Tag: glory

  • So Bright

    So Bright

    Psalm 50:1–6; 2 Kings 2:1–12; 2 Corinthians 4:3–6; Mark 9:2–9

    “From the rising of the sun to where it sets,
    God, the Lord God, speaks,
    calling out to the earth.”
    —Psalm 50:1 [CEB]

    God has never stopped calling out to the earth. Even after humanity’s exile from Eden, God has continually sought humanity.

    There are unique stories in the for certain unique people. Elijah was one of them. He had done many miraculous things under God’s auspices. Even his exit from this mortal coil was a miraculous event.

    While we often get “caught up” with Elijah’s being whisked away, it is all that is happening with Elisha that should, perhaps, catch our attention. If you read the story well, you can see that God had let Elijah and Elisha know that “today” was the day.

    Then to make it undeniable, some other prophets were also told (based upon the phrasing, separately from Elijah and Elisha), and they told Elisha. This story may really be less about Elijah than about Elisha. Despite the miraculous, Elijah seems more of the forefather , rather than the main character.

    When Elisha asks for a double portion of the , he is requesting to become Elijah’s inheritor. As Elijah’s “inheritance” is God-imbued and not that of man, it’s hard for Elijah to make that decision. As the story progresses, it becomes abundantly clear that this story is about Elisha’s inheritance from Elijah.

    It may seem that God is not calling out or seeking, yet there is plenty of God moving both from telling Elijah and Elisha that the day is here, to a number of other prophets who also the same thing.  We are often blind to God moving because we have expectations of how God is to move. We can see this in our Sunday Services with the varying traditions from church to church, from Pentecostal to Eastern Orthodox. We box-in the movement of God…God will break out.

    Much of ‘ ministry was God breaking out of the box that Jewish had turned into. The trip up the mountain turned into another “break out” moment.

    For the 3 disciples, they had their own “Moses” moment. Instead of a burning bush, they were next to a cloud filled with God’s . It might have even reminded them of the story of God’s glory filling the Tent of Meeting in the time between leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land. It might have reminded them of the story of God’s glory filling the (at the time, newly consecrated) Temple after Solomon’s opening prayer.

    The 3 disciples had plenty that they could associate with this experience. While we might consider them naive in their , at the same time, they understood that this was not the “same old” experience. They were blessed to “pierce through” the veil, as Paul calls the “gap” between God and humanity’s perception of God.

    “…He is the same one who shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6 [CEB]


    • When are you guilty of “putting God in a box”?
    • What is (or would be) your response were someone to say to you, “God does not move that way”? Have you ever said something similar to someone else?


    Lord, may we be and willing to you where you choose to meet us. Amen.

  • Willing to be Sharpened

    Willing to be Sharpened

    Proverbs 27:17; Acts 15:36–41

    I’m sure you’ve never fought. Ever. With anyone. I’m sure that you’ve never raised your or yelled in anger or frustration. Ever. At anyone.

    was strong-willed and opinionated. Barnabas was a person who seemed to always be the forgiving type. He was known as an encourager.

    Paul and Barnabas had been on mission together. They had been in trouble together. They had seen God’s glory together. They had seen the people. By all accounts, they were successful missionary partners.

    From Paul’s letters, we know that he really cared about the people gathered into the churches. There was probably a strong motivation to make sure they were okay and hadn’t fallen prey (again) to non-Christians (both Jew and Gentile).

    Then we come to Mark. It is unclear why Mark had left them in Pamphylia. Based on context, some commentators believe that Mark left Paul (going to Jerusalem) because Mark didn’t believe that should not have ties to Judaism. The thought process was that Paul would not have been so opposed to Mark if it had not been something serious (versus being young and unaccustomed to travel, as other commentators have said).

    Here is where we see the . Barnabas and Paul were not opposing each other regarding the mission (i.e., they were united). One could even say their disagreement proved that they both believed in the mission. What they disagreed on was Mark’s part in the mission.

    They couldn’t agree. They parted ways.

    Paul’s was sharp and straightforward (one might say similar to an oncoming train). Barnabas was the type who sought to lift up. What is interesting here is that Barnabas chose to “lift up” Mark, despite Paul’s insistence.

    Whether in church, work, or home, there will be times where people do not agree in approach. All too often, the only option seems to be separation. Yet, when two such “opposites” each other, that which comes from it will often be greater than the only one. The trick is how to make it happen.

    We do know this, though. Mark and Paul were . Mark and Timothy (Paul’s protege) became ministry partners.


    • Have you ever seen two people whose goal is the same, but their methods are different? How did that go?
    • What does it take for two people of significantly different approaches to try to work together?
    • If you’ve found yourself in such a situation, are you more like Paul or like Barnabas?


    Lord, we can quickly fall apart on our differences. Help us to take these differences to make a symphony for you. Amen.

  • Mud or Glory

    Mud or Glory

    Jeremiah 29:1–14

    Bittersweet seems to be the sentiment of these verses. Sweet for God “sees” the Israelites in exile, and provides them a . Bitter for the reason that the promise will only be after a long time in exile.

    From the of Genesis to the beginning of Exodus is around 400 years, with the 430 years being the final tally of Israel’s time in Egypt. During this time there is no mention of God and the Israelites. The Israelites’ time in Egypt started well, but by the time of Exodus, it was a of slavery.

    There is a huge difference between the two situations. Many commentators posit that the reason for Israel’s time in Egypt was to ween them from the Canaanite religions, especially as a precursor to claiming the Promised Land (where the Canaanites lived).

    This time their exile was shorted, but perhaps it was more dangerous; dangerous to the of their with God. There was a warning about not listening to false prophets. In particular, these false prophets were promising that everything would be fine, and all would be restored.

    (I’m not sure if they were asking for political donations, but sure sounds like far too many campaign promises.)

    One would that the promise of God would forestall such people and would keep people from following them. Humans are weak, however. They will fall prey to many.

    The message of hope that Christians ought to be wearing proudly as cloaks of have been muddied and stained over the years. The last four were the culmination of it. It was never that all of a sudden we chose the mud over the hope; it was that the mud became our hope. The cloaks lost their brilliance. The world lost a lot of hope.

    You may feel that the last four years were a mess of misery. You may feel that the next four will be as bad, or even worse. That’s the mud.

    Let’s let God clean off our mud again. Amen.

  • What A Sight

    What A Sight

    Numbers 22:1–35

    Moab feared Israel. Israel “just” had a military victory against major forces around Moab. Israel had marched around Moab and yet hadn’t done anything directly against Moab. Moab was deeply concerned that they were next.

    According to Moses (in Deuteronomy 2:9), God had directed him to leave Moab alone.  There is no record of “official” interaction between the Moabites and Israel, so it would seem that Moab’s fears were based on assumptions rather than experience. Which leads us to Balaam.

    The King of Moab called upon Balaam to curse the Israelites. Accusing the Israelites of being, basically, locusts seems to be a case of hyperbole. Yet, there was unsurety in Moab. It’s safer to wipe out the “other” than to communicate with them.

    At first, it seems that Balaam was a God-follower. As we continue the story, it seems that perhaps it was not quite so. There is an implication that God condescends to Balaam going to prophesy on King Balak’s behalf. The “go” seems to be more along the lines of, “You can go. You’re going to anyway. So, I will use your human desires to bring to me (God).”

    And then we come to the famous part of the story, which recently came up in a . The entirety of the conversation was about a talking animal. Which I get it. None of us have had an animal speak to us in human speech.

    While human speech is important, our dog communicates just fine: whines, stares, growls, barks, licks, gnaws, pounces on, and so forth. She generally is successful in communicating her needs without human speech. A human baby communicates. It’s usually the parents who get the subtle differences between, “I’m hungry” cry, and “my stomach hurts” cry.

    We could blame children’s Sunday School for the emphasis on a talking beast of burden. The adults are just as nonplussed as the children, though. The talking animal wasn’t the point of the story, not even close.

    The talking animal was more along the lines of, “Yes, you (Balaam) said you heard me (God), but you need to understand how important it is that you actually listen to me!”

    In the , preachers/pastors/teachers will often say something along the lines of, “Yes, this hard, but the Scriptures say…” Part of this is the reality that preachers/pastors/teachers don’t want to deliver hard truth. It’s hard, and we all want to be liked. In a community that respects the Word of God, that can work.

    Balaam probably doesn’t have that particular protection. Like many people of , and especially with the gods of that era and place, they thought with the right amount of or right they could “move” gods to do their will. God doesn’t work that way, and Balak would likely have little in being thwarted.

    However, that talking donkey and then the of the sword-bearing angel? That imagery was probably quite strong in Balaam’s eyes and heart. Likely, it was that which gave him the strength to deliver the oracles for Israel despite Barak’s insistence on curses.

    A vision/experience like that would many of us the strength to face the world.


    • When you recall the talking donkey, what else do you recall? Do recall the rest of the story?
    • Why is important, especially with stories like this, to understand that the Scriptures use imagery?


    Lord, may we have the strength of your vision as we navigate the chaotic waters of this world. Amen.

  • Promises of Grace

    Psalm 111; Romans 9:6–18

    Promises hold a significant place within the stories in the . Much of this has to do with having to the fulfillment of a promise that people would not see.

    Abraham is one such example. He was given a short (one year) promise as a “down payment” for the long term one. God had made large promises, and had definitely taken care of him, but the promise of not “just” a of the woman he , but also countless descendents.

    While Paul, understandably, focuses on Isaac, Ishmael is a different kind of promise. While Isaac is the promised line of love, God still promises Abraham that Ishmael will live and have descendents, too.

    God didn’t have to make this commitment to Abraham, yet chose to. This speaks to God’s . God understood that while Isaac was the “child of the promise”, Abraham still loved Ishmael and wanted him to do well and be well. Abraham, just as Paul, would not have questioned the of God’s will, neither would have Abraham.

    Unquestionably, God’s commitment towards Ishmael reassured Abraham that he (Abraham) had made the right decision. Decisions are part of the struggle that the has a problem with this passage. As has been preached on (at Generations) and addressed here in the devotionals, is that the ancient world understood God differently than we do.

    Paul’s words prompt many to reflect upon God’s mightiness and glory. In the face of such, how could any person not believe, follow, and trust God? That’s Paul’s . How could anyone not believe in God and God’s promises?

    That same logic is carried forth to today within certain strains of Christianity. Those strains of Christianity, understandably, are of the same mindset as Paul. It’s not that they are wrong, per se, but as theology as aged and matured, the understanding of God’s grace has transformed thinking from the “chess player” God who chooses certain pieces to die or live to the guiding hand of God, which still allows humanity the ability to choose their path.

    promised to be with disciples and us by extension. If God is as capricious as many modern theologians presume, then a promise from God is cold . On the other hand, if God makes promises through guidance and love, then the comfort of a promise warms the soul.

  • Flame Bright in the Dark

    Flame Bright in the Dark

    Matthew 25:1–13

    The Nicene Creed (one of the statements of belief that cross all denominations) is as follows (maybe even read it aloud):

     We believe in one God,
            the , the Almighty,
            maker of heaven and earth,
            of all that is, seen and unseen.
     We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
            the only Son of God,
            eternally begotten of the Father,
            God from God, Light from Light,
            true God from true God,
            begotten, not made,
            of one Being with the Father;
            through him all things were made.
            For us and for our salvation
                    he came down from heaven,
                    was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
                    and became truly .
                    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
                    he suffered  and was buried.
                    On the third day he rose again
                    in accordance with the Scriptures;
                    he ascended into heaven
                    and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
                    He will come again in glory to judge the  and the dead,
                    and his kingdom will have no end.
     We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of ,
            who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
            who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
            who has spoken through the prophets.
            We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
            We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
            We look for the resurrection of the dead,
                    and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    In the Church of the Nazarene, we don’t say this creed much. Which really is too bad. It is the basics of the universal Christian .

    In the light of today’s Scripture, it is “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end” that is our focus.

    Today’s Scripture is a warning to be for the of Jesus. We lose a lot of this story because so much of it is cultural. The bridesmaids are to escort the (and essentially the groom) to the groom’s home for the marriage ceremony.

    There would be dancing and singing along the way. Sleeping was wise. However, part of the situation is that there was often last-minute negotiations between the families of the bride and groom.

    So, the announcement of “the groom comes” could be done, and then something else would come up, and the whole thing would begin again. The reality was that “the groom comes” could be said many times without a groom actually coming.

    The coming of Christ has been that way for 2000 years. “He’s coming…oh, wait…He’s coming…oh, wait…” That cycle has been repeated for generations. Many of us recall multiple times in our lives when people have been convinced that Jesus was coming back.

    We are the bridesmaids. We are the bride (the church). It’s weird, I know. We are both bridesmaids and bride and yet still ourselves.

    Christmas wasn’t that long ago. Part of the story is the glory of Heaven that shined down and declared the birth of the Savior. Epiphany (less than 2 weeks ago, and still the church season) is about a star that led unbelievers to venerate the new King.

    Whether a thief in the night, a baby in a manger, a choir from Heaven, somehow Christ will come in glory. We are called to be prepared.


    Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. May we be continually preparing for his return. Amen.

  • Mighty


    Judges 2:6–15; 2 Corinthians 10:1–11

    At this point, there are a lot of stirred up people. You might even be one of them. The question is, what really is stirring you?

    Is it a belief that the current president is a lunatic and must be destroyed (metaphorically or in reality)? Is it a belief that the current president is the leader that will lead the country to some sort of ?

    In the middle of this mess are Christians. Some are confused. Many are disgusted. Some champion the president. Some champion the president-elect. Theoretically, all treasure Jesus Christ as Lord.

    That’s the rub.

    One of the constant mutterings of the church (on myriad “sides” of many issues) is about a Christian nation. A real Christian nation wouldn’t [fill in the blank]. What if we never knew what a Christian nation was? What if, there has never been a “true” Christian nation in history?

    When we look at what happens after the of Joshua, it’s easy (and understandable) to put much of the blame on Joshua and that’s generations’ leaders. On the other hand, no one forced the Israelites to pick up the patterns of the defeated people, especially the Baal and Astarte’s .

    In far too many respects, the mythos of a Christian nation is as spiritually deadly as the mythos of an Israelite nation upon the death of Joshua (and his peers). “We are a/the [] nation.” It can become a great deceit.

    Thus, God’s word is sharper than any sword. Paul’s words in letters were far sharper than his . Why? Often a letter is missing so much of the feeling and emotion of presence.

    There is a reason why emojis and emoticons have become such a part of the digital world…text only goes so far. However, sometimes the lack of emotion in the text makes it the very thing we need.

    Just as Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was one of love, his previous letter(s) had apparently earned him a reputation.

    God’s letter, the Bible, is much the same. It is God’s story to us. We do miss a lot of God’s emotions. Yet perhaps we need a lot of sharpening.

    It was my that we would be beyond this. It was my hope that we would be stepping toward healing. That is not the case.

    While it will be easy to point at one president or one political party, the is that we are as much the issue as anyone else. The truth is that we are in as great a need of God’s word shaping and sharpening us as anyone else.


    What is something in your that needs sharpening by God’s word?


    Lord, let your word us, and your love strengthen to be your hands, feet, and words in this world. Amen.

  • Power Granted

    Power Granted

    Isaiah 41:14–20; John 1:29–34

    ♫ Nobody likes me; everybody hates; just because I eat wo-oorms ♫

    I don’t know if you remember that song from your childhood. I recall it as some weird camp song. Really, who would eat worms?

    At the same time, I did that other cultures ate maggots, caterpillars, and even worms. They would fry them up or even eat them raw.

    Still, though, as being raised in the US, we’re not really into worms as part of our diet. One of our biggest things about worms is, “the early bird gets the worm,” and the first robins of spring eating worms.

    With that in mind, let’s be happy we’re worms!

    Isaiah’s words are odd to us. Which is understandable. Why would someone want to be a worm? I remember kids saying they’d like to be an eagle, or a horse, or a wolf. I don’t recall someone saying they wanted to be a worm.

    For us, it is strange to be called a worm or an insect. Yet, in comparison to the Glory and of God…we are. That is point of Isaiah’s words. Today we might say something like, “we know everything is crazy. We know the world is not making any sense right now. We know that you are hurting or have been hurting. We want you to know that God is bigger than all of that.”

    Worms and insects may not be attractive to you. However, it sums up a far larger number of words. All of it to say, God’s got this.

    That was God’s message to Israel. God is their hope. God is their . If they are looking elsewhere…failure!

    The language God uses is fascinating. The Israelites would flatten and shape mountains! For us that is solved by explosives and earth movers. In fact, it’s not all that impressive to us. To the Israelites, this was a huge indicator of power! God wouldn’t just redeem them (though that was good), God would give them the power to shape the world!T

    he promise wasn’t just . This is key, especially as we look at Jesus’ coming, along with the story of Jesus’ . Being baptised into the death and of Jesus is not only about redemption. That’s still great! That’s just not all.

    In fact, one of the greatest weakness of the modern is redemption and forgiveness has been the evangelistic focus. The power was kind of missed. Some of the charismatic churches displayed “power” through being “slain in the spirit” or “speaking in tongues”.

    It might sound dismissive, but…that’s it?

    In Isaiah, God ties redemption to power, and not just any power, the power to change the world. Of course, just because one has the power, doesn’t mean you should use indiscriminately. We are called to love first, and the power should be motivated by the sacrificial love for .


    • What’s your power? (Note that the question wasn’t, do you have power?)
    • Why do you think the church (as a whole) surrendered the power, and was satisfied only with redemption?
    • Why is it so important to know, believe, and with the understanding that redemption is only the beginning?


    God, you gave us the power to physical mountains, emotional mountains, and spiritual mountains. Help us remember that you also gave us the responsibility to use it wisely and with love, and leave it withering away. Amen.