jacob when he left after the events of today’s passage in Genesis. However, If we look at Laban’s words, was Laban really worried about his daughters, or was he concerned about the lost blessing.

    That Laban felt this so powerfully indicates that the blessing was huge, and Laban knew it. It would just like someone who bought Apple stock during its first IPO ($22) and then threw it in the shredder (valued at more than $15,000) today. Laban wanted to seize the blessing, and it makes sense.

    Except the purpose of true blessing isn’t to be seized or owned by one person. True blessing is to be shared with , so that they may be blessed.

    When Peter talks about Abraham’s blessing there is a difference. The Jews didn’t really try to hold onto the blessing, per se, they merely thought that their bloodline along with the Law was the blessing. Some scholars point to Israel’s location in ancient times. Much of the commerce of that part of the world went through it. They had the opportunity to be a blessing to others by sharing God’s .

    One of the easiest ways to think of blessings and blessing is to think of water in a cup and in a pipe. A cup is a fixed point with a fixed volume. A pipe carries the water to others. A cup of water either evaporates or stagnates.


    • What does it mean to be a blessing?
    • What qualifies something or someone as a blessing?
    • Why do people seize blessings and not let go?
    • Why might a blessing be greater when it is given away rather than held?


    With the blessings we have received we bless the Lord.
    With the gifts in our hands we his name;
    with our hearts and hands and voices we give thanks to the Lord,
    calling on all his to bless and praise his name. Amen.

    Clowes, David. 500 More Prayers for All Occasions. Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook, 2015. Print.