Tag: grow

  • A Time To Sin

    A Time To Sin

    Job 1:9–22; Ecclesiastes 3:1–11; Ezekiel 18:5–18

    You are probably familiar with Pete Seeger’s Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season). in the late 50s, it was commercially via The Byrds in 1965. It takes Ecclesiastes verses 3:1–8 and puts them to music.

    Pete Seeger’s intent behind the song was to promote world . That’s a very laudable goal. The irony of that goal is that the lyrics are almost a fatalistic to the fallen and unpeaceful ways of the world.

    There are a lot of things not specifically mentioned as having time for. Certainly, singing and learning were part of at that point, but they aren’t specifically mentioned (though singing could be inferred with dancing). The internet and driving weren’t mentioned specifically (of course) but would be covered under “everything”.

    The “everything” is a pretty big catch-all. Does that mean, then, that there is a time to ?

    That might seem to be a stupid question, yet, depending on one’s view of God, it isn’t stupid at all. The answer to that question may very well display what you think about God in several significant ways (though we won’t get them all).

    When you read the story of Job (whether allegorical or true) how do you “read” the between Satan and God? Is God allowing or directing?

    Based on the of this section of verses, Job did not assign wrongdoing to God (blame), and as such, did not sin. Then should we conclude that God allowed this to happen?

    For many, leaving it as “a mystery” is fine, except for the problem of blame. If God wills/desires it, and if God is omnipotent, then how can God be loving and full of grace and mercy. The rejoinder often is, we can’t know the mind of God. This is true, in so far as finite creatures (us) trying to fully understand the infinite (God).

    Yet, the (given by God) also provide us insights into who God is, so the conclusions we draw from the Scriptures also deeply affect how we view and relate to God.

    Is this that important? Yes. When you sin, is it you sinning by your will, or is God willing you to do something then assigning the sin to you? That is the choice laid before us.

    Ezekiel’s words reinforce one answer. Your sin is a result of your will (or weakness in the face of temptation).

    What is also part of this is that your sin cannot be laid at another’s feet (God’s or human’s). It is yours. Own it. Yes, own your sin.

    This is not go and sin again. It is own your sin so as to repent and restore right relationship with God.

    “‘…For I take no pleasure in anyone’s death.’ This is the declaration of the Lord GOD. ‘So repent and live!’” (Ezekiel 18:32)


    1) Repent is based on the root of “turn from” or “turn around”. What do you need to repent from? If you cannot think of a “sin” (or even if you can), what is something else that you might need to turn from to improve or deepen your relationship with God?

    2) How do you define sin? How do you know/ if something new (such as a behavior) is a sin, or not?

    3) What your current or past Job moments? How do/did they affect your relationship with God?


    Heavenly Father, as we read your word, we learn about you. Help us to be stirred to read your word that we continue to grow in our of and relationship with you. Amen.

  • De-Vine



    22 September 2020

    Isaiah 5:1–7; John 15:1–8; Romans 11:13–25

    If you’ve seen ivy or even “domesticated” wisteria and clematis that have been allowed to run free, you can envision a people out of control. A vine does what it does best…spread. There are other plants like the Western Pacific Northwest’s ubiquitous blackberry vines, or the (what becomes) noxious mint plant.

    I like blackberries. I like mint. However, their plants can leave a lot to be desired. If left unchecked, they will conquer a yard (or in the case of the blackberry, the state). I have seen ivy plants choke off and kill beautiful pine trees. I have seen wisteria “worm” its way into decks until the deck is deformed and needs repair.

    If left alone, most plants go “wild”. A wise and experienced pruner (or gardener or vinedresser or arborist, etc.) will prune and trim to guide the plant toward optimal growth. Interestingly, the of different pruners will result in plants that can look similar or can look wildly different.

    A pruner may choose to prune what seems to be good young fruit because they can see that the branch on which that fruit grows may be endangered or will later endanger other branches and fruit if allowed to . Even successful fruit growing branches may be pruned.

    One of the concerns regarding Christians is that many think that once they are on the vine of , they’ve arrived. Arrival only happens when we stand before the throne of grace and have to answer for what we have done with the gifts and graces that God had given us.

    There are some who think they are like the vines in Isaiah that are secure behind protective bushes and thick walls. Those that think they are so protected often succumb to arrogance and laziness. This can be because they think they are the “city on the hill” or a “blessed ”.

    think that because they produce “good” fruit that there will be no trimming or pruning involved. They are firmly based on the “root” (Jesus). They may receive even more trimming and pruning to increase their production of good fruit. The sad part is what fruit might be lost during that pruning. For God’s greater glory, however, such pruning may be necessary.

    The last group is a cautionary tale for us all. addresses the Israelites who have been trimmed from the trunk. Paul addresses the Gentiles who have been grafted into the trunk. Over time those grafts are almost as if they were always part of the trunk. Those grafts, however, can be removed.

    There is no surety of maintaining one’s grafting except relying fully on God. The arrogance of being the original (the Jews/Israelites) or the grafted (the Gentiles) is a barrier to bring the unbranched (those that do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior), and (honestly) is a barrier to one’s relationship with God.

    There is the surety in in God and salvation through Jesus. There is the danger when that trust turns into an illness that turns hearts away from God.

    1) What or where is God pruning in your ?

    2) Is God’s pruning where there is fruit, or is God pruning where there is wildness (not conforming to God’s plan)?

    3) How does arrogance or presumption affect one’s salvation relationship with God? How does it impact what others hear/see about God?

    Lord, may we be aware of what you are pruning in our lives. Help us to be faithfully and hopefully looking for what will happen as a result. Amen.

  • Sorté


    “And you continue, so bullheaded! Calluses on your hearts, flaps on your ears! Deliberately ignoring the , you’re just like your ancestors. Was there ever a prophet who didn’t get the same treatment? Your ancestors killed anyone who dared talk about the coming of the Just One. And you’ve kept up the —traitors and murderers, all of you. You had God’s Law handed to you by angels—gift-wrapped!—and you squandered it!”

    At that point they went wild, a rioting mob of catcalls and whistles and invective. But Stephen, full of the , hardly noticed—he only had eyes for God, whom he saw in all his glory with Jesus standing at his side. He said, “Oh! I see heaven wide open and the Son of Man standing at God’s side!”

    Yelling and hissing, the mob drowned him out. Now in full stampede, they dragged him out of town and pelted him with rocks. The ringleaders took off their coats and asked a young man named Saul to watch them.

    As the rocks rained down, Stephen prayed, “Master Jesus, take my life.” Then he knelt down, praying loud enough for everyone to hear, “Master, don’t blame them for this sin”—his last words. Then he died.

    Saul was right there, congratulating the killers.

    That set off a terrific persecution of the church in Jerusalem. The believers were all scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. All, that is, but the apostles. Good and brave men buried Stephen, giving him a solemn funeral—not many dry eyes that day!

    And Saul just went wild, devastating the church, entering house after house after house, dragging men and women off to jail. Forced to leave home base, the followers of Jesus all became missionaries. Wherever they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus. Going down to a Samaritan city, Philip proclaimed the Message of the Messiah. When the people heard what he had to say and saw the miracles, the clear signs of God’s action, they hung on his every word. Many who could neither stand nor walk were healed that day. The spirits protested loudly as they were sent on their way. And what in the city!” —Acts 7:54–8:8 (The Message)

    Normally, I would quote a longer piece of the Scriptures, but the way The Message conveys this is too important to leave it to our preferred translations, for it speaks in our everyday language. Two sentences in particular:

    “Forced to leave home base, the followers of Jesus all became missionaries. Wherever they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus.”

    This whole COVID/Corona season we’ve had “home base” completely disrupted. Whether it’s working from home, not working, or other “homes”, such as the church building, and the friends’ rooms being prohibited, it has been quite a time.

    As things have progressed, working from home for many became a prison rather than an escape. Not being able to go places became its own struggle. Even those who consider themselves homebodies want to get out.

    The reality is that we all seek a “base”. We want a place to feel safe. We want a place to be “home”. We want a place to be “normal”.

    In this case, however, perhaps “base” is actually what we don’t want. A better way to say it might be that for us to grow in gifts and graces we need to step off (or out of) the “base”.

    Notice that it was after being cast out from Jerusalem (home base), Jesus was being preached. After leaving the safe confines of “home” they began to preach. Something about being out of their zone caused them to share about Jesus.


    1) What might the lesson be for us regarding “home base” and the world in this time we find ourselves in?

    2) Why did losing “home” seem to loosen tongues and hearts for Jesus?

    3) How does comfort or normal inhibit sharing the ?


    Lord Jesus, we offer our comfort to you that we might use it, or lose it, to fulfill your will. Amen.

  • Rusted Jalopy

    Rusted Jalopy

    Rusted Jalopy

    3 September 2020

    Judges 2:11–23; Ezekiel 24:1–14

    Prior to the discovery of titanium (and development of ways to use it), steel was the material of choice for strength, durability, and being shapable. Even now it remains the primary tool material as it is less expensive than titanium. It does have its issues, however.

    We’ve all seen photos of old rusted/rustic cars. The photos are artistically beautiful, but the cars are useless for what they were built to be.

    Rust is a that the iron in the steel is being “attacked”. Rust breaks down the bonds in the metal to the point that formerly strong steel turns into when touched.

    Rust can also build onto itself. So, while it is growing “down” into the metal, it can thicker. Then it can become like armor to the steel or iron, however, there is the risk that while the “armor” may be strong, the underlying metal is very weak.

    There are several techniques to remove rust. One is to blast it with a combination of sand. Another method is to grind or sand it. Another is to dip it into acid. Interestingly, acid is also used to help steel (specifically, stainless steel) become more corrosion-resistant.

    In metallurgy terms, rust is corrosion. Corrosion is not a good thing. Corrosion is built on the same root (in English) as corruption. Corruption, like rust, can start small and almost unnoticeable. However, unless it is cleansed, it will destroy the “host”.

    In many ways, the People of Israel left Egypt with the seeds of corrosion embedded in them. For 40 years, they were “sandblasted” in the desert to remove the corruption. It didn’t last.

    The “seeds” were still there. They succumbed to temptations and became corrupted. The Book of Judges talks about the ebb and flow, but the people never seem to be able or willing to up the seed of corrosion.

    By the time of Ezekiel, the corruption was to the point that their spiritual hearts would crumble to dust at a touch. The rough presented is along the lines of the corruption of Israel became the pot that was the crucible of their destruction. They willingly jumped into the pot and became nothing at all.

    We, sadly, are not much different. The seeds of corruption remain in us, even after our salvation. Our purification (progressive then entire sanctification) is a result of our willingness to set ourselves at the feet of God, allowing and asking to be cleansed of everything the separates from the of God.

    While it is easy to look at the world and see its corruption and eventual destruction, we must be aware that we will also fall to corruption and destruction if we do not daily surrender ourselves to Christ and ask for cleansing by the .

    ※ Prayer ※

    , , and Holy Spirit, guide us into your perfect will. Help us to follow your will and walk the path that you have laid before us. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) What’s the first thing you think of with the “corruption”? Why is that the first thing that comes to mind?

    2) Why is it important to understand the ever-presence of the “seeds” of corruption?

    3) Do you really think that we need “purification” after our salvation? Why or why not?

  • Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    Nope. I’m Good.

    2 September 2020

    John 8:31–41; Philippians 3:1–11

    What are you relying on? This is a question that we each need to ourselves on a regular (if not daily) basis. It becomes easy to slip into relying on something without realizing it.

    In industries such as manufacturing, timber, construction where safety is a big issue, it can be easy to fall into ease. As organizations create stronger safety programs and better safety equipment, workers can into a sense of comfort. Then they may overly rely on their safety equipment. Then they make mistakes that endanger themselves, , and the successful completion of their jobs.

    This can also be seen when people spend lots of (often more than they make) to have a good life. This somewhat works when the economy is going well, but things happen, and economies weaken.

    This can also be seen in , from local to international, as people make assumptions about their supporters or even their countries as they around and make deals.

    It is also seen in the . While the apparent dominance of the Moral Majority of the 1980s–1990s indicated that the “church” was strong, it showed that the church had lost its way. The church relied on politics and power to make a difference, rather than the love and grace of Jesus. As the church becomes culturally sidelined, there is a growing awareness of not just the earthly power lost, but also the freedom gained and the power from on high that comes with it.

    The Jews understood and venerated their ancestors, particularly Abraham and Israel. They venerated Moses as the Prophet of the Most High. They had the Law.

    They had become reliant and comfortable. It seems strange for them to be comfortable with the Roman occupation. It was just the status quo, and no one wanted the boat to be rocked.

    Then along comes Jesus to rock the boat, and all the complacency came to a head. For too long the Jews had taken their (very) special place for granted. It was time for them to wake up.

    Part of ‘s awakening was through this as well. While he still proudly proclaimed his Israelite heritage, he set it aside for the greater of being a follower of Jesus. While he didn’t toss his heritage out (for it gave him the framework to understand the work of Jesus), he recognized it for what it was…a foreshadow of what was to come…the Body of Christ.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Jesus, may we be shaken daily by who you are so that we are never complacent. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) Where is your life of too complacent?

    2) Where do you see the life of the church too complacent?

    3) Where else in life (outside of faith) are you seeing complacency?

  • Criminal Christian

    Criminal Christian

    Luke 23:32–43; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

    A criminal is saved on the cross. Talk about a “bedside” or “execution” salvation! He was on the cross when he was saved.

    Look at the words the criminal stated. Look at the words that Jesus spoke. We often have longer phrases and understandings (even from Jesus’ own words) of what it takes to be saved. There probably is no quicker salvation story.

    That being said, it could be that the rumors and news about Jesus was so strong and flowing, that the criminal even from prison knew about Jesus. We don’t know what seeds had already be sown when the man sought salvation.

    However, we can say that by all appearances the criminal didn’t meet even the lowest standards of salvation as we often understand it. Does this diminish his salvation? No. It does show the amazing grace and mercy of God.

    Do you want to be the criminal? All done. All saved. All good. Nothing more to do.

    The criminal is not the ideal follower of Jesus. Truly, to a select group the criminal is a beacon of hope. For the rest of us, though, the criminal is a criminal for something completely unrelated to the cross.

    He doesn’t live out his faith. He does, for a few hours, but it’s really not the same. Faith and salvation are tested and refined through the long and many trials of life.

    It can be reasonably argued, and has been by many, that salvation is only the beginning. Yes, in our salvation, we walk through the door to . It’s a big kingdom, though. Do you really only want to stay at the entrance?

    The fuller life, the rich life of God, is the full and complete of life with Jesus. We are often satisfied with so much less. Even more disturbing is that so many want salvation, but they don’t want the transformative live with Jesus.

    Some people call this being “on fire” for Jesus, except that it can devolve to being obnoxious in the of Jesus. We don’t really want to be “on fire” for Jesus. We should want to be “on fire” by Jesus.

    For Jesus usually comes from our and emotion. By Jesus means that it is fully (and lovingly and..and…and…) reliant upon Jesus to do the work in us through the .

    Is this merely semantics? Perhaps. However, there are a lot of people out in the world trumpeting the church (the Body of Christ), but aren’t living fully within it. Some show up on Sunday. Or, maybe they’ll show up digitally.

    Living the (truly) rich Christian live means living it in community. We must seek, foster, and grow that community. It won’t just come.

    Or we can just be a criminal on a cross.


    Jesus, help us to want a full and complete life with you. Help us everything to the to form and us for your will. Amen.


    1) How’s your faith community? Not just church (though that too), but your daily faith community?

    2) How does one know whether one is living the Christian life of the criminal on the cross, or the fullness of the Kingdom come?

  • Why Speak So?

    Why Speak So?

    Numbers 12:4–9; Matthew 13:10–17; Luke 18:31–34

    There is an ongoing tension between the mysteries of God and the revelations of God. There are many people that struggle with God because it seems so much is hidden.

    In the beginning, the struggled with people who took the saving knowledge of Christ, and then had “secret” revelations that went along with it (usually with a price or other sort of loyalty). The results of some of this, were what are called Gnostic or Heretical “gospels” that are built upon that so-called secret knowledge. To this day, some of these books still cause trouble in the church and mislead those who cannot God’s .

    As we read in Numbers, the three siblings (Aaron, Miriam, Moses) went before God. Aaron and Miriam (Moses’ older siblings) thought that they should be just as important as Moses. Whether it was a pursuit of , or even the cultural of being older, it didn’t impress God.

    God even differentiated between them (along with later prophets) and Moses by saying that only Moses received straight words. Everyone else would have to deal with riddles, visions, and dreams. In other words, those that received clear answers would be very few, and would have other miraculous acts that accompanied these words.

    Even Jesus spoke in parables (riddles). Some scholars have speculated that if Jesus had revealed too much too early, the completion of the (the crucifixion and resurrection) would have not occurred. In other words, people’s immediate understanding would have short-circuited the ultimate plan of God…the plan of salvation.

    We all understand that what we knew as children was simple (barring a few geniuses). It is the same with our . Our faith grows. As it grows, deepens, and matures we begin to truly wrestle with the parables.

    It is this wrestling that helps us stronger.

    Even the 12 that were the closest to Jesus, and even the 3 who were closest, still didn’t get it all the time. And that was without parables. Sometimes, Jesus spoke straightforwardly, and they didn’t get it.


    Lord, we want to understand. Help us when we just want the answers rather than to them. Help us to be -filled towards those who are learning your Truths. Amen.


    1) What was the hardest question you’ve ever had to answer? What made it hard?

    2) What things can make a question hard?

    3) What do you think of when you hear, “there is no such thing as a dumb question”? How do you think that applies to the parables of Jesus?

  • On the Other Side of This

    On the Other Side of This

    Matthew 18:15–20; 1 Peter 1:13–24 (read online ⧉)

    Once, an old warrior told a young man that the young man’s was killed by a certain . The young man later confronted the certain individual and learned that the certain individual was actually his father. The young man then confronted the old warrior said that it wasn’t a lie, it was the told from a certain point of view.

    There are many perspectives floating around at the moment. Most are carried with verve and vigor. Many are carried with pain. Many are carried with anger. Many are carried with fear. Many are carried in vengeance.

    In the midst of chaos and strife, it is easy to get caught up in the emotions, especially the negative ones. People will often watch or other otherwise consume media that reinforces their viewpoint. This further entrenches the hearts of people, making the divides wider.

    Right now, there are many paths being laid, and the sad truth is that each will walk a path, and there is little likelihood of reconciliation. It is not just our country, it is our cities, our state, our world. The saddest place of is in our churches.

    While we are going through the COVID-19 situation, to have the additional stress and strain of societal disruption (regardless of right or wrong) will result in hearts that harder then they were already.

    There are cultural and societal sins at play. Individuals are not guilty of these sins, but they are responsible for them. We as ambassadors of the Heavenly —where our citizenship rests—are called to be of one mind.

    Being of one mind is hard, especially when we focus on all that separates us. If we were, for example, to focus on Jesus Christ, what Jesus has done for us, the freedom that he has given us, our ability to move beyond our earthly desires should improve.

    This does not mean that sorrow, grieving, repentance, and reconciliation don’t need to happen. They, in fact, do need to happen. It is through these that the walls between us are broken down and we can truly be .

    Lord, as our hearts ache and our tempers flare, grant us peace. As we look to the world in disarray and fear, give us peace. As the world seeks and healing, make us peace. Amen.


    1) What do you plan to do to heal the rifts between fellow Christians?

    2) As barriers , how will you lovingly break them down?