Tag: faithful

  • Under Yoke

    Under Yoke

    Jeremiah 27:1–11; Jeremiah 28:1–17; Matthew 11:28–30

    One of the ongoing themes of contemporary Christianity is to look at stories such as Jeremiah, and say, “of course he’s God’s prophet!” Looking back it is obvious to us. We’ve had a lot of history since then.

    We know that Jeremiah was one of the 66 books of the Bible that was affirmed. We know that Jewish also upholds Jeremiah. It’s obvious to us.

    For the Jews, it wasn’t so clear. Sure, the “real” prophets usually were not full of . However, the thought of submitting to Babylon felt like a bad joke. God wouldn’t allow that, would he?

    The cultural concept of American Exceptionalism and founding documents invoking God (honestly, though, more in a Deistic fashion, rather than a one) and individuality, a yoke is an awful thing to contemplate.

    A yoke means that one is not choosing the way. Another is choosing the way for you.

    A yoke is usually pairing two or more together. So, not only is the way not of your choosing, but neither is your companion.

    If a yoke is born by a single person, they are carrying a very heavy load, and often the load would not be their own.

    This doesn’t fit into the thinking of many Americans raised and taught a particular “brand” of freedom. While contemporary American thinking and Jewish thinking have differing perspectives of the yoke (individual freedom versus Babylon), the conclusion is the same.

    The yoke must be broken!

    The “prophet” Hananiah admonished Jeremiah. Hananiah, just like everyone else (even Jeremiah), didn’t want the yoke of Babylon.

    What they wanted, however, wasn’t what was necessary. Why was the yoke of Babylon necessary? Pride.

    Israel was quite prideful. Americans are quite prideful. Often that is what really hurts when we are confronted by yokes…our pride.

    Hananiah responded to Jeremiah (and God) in pride (and blind hope). He broke the symbol of shame, and received a different yoke (), and gave (through the example Israel followed) a heavier yoke for Israel.

    promises a lighter yoke. The heaviness of Jeremiah’s yoke (and subsequently Hananiah’s) is ultimately based upon our pride. Jesus’ yoke is his pride.

    This means that the yoke that Jesus offers us allows us to cast aside our concerns of our pride, for Jesus will take care of his own pride. Jesus’ pride was so humble and faithful, that it lead to his death on the cross.

    Another way to think of it is that if Jesus is paired with us, Jesus bears his and our weight. That is a very yoke indeed.


    Jesus, may we look for the lighter burden you seek to us. Help us to relinquish the yoke of our pride, so that we are paired with you. Amen.


    1) In what areas do you feel pride? What might the “yokes” be in those areas?

    2) Why is it often easier to bear our burdens and not the burdens of ? How does Jesus turn that upside down?

    3) Can a burden be so light that it doesn’t weigh you down? Does a burden always need to be compared to another burden?

  • Calling


    Matthew 11:16–19; Matthew 12:22–28; Matthew 21:23–27

    Authenticity is appreciated. Hypocrisy is condemned. That is nothing new.

    What is more, the issue than even whether something is called authentic or hypocritical is when something is declared such (either way). Both ‘ and John’s ministries could have been declared authentic. With both men, you got what you got.

    By Jesus’ own words we see how each of them approached their ministry was quite different. Jesus wasn’t making a comparison. It was an observation.

    John followed a historic precedent by wearing a hair shirt and eating cakes of locust and honey. This certainly wasn’t a requirement, but a number of respected Jewish sects (the Essenes, for example) followed this sort of practice.

    Other than preaching and miracles, Jesus acted more like one of the guys. He went to parties. He hung out with people.

    Two very different takes.

    The religious leaders had problems with both and attacked both for their practices.  In the case of John, it does seem somewhat risky as the practices were followed by respected people. Jesus’ practices were pretty , and yet they were challenged, too.

    Both men were accused, basically, of being false, and different measures were used to condemn or disregard them.

    We see the real intent (as if we didn’t know) with the exorcisms that Jesus performed. The Jewish leaders accused Jesus of being in league (if not in the house of) the devil. He was doing the same thing they were, but because it was Jesus, it must be the devil.

    We can reasonably infer that there was nothing John or Jesus could do while remaining to their calling, that would satisfy the religious leaders. That is a sad indictment. When religious practice and traditions find nothing of value in faithfully filled callings, it puts practice, , and even religion in question.


    Spirit, help us to be faithful to your call on our lives. Help us to practices and traditions that inhibit faithfully fulfilling our call. Guide us also into and , especially through , so that we do not deceive ourselves. Amen.

    1) Have you ever experienced a tension between something you were taught was “right”, but seemed to go against your calling? How did you resolve it?

  • Following Further

    Following Further

    Acts 18:24–19:5; 1 Corinthians 3:5–15; 1 Corinthians 3:18–23 (read online ⧉)

    Continuing from yesterday, Peter and were, and remain, examples to follow. In particular, it is their following of Jesus Christ and their wrestling with the for themselves and .

    Not too long into things, however, already following fell into camps. Peter and Paul were the “original” camps and later, that of Apollos. The separation of camps was certainly not the intent of Peter, Paul, or Apollos.

    The primary concern of the Corinthians was Paul and Apollos. Paul did note that Peter (Cephas) was tied into this as well. One can imagine that the 3 camps were broken into apparently ideological categories: old/Apostolic guard (Peter), Jewish guard (Apollos), Gentile/revolutionary guard (Paul).

    Was this really the case for these 3 men? Neither the Scriptures nor histories provide any evidence of it. This was something that likely started with relationships and attraction.

    We see this today, as people will follow a particular pastor. If that pastor moves on, so do they. We also often seen this camp development as a precursor to church family splits.

    People will settle into camps over many issues: political party, environment, race, taxation, “freedoms”, immigration, world events, and so on. People will often find and focus on more that divides, rather than unites.

    In this environment of being divided and then further subdivided, and then divided again, followers of Jesus should buck the trend and figure out how to unite. Currently, we are on the same path as the of the world in that regard and that does not.

    We also know from the Scriptures and Church history that the early leaders did not all agree on everything at all times. Yet, their paramount allegiance was to Jesus Christ.

    One could dismiss their agreement on the reality that they were oppressed or at least strongly opposed. If that’s the case, perhaps instead of greater freedom, we should pray for further difficulty (dark humor).

    It wasn’t easy to stay unified. It also isn’t as if they were unified on everything. They were being unified over Jesus, which is all we can really ask of one another. That isn’t happening today.

    As we always look for and at those who are one step ahead of us, we must still keep our eyes upon Jesus. The person we follow may turn away, and if we blindly follow, we too will walk away from Jesus. Keeping our eyes upon Jesus will help keep us going toward him, and not away.

    Jesus, while we look at others to help us in our walk, help us to keep our eyes on you. Amen.

    1) Which people are you watching or following right now? How do they lead you to Jesus?

    2) Is Jesus (not “being Christian”) your lens when looking at and listening to others?

    3) How do you converse generously in love, grace, and mercy with others whose understanding of following Jesus is different than yours?

  • A Different Desert Journey

    A Different Desert Journey

    Numbers 14:28–35; Numbers 21:1–4; Numbers 21:21–26; Numbers 21:31–35 (read online ⧉)

    We often think of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years in kind of a nebulous way. There was indeed follow the cloud of smoke by day, and by night. They would settle where pillar did, and then again when the pillar moved.

    Yet, the problem with assumptions is that they are often wrong. We have all been repeatedly told that the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years. From a certain theological and spiritual point of view, they did.

    The wandering really was a time of waiting. This was the time of waiting between the failure to go into the Promised Land initially, and the ultimate entry into the Promised Land. It was a time of waiting for the rebellious generation to die so that a faithful generation would take its place.

    Some of the Israelites did settle down for a time. As we read, they captured cities that were not in the Promised Land. They settled in them. This is where some of Israel did settle down, beginning the separation of the tribes to their ultimate demise.

    Some were settling in. Some were waiting. Even those who settled-in were still waiting. There was still the next big thing.

    When we wander the spiritual desert of our lives, sometimes things of permanence or stability seem to be there. Just like the Israelites who settled in the non-Promised Land conquered cities, we may be in places that seem as if they are permanent, yet the spiritual desert tells us things are not as they seem.

    As we currently, and wait for the next thing in the world, whether it be COVID-19, the flu (that’s coming), the economy, the US election, political upheaval and tensions elsewhere, there are signs of permanence (homes, , , , jobs) that are not quite as stable or secure as we want them to be.

    One of the darkest temptations in the spiritual desert is to latch onto the wrong thing. Then we hold onto that wrong thing (sometimes even knowing it’s the wrong thing) rather than taking hold of the good thing that God wants for us.

    , as we and wander our spiritual desert, gently guide us (even unaware) from that which is not good for our journey with you. While we wander and seek, gather us into your loving embrace. Amen.


    1) What is a spiritual desert for you? Does this concept even make sense to you?

    2) Why is stability not necessarily good for our journey with God?

    3) If confronted with the choice of good land that you have now, versus the supposed and unpossessed land of the future, which would you choose? Be honest with yourself.

  • Releasing Darkness

    Releasing Darkness

    2 Kings 25:1–12; Ezekiel 33:21–33 (read online ⧉)

    The fall of God’s City. The first taking of people had happened 9 years prior to the verses in 2 Kings. Then almost 1-1/2 years of a siege. The so-called People of God were people in misery.

    The warriors fled. Let that sink in. This is not COVID-19. This is war. Those that fight the wars and defend the people…they fled. It is likely some of them were paid, foreign soldiers. However, the army was still mostly Israelite. They fled their own blood. They left their own blood behind. Abandoned.

    King Zedekiah then compounded the problem and tried to flee with his soldiers that remained. They abandoned him. The King abandoned his people and was abandoned in turn. As a result, all but a very few were taken away.

    The very poor remained. These were the people that were likely oppressed by the other Israelites. They could have well been the remnants of the non-Israelite tribes (Anakites and Gibeonites, for example) who were the ones who stayed. Likely the thought process would be that they would grateful for the departure of the Israelites and be loyal.

    Poor Ezekiel then had to deliver the news to the exiles. Jerusalem had fallen.

    Ezekiel delivered the message. The people heard but didn’t really listen. Then the messenger came (note that the timeline of this passage is not straight) and affirmed Ezekiel’s words.

    Sadly, despite the confirmation of Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry, he was still ignored. Despite all the prophetic words spoken to them (those of Ezekiel and ), they still would not believe.

    A number of modern music artists (and it really is nothing new) have songs of and (sometimes theirs, sometimes that of the writer). These songs often have a cathartic effect, and it would seem that the exiles took Ezekiel’s words that way. What is also interesting is that Ezekiel is compared to a great singer/musician. It is known that many prophets did to music, and that could be the context.

    Even when faced with all of this, Ezekiel remained faithful, and the Israelites remained faithless. God wasn’t done with . The Israelites were done with God.

    God, help us be the to those that are done with you. Help us be your ambassadors that draw them to your . Amen.

    1) Have you ever listened to a sad or dark song, and felt release after it? What was it like?

    2) Ezekiel was popular. He was attended to. He wasn’t listened to. Can you think of anything similar in your life?

  • Dividing Rightly

    Dividing Rightly

    Luke 12:49–56; John 17:20–26 (read online ⧉)

    ‘ words are definitely uncomfortable. They are intended to be. The image of warm cuddly Jesus is great in pictures and in our hearts. It also true. However, there is a hardness to Jesus that we try to ignore, for when we see it we often become afraid.

    It is here in these words that some of our fears seem to be right there. Separation from is a big one. In a culture where family was the primary social and survival network, dividing from one’s family was often a death sentence.

    If you were to take Jesus’ words and put them in someone else’s mouth (for the sake of argument, President Trump), there would be many people who would immediately agree that this sounds like Trump. Trump, whether by his own actions and words or by the overwhelming dislike toward him by many seems to have fulfilled this.

    Before you think that this is supporting or defending Trump, it is neither. It is actually a mirror. Our society, and in many ways the whole world, is divided just as these words of Jesus go.

    If we view others as being part of the family of God (whether in our biological family, family, city, state, country, continent, the world), these words had better be distressing! We are divided from our brothers and sisters in Christ, because of skin color, language, nationality. Not much of “be as one” as we ought to be.

    In many respects, this is what makes faithful Christians dangerous to many powers. Loyalties that supersede the state is bad. Authoritarian countries have been known to keep or gather familial “hostages” to assure the of scientists, teachers, politicians, athletes, and business leaders. Faithful Christianity is more dangerous insofar as keeping things within the state, yet strong ties outside of the state.

    It’s likely you thought of one of those authoritarian nations. It’s not just authoritarian nations. We can look at the States and see the tensions that go along with Christianity. Certain Christians are challenging the authority of the government around churches being closed for health safety. Many of these same Christians challenge the Patriotism and even the faith of those who question the government or the country in other circumstances.

    This is not to point at a side, nor think that another side doesn’t have as bad or worse issues regarding faith, patriotism, and country.

    Division under the direction and love of Jesus Christ isn’t bad. In fact, it is scriptural. However, within the division, there still needs to be unity of . This unity of heart is toward fellow members of the Body of Christ. We love them because God loves them.

    When we question whether another’s motives are Christian, we first need to look in the mirror to make sure we are being Christian.

    , the love of each other (unity) is how the world knows that Jesus is in us and that Jesus was sent by the Trinity to the world. Our love for each other, especially in these times, is how the world can see that Jesus is love.

    God, you are love. As your children, we are to be love. Help us to be strong in love. Amen.

    1) Arguing well and respectfully is a lost skill. Why do you think such a vital skill to a democracy, republic, and faith communities has been so deeply lost?
    2) Why does arguing often devolve into issues of authority and ?

  • Forward


    Job 1:1–5; 2 Corinthians 1:8–14 (read online ⧉)

    The story of Job is a famous story. It seems to be a story of a man going through unjust trials and misery. Job is often used in times of trial as a sort of encouragement, as if to say, if it could happen to Job, it can happen to you.

    Job, depending on translation, was a person of complete integrity or blameless and upright. Either one is hard for us to measure up to. How many of us, truly, would think of ourselves as being of complete integrity?

    During an interview, the question was asked of the interviewee, “are you honest?” The interviewee said, “yes.” The interviewer then asked, “have you ever lied or stolen?” The interviewee answered, “yes.” The interviewer then asked, “are you honest?” The interviewee again answered, “yes.”

    The test was not whether the person was honest, per se. Rather, it was if they had the integrity to answer the “ever lied or stolen” question with a “yes.” If they had answered, “no” to that question, the interview would have been over, for no one (other than Jesus, and perhaps Job) was that good of a person.

    When we read the story of Job, the story isn’t about Job’s “greatness” or “”. The story is about Job’s to God. Despite all his troubles, he never gave up on God, even when his wife told him to.

    While God is always , we often are not. It is our faithfulness, though, that intimately affects our individual . When Paul and Timothy were going through a period of affliction, Paul noted that they received comfort from God. Note the language that Paul used; overwhelmed beyond their own strength. By whose strength, then, could they succeed? God’s, of course.

    Paul’s faithfulness to God was rewarded with the strength to carry on. Except, reward is not exactly correct. We all have this exact strength available to us, too. Through our trials and tribulations, through COVID-19 and riots, we have the strength to persevere.

    However, many Christians do not believe they have that . That is the work of the adversary. The adversary isn’t necessarily the Devil either. The world, in this instance, can be the adversary, too. As the world (all of ) languishes in the results of broken relationship (sin), it cannot understand how to . It is lost in despair.

    Christians often succumb to that despair. Instead of faithfulness to God, they attribute to themselves (and often to God) the faithlessness of broken .


    As a mother bird gathers her young in her wings, so you do for us, oh, God. May we the warmth and of your wings, as they gather us together, and help us to trust that you are for us. Amen.


    1) What are symptoms of despair that you see in the world? How about yourself?

    2) What are ways that we can help others strengthen their hearts against despair?

    3) How does despair affect things like hatred, discord, and the like?



    Zechariah 7:8–12; Matthew 4:25–5:13; Luke 10:25–29 (read online ⧉)

    was only 2 days ago. We should be being filled with the eager to do God’s will and with God’s . With what has been happening, however, God’s voice may indeed be being spoken. It is being drowned out with violence, anger, hatred, , mourning, apathy.

    It is easy for many to cast aside those who are destroying places. There are many among them that are truly those who seek to stir up trouble. On the other hand, there are many among them that feel that the only way they will be listened to is through destruction. While many might decry that, the reality is that destruction is what sells.

    The Word that God gave Zechariah, “…make fair decisions…show faithful …show compassion…” We honestly fail at all of these, perhaps even on a daily basis. Due to cultural conditioning what is fair or faithful or compassion may be drastically different person to person. It wouldn’t seem so, yet it is.

    The observation that God delivered to Zechariah is a warning to us all, “[they] turned a stubborn shoulder…closed their ears…hearts like a rock…”

    If we read the Beatitudes in the of Zechariah, they can take on the perspective of blessed are and blessings of. In other words, being blessed is not enough. We must also bless others. As we read the Beatitudes, we cannot just think of ourselves. We must also think of that which we are to do for others.

    This is, sadly, why the “expert in the law” asked a simple question, “who is my neighbor?” It is a simple question. It is also a simple answer. The answer isn’t, “my neighbor is…” The answer is, “I am a neighbor by…”

    ※Moravian prayer※

    Savior, with you we know good and . Help us do what we know as good and avoid evil, for with you, good will prevail. In your we pray. Amen.

    1) Everyone you see on television and the internet is your neighbor. How will you be their neighbor?

    2) Why do we not want to be neighbors to others?

    3) What is the difference between being a Christian and being a neighbor?