Zechariah 7:8–12; Matthew 4:25–5:13; Luke 10:25–29 (read online ⧉)

was only 2 days ago. We should be being filled with the eager to do God’s will and with God’s voice. With what has been happening, however, God’s voice may indeed be being spoken. It is being drowned out with violence, anger, hatred, , mourning, apathy.

It is easy for many to cast aside those who are destroying places. There are many among them that are truly those who seek to stir up trouble. On the other hand, there are many among them that feel that the only way they will be listened to is through destruction. While many might decry that, the reality is that destruction is what sells.

The Word that God gave Zechariah, “…make fair decisions…show faithful love…show …” We honestly fail at all of these, perhaps even on a daily basis. Due to cultural conditioning what is fair or faithful or compassion may be drastically different person to person. It wouldn’t seem so, yet it is.

The observation that God delivered to Zechariah is a warning to us all, “[they] turned a stubborn shoulder…closed their ears…hearts like a rock…”

If we read the Beatitudes in the light of Zechariah, they can take on the of blessed are and of. In other words, being blessed is not enough. We must also bless others. As we read the Beatitudes, we cannot just think of ourselves. We must also think of that which we are to do for others.

This is, sadly, why the “expert in the law” asked a simple question, “who is my neighbor?” It is a simple question. It is also a simple answer. The answer isn’t, “my neighbor is…” The answer is, “I am a neighbor by…”

※Moravian prayer※

Savior, with you we know good and evil. Help us do what we know as good and avoid evil, for with you, good will prevail. In your we pray. Amen.

1) Everyone you see on television and the internet is your neighbor. How will you be their neighbor?

2) Why do we not want to be neighbors to others?

3) What is the difference between being a and being a neighbor?