Tag: internet

  • A Time To Sin

    A Time To Sin

    Job 1:9–22; Ecclesiastes 3:1–11; Ezekiel 18:5–18

    You are probably familiar with Pete Seeger’s Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season). in the late 50s, it was commercially via The Byrds in 1965. It takes Ecclesiastes verses 3:1–8 and puts them to music.

    Pete Seeger’s intent behind the song was to promote world peace. That’s a very laudable goal. The irony of that goal is that the lyrics are almost a fatalistic response to the fallen and unpeaceful ways of the world.

    There are a lot of things not specifically mentioned as having time for. Certainly, singing and learning were part of life at that point, but they aren’t specifically mentioned (though singing could be inferred with dancing). The and driving weren’t mentioned specifically (of course) but would be covered under “everything”.

    The “everything” is a pretty big catch-all. Does that mean, then, that there is a time to ?

    That might seem to be a stupid question, yet, depending on one’s view of God, it isn’t stupid at all. The answer to that question may very well display what you think about God in several significant ways (though we won’t get them all).

    When you read the story of Job (whether allegorical or true) how do you “read” the conversation between Satan and God? Is God allowing or directing?

    Based on the end of this section of verses, Job did not assign wrongdoing to God (blame), and as such, did not sin. Then should we conclude that God allowed this to happen?

    For many, leaving it as “a mystery” is fine, except for the problem of blame. If God wills/desires it, and if God is omnipotent, then how can God be loving and full of and mercy. The rejoinder often is, we can’t know the mind of God. This is true, in so far as finite creatures (us) trying to fully understand the infinite (God).

    Yet, the Scriptures (given by God) also provide us insights into who God is, so the conclusions we draw from the Scriptures also deeply affect how we view and relate to God.

    Is this that important? Yes. When you sin, is it you sinning by your will, or is God willing you to do something then assigning the sin to you? That is the choice laid before us.

    Ezekiel’s words reinforce one answer. Your sin is a result of your will (or in the face of temptation).

    What is also part of this is that your sin cannot be laid at another’s feet (God’s or human’s). It is yours. Own it. Yes, own your sin.

    This is not go and sin again. It is own your sin so as to repent and restore right with God.

    “‘…For I take no pleasure in anyone’s .’ This is the declaration of the Lord GOD. ‘So repent and live!’” (Ezekiel 18:32)


    1) Repent is based on the root of “turn from” or “turn around”. What do you need to repent from? If you cannot think of a “sin” (or even if you can), what is something else that you might need to turn from to improve or deepen your relationship with God?

    2) How do you define sin? How do you know/ if something new (such as a behavior) is a sin, or not?

    3) What your current or past Job moments? How do/did they affect your relationship with God?


    Heavenly Father, as we read your , we learn about you. Help us to be stirred to read your word that we continue to in our knowledge of and relationship with you. Amen.

  • Sabbathing



    5 September 2020

    Luke 6:1–11; Romans 14:5–13

    During COVID, my employer has continued to be operational. Due to the nature of the business (manufacturing of civilian and military aerospace, along with medical), being an “essential business” meant that things continued as usual.

    Other than “essential” businesses, most people have stayed in their homes. Even one of the worst commutes in the country (here in the Puget Sound) has been almost reasonable (until recently) as people just weren’t commuting.

    Staying at home meant so little was occurring. activity was cut in half. What has been amazing is how quickly nature recognized it. For example, multiple times at my employer, we have seen a coyote wandering around in the middle of the day. This is down the hill from the Everett Boeing complex.

    Nature has taken notice and advantage of humanity’s absence. It is not just in the Puget Sound. It is many places. Humanity inside and nature was free to run.

    The land has received somewhat of a Sabbath. It is resting from the frenetic pace of humanity.

    For a brief moment, humanity also took a brief break. Now, however, the frenetic pace has found a few more notches to go up. Public people are now brazenly acting as bad as the “trolls” ( term for people looking to cause trouble and ) that used to be condemned. Online bullying is now encouraged so that people think and espouse the “correct” things.

    Humanity needs a Sabbath.

    There were arguments within the about what day the Sabbath is. This denies the Lord of the Sabbath. Blue Laws (laws that closed almost all businesses on Sundays) were a legalistic attempt to enforce a Sabbath, but they could never fulfill the spiritual aspect of it.

    This was ‘s point to the Romans. Already there were arguments over which day was correct to God (besides all of them). Part of this may be attributable to the days of the week being named after Roman gods. Just a conjecture.

    Paul’s and ‘ point was that the Sabbath was an of worship, not a day of the week. Even today, that is still a discussion for many that don’t differentiate between cultural norms and spiritual needs.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Lord Jesus, help us to keep our Sabbath focus on you and to live out the Sabbath in our lives. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) What does Sabbath mean to you? How do you live out a Sabbath?

    2) How can you live out a Sabbath that will draw to live out a Sabbath, too?

  • It’s All About…

    It’s All About…

    Psalm 5; 2 Corinthians 10:7–18; James 1:22–27

    In this , getting oneself out in front of potential employers has become a big issue. Whether it is the applicant or the HR Manager, differentiating is an issue.

    Out of this has come the concept of a “personal brand”. In many regards, it often seems that personal branding is all about boasting and shining the spotlight on oneself. There is training for one’s “personal brand”.

    Boasting isn’t all bad. By definition, boast means to have a strong affirming opinion of or confidence in a person. In black and white, that looks like a very positive. Already, we can see an issue.

    The definition of boasting is not often the one we use. Our general definition (though the context may that) is that it is groundless or overly inflated opinion of another, but usually oneself.

    The Hebrew actually goes along well with the “official” definition. Often, such as in Psalm 5, it is translated as exult or and with God usually being the subject of it. That is very reasonable.

    Even in the Greek, the issue is the same. What we miss through the is the modifier: empty, shallow, false, or something else. We will imply or infer when we or of “boasting”, but we often mislead when we rely on inference or implication.

    When is talking about boast, the context is crucial to understanding what he means. It is also incredibly important that we see the “emptiness” that Paul is referring to. The false measurement that the nameless are comparing themselves to is…themselves.

    Or, if we take James’ words into account, people who forget who they really are and then measure themselves by a false image.

    Boasting, as said earlier, isn’t necessarily bad. It is groundless boasting that is the issue. People can boast for others (think of a job or personal references). However, the danger in boasting is the foundation upon which it is based.

    When Paul talks about boasting in the Lord, that’s a pretty safe foundation. Yet, when Paul talks about it, it is more along the lines of “look what God did” rather than “look at what God did through me.” Still, either one is better than “look how well I did.”


    Lord, let our hearts be humble towards others and you. Amen.


    1) Is there a difference between bragging and boasting?

    2) How does the mirror concept of James help understand the concept that Paul is trying to convey?

    3) Taking the opening definition of boasting and comparing it to our “street” understanding of it, what other words can you think of that have something similar? How might they affect how you read Scripture?

  • Stirring


    Isaiah 43:8–13; Romans 11:13–29

    What or who are you fighting for? If you are not fighting for God, then are you fighting for an idol?

    Often Christians dismiss the Israelites of the Old Testament as the clueless. They were the people that didn’t get it. This view seems to be reinforced by ‘ words, yet were they really that clueless?

    They valued the word of God. They valued traditions. They valued theology. They valued being Jewish. These values, it seems, were more a barrier between them and God, rather than

    How much are we just like them? Would we really recognize Jesus on the street or the ?

    Christians have been accused of being blind and deaf to Jesus. This has come from Christians and it has come from the world. We are often quick to dismiss these words, rather than contemplate them.

    We are human. We will be blind. We will be deaf. In many ways, that is how we are able to go through life without losing our minds or succumbing to .

    There really isn’t a prescription so that we all know and can all be certified to be Christians. That would be nice. It takes practice. It takes a lot of practice.

    The statistics are showing that many churches will not recover post-COVID. Some are saying that only 30% will return. Imagine your church only having 30% of its people.

    Perhaps this will be the winnowing that the church needs.

    This is along the same line of thought, though different, that Paul had regarding his fellow Jews. He knew they were passionate about the word of God, tradition, theology. They still had a problem.

    Paul wanted the Jews to look at the Gentiles and want what they have, freedom in and mercy. In addition, the Gentiles (along with the Jews that became Christian) began to develop a of and trust that transcended culture and blood.

    We Christians, though, have now been around long enough that we have developed tradition, a of God’s word that doesn’t necessarily include reading it, and we have theology.

    We are likely now at the point where we need a Paul to get us stirred up. We need to be what Paul wanted the Jews to be…jealous for God.


    Spirit, may we be stirred up for your plan and . Amen.


    1) What does it mean to be jealous for God?

    2) Why can love for God’s word an incomplete understanding of the word of God in our lives?

    3) Why do you think people won’t return? What can we change to encourage people to stay and return?

  • Using Ways

    Using Ways

    Luke 16:1–9

    This is one of those interesting parables.

    I knew a small business owner who taught a Sunday School lesson on this passage. He was quite honest that he hated it. As a small business owner, he could not understand the apparent for a person who reduced what was owed.

    This is understandable. He viewed this as stealing by the manager and  by those who owed the rich man. In most respects, he (the small business owner) was right.

    The rich man is more the vehicle of the story. The first thing to recognize is that the rich man received an accusation. That’s it. In Jewish law, it took 2 or 3 witnesses to convict.

    tells the story in such a way that we understand that there is truth to the accusation. Of course, the manager freaking out pretty much made it clear that there was a lot of truth in that accusation.

    There are two really important things to learn from this particular parable.

    The first is Jesus’ admonition to use the ways of the world wisely to gather friends. This does not mean that Jesus is suggesting theft or unGodly methods. Jesus is suggesting using the world’s ways (i.e., books, TV, radio, the ) to make friends and to influence others.

    This is good advice. In fact, without being open to the world’s ways, we often have no common ground with which to open conversations that lead to God. The world’s ways include business, , education, and pretty much everything. Yes, let’s use it all to bring people to God!

    The second piece is often overlooked. I have certainly overlooked it.

    The rich man and even the manager are successful in the world. We often focus on that, which shows our own hearts.

    The people for whom the manager reduced the debt were the poor. We have to that our concept of middle-class is historically a pretty recent one. Most of these people owed debts that they may never be able to pay.

    They would be, effectively, owned.

    Why is this important? Well, the underlying implication is that the poor will have the dwellings (i.e., heaven), and the only way the rich man or (specifically) the manager will have a place in eternity is through those that he gave mercy.

    The concept of “class warfare” predates Karl Marx by centuries. While this passage and conclusion would seem to reinforce such a concept, at the same time, all things are possible with God, especially with a contrite heart.


    Heavenly , may we—your children—be always looking for ways to use the world’s ways to expand your , kingdom, and . Amen.


    1) What do you think of the rich man and his to the manager’s initiative?

    2) What ways of the world can you think of that you can use to bring people to God?

  • A Little Prophesying

    A Little Prophesying

    Deuteronomy 13:1–5; Deuteronomy 18:20–22; Jeremiah 28:1–9

    Doomsday prophets are certainly a thing. There are a lot of them, and of varying kinds: epidemiologist (disease), environment, morality, political, sexuality, education, freedom, financial, and so on and on.

    Doom sells. Doomsayers may also be helpful to guide us toward some sort of preparation or . At this point, however, there are so many doomsayers that there are only two logical conclusions: we’re doomed or they’re wrong. That is really the two paths regardless of which or all the “dooms”.

    What is interesting about “prophesying” in the Scriptures is that not all prophesying is alike. Some prophesying is more akin to teaching, lecturing, discipling. That generally would fall under categories as preaching, pastoring, and groups.

    Other prophesying is more like visions, dreams, and euphoric states. This is what we, as a tradition (versus language), understand as foretelling or forewarning that is spiritually driven, and is our default interpretation when reading the in the Scriptures.

    The struggle is discerning whether the prophecy or “prophetic word” is from God, from other spiritual forces, or is it of self appearing to be “spiritual”. Especially (but not exclusively) with the internet, there are plenty of videos, blog posts, web sites all claiming some sort of divine connection.

    Sadly, there is no way to tag “fake ”. That takes , discernment, and positive .


    , strengthen your discerning gift in us. Father God, help us to look through your word so that we can see when someone is using your word falsely. Jesus, help us to keep in mind that you told us that there would be many false prophets before your return. Amen.

    1) Have you had someone deliver a prophecy or “prophetic word” to/about you? How about as part of a public declaration (with or without you being the focus)?

    2) What are you actively doing to protect yourself from false prophesy or “prophetic word”?



    Zechariah 7:8–12; Matthew 4:25–5:13; Luke 10:25–29 (read online ⧉)

    was only 2 days ago. We should be being filled with the Spirit eager to do God’s will and speak with God’s voice. With what has been happening, however, God’s voice may indeed be being spoken. It is being drowned out with violence, anger, hatred, grief, mourning, apathy.

    It is easy for many to cast aside those who are destroying places. There are many among them that are truly those who seek to stir up trouble. On the other hand, there are many among them that feel that the only way they will be listened to is through destruction. While many might decry that, the reality is that destruction is what sells.

    The that God gave Zechariah, “…make fair decisions…show faithful …show …” We honestly fail at all of these, perhaps even on a daily basis. Due to cultural conditioning what is fair or faithful or compassion may be drastically different person to person. It wouldn’t seem so, yet it is.

    The observation that God delivered to Zechariah is a warning to us all, “[they] turned a stubborn shoulder…closed their ears…hearts like a rock…”

    If we read the Beatitudes in the light of Zechariah, they can take on the of blessed are and blessings of. In other words, being blessed is not enough. We must also bless others. As we read the Beatitudes, we cannot just think of ourselves. We must also think of that which we are to do for others.

    This is, sadly, why the “expert in the law” asked a simple question, “who is my neighbor?” It is a simple question. It is also a simple answer. The answer isn’t, “my neighbor is…” The answer is, “I am a neighbor by…”


    Savior, with you we know good and . Help us do what we know as good and avoid evil, for with you, good will prevail. In your name we pray. Amen.


    1) Everyone you see on television and the is your neighbor. How will you be their neighbor?

    2) Why do we not want to be neighbors to others?

    3) What is the difference between being a and being a neighbor?

  • Glorious


    Psalm 109:1–7; John 5:41–47; Acts 18:9–18 (read online ⧉)

    Tar and feathering is a few hundred years old. They did not really use tar (usually), but other sticky substances. It also was not just feathers, but other garbage that people tossed at those being cast out.

    Today we use this phrase to convey a sense of a person who is overreaching, exaggerating, dangerous, annoying, or simply wrong (we think). “Tar and feather ‘em” is usually applied to politicians and salespeople (definitely from the era of traveling door-to-door salesmen). Oddly, in the , it seems to have grown in popularity as a phrase, and certainly has been with social media.

    In the current culture and environment (and whether it is deserved or not), sharing the Gospel may incur the tar-and-feathering visceral reaction to a significant. Paul was goaded and encouraged by God to continue to preach the Gospel. So, Paul was obedient and did so.

    The Jews were riled up. They brought Paul to the Roman Tribunal. They likely brought Paul to the tribunal with the excuse that Paul was riling them up (i.e., encouraging a riot, a big Roman no-no). However, the proconsul did not buy it, and apparently was not impressed with whatever eloquence (if any) the Jews had.

    After being “defeated”, the Jews turned their rage and/or embarrassment against the man that likely lead them. They beat him. Tar and feathering him might have been kinder. They were so upset that they likely did something they would not have normally done, especially to their religious .

    When a mob mentality strikes, people who are normally rational and considerate toward other people behave in ways that are not . Some excuse this as “herd” mentality. believe that it is more a form of “permission” to behave in an anti-social way with minimal consequences or to be anonymous in one’s bad behavior.

    The internet can be seen as an instigator of mob mentality. It really is more of a tool to make it somewhat easier. However, with the of the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) the anonymity of the internet is beginning to fade. Through social media, we can see who is part of another’s social network. In other words, escaping the consequences of bad behavior may begin to fade.

    However, the biggest attractions of the internet and social media is the glory. That may well have been Gallio’s fault, too. He wanted to “get” Paul and stirred up the people to do so. We can fall prey to this, too, and try to get people to pay attention to us for our glory. Instead we ought to take the internet as a tool to point people to God, so that God gets the glory.

    ※ Prayer ※
    , teach us to follow your example to point people to God, and to give God the glory. Spirit, shape us and guide us to greater humility, letting ourselves be only the ones that point the way. Amen.

    1) What are instances you can think of where people sought their own glory, especially to their detriment?
    2) Have you ever succumbed to a mob mentality, whether in person, on the internet, or even within your social circles?
    3) What are ways you have seen Christians succumb to mob mentality to non-Christians? How about Christians?