Tag: family

  • Too Direct?

    John 17:9–19

    prayed for the disciples, a lot. There is something quite interesting here. He didn’t pray for the world (that he died for). He prayed instead for his disciples. Why? Why his disciples?

    Jesus prayed for his disciples. Jesus prayed for his friends. Jesus prayed for their protection.

    He prayed for them…for us.

    Without the disciples, we would not know Jesus. Without Jesus’ protection, we would not have the disciples. Jesus did pray for the world…just indirectly.

    All too often, we want to see direct effects. We want to know that the of God is active in our lives. We want to know that God loves the world…and even us.

    Ultimately, with Jesus’ death, the Holy came to dwell in the 11 remaining disciples, along with all those who were with them in the upper room. From those 11, the was born. The church despite its brokenness. The church despite all the hurt that its imperfect people caused and suffered.

    We sometimes if our prayers are effective. Perhaps it’s not our prayers that we should be thinking about, but the prayers of those who are praying for us.

    1) Have you ever had the experience of learning that someone was praying for you, and it came to be? What was your ?

    2) Have you ever prayed for someone else (especially not ), and watched it come true? What was your response?

    3) should be the most uniting thing we as a church do. How can you be more with your church in prayer?

  • Countercultural Love

    2 Samuel 1:17–27, Romans 12:9–21, Romans 13:1-10

    David had been pursued by the House of Saul for many years. Even after Saul acknowledged that David had been acting more than he, there wasn’t . David was cut off from his friends (like Saul’s son, Jonathan), his first wife, his nation. He was in exile. David had been anointed to be king but was kept from the throne by an unrighteous man.

    In the political climate of today, we can easily imagine the celebrations of the other “side” (whichever one that is) celebrating the death of the king and his family. In fact, it seems to have become a tradition for the last few presidents to have people asking and praying for their deaths. David was not like that with Saul.

    David could have been angry and arrogant. Instead, he mourned. He wrote a song to mourn the passing of the House of Saul. He insisted others it and share it. He was not happy that the throne was his. He was miserable for the loss of the leading family. In the current political climate, do you see that happening for any politician?

    When Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome, we have to remember that they were lower than the Jews in Roman eyes. Paul still charged them to . Bless the persecutors? No eye for an eye? Be at peace? With them? Talk about countercultural!

    “Do not be conquered by , but conquer evil with good.”
    —Romans 12:21

    While the Roman government was certainly no friend of Christians, Paul still told them to submit. While there is an ongoing distrust of government today (been there since the founding of the country), the odd thing is, in the US the citizens choose their leaders. We are still called to pray for them as much as we may not agree with their decisions.

    This also leads back to love. If we view people with whom we disagree as anything other than people for whom Christ died, we have a problem. When we behave or believe that we cannot be wrong, we have removed God from the throne of our and put ourselves back on it. Back to the way our hearts were before we found in and through Jesus Christ.

    1) There is a strong human need for an …an other. When have you been tempted (or succumbed) to treat another with whom you disagree as an enemy? What if they are family or framily?

    2) We are called to be of one mind with Christ. How does treating a Christian as an enemy make a person of one mind with Christ?

    3) One of the greatest tools of the enemy is . How can you oppose this tool with the heart of Jesus?

  • Denial and Grace

    Luke 23:50–24:12, John 19:38–42, Matthew 10:32–33

    Joseph of Arimathea is described differently by Luke and John. Luke describes him as good, , and looking to the of God. John describes him as a secret disciple of Jesus. On the surface, these appear to be different. And, depending on the audience, they can be very different indeed. However, Joseph’s attitude toward Jesus was fairly clear. Joseph greatly admired Jesus. He also did (to a point) follow Jesus as “the women” from Galilee were with him, indicating that he did have a place in the larger circle of disciples.

    Joseph of Arimathea was part of the Sanhedrin. The religious and civil ruling council of the Jews is the “body” that pushed for Jesus’ crucifixion. Earlier in the Gospels, it seemed that the Sanhedrin was unanimous in its thinking. Joseph of Arimathea shows that there wasn’t unanimity in Sanhedrin. Joseph was concerned, however, with his place in the Sanhedrin. John calls it out as fear of “the Jews”. Luke doesn’t specify that, but as Luke does only note that Joseph went to Pilate, Joseph definitely did it cautiously and did try to avoid making a scene.

    John even pulls Nicodemus into the conversation. Nicodemus is first seen at night meeting Jesus (John 3:1–21). Next Nicodemus is seen defending (in a roundabout way) Jesus. Then we see him now bringing an amount of myrrh and aloe that was excessive (culturally). Nicodemus is still not declaring anything in the name of Jesus, but his actions show a turned toward Jesus.

    The actions of both men could seem to be contrary to Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:32–33. In fact, many of us might well be guilty of this. It all depends on how one defines “deny”. It could be like Peter, who denied Jesus 3 times. That’s pretty blatant, yet God’s grace carried Peter forward to be the first leader of the . Peter, like Joseph and Nicodemus, was afraid.

    In the world, fear drives many of our actions. Around the world, Christians are hated and hunted. Muslims that have converted to Jesus (and often in mysterious ways) hide their conversion in fear, as they are (justifiably in many cases) afraid of being killed for the family’s . In India, Hindu extremists target Christians regularly. There have been a number of bombings of churches recently. Are these Christians denying Christ by not proclaiming Jesus from the rooftops, street corners, family gatherings, their homes?

    Many preachers, who are living in and are accustomed to religious and , have said exactly that over the years.

    1) If you are not declaring Jesus to everyone you meet, especially to every family member who is not a , why not? In of Jesus words, then, what is failing to acknowledge Jesus?

    2) What is the difference, if any, between denying Jesus, and not acknowledging Jesus?

    3) When was the last time you acted like Peter, Joseph of Arimathea, or Nicodemus out of fear?

  • Deceptive Holiness

    1 Timothy 4:6–16, Colossians 2:1–23

    : usually a traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.

    Myths are powerful. Often the struggle of myths is their competition with one another. Focusing on “…explain a practice, belief…”, we all know that there are plenty of practices and beliefs in church that people have. Many of these have been built up to such a point that the Gospel seems to lose to “the way things must be.” The Church of the Nazarene is no different (we’ll try to be careful walking on eggshells). The first Church of the Nazarene was “born” on the streets of Los Angeles’ Skid Row (or its equivalent). There was a huge problem with alcoholism and in general. So, one of the principles was no drinking, and it makes perfect sense. The Christian life was held up as an example to live up to, and one of the ways to escape the path of destruction was to stop drinking. Having a religious and social “contract” created a place of and health.

    However (you knew this was coming), the rationale became a litmus test for holiness. If you consumed, sold, or make alcohol, you were obviously not . This sounds a little over the top, doesn’t it? Does that mean generations of Christians (including Paul’s successor, Timothy) were not holy? Of course not! There is an argument (questioned by many) regarding the alcohol content difference between Biblical wine and today’s wine, but that really isn’t the issue. If we took things to the extreme, we would only be holy if we were monks or nuns (or the Protestant equivalent). That seems pretty silly, too.

    Let’s be clear. We can look around us and see alcohol (and many other things) are a significant problem. Alcohol (and those other things) can easily lead one away from family, church, and God. On the other hand, many of these things should not be presumed to do this. Do many of the troublesome things lead us away from ? Absolutely! God is full of grace and mercy, and still constantly calls us to him, and away from those things we find tempting.

    Alcohol is an easy one. What about the ? The internet has enabled the destruction of many families and churches. There are many people addicted to the internet (or something on it). The church isn’t calling for the banishment of the internet (okay, there are probably local churches that are). In fact, the internet may be the greatest evangelism tool we’ve had since the printing press. Alcohol, the internet, food, money all have the potential to destroy humanity.

    With that being said, then, what are we to do? Holiness isn’t just personal. John Wesley noted that holiness is only truly found in social holiness. That means we are all to be holy to/with/for each other. The rules of holiness, just like the rules of the Jews, are shadows of things to come. We are called to walk with each other toward Jesus. We are to study , pray together, weep together, together, worship together. We are called to live as framily. Rules are easier than holiness. Rules are a checkbox to complete. Sadly, often when we complete the checkboxes we think we’re done. Until we’ve gone through the veil of death, we are never done walking the road of holiness toward Jesus.

    1) Have you ever accused or thought of someone not being “holy” or the “Christian Life”? Why? Was it a “rule”, or was it Scriptural?

    2) Who are you walking with on the road of holiness? Are you actually talking to them about your holiness journey and theirs?

  • Empathize and Build

    Philippians 2:19–30, Romans 15:1–7

    empathy: the of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner [Merriam-Webster.com]

    Imprisoned is concerned about the Philippians. More correctly, he is deeply concerned for the Philippians. Paul’s empathy is such that he appears to viscerally feel the emotional distress of the Philippians for their emissary/friend/missionary Epaphroditus. The Philippians’ distress for Epaphroditus’ health tells us how significant Epaphroditus was to the Philippians. It also shows Paul’s importance to them for them to send such a significant person.

    In the Roman era, if you did not have or friends to take care of you, you were not going to last long. The primary care of a prisoner would be performed by those same family and friends. Epaphroditus was one of Paul’s care-givers. He was a key part of Paul’s survival. Yet, Paul viewed the Philippians’ worries of higher importance than his own. So much so, that he put their emotional welfare ahead of his own and emotional welfare. He also, therefore, took on their coming as his own.

    Paul echoes much of this in his earlier letter to the Romans. He talks about bearing the weaknesses of so as to not please oneself. He talks about pleasing our neighbor, especially to build them up. He also says that this also means that when these people are insulted, he (or we) are also insulted.

    This is not the way of the world. The way of the world is to . Even as Christians, the world tries to separate us from each other, and we let the world do it.

    1) How can you build-up your empathy muscle? Why should you?

    2) How do you think empathy helps build the ?

    3) Why do you think we avoid feeling empathy toward others?

  • Magic Targets

    2 Peter 1:16–21, 2 Timothy 4:1–8

    Yesterday, we read about mediums, sorcerers, et al., and that they were bad mostly because of the tendency toward the self. The problem with the way this is portrayed is what seems to be an apparent conflict between scriptural admonitions and the world.

    One of the easiest targets for this over the years has been the Harry Potter series. The story about an outcast becoming a hero is very attractive to many people. Yet, many well-meaning Christians warned (and continue to warn) that the series was steeped in occult and black magic.

    On the other hand, those same people would insist that everyone see/read Narnia series and The Lord of the Rings series. The Narnia series was by Anglican C.S. Lewis, and he was deliberate in developing the series through a Christological lens. Roman Catholic J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings series. Both series written by devout (and vaunted) Christians were steeped on otherworldly lore…and magic.

    What are we to take away from this, then? Be discerning about both what you read/watch, including Christians. Legends and myths are useful to teach and Biblical lessons from a different . J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and even J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) tell wonderful, inventive, and disturbing (i.e., looking in the mirror) books about humanity.

    Can people take them too far? Absolutely! This is where we tie back to ‘s and Peter’s words. If the myths pull us away from Christ and the of the Gospel, then they are to be avoided. The primary myths that Paul and Peter were dealing with were Roman pagan gods (now studied by even conservative Christian colleges as part of their liberal arts programs) and the Jewish Laws that Jesus opposed. Yes, Narnia, Middle-Earth, and even Hogwarts can be used to teach about Jesus. Again, one must be careful in doing so.

    1) What do you think is an American (or your home national) ? Why is it a myth? What is its ?

    2) What do you think is a family myth? Why is it a myth? What is its power?

    3) What do you think is a myth? Why is it a myth? What is its power?

  • Separating Works

    Deuteronomy 18:9–14, 1 Samuel 28:3–25, Galatians 5:16–26

    The list of people not to listen to is interesting. As part of the Israelites’ preparation to enter the Promised Land, these people were to not be sought out. From a cultural standpoint, this is not a small thing. These people were the ones that were sought for wisdom and guidance. For many leaders, they were (so-to-speak) the behind the throne. In our modern-day, we tie these practices to Satan, yet there is much more than that in this. If one gets rid of the diviners, fortune tellers, omen interpreters, sorcerers, magicians, mediums, spiritualists, and dead relatives, who do you listen to? God.

    The of these practices is more about human selfishness, pride, sin, and disobedience than it is about the Adversary. This is not to say that the Enemy does not use these to deceive, it’s just that it is human behavior and choices that make it these things effective in separating humanity from God.

    Saul’s own pride (and disobedience) resulted in God pulling from him. Saul mostly appeared to follow the visible laws, but it seems that his wasn’t there. When Saul finally seeks God (in desperation, not adoration), God does not . Saul decides to invoke the practices that God said were detestable. Saul, who had gotten rid of mediums and spiritualists (exile or death), goes to one to talk to…Samuel? That Saul would knowingly break the Law, go against his own actions, and want to talk to Samuel (a God-fearing prophet, , and deliverer of the news regarding the loss of God’s favor) all shows that Saul was not thinking well.

    Saul could have probably avoided the resulting disaster by abdicating to his sons or to David (God’s one). Saul’s pride resulted in a disastrous defeat of Israel, and the beginning of the end of his line. Saul had a number of paths he could have taken after being told of the loss of God’s favor. He probably chose the worst.

    When we get to ‘s list of “works of the flesh”, idolatry and sorcery appear to be the only things in common with the Old Testament prohibitions. That isn’t so. The Old Testament prohibitions are, again, expressions of humanity’s desire to wrest control and authority from God. While the signs of what that is had changed, the underlying was still there. Today with New Age (which isn’t new anymore), (neo-)paganism, and occult practices on the rise in both practice and acceptance we now have both Old Testament and New Testament.

    1) Instead of wringing our hands and saying empty words, what can we do?

    2) Thinking of why people turn to such things, how can we show the better way (in love, without lectures)?

  • Church Love

    1 Thessalonians 4:9–11

    Imagine being told that we don’t need encouragement or training or discipling to show brotherly . That would be wonderful. tells the Thessalonians that their love is displayed far outside of their home (es) to the greater region. In other words, their fellow believers in the region know that these Thessalonians love them.

    Does the around Generations Community Church know it?

    The hardest thing to think about is the following question. If your church (Generations Community Church) closed today, would anyone notice tomorrow, or even care? We all would care, of course! Would the community care?

    Fellow churches would care. However, they are part of the extended . All churches (should) care when another church—inside or outside their denomination—closes.

    When the church says, “come in,” it may be welcoming and warm, but the church is still saying (effectively), “our turf.” The community recognizes that. The church says, “We love you,” but doesn’t live with them.

    It’s not to say that you or aren’t out in the community as individuals. It’s whether the community knows that the church loves them.

    1) What are ways the church can show love outside of the four walls?