Tag: nation

  • End of Ends

    End of Ends

    Psalm 4; Daniel 9:1–19; 1 John 2:18–25

    Eschatology. It is a fabulous theological . It means the study of the Times. You can watch plenty of End Times theology on TV. It usually involves zombies, nuclear weapons, or (my personal favorite) large reptilian creatures that like to stomp cities.

    Less the actual Eschatological part, that was all tongue-in-cheek. Sort of. How we view the End Times says a lot about our of the world, our personal struggles, and even our cultural struggles.

    A number of years ago I read a summary (only the summary) of research regarding End Times (also called the , not the mutant—comic book reference). There was a cross-section of media stories and fiction that would get a bigger presence depending on the general cultural gestalt. Japan, for example, is still dealing with the cultural scars of the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Godzilla, in particular, is a cultural image representing nuclear running amok, and the underlying of the results.

    Even as we read about the “Four Horsemen” of the Apocalypse (famine, war, pestilence, ) we can see (with the first 3) some things that were constant companions of fear regarding the end. Death, of course, comes to us all.

    Death is a pretty universal fear. There are very few people in history that do not fear (death is “merely” the result). The power of death over the living is significant, and when added to an eschatological framework (see, I used it later) those “things” that we fear most in regards to dying and death become part of our End Times thinking.

    Sometimes death of the self is mixed into the perceived death of culture, identity, and other things. In the case of Daniel, the End Times includes the concept of the death of Israel as a people and a nation.

    Other times death can be overridden.

    As a result of the Resurrection, the sting of death has been removed. It is no longer permanent for the believers in Christ. What this also allows for is the ability (should we so choose) to separate our fears of death, End Times, and pretty much everything else.

    With the Resurrection before us, the End Times, or more correctly the fear of the End Times, loses much of its weight for the End Times are merely the opening to eternity.


    • What are your thoughts about End Times? Have you thought about them recently?
    • What emotions do End Times thoughts evoke in you?
    • Why might understanding that End Times are not the end times for believers in Christ be important?


    Lord, help us to deepen our in you so that the anxieties of the world do not shake our foundation based upon your love. Amen.

  • Together Time

    Together Time

    Exodus 12:1–4, 5–10, 11–14; Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26; John 13:1–17, 31b–35

    The tie between Passover and the Last Supper is obvious just based on the fact that the Last Supper was in the context of Passover. Part of the first Passover was the blood of the Lamb that was placed upon doorjambs in obedience to God so that the plague of the death of the firstborn male would Passover the Jewish people. The for the firstborn remained part of the Law, insofar as a blood sacrifice being needed to atone for the firstborn .

    The road that ends on the cross tomorrow is the sacrifice of the firstborn of God, God’s only Son.

    Just as it appears that the nation of Egypt was in the place of the sacrifice of the firstborn (many outweighing the few), so too was God (the infinite) in the place of his (us).

    Maundy Thursday (as this day is called) is, for me, the second hardest day of the Year. Meals are special. Especially as my kids are at the point of being so busy working and with activities and at school, meals together are even more special. For Jesus, this special meal may well have been the most important of his life. I cannot imagine having this high day overshadowed by , torture, and death. Then knowing that all but one would run away.

    Jesus still embraced the pain of that meal. Oddly, I think there was joy, too. Despite the human failings of the 11 that would remain, there is something comforting being with people that you care for deeply, especially when confronting the darkness head-on. The 11 would carry-on the mission that you and I have inherited.

    Paul reminds the Corinthians that they were inheritors, too. The Last Supper was really the first supper. Just as I treasure the time around the table with my , we should all treasure our time around the table of Communion (the ). This is the place where the boundaries of time and space are thinned that all of the people of the Body of Christ can be joined together in this fateful and binding meal of .


    • What does Communion (the Eucharist) mean to you? If you missed it, would it bother you? Would you go without it? Why?
    • What is your favorite meal experience? A restaurant? Thanksgiving? New Year’s? St. Patrick’s Day? Are any of these traditions for you and/or your family? Why?


    Almighty Father, whose most dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant that we may receive it in thankful remembrance of Jesus Christ our Savior, who in these holy mysteries gives us a pledge of life; and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Maundy Thursday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Star Light Star Bright

    Star Light Star Bright

    Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29; Jeremiah 33:1–9; Philippians 2:12–18

    I’m guilty. I’m guilty of not seeing God’s many blessings. God’s blessings have been more than I could count, granted, but I should count more of them. I was convicted by Jeremiah 33:9, “They will be in total awe at all the good and prosperity I provide for them.”

    ※ When was the last time you were awed by all the good and prosperity that God has provided? ※

    If you’re like me, you could look at all our troubles and disagreements on , (any) immigration, political party, president, COVID practices, and ask, “Good? Prosperity?” This is where we humans tend to get ourselves in trouble, especially when we evaluate God. Just saying “evaluate God” sounds unwise, doesn’t it? Yet, when we ask God, “why,” and don’t keep in mind the blessings, this is often exactly what we do.

    ※ Is your tendency to ask God, “Why”, before praising God?※

    wrote to the Philippians, “Do everything without grumbling and arguing.” We’ve been pretty awful at that lately, as a nation. People of all political stripes and persuasion have developed a habit of ad hominem attacks (attacking individuals, not policy). The “gridlock” of Washington, D.C., will get far worse because of it. That, brothers and sisters, is where we come in.

    ※ Imagine responding to attacks on people with a grace-filled commentary on a policy. What would the response be? ※

    This is not a blind that a “gentle answer will turn away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1). There actually isn’t much that Christians will the tenor of conversation (although we’ve been some of the most guilty). Changing the general tenor isn’t our job, nor is it our responsibility. It is our tenor that is our responsibility.

    The reason for keeping the blessings and prosperity in mind is that is a good way to cultivate our hearts to be warm and full of love, which allows us to respond in a Christ-honoring way. As they are God’s blessings and prosperity, they are not ours. Another way of saying it is that since it is God’s, we shouldn’t be holding onto what isn’t ours so tightly. Our responses to need to be inspired and driven by the generosity and grace of God.

    Before someone asks, “I’m to be a doormat?” No. Turning the other cheek refers to being insulted. Going the extra mile is acting above and beyond the requirements. As Paul phrased it, “Among these people you shine like stars in the world because you hold on to the of life.”

    ※ If someone with whom you have strongly disagreed were asked, would you be described as gasoline on a fire or as a star in the world? ※


    Lord, when you called Abraham to look at the stars, he saw a of children. Help us, Lord, to not just to be a number amongst the stars, but to embody the of the stars into a world darkened by . Amen.

  • Love Surrendered

    Love Surrendered

    Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29; Deuteronomy 16:1–8; Philippians 2:1–11

    Passover begins very shortly. In fact, there is a great symmetry in this. Passover starts with Israel’s rescue from Egypt (sin), passing through the Red Sea (), and in more modern understandings of Passover, the last day (or the last 2, depending on ), is the “future looking” meal with the Messiah as the center (the /).

    Confused, yet? Amazed? The Jewish aspects of Christian theology and symbolism are there in plain .

    One of the interesting pieces is that there remains an expectation that the Messiah will come in power, , and might. This was the expectation of any person claiming to be the Messiah in ‘ day. Thus, when Jesus didn’t fulfill that, most Jews disregarded Jesus as Messiah.

    It is this quest for earthly which continues to haunt all of humanity. The constant pursuit of power, glory, wealth, gain continually seems to be against following God. It isn’t that power, glory, wealth, and gain are against God, but that the means and hearts of people are. Much of this is the desire to be above , so that others look up to you, and you have those you can look down upon.

    Paul’s observation that Jesus total divinity and became man is one of the linchpins of Christian theology and faith. That Jesus did this shows two things, that God loves those Created, and this love is so profound that God became not just identified with humanity, but actually became human. That is not a quest for power, glory, wealth, or gain, at least in the normal sense.

    Only God could turn becoming nothing into something beyond understanding.


    • What else does this tell you about God?
    • What does this make you reflect on when comparing your actions to God’s?
    • Who has the harder comparison, a person of Christ or a person of the world?


    God, you have called us to follow your example, and it’s hard. Help us, in our pride, to yield our will to yours. Amen.

  • Beyond Sight/Site

    Beyond Sight/Site

    Psalm 119:9–16; Haggai 2:1–9, 20–23; John 12:34–50

    Haggai and Zechariah were the two prophets that accompanied the Israelites from exile to home. Their primary focus was the restoration of Israel, not so much as a powerhouse, but as a people and of God, including both temple worship and the Davidic kingly line. Later on down the chronological line (beyond today’s readings), the temple is completed. However, the temple that was completed did not have the glory of the old one in physical status.

    As Haggai’s words are considered canonical (i.e., verified as the action of God), then the Jews saw something much different than the literal (often our when we are reading). From a Jewish standpoint (especially Haggai’s traditionalist perspective), the temple isn’t so much the point as a people faithfully pursuing God with one of the signs being faithful worship as prescribed in the Old Testament. What does it matter what it looked like today (remember the original Temple was David’s plan, inspired by God, but not prescribed) when faithful worship and a God-fearing king were what was required?

    That Haggai was seeing beyond the immediate temple and even beyond the immediate kingly line tells us that ‘ words were not without historical precedence (as some have claimed). As we look beyond Jesus’ time on earth, we can see the fulfillment of Haggai’s words, as in Jesus Christ has changed the world. Though, sadly, many of those who cried, “Lord, Lord,” were liars, murderers, and power-grabbers beyond the average struggling Christian.

    Haggai’s understanding of a God-honoring relationship revolved around the temple. That is what and the taught. Haggai understood quite well, as he was coming from exile, that empty actions were not what was needed. It was actions that were firmly grounded in who God is, and that the Israelites were God’s people.

    While Jesus’ words may have seemed revolutionary at the time, Jesus did answer the “Christ will be with us forever” in a way unexpected, though by pure reason, it probably should have been an idea. The Christ was with the Children of God forever…in their souls, their temple to God. Thus a relationship through the temple was now very personal, and the Christ was with them.

    Would Haggai have been able to recognize that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of his in only a way that God could make it happen? Perhaps. We can only look at Haggai’s words and see Christ in retrospect.


    • What practices do you fulfill in relationship with God? How about in regards to the temple, both body and church?
    • What do you think is comparable to the Davidic kingly line in regards to lively rightly before God?
    • When was the last time you evaluated your habits through the lens of habit or “because you need to”? Why is it important?


    Lord, guide us ever deeper into meaningful and -changing relationship with you. Amen.

  • Nasty Water

    Nasty Water

    One of the current struggles in the of Israel (the modern one) is water. Like every nation, they need water to drink, bathe, irrigate, and even manufacture. As of now, the land is (by and large) dry. Water is not yet a war issue, but may be.

    Due to its “Law of ” (those who are of Jewish descent can immigrate and citzenship), Israel has seen a constant influx of people, especially from nations that are more anti-Jewish. In addition, Israel has been fairly successful technology-wise, and immigrate for opportunity. Regardless, the more people that come, the more water is required.
    As of 2015, more than half of Israel’s water is provided via desaliniztion. This technology takes undrinkable (almost poisionous) sea (salt) water, and turns it into drinkable water. Due to its high proportion of sun, there is a drive to turn this into a self-powering process, meaning almost unlimited “clean” water at a very minimal cost.
    Sometimes “known” bad water, such as the case with sea water or the water at Marah, isn’t the bad, limiting, or stopping thing that we think it is. When confronting our “bad water” it requires new thinking or, when God’s involved, a miracle.
    When confronting our bad water, do we it over to God, to pursue to , or do we give up?
  • Feeling Real

    Feeling Real

    Psalm 84; 1 Kings 6:1–4, 21–22; 1 Corinthians 3:10–23

    Based upon the description of the First , it was impressive. The structure perched on a hill made it even more so. Culturally, physically, and religiously, it was the center of the Israelite city.  We are often amazed and awed by impressive architecture. If you’ve ever been to any of the ‘s capitals (state or nation), you have likely seen something that impressed you.

    Our cities historically were built around some center point, but as cities have grown in odd fashions, often the original center is at an extreme of the city as it expanded in a single direction out from center. Our homes also have a center, but perhaps that is no longer the case. There was a time where the dining room table or the kitchen was the center of .

    There was a time when that seemed to be fading away. One of the of the COVID reaction is that we may see a recovery of the home as the center. It is also just as likely, sadly, that this is only a blip.

    The trouble with a center is that when it becomes too much of the focus, it can distract us from the real focus, especially when it comes to our relationship with God.

    alludes to the understanding that each follower of Christ is a temple of God due to the Holy being present in each believer. However, while he uses the implication of a physical temple to describe things, it is about the inner working of the Holy Spirit in the believer. This of emphasis would indeed be different for both Jewish and Gentile Christians. Jew and Gentile were both very concerned about the rituals and practices of their former lifestyles. The change from external to internal was very significant.

    Often, we focus on the external because it’s easier. Whether it is idols, temples, buildings, what have you. Physical is easier for us to interact with. The physical can also draw us away from God.


    • When have you found the physical to cause struggles with your relationship with God?
    • What kind of physical things could (maybe not for you) cause people to struggle with their relationship with God?


    Dear Lord, keep our hearts focused on you. Amen

  • Strange People

    Strange People

    Exodus 20:1–17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18–25; John 2:13–24

    ‘ “cleaning” of the is often focused on how the Jews “corrupted” the House of God. There is truth in it. The scary part is that it often seems to be a, “look at them” moment, rather than what it should be, “look at us”. On top of that, the last 2 verses in this chapter of John are often skipped in the Lectionary (from which each day’s are determined). They, too, are “look at me”. In fact, these last 2 verses fit very well with the passage from 1 Corinthians, and even Exodus, so I added them to today’s readings.

    We usually look at the 10 Commandments as a list of don’ts. The 10 Commandments can also be looked at as a list that makes us different. Culturally, the commandments regarding the proper worship of God set the Israelites apart from those around them.

    This carried . What Jesus did? It was not totally outside of the norm for the Israelites, insofar as the history and heritage of prophets. The prophets were known to do odd and strange things, as we are told the disciples remembered.

    As notes, the oddness of Christianity then goes beyond the oddness of Judaism, to the point where Jews and struggle with it. For anyone with a heart for those who don’t Jesus, this is a hard and brutal truth.

    We US Christians have a particular struggle with this. We were so accustomed to a cultural majority (almost superiority) that we are only slowly beginning to see our “strangeness”.  Many of us are negatively responding to what we believe was “the way” of “our” country.

    We had “all” the cards. We had the opportunity to plant the seeds that would develop into a Christian . Instead, we deceived ourselves with a masquerade. As we face our mortality in , perhaps we should face the mortality of the Christian nation that we have held onto for so long.

    Also, it is hard to ignore the mortality of the church as we have understood it for so long. The church—the bride of Christ—is just fine. Half of the US church is bedridden. The other half is prepping the fields for planting.


    • What ways have you found being a Christian “strange” in comparison to non-Christians?
    • When you read the Scriptures, do you focus on “them” rather than “us”?


    Lord, you have called us to from working in submission to and being the Spirit-infused influencers of the world. Amen.