Tag: knowledge

  • Responsible


    Exodus 34:1–7; Numbers 14:26–38; Jeremiah 31:27–34 (read online ⧉)

    For those of us whose American individuality is almost hardwired into us, it seems inconceivable that God would punish us for other’s sins, especially for those who sinned before we were born. In fact, in many respects, we struggle with the result of anyone else’s sins being borne by us.

    If we are honest with ourselves, our personal and national (and even religious) histories carry a lot of baggage, and a lot of that has to do with actions that took, for which we had no , or participation, or approval of. The purposeful and accidental killing of Native Americans by Europeans due to diseases (such as smallpox) is such a thing. It is unlikely any of us would condone such a thing, but the consequences remain even to this day. The clearances of Native Americans to reservations and all that went along with also remains today. Slavery, war, migration, all had and continue to have consequences.

    We are not unique in this. Much of the conflict in the Middle East is because of something that happened yesterday, but of something that happened generations and even centuries ago. The same can be said in Asia, as well. This is not unique to America or the States. What is unique, though becoming less so, is our individualistic response to it.

    For the Israelites, a tribal culture, what one’s did or grandfather did have great import for the current generation. The concept of holding the subsequent generations accountable for one’s own actions was actually quite reasonable for them. The , too, made sense to them.

    As harsh as the words in Exodus seem to our modern years, we see the development of it in Numbers. Yes, the children pay the price. On the other hand, those children grew up into a powerful army. This army was needed for the next step. They also developed a rhythm when it came to God. Their food came from God. Their gathering was guided by God (6 days of work; 1 day of ). Their habits revolved around God and God’s mercies.

    Did they receive the result of their parents’ misdeeds? Yes. Were the ultimate results bad? No. This wasn’t the ideal. The ideal would have been obedience and trust by their parents.

    This punish/reward pattern would remain for generations until God’s declaration to Jeremiah. The whole grapes quip showed that Israel had forgotten exactly what meant and intended. Now, it became everything (which it still was, but God was about sin, not failures).

    We read these verses in Jeremiah and can be immediately be lead to the concept of our individual through Jesus Christ. It’s not that this is invalid, but that it is incomplete.

    As Christians, we are called to bear one another’s burdens. That often includes their failures and even their sins. While the ultimate cost () is paid, the consequences remain. Those consequences remain for lifetimes and even lifetimes to come.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Heavenly Father, we read you Word and often wonder if we’re missing something, for we cannot understand the entirety of who you are. We thank you for your Son. Jesus, thank you for your time on Earth, allowing us the to see God’s face. Holy , guide our hearts and actions, not just for the now, but also to heal the hurts of the past that are not our fault, but we, as your children, are called to heal. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) Have you ever been held responsible for someone else’s action over which you had no influence or control? What was that like?

    2) What is the difference between consequences and punishment? Which path do you see God following?

    3) What if your salvation was dependent upon others? How would you behave differently?

  • Foot Care

    Foot Care

    John 17:1–11; Ephesians 1:17–23 (read online ⧉)

    I thought how ironic it was that I’d dismissed dog meat as a cultural idiosyncrasy in Vietnam; that “who I am to judge?” extended to Islamic laws in Uzbekistan and Buddhist temple restrictions in Cambodia, but not to Republicans, hunters or gun owners. I’d shaken my head at the prejudices some nations had for their closest neighbors, only to discover that, among my cultural neighbors, I was just as prejudiced.

    Liz Dodd, Welcome to the New World

    Liz Dodd is a self-avowed liberal who, on a spiritual journey, discovered a few things about herself. If we’re honest about ourselves, we all have some serious issues with this. You may the Republican, hunter, and gun-owner who struggles with the Democrat, vegan, pacifist who you think is un-American.

    And? We are called to pray for one another. Often when praying for the other, it is not they who are changed, we are the ones who .

    When prayed to the Father for the Father and the , it can seem a little odd. If the Trinity holds true, God is praying for God and, well, God. On top of that God is praying for the glory of God, which could seem selfish and arrogant.

    In this unique time, Jesus isn’t “just” God. Jesus is human. Jesus isn’t quite on the inside of the Godhead. It’s strange. It’s okay that it’s strange.

    Jesus then prays for . He specifically prays for those that have accepted him as the Messiah, and in Jesus’ obedience, the Spirit will come to them. It should be noted that Jesus does not pray for the world. Later, he commissions them to go into all the world. He is focused, at this time, on those that are (less Judas Iscariot) going to move forward with the .

    Moving forward with the Gospel often means that we have to let go of a lot of things. In the Newsboys song, “Landslide of Love” they say, “Every time we shout our rights out we get all grouchy and gray.” In the USA, letting go of our rights is a hard thing, and we often hold one “right” tightly, while another person calls it a “privilege”.

    tells the Ephesians that he prays that they receive Holy Spirit empowered revelation and knowledge of God. This is so that they have a hope beyond what is going on around us. For this hope to be effective, often the Holy Spirit will nudge us out of our comfort zone of political association, hobbies, work, career. The Holy Spirit will nudge us when we don’t have God in mind.

    However, often we are too immature or blind or deaf to hear the Holy Spirit nudges. If we haven’t felt or heard the Holy Spirit nudging us, then the likelihood is that we have become blind or deaf, or have a new place of spiritual immaturity to be worked on.

    Our prayers for others must exceed our discomfort with others. Our rights are under the feet of God. Our enemies are under the feet of God. We are under the feet of God. In other words, everything is equaling under the feet of God. We are to be One Church, Under God. Everything else may well be a barrier between us and a full with God.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Father, help us to pray as Jesus did…for your glory. Thank you, Jesus, for your earthly example of what it means to the Father. Holy Spirit, bind us to the plan and goals of the Father. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) Why has what divides us overwhelmed what unites us, whether as Christians or as humans (who bear the image of God)?
    2) What is your immediate “gut” to the lyrics from the Newsboys? What rights do you hold onto?
    3) What has the Holy Spirit been nudging you regarding breaking the barriers you have placed between yourself and others?

  • Worship This

    Worship This

    Acts 17:22–31; 1 Peter 3:13–4:6 (read online ⧉)

    . We view this as a core function of what we are to do as Christians. We worship the one true God, who is mysteriously Three-in-One.

    In some respects, and more practically, worship is acting in a reverential state toward something greater than the self. If analyzed a bit, one can recognize that worship (as just defined) is not solely the property of religion.

    This is important to understand. Often, people who insist on their logic and scientific reasoning worship the concepts. When they do so, when confronted by something that cannot be explained by the logic and scientific reasoning they worship, they will state that they just don’t know enough.

    They’re right. They don’t. What they also don’t recognize is that by this exact response, they are showing that they are just as religious as those they often pity or despise.

    We all worship something. The oddness of Mars Hill was that everything was worshiped, or at least had a place to be worshiped. One could make the argument that in such a context, all religions were supposedly equal, but the reality was that no one had to make a decision.

    As we look around ourselves, we need to be generous toward the religious beliefs of . Often we only think in terms of self-identified religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.), and neglect those perspectives that proclaim no “worship” and yet worship is just as much a part of their lives as it is of ours. It’s just that they and we need to see it.

    As we talk about what we believe with others, context matters. was abrupt, but it was appropriate for the time and place. That isn’t always the case.

    Peter notes that while we are to always be to defend our , at the same time we are called to be gentle and respectful. As we begin to see the layers of worship that we all have, it can become quite jarring to many to realize that they worship anything at all. They believed the didn’t.

    On the other hand, some are quite willing to worship something that they perceive has no of them, or has an expectation of them that is in line with their own desires. We are to be gentle and respectful always.

    [BCP] ※
    Lord Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: So clothe us in your that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you to the and love of you; for the honor of your Name. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What is your understanding of worship? Can unbelievers worship?
    2) Is there a difference between winning souls for Jesus and winning friends for Jesus?
    3) When talking about “your” defense (1 Peter 3:15), why is it important to understand it is “your” defense and not the defense of others?

  • Throne of Hearts

    Psalm 47; Job 23:3–12; Job 26:2–14; John 1:43–51 (read online ⧉)

    The Stone of Scone is a stone that supposedly all the “legitimate” rulers of Scotland were/are crowned on. After one of the many wars between England and Scotland, the English King Edward I took the stone to England, where it generally remained until 1996 as the coronation “cushion” of the (soon) British Crown. One of the legends of the stone was that when the “real” heir to the Scottish throne was crowned, the stone would groan.

    The legend, of course, probably had more to “prove” that the English nobility had no “true” right to the Scottish crown than anything else. There was also the knowledge that the stone’s home was really Scotland, but became the cushion of the usurpers.

    Thrones were/are the symbols of legitimate authority over a or . There is still plenty of royalty who sit on thrones. As monarchies die off and lose their importance, thrones have been replaced.

    In the States, the Oval Office could be considered at least a throne room. If you were to look at the arrangements of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, you will see similarities between the chairs of leaders and thrones. That isn’t by chance.

    We seek throne rooms and thrones. Not always for ourselves, but to understand who is in charge, and often who we can blame.

    Job seeks the throne of God to plead his case (another reason people seek thrones). Job believes that were he only to get there and plead his case, everything would get better.

    Job defends or describes God with many positive terms and observations of God’s power. Yet, Job talks about God obscuring the throne. This could be an observation, however, where it is among Job’s words, it is likely a complaining observation (God is making it hard to find him).

    With God, though, while it may seem while God is far away or hidden, it is often our hearts that are truly far away. Job’s story is not about God’s lack of presence, it is more about Job’s .

    We see just how close God is to us through the of Jesus. Jesus calls people into his presence. His throne is with him at all times. Jesus drew people to him that dismissed on the very outset (such as Nathanael). Sometimes the throne we are seeking is right there next to us, but we are looking for something that God does not always make known the way we want God to. God’s throne could be the sun, the Milky Way, the person next to you, in your and soul.

    The last “throne room”, though, is the one we like the least. It often reminds us of how small we are. It also reminds us of how spiteful or petty we are. That’s not the throne room we are looking for. It is also the throne room that tells us that we have far to go; we are not there yet.

    Dear Heavenly , help us to see the throne you occupy in our lives. May we see your majesty and royalty. Jesus, thank you for the cleansing work in our lives, help us to keep the Godly throne room in our hearts and souls clean. , guide our work so that we do it all for God’s and not our own. Amen.


    1) How do you envision a throne room?

    2) If you had to choose the most important throne room of the world, where would it be? Who would be in it? (Note: context of the world; God/Jesus is not this answer)

    3) What kind of person draws you closer to them? What does that tell you what you look for in regards to God? What way might that mean you are not looking to God?

  • Resurrecting Hope

    Psalm 39; Luke 24:8–35; Acts 26:1–8 (read online ⧉)

    Brian Sanders (Executive Director of Tampa Underground) shared some very interesting thoughts regarding the Emmaus Road story.

    Cleopas and the unnamed hadn’t yet seen the Resurrected Jesus. Like any of the “outer circle” disciples, they didn’t see Jesus immediately, and many of the inner circle missed him too. So, they were “stuck” on the outside. They knew of the wrongful conviction, abuse, and . They’d heard this impossible to belief story—from people they trusted—that Jesus had died, but was now risen!

    Sanders suggests that our 2 Emmaus Road disciples were running away from the confusing situation in Jerusalem. They were feeling overwhelmed. They were probably hurting. They were probably confused. Sanders also suggests that they were “packing” their “escape route”. The day we just celebrated, possibly people were trying to escape it.

    Sanders’ suggestion just seems wrong in so many ways. How could these disciples be so confused and hope destroyed that they were trying to escape? Yet, Sanders makes a good point in that they were leaving Jerusalem. Leaving. They weren’t joining the other disciples. They were leaving.

    They didn’t understand, not really. How many of us ourselves have been at the point where there was an internal disconnect between what we thought we knew/believed, and what we think we should have known? That point in our lives that we started to run away in some small way: alcohol, drugs, partying, gambling, videos, gaming, even reading.

    Then Jesus shows up. That’s a pretty common story in the Christian world. It’s a pretty common story in the world outside of Christians, but far too many people are self-blinding and cannot (or will not) see Jesus. Sometimes that is us, too. Then Jesus shows up and life is changed.

    Paul went from accuser and abuser of Christians to defender of the faith. He stood before people who could, at their whim, cause him to live or die. Instead of renouncing Christianity, he wouldn’t just defend, he tried to convert! Unlike the Emmaus Road disciples, Paul wasn’t hopeless or lost when he met Jesus. Quite the contrary. Paul was a rising star in the Jewish world. He was going to fix this minor annoying Nazarene sect, and get them back on the right path of the Law. Paul’s conversion story is the opposite of many’s conversion stories. He is in . He has had—to our knowledge—no qualms seeking to fix the wrong-thinking of this new sect. It on his way with even more power in his hand, that Jesus turns the script. While many convert on their knees and in desperation with nothing to lose, Paul converted when he only had something to lose, a lot of something.

    It really is the question Paul asks in Acts 26:8 that is Resurrection of hope that the Jewish people, and the world, really needed. “Why is it thought incredible by you people that God raises the dead?” Today we are told that this Resurrection is a fairy tale. In Paul’s day, it may have been far fetched, but it wasn’t unbelievable. In a time when people believed that gods could raise the dead, Paul still had to defend Jesus’ Resurrection. This should tell us something. Jesus’ Resurrection was something far greater than just a dead person coming to life! A dead person “just” coming to life wasn’t the greatest concern. It was Jesus’ Resurrection that was. The Jewish leaders knew and understood (no matter how much they opposed it), that this was no normal come-back-to-life tale.

    This means that this Resurrection is something greater. Perhaps its the kind of thing that causes those who have lost hope or who have run away from their confusion, become empowered and full of hope and faith. When those who have a Resurrection hope and faith not only turn toward what almost destroyed them; they walk (or even run) to it with the ability to it with a power that comes through the restoring power of God.

    God of all mercies, grant us the power, faith, and hope to look at all the troubles of the world, whether they be distant or near, and know that through you the world can have the hope it seeks. us the eyes and hearts to see where we are called to be the agents of restoration, so that the hopes of the world may find true hope through the Resurrection of Jesus. This we pray in the of the , Son, and . Amen.

    1) Was your conversion at a height or at a low? Why do you think it was there, rather than the opposite? If you’ve known no other life than life with Jesus (i.e., from childhood), what cemented your faith in Jesus Christ?

    2) What are some characteristics of “Resurrection” hope versus “normal” hope? What could be the difference between Resurrection hope and Saving hope?

    3) Often we look at the weaknesses of people in the and with, “glad that’s not me.” Except it is. When were you like the Emmaus Road disciples? When were you like Paul?


    Psalm 118:1–24; John 20:1–23; Colossians 3:1–12 (read online ⧉)

    What a day!

    Most of us have lost a loved one. It is hard. Sometimes we have been present when they died, sometimes we weren’t. How deep the ache depends on the relationship. Even with people we barely knew or lost touch with, there is still a feeling of loss when they die.

    All of them were still in shock. The women had a (culturally assigned) task to do, and that was perfume Jesus’ body so that his body wouldn’t smell as bad as it decomposed (yes, it is that basic and gruesome). They had a task which, as hard as it was, provided something to do and help process their loss. The male disciples didn’t have that. They got to sit and stare at each other, with each one probably more at a loss than the others.

    And then their whole world got turned upside down…again!



    Shock. . Shock. Disbelief.

    And then…now what? What does this mean?

    We often skip verses 19–23 on . However, note the timing of the commissioning of the disciples. It’s still the Day of . Still. The day is not yet over. Doing something is not in the . It is now.

    Peace, sent, receive, forgive. Not quite the order that we think of when it comes to the disciples being commissioned, and perhaps the order isn’t quite as important as when they were commissioned. Everything thing has just been turned upside down…go and do likewise!

    This immediacy even translates later when Paul writes to the Colossians. He calls on them to forego their ways of old, because they are saved (and with Christ) now. It’s not that we wait to be saved, or wait to go tell others, when we have it down, when we’re perfect. There is no step beyond our at which point we are free or commissioned to about Jesus. At the point of our salvation, no later, are we to start talking about Jesus.

    No matter how you feel about yourself, whether you are worthy of Christ (you aren’t), or whether he loves you fully (he does), go and talk about Jesus.

    1) Why do you think Jesus commissioned the disciples so soon after his resurrection? In today’s world we often provide “space” to “process”. Jesus didn’t do that. What does that tell us?

    2) Paul tells the Colossians that they are being renewed in according to the image of God they already have. Why is that an important concept and awareness for us?

    3) Jesus was killed by Jew and Gentile. Jesus came to both Jew and Gentile. If there really is a both/and, why did the divide then, and why does it divide now?

  • Holy Tuesday

    Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 71:1-14; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; John 15:1-16 (read online ⧉)

    Isaiah’s lament is that of a lover of God who cannot the hardened hearts of . Isaiah knows what his anointed purpose is. He also is experiencing some difficulties in getting the people to respond to God. He has not lost . His hope and are in God, not in the people of Israel actually responding. His value is in his obedience, not his .

    Paul’s words to the Corinthians while not as heavy-hearted as Isaiah’s lament still carries in it the reality that God’s message will not always be heard. God is supposed to be the stone upon which Israel was built, so Paul described the mystery of the cross a stumbling block. The treasured (or hoarded) wisdom and knowledge, so Paul called the mystery of the cross foolishness.

    When we begin to draw upon the true vine, the mystery of the cross becomes a stepping stone and foundation, and not a stumbling block. The mystery of the cross becomes our wisdom as we draw on God’s wisdom, rather than the world’s.

    As we all draw upon the vine, we become more “of one mind”. Our way of thinking transforms from selfishness to selflessness. That doesn’t mean we all don’t have more transforming to do, but it is by drawing on the True Vine that we can do it.

    As we become of one mind with each other, we become (ever so slowly, it seems) of one mind with Christ. We no longer have to be directed for each step, but through the transforming of the Holy Spirit, we act as Jesus would.

    1. Much of the world looks at Christianity as foolishness, if not downright dangerous. Are you able to see what they see when they look at Christianity? If not, how can you relate Christianity (and therefore the ) to them?

    2. Selflessness can without Christ. How does it do so?

    3. Can you be selfish and a ? How do you reconcile that with the growth of selflessness in the Christian?

  • Knowledge and Knowing

    Psalm 119:9–16; Isaiah 43:8–13; 2 Corinthians 3:4–16 (read online ⧉)

    The predominant view in the Old Testament is that human holiness can only be obtained by thoroughly understanding and internalizing God’s ways can walk in concert with God. The psalmist discusses guarding one’s way, treasuring God’s in one’s , seeking God whole-heartedly, meditating on God’s precepts, and delighting in his statues. While all of this is good, it still falls short, as it relies on our efforts and will.

    It is human tendency to look side-to-side for a savior. It also often the case that people will pursue power over claiming some sort of savior role. Both have been common throughout human history. However, sometimes a or people claim power over the way of the world. Today’s passage in Isaiah is an answer to those nations.

    Prior to today’s passage, God (through Isaiah) had called the Israelites to task (as if on trial) for not being the spouse of God as they were called to be. Yet, now the Gentile nations were called before the judge (God), and Israel was now the against the Gentile nations. Called to witness against the other nations who the true power is in the world and in history.

    What makes this passage particularly interesting is that the Israelites are being called to be witnesses not to judge the Gentiles, but so that they (the Israelites) know and believe God, and that God is their true savior. Here, God’s motivation isn’t to judge but to be known.

    When Paul writes to the Corinthians, there is an echo of Isaiah’s blind and deaf comment. According to Paul, the non- Jews have a veil over their minds. The law makes them, in a way, blind and deaf. Yet when they know God through Christ, the savior, they are no longer blind and deaf.

    1. Why is it, do you think, that hearing the law caused “a veil” to be over the Jews of Paul’s day?
    2. During , group meetings (Sunday School, small group, group), conversations in the world-at-large, do you ever experience “a veil”, shutting out others and even God?
    3. How does Jesus’ death on the cross “the veils” we wear?