Tag: faith

  • Longing for the End

    Psalm 31:9–16; Job 13:13–19; Philippians 1:21–30 (read online ⧉)

    As we are about to enter yet another week full of COVID-19, exhaustion is setting in for many people. Some people are discovering how empty their lives are without work. Some people are discovering how empty their lives are without around them. Others are wanting to escape being “locked” into the same house with their parents, teenagers, children, etc.. It makes for interesting times.

    The psalmist and Job are both very tired. They are tired emotionally, physically, and spiritually all the way down to their bones. Many of us can sympathize, as we are feeling something similar. Is it to the same extreme? No. It is immediate and undeniable.

    Do not deny your feelings. Do not deny your spiritual desert. Don’t think “because you’re a Christian” you’re “not supposed” to feel the way you do. There are exceptions, of course. Jesus does tell us a few things. However, there has long been a culture in churches where many of the feelings people are feeling now would be considered unfaithful and unChristian.

    This might actually be the most powerful Week you ever experience if it has not been the most powerful . Being overwhelmed and the exhaustion matches the pace, heartache, and (ultimately) crushing nature of Holy Week. As we approach Holy Week (starting tomorrow with Palm Sunday), embrace it. It sounds strange, yet it is entirely fitting. Too much focus on robs much of the emotional and spiritual significance of Holy Week.

    Most people are longing for the of the COVID-19 situation. For some it is cabin-crazy, others are terrified financially, others are terrified for their health. When will it end?

    We don’t think of asking that question, for we look at Paul as this big and “doctor” of the Christian , and he is. As we read Philippians, he wanted to go “home” to be with Jesus. He wanted it to just be over and get to the great part. Paul wanted it to end. However, he wanted to take as many people with him to Jesus. The quip holds true, you can only take people to Heaven with you, not things or status.We are called not to deny our feelings, exhaustion, our fear. We are called to embrace them…and then live our lives as fully as we can through Christ. Then we become testifiers to the that we have that is beyond the current and beyond the now. There are many people around us that need that hope.

    1) How are you doing? Really. What are your feelings? How are you doing emotionally, spiritually, physically?

    2) What might Holy Week teach you (yes, you’re guessing) about how to deal with COVID-19? What might your experiences with COVID-19 teach you about Holy Week?

    3) There are a lot of people struggling right now. Many of them are thinking about a different to, is it over yet? What will you do to seek such people out and to give them hope? If you are one of those that are thinking of suicide, who can you reach out to?

  • Redemption in the Darkness

    Psalm 107:1–16; Isaiah 60:15-22; John 8:12-20 (read online ⧉)

    Psalm 107:2–3
    Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
    those he redeemed from trouble
    and gathered in from the lands,
    from the east and from the west,
    from the north and from the south.

    Isaiah’s stirring vision for Jerusalem is that not only of but also claiming a prominent and dominant role in the world. The nations that dominated Jerusalem would then nourish and protect it. This revitalized and restored Jerusalem would have the lost and exiled returning. A city full of woe and misery would become full of life and .

    Isaiah’s vision continued where the basics, bronze, and iron, would be replaced by gold and silver. This is not just a of wealth, but where what was once the sign of wealth would be commonplace. In the midst of all of this is God. This new vision of Jerusalem has God at the center, and not just as the center of , but the center of all life, replacing the sun and the moon. The ebb and flow of life would be fully guided by God. The ultimate crown of , children, would be so numerous that even the smallest group would become a clan. This is to a people lost. This is hope to a people who feel that they have nothing left.”I am the of the world,” said.Often we can find ourselves stuck in . The gift of darkness is being able to see the smallest light. The spark of faith, in the darkness, can feel as if the sun is there.

    1) Have you ever experienced an inescapable (real/physical) darkness? What happened when you saw a light?

    2) How does Christ fit into your idea and/or experience of darkness?

  • Firmly Wrong

    Psalm 107:1–16; Numbers 20:1-13; 1 Corinthians 10:6-13 (read online ⧉)

    The Israelites were out of water…again. They complained…again. Yet, there is something different here. It’s subtle. There seemed to be a stronger issue with the leaders (Moses and Aaron), rather than God. Oddly, despite an expressed desire to already be dead, God did not seem to take offense at their words. God then gave a simple instruction to Moses and Aaron…and they did not follow it.

    It would seem that Moses and Aaron had finally reached a breaking point. As Aaron generally had speaking duties, it is not unreasonable to think that he called the Israelites rebels. Note that as far as we know—and for this moment—God did not them rebels. Then there is a sense of self-importance when speaking, “…shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Perhaps leadership (with a whole lot of miracles to go with it) had finally taken its toll. Lastly, Moses struck the rock…twice. Why twice? Probably a whole lot of irritation flowing out. Yet, God had only told them to, “… to the rock.” Aaron had already made plenty of errors regarding God, as had Moses. On the threshold of entering the Promised Land, they were blocked.

    Just as Moses and Aaron felt firm in things before God’s pronouncement of not entering the Promised Land, it seems many people in the of Corinth also felt firm and sure. wanted them to not be so assured of themselves, that they knew it all, and were thus safe from judgment. Paul makes it clear that we will be tested, and that everyone goes through . Paul also throws out a lifeline…God. God will not allow us to be tested beyond our . That doesn’t mean we won’t fall—which is Paul’s point—but that God knows we can handle it if we rely on him.

    1) Has there been a time in your faith life or “regular” life where you were very sure of yourself and/or your standing…and all of a sudden fell down?

    2) What, do you think, is the difference between the fall of Moses and Aaron, and your own falling, or the falling of , including leaders?

    3) Often the biggest temptations that we fall to are not the ones of , but the ones that are not sins unless they lead us to not or rely on God. Can you think of anything like that in your life?

  • Flawed and Honored Vessels

    Psalm 107:1–16; Exodus 15:22–27; Hebrews 3:1–6 (read online ⧉)

    Water is essential to survival. Not having water was a sentence. What made the waters of Marah too bitter to drink can only be guessed. It would have been horrible to be thirsty (3 days in the desert) and find the saving source of water undrinkable.

    They had just experienced God doing a miracle by saving them from the Egyptians. Yet, here they were, 3 days later, complaining. There is a reasonable question, “what shall we drink?” However, it seems that it didn’t start there. It started with complaining.Much of Moses’ journey with the Israelites seemed to involve the Israelites complaining. They complained against God. They complained against Aaron. They complained against Moses. As their cultural history developed, Moses (rightfully) was granted a position of significance. The developed a hearty for God’s rescuing prophet. The first generation complained. The succeeding generations honored.

    By the time of , Moses was just below God in some ways. Not that they worshipped Moses, but that he was used as the measuring rod of the faithful of God. In Luke 16:29, we read, “they have Moses and the prophets….” Moses is raised above the other prophets, even above King David, a man after God’s own . The writer of Hebrews resets things, by raising up Jesus as the Son of God, not “just” a servant (as Moses was).

    The writer of Hebrews was incorporating Jewish understanding of God and (including Moses’ role) into a fuller understanding of who Jesus Christ should be to faithful Jews.As did regarding we being the dwelling of God, the writer of Hebrews says that Jesus Christ is building us into his house. The author of Hebrews equates us, amazingly, to Moses. Both (all) were houses built by God.

    1) Have you ever compared yourself to another, and said, “I could never be like that?”

    2) Have you ever heard someone another a lot and think, “how can I measure up to this?”

    3) What are your thoughts on being a house made by God, and being made just as you are, flaws and all?

  • Temple by Proxy

    2 Chronicles 29:1–11, 16–19; Psalm 84; Hebrews 9:23–28 (read online ⧉)

    King Ahaz, King Hezekiah’s , destroyed utensils used in the of God, and shut the doors of the (prevention of worship), and put altars all around Jerusalem to worship other gods. King Hezekiah sought the of the temple and the right worship of God. Hezekiah knew that the priests—those charged with the care and work of the temple—had not been fulfilling their duties.

    King Hezekiah commanded the priests to properly prepare themselves and the temple for worshipping of God. The priests did so and informed the King of the completion of their tasks. They had to be directed to do what their entire tribe had been assigned by God to do.

    The temple was supposedly the of Hebrew and the heart of Jerusalem. However, just based on the kings, it really wasn’t the case but for a few. There was a lot of ritual that went with that worship, and a lot of effort. While the restoration was important, for it was a symbol of God, for a time, being the rightful center of Hebrew life, it wasn’t the .

    The writer of Hebrews takes a key element of Hebrew religious life—the temple with its rituals—and flips it on its head. The author interprets them as foreshadowing the tabernacle in Heaven. The author interprets as the true expression of the priestly rituals of . The shadows of the true temple of Heaven are important. It is the reality that Christ is both the eternal offeror of sacrifice and the sacrifice itself that is essential to our understanding of our . It is foundational (see yesterday’s devotion). It is essential.

    1. Do you see Jesus as your sacrifice to God to atone for your sins?
    2. How does Jesus being the eternal sacrifice affect your appreciation of it?
    3. How do you understand Jesus’ sacrifice in regard to the sins you have committed since you were saved?
  • You, The World, God

    Exodus 20:1–17; John 2:13–22; 1 Corinthians 1:18–25; Psalm 19 (read online ⧉)

    The 10 Commandments in Exodus. The temple cleaned out with whips. The foolishness of the Cross versus signs and wisdom. All 3 passages are passionate reminders of who God is, and each tells so in different ways.

    Exodus establishes the foundations of the God-Israel (and speaks to ours, as well). The Gospel of John tells of the cleansing of the temple, removing man-made obstacles and the exposing duping of the . Paul’s letter to the Corinthians encourages them that they cannot base faith on mere Greek “wisdom” and the Jewish desire for signs.

    God sets some ground rules for righteous and loving interacting relationship with God and man. summarizes it this way, “…‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your , and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” [Matthew 22:36-40]

    Through the cleansing of the Temple, Jesus cleared his ‘s house of that which distracted from worshiping God, and that which prevent right worship. Jesus made a point that his Father’s house has one purpose, worshiping God. He also called the leaders and merchants out on their corruption of a sacrificial law that was intended to bring people to God, while reminding them that they needed a bridge (blood) to cover their wrongs.

    Paul let Christians know that the world would never view them the same as it used to. Their interactions with the world would be strained, as they were considered fools by their beliefs. This of Jew and Gentile was confronted by the Jew and Gentile outside faith in Jesus, and how they no longer quite fit into the world they left behind.

    Much of our journey in faith can be summarized into these three areas: our relationship with God; our with in the faith; our relationships with those outside the faith. We can even look at Jesus’ with these three facets, seeing the ebb and flow.

    At the beginning of our walk, we usually try to balance these three facets, but unlike a triangle or tripod, the three facets are not really able to be balanced. We tend to extremes in them all, bouncing from one to another. Many people have found that the best expression is the three concentric circles, starting with a small circle, which is circled by a larger one, which is circled by even a larger one.

    Of course, the question is what is the order of the circles?

    1) Going from inner to middle to outer ring, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each ?

    a. God / Others in the Faith / Others in the World

    b. Others in the World / Others in the Faith / God

    2) Which one are you?

  • Promises, Promises

    Genesis 21:1-7; Psalm 105:1-11, Psalm 102:12-28; Hebrews 1:8-12 (read online ⧉)

    God is a promise-maker. God is a promise keeper. He promised Abraham and Sarah that there would be a child of theirs. Fulfillment was a long time coming, and at a time they thought it couldn’t. God took shame and turned it into laughter. God took and turned it into joy.

    Is Psalm 105, the psalmist echoes the hearts of Abraham and Sarah regarding wonderful works and miracles. The rejoicing they must have made. The psalmist reminds the Israelites that they are children of a promise by God, as offspring of Abraham.

    The last verse of Psalm 102 (verse 28) says, “The children of your servants shall live secure; their offspring shall be established in your .” The promise Abraham is fulfilled with his children who live in God’s presence.

    Just as God’s promises reliable based on God’s very character, we also know that God is reliable for He is “…enthroned forever; your endures to all generations…”. We also know that God still has a heart for the descendants (via bloodline) of Abraham, and Zion is their—and our—ultimate home. The Israelites and we cling to the “stones” of the promised Zion.

    The promise is that God will come back and rebuild Zion. The promise is that we will all be part of that glorious day.

    1)Do you struggle to believe that God will come back?

    2)If you knew when God would come back, how would that your life?

    3) Christians have been waiting for since the time of . How is the similar to the faith of Abraham?

  • Restart and Reset

    Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16; Romans 4:13–25; Mark 8:31–38 (read online ⧉)

    We celebrate people who reach the 100-year mark (or more). Reporters will how they’ve lived so long, and the person will say that they never did such-and-such, or always did such-and-such, or that it is all about perspective. We are amazed at their age. Of course, we are always seeing the once who are out-and-about and doing pretty well.

    If you asked any of them if they would like to have a child at their age, I’m sure they would look you as if you were crazy. Start all over again as a parent?

    Yet, here God is telling Abram, now Abraham, that he was going to be a dad…again. And 90-year old Sarai, now Sarah, will bear her first child.

    To top it all off, Abraham and Sarah would be the ancestors of nations! To see the proof of being ancestors to nations, Abraham and Sarah would either have to live a very long time, or they could God. They did live a long time, but neither saw a grandchild from their . They could only trust God.

    Trust and . By God, God called Abraham . Abraham trusted God, as God trustworthy, thus Abraham had faith that God’s promise would be . While Abraham had a long walk in faith, there were probably many things he questioned as to God’s plan.

    Peter opened up with his doubts. He “knew” that God’s plan was wrong. corrects him swiftly and with brutal honesty. Jesus then takes that and expands upon it. Jesus tells his disciples that there is a “cross” for each of us to bear. Yet it is by carrying our cross that we step in concert with God…a faithful walk.

    1) writes about Abraham’s faithful walk with God. Why was Paul so adamant that faith was the driving force, rather than acts? How does this inform your walk with God?

    2) When you read about “picking up your cross”, what does that mean to you?

    3) As we “walk to the cross” through the time of , is it time for you to lay down the cross you carry now, and pick up a new one?