Tag: humility

  • Glorious


    Psalm 109:1–7; John 5:41–47; Acts 18:9–18 (read online ⧉)

    Tar and feathering is a few hundred years old. They did not really use tar (usually), but other sticky substances. It also was not just feathers, but other garbage that people tossed at those being cast out.

    Today we use this phrase to convey a sense of a person who is overreaching, exaggerating, dangerous, annoying, or simply wrong (we think). “Tar and feather ‘em” is usually applied to politicians and salespeople (definitely from the era of traveling door-to-door salesmen). Oddly, in the , it seems to have grown in popularity as a phrase, and certainly has been with social media.

    In the current culture and environment (and whether it is deserved or not), sharing the may incur the tar-and-feathering visceral reaction to a significant. Paul was goaded and encouraged by God to continue to preach the Gospel. So, Paul was obedient and did so.

    The Jews were riled up. They brought Paul to the Roman Tribunal. They likely brought Paul to the tribunal with the excuse that Paul was riling them up (i.e., encouraging a riot, a big Roman no-no). However, the proconsul did not buy it, and apparently was not impressed with whatever eloquence (if any) the Jews had.

    After being “defeated”, the Jews turned their rage and/or embarrassment against the man that likely lead them. They beat him. Tar and feathering him might have been kinder. They were so upset that they likely did something they would not have normally done, especially to their religious leader.

    When a mob mentality strikes, people who are normally rational and considerate toward other people behave in ways that are not normal. Some excuse this as “herd” mentality. believe that it is more a form of “permission” to behave in an anti-social way with minimal consequences or to be anonymous in one’s bad behavior.

    The internet can be seen as an instigator of mob mentality. It really is more of a tool to make it somewhat easier. However, with the of the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) the anonymity of the internet is beginning to fade. Through social media, we can see who is part of another’s social network. In other words, escaping the consequences of bad behavior may begin to fade.

    However, the biggest attractions of the internet and social media is the . That may well have been Gallio’s fault, too. He wanted to “get” Paul and stirred up the people to do so. We can fall prey to this, too, and try to get people to pay attention to us for our glory. Instead we ought to take the internet as a tool to point people to God, so that God gets the glory.

    ※ Prayer ※
    , teach us to follow your example to point people to God, and to God the glory. , shape us and guide us to greater humility, letting ourselves be only the ones that point the way. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What are instances you can think of where people sought their own glory, especially to their detriment?
    2) Have you ever succumbed to a mob mentality, whether in person, on the internet, or even within your social circles?
    3) What are ways you have seen Christians succumb to mob mentality to non-Christians? How about Christians?

  • Holy Night

    Holy Night

    29 April 2020 Devotional

    Genesis 1:1–19; Genesis 22:17–18; Psalm 134 (read online ⧉)

    I try to settle, but I just pass through
    A rain dog, gypsy
    A wandering Jew
    All those homes were not ours
    Then I slept one night
    In Abraham’s field
    And dreamt there was no moon
    The night he died
    Counting stars

    from The Orphan by the Newsboys

    One of the interesting conflicts in the is the human tendency to fear the dark (because of bad people and wild animals). Yet, on the other hand, God did not make the dark to be bad. God called it good.

    We want to conquer the darkness. As our cities become fuller (or at least were pre-COVID), the “light pollution” was significant. If Abraham was, for example, a homeless person in Seattle, there would be very few stars to count. It wouldn’t be much of a .

    If you’ve had any experience away from cities, you’ll understand the magnificence of God’s night sky as created. If you’ve been someplace really remote on a moonless night (i.e., “new moon”), it is even more spectacular.

    As the “” aged, the simplicity of day=good and night=bad developed into a theology that worship happened in the day, especially in the morning to go with the day or morning star (the sun being a symbol of ). Modern churches did develop night worship to a degree, but it has been far and away diminished in comparison to daytime worship.

    The psalmist’s very short homage to the night workers at the House of God brings to point the many people behind the scenes of churches, schools, hospitals, and many institutions that do not get the recognition for they are behind the scenes. The night workers at the House of God were not any less important than the ones assigned in the day. It was just that they were not as visible. Did they get the accolades? Probably not. Did they fulfill their calling? Yes. Without them, worship couldn’t happen during the day. The night was just as essential to daytime worship as those who were there during the day.

    There is one thing that the night can bring us that day often doesn’t…stillness. Under the night sky, there is often a greater willingness to just sit (or lay down) and stare at the jewels that God placed in the heavens. In that place of stillness and of sparkling jewels, God can speak in that still small …and we might actually hear.


    God, through the , Jesus, you made the moon and the stars, and all the heavenly bodies. Help us to recognize your glory and in them. May your guide us today to stop and just gaze in wonder at what you have made. Amen.


    1) What do you think of when gazing at the stars? What is the strongest memory you have of the night sky?

    2) Who are some of the people behind the scenes that you can think of, that glorify God by their humble and hidden service?

    3) We often call on people to be humble. On the other hand, there is often this desire to have a superstar leader who is charismatic and often needs some lessons in . How do we get to this point?

  • A Bad Mix?

    Psalm 84; Ezra 6:1-16; Mark 11:15-19 (read online ⧉)

    The of the was not only of religious significance; it was also of cultural, societal, and political significance. This would be perceived as the raising of the Hebrews to a point of greater significance than in the past, though not in the highest levels of . Also, as empire resources and taxes would also be going to restart then maintain the sacrificial system, there is an implied of loyalty of the Hebrews, a people not always known as being loyal and obedient to their foreign kings.

    King Darius states part of his rationale, “…pray for the of the king and his children.” This is not just a political decision by Darius, but it is also a contingency plan for divine protection. While there was an official , it was not uncommon for rulers (and people) to cover their bases by trying to appease other deities. King Darius also knew that the local powers would not appreciate the Hebrews being given more power, so he made clear that this was his will.

    Those who perceive a in their power, or a threat to their power, will often point to as rebels or troublemakers to try and maintain their power and/or influence. While the rules guiding the use and practices of the temple were clear, leaders still felt the need (or were convinced of the need by those with ulterior motives) to add more rules and requirements. Ultimately, this led to Jesus clearing the temple and insulting those in power.

    The leaders “…kept looking for a way to kill him; for they were afraid of him….” People tend to become corrupted by the power they hold, no matter how small or how large. It takes a strong will and to keep that from happening.

    1) Religion is a powerful tool for the powerful or those seeking power. Where do you see religion, or the lack of it, as the tool being used by those in or seeking power?

    2) Even a small amount of power, such as in our circles of influence, can be corrupting. Review how you have used power in your circle of influence. Was it humble? Was it Christ-like?

    3) is also a common tool of power. How have you seen fear and religion combined so that people have power over others?

  • Called to do or be?

    2 Kings 2:11–15, Malachi 4:4–6, Mark 9:11–13, Luke 9:18–21, John 1:19–28 (read online ⧉)

    Moses was the Great Propet of Israel, as he brought the Torah to Israel. Through the and humanness of Moses, the Israelites became more than a collection of related families. They became a . You would think, therefore, with his place at the forefront of Israelite history, Moses would be the one the First Century Jews would be waiting for. He, Moses, led them out of captivity to the most powerful nation (at that time) on earth. Who else would lead the Jews (the remnants of Israel) out of their current captivity/oppression of the First Century’s most powerful nation on earth, Rome? Yet, it was Elijah who was expected.

    To be clear, this is not a reincarnation story. Neither Moses nor Elijah were expected to be reincarnated. Our familiarity with other religions can actually lead us down false trails, as we all use the same language and words to convey different understandings. The language used is similar, but its intent is to convey something different. From the perspectives of the Scriptures, whether we’re talking about Malachi or all the words spoken about John the Baptist or Christ regarding Elijah, it is not literally Elijah, but the person whose time and place it is to be an Elijah. In other words, the person called has called at a particular time or place to bring the descendants of Israel back into with God.

    Malachi expected this “ of Elijah” to lead Israel back to God, restoring relationship and right to the people. By the time of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, Elijah was more of—though not solely—a cleansing spiritual that would restore the people’s desire for God, not just relationship and worship. In that regard, John the Baptists did “carry” the “spirit of Elijah.” People came to him in repentance and to be spiritually restored and healed. Jesus Christ, himself, recognized that John the Baptists bore the “spirit of Elijah.” Only John denied it.

    There could be a number of reasons why. There are two likely reasons. The first reason would be that he didn’t want to draw attention away from the Messiah. That is a reasonable thing, as everyone was looking forward to a Messiah, just as they were looking for an Elijah. There would be pressure and (as if John the Baptist probably didn’t already have it) to be an Elijah. John the Baptist already knew he wasn’t the Messiah.

    Probably the most likely reason is that John the Baptist didn’t seem himself as Elijah. Yes, John the Baptist probably did see prophetic ministry in himself. Whether it was quiet (does not see himself as an Elijah) or studied humility (did not want to take away from the Messiah), either one is defensible and either one is good. John also, however, did not stop being who God called him to be and doing what the led him to do.

    1) Does it really matter whether John the Baptist bore the “spirit of Elijah?” Why or why not?

    2) Often people dismiss themselves, their abilities, or their calling by saying something like, “I’m not like…,” or “I don’t have….” How have you dismissed your calling lately?

    3) People expected whoever had “the spirit of Elijah” to lead them. What is wrong with that expectation? What is valid with that expectation?

  • Posture of Power

    1 Corinthians 2:1–5, Ephesians 3:14–19 (read online ⧉)

    Power makes a difference. We all acknowledge that. Whether it is political power, military power, law enforcement power, boss power, parental power, and even spouse power. Power is a part of every relationship. Even in of equality, power will always be there.

    Often people will use the power of to throw their weight around. This would be the concept of name-dropping, whether it’s saying you “know” a person, or you “work” for a person, both mean that you are “dropping” hints at the power you are associated with.

    It is well within the norms of human behavior to use power to convince people to listen and believe. While we suppose the gentle art of persuasion isn’t about power, it actually is. Persuasion is built around people someone the power to their minds. Yes, this is an oversimplification. It is far more complicated than that, yet, the underlying truth that power is involved even there remains.

    When Paul reminds the Corinthians of how he convinced them of the truth of the Gospel, he notes that he didn’t use rhetorical flourishes, great wit, or proof of his vast and/or intellect. He convinced them by his . Often (but historically inaccurate), St. Francis is attributed with the following, “preach the Gospel at all times, use words if necessary.” While it is a great pithy statement, it’s a horrible practice. Yet, as Paul demonstrates, there is truth in it. Paul didn’t stop preaching and speaking the Gospel or not live it out, he was just humble. He was a deliberate partner in the work of the Holy , and did what Paul was to do, and left it to the Holy Spirit to do what the Holy Spirit would do.

    Paul often comes across as arrogant and demanding. However, perhaps we ought to see it as an earthly father who seeks the best for his children, even if they don’t like it. Paul’s posture of is portrayed to the Ephesians as an almost begging position for his spiritual children in Ephesus (and all the places he went). He wanted them to be filled with the power of God, not the power of humankind. Do you see what he’s really praying for? The power that he’s praying for on their behalf is the power to fully comprehend how much God loves them, then they would be filled completely with and for God.

    1) How often have you experienced people using earthly power in the guise (or disguise) of Holy power?

    2) Often people will use false humility to convince or control. How would you tell the difference between false and true humility?

    3) Why is learning and recognizing the use of power critical to the of the ?

  • Synaxis of John the Baptist

    John 1:24-34, John 3:27–30 (read online ⧉)

    John the Baptist is one of those interesting characters of Scripture. He wore camel hair and ate locust-honey “cakes”. He called everyone to . People came from miles around to see him, and many were baptized by him. He was definitely a famous person.

    Was it the show, or were there really seeking and repentant hearts? The answer is yes. For many, it was the show. For others it what a form of seeking that was different than the weight of the Law that many carried.
    What about John, though?

    He was drawing crowds. He could have been something more than just a guy in the wilderness. Yet, he chose the Jordan river as the home of his ministry. He chose the untamed wilderness to people to repentance. It wasn’t like he couldn’t have done something more. Yet, as his disciples questioned (basically) why he didn’t “stand up” to for taking “his” followers away, we see the of John. It wasn’t for himself. It was for God.

    It was for Jesus! It’s so easy for us to look back and say that obviously John did that for Jesus. Yet, we look around us at famous people (politicians, company executives, entertainers, even pastors), and when push really came to shove would they dump it all for Jesus? We’d think it would be easy for pastors. They are human, too. is attractive, and pastors want to be successful, too.

    John’s , though, was significant. Israel’s was indeed the goal. His ministry was a stepping stone, and even Jesus noted that John’s ministry of repentant baptism was necessary to fulfill all righteousness.

    1) Where have you been successful in ? If you are in a place of success now, how sure would you be to drop it all if Jesus were to call on you to do that?

    2) How was John’s ministry not successful? How was John’s ministry successful?

    3) What is the difference between worldy success and Godly success (if there is any)? If they are different, how do you define success for yourself, members, or the ?

  • Living in Surrender

    Luke 2:21–39, Ephesians 2:11–14, Philippians 2:5–11 (read online ⧉)

    The “rush” of a newborn child and all the angst that went along this particular child’s birth should have settled down a little. The day of Jesus’ circumcision was a day of law and ritual. Instead, two messages happen. In many respects, this is the last gasp of the documented miraculous and supernatural until Jesus steps into his adult ministry. Just in case Mary and Joseph could possibly forget God’s call on their lives over the last few days, the events surrounding Jesus’ circumcision would have certainly recalled it.

    The significance surrounding circumcision cannot be ignored. The circumcision was established prior to Israel. For any Jew (descended from Israel) this was a physical tie to their entire history and the manifestation of God’s covenantal . To have a prophetic statement—let alone two—tied to that would be engraved on their hearts and minds.

    Circumcision was a major barrier for both Jew and Gentile. thought it was wrong, and Jews thought it was essential. This is why focused on breaking the tie between circumcision and a relationship with God. Through Jesus, Gentiles are brought into relationship with God (this is an oversimplification, so don’t read too much into that), and the circumcision is no longer required. For Jews, circumcision transforms from an essential component to cultural . Thus a barrier (appropriate for a time) was removed.

    There are lots of things Jews had to “surrender” to be in fellowship with Gentiles, just as Gentiles had to “surrender” things to be in fellowship with Jews. In both cases, they had to submit one identity to the authority of another. For both, that meant surrendering part of their core to another. When Paul speaks of Jesus emptying himself, Jesus surrendered his identity to become human. That takes real humility and obedience. That is our example.

    When we talk about personal identity, we too have much we need to surrender to Christ. It can be hard. We are very much tied to our identity, and much of our identity is what American and/or Christian culture holds up as that which is valuable.

    Over this New Year, we will each be called to surrender pieces of our identity to Christ. It is not a one-time thing. As we continue to become more Christ-like (for that should be our goal), we will constantly be finding new things to surrender. Sometimes the things we need to surrender might not seem so obvious, especially within the context of Christian culture. For example, surrendering leadership or pride often seems obvious. On the other hand, taking on a leadership role and taking (Christian) pride in doing it (i.e., fulfilling the mission) is often not taken as surrendering one’s identity. If one has been in the background (and likes it that way), it actually is a form of surrender to become a leader.

    For almost 33 years (less the time we know of a 12-year-old Jesus at the ), the big event for Mary and Joseph was the birth and circumcision of Jesus. Joseph was likely dead by the start of Jesus’ ministry. Mary, on the other hand, had to surrender part of her to the world. Jesus was no longer only hers. He was something far more. After his and resurrection, Jesus also was no longer just the Jews’. He was for the whole world. For Mary, Jesus’ siblings, and Jesus’ followers, this was also a needed surrender.

    1)Think about the last year. What has made you the most upset? What does that tell you about what you need to surrender to Jesus this year?

    2) When you think of your self-identification, what do you call yourself (i.e., political part, national identity, cultural identity, blood identity, etc.)? How do each of those contradict or work in harmony with the Christian walk?

    3) It can seem contradictory that surrender may involve picking up something. What might be something that you need to pick up this year? Why? How does it fit into walking with and following Jesus?

  • Humble Joy

    Proverbs 15:29–33, Zephaniah 2:1–4, Luke 1:26–38

    Yesterday, it was hinted that is a requirement to experience true (Godly) . If you didn’t catch that (or didn’t read yesterday’s devotional), that’s perfectly fine. Humility as part of Godly joy is front and center today.

    In Proverbs, we read two things to focus on today. First, that God is far from the wicked. This is one of those strangely worded passages that doesn’t mesh well with how we actually view God. God is always present, even among the most wicket of all. It is the wicked whose hearts, souls, and minds are far away from God, and in typical pride, it must mean that God is far away from us. This is why the (as is understanding truly who God is compared to who we are) of God and humility are so important. If we are so arrogant so as to believe something of God that is really about us, then we have a lot to .

    Humility seeks God before self, which makes things much easier for us when asked by God to do hard things. It also makes it easier when we have to decide between the world and God. As Zephaniah says, when we submit to God in humility, recognizing who is God and who is not, we to God so that God will do great things.
    Mary is a symbol of that humility. She didn’t understand what was happening. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we wouldn’t be any better than she was. However, her humility meant that God moved into the world in a new way through her. While we should not elevate Mary too much, she is still a example to follow when it comes to aligning ourselves with God’s plans.

    Ultimately, Mary’s humility gave her a Godly joy that none of us could ever truly understand. Mothers get a large portion of it, but not even they can say that they were the mother of God or the Messiah.

    1) Have you ever been asked by God to do something that required submission of your will in deep humility? Did you follow it? Why or why not? What was the result of that decision?

    2) We look back on Mary’s and read what we’ve learned and believed into it. Why does that often minimize Mary’s actions and ?

    3) What is the difference between humiliation and humility? Why do we often confuse the two in regards to our decisions?