Tag: normal

  • Nourishing

    Exodus 16:13–36, John 6:29–41

    Who’s On First? was a comedy routine honed and made famous by the comedy team of Abbot and Costello. It is a masterful—and frustrating—play on words.

    Mana ≈ What is it?

    How would you like your food—for 40 years, no less—to be named, “what is it?” Imagine teaching a child the language, and how confused the poor child would be when they asked, “what is it?” And the answer was, “exactly” or “yes”.

    “What is it?” was a daily food for 40 years. It behaved differently than food. 6 days a week it appeared, and on 1 of those days you gathered twice more than you did on the other five days, and it lasted for 2 days, even though that which was gathered on other days rotted. “What is it?” is both a great question and a great answer.

    “What is it” was the nourishment of God. It was a daily reminder that they were daily dependent upon God. There was no question that without God’s provision, the Israelites would have been in deep trouble. One would think that after 40 years, especially the children who were raised with it, would have an ingrained understanding and habit that God is the provider. It is reasonable to that these same people would not have been self-reliant, independent, or quick to turn away from God. One could make those assumptions. One would be wrong.

    “What is it” wasn’t just a question regarding the food, it was also a philosophical question. “What is it” defined the patterns of the Israelites. In so doing, it placed the Israelites in the context of God. “What is it” defined what it means to eat from the table of God.

    “What is it” also is fitting when it comes to the Bread of Heaven—. There have been many theological arguments over what exactly is . When we “eat of the body” and “drink of the blood”, is it literal, spiritual, symbolic, mere ritual, a …what is it?

    1) Does “what is it” drive you a little crazy? Do you need to have an answer?

    2) Why is it important to allow “what is it” with our walk with God?

    3) When we think of “manna”, we don’t think of “what is it”. What other little things are we missing when we read the ?

  • Favor of Love

    Exodus 23:3, Deuteronomy 21:15–17, James 2:1–9

    Favoritism generally does not result in good things. By good things, we don’t mean financial . The “benefits” of favoritism is gaining influence or wealth to the detriment of another, usually by showing preferential behavior to an .

    Most of the time, favoritism is construed as the “weaker” party trying to curry favoritism with the “stronger” party. Usually, the intent would be wealth, , or protection.

    However, that is not the only form of favoritism. There is a form of favoritism that shows preferential treatment for the poor or disadvantaged.

    We have, with good reason, developed a methodology to aid historically disadvantaged people. It is an attempt to show favoritism to those who were shown quite the opposite for generations. Regardless of one’s political , God directs us to not show favoritism.

    Now, here is the narrow path we walk. We cannot fix a broken system or broken culture, for both are made of broken people, separated from God and in broken with one another.

    What we can do is each other. What is really hard is to, but is the most important, is to love each other without favoritism. How does that work? Often, poorly. We all have our friends. We have our “groups”. That collection of people with whom we are the most comfortable. Yet, when we show favoritism, we alienate. We dehumanize. Most of all, when we show favoritism we the people of God’s from each other.

    1) What do you think of the favoritism? What thoughts come to mind?

    2) Have you ever been a victim of favoritism? Have you ever shown favoritism?

    3) Why do we show favoritism? How does favoritism damage the family of God?

  • To Grieve and Mourn

    Jeremiah 9:13–21, Job 6:14–30, Matthew 5:4

    Yesterday, when we were talking about misery loving company, we were ultimately talking about people without grace and generosity in their hearts. Today’s misery is very different.

    For today, misery needs company. We as a and as a culture are pretty awful at mourning. We have clinicized , separating it from our lives, except for entertainment. The reason this is important is by separating ourselves from it, we have also lost the ability to mourn. We don’t even have the “professional” mourners and wailers that Jeremiah speaks of.

    Instead, many of us are like Job, feeling betrayed when our friends avoid or abandon us during our grief. You may be saying to yourself, “my friends haven’t done that” or “I have not done that to my friends”. If so, you and/or your friends have a ministry: to the and the world. The church and the world avoid those feelings of and grief. The world and the church teach it differently, but the result is the same, “suck it up, and on.”
    There is also a darker side to this, and that is when death occurs in an estranged . Many of the same responses in an estranged relationship occur in “, for we are very much estranged from each other. In estranged relationships, there is often an “I don’t care” response. The problem is that if there are too many estranged relationships in one’s , there is also a lot of emotional baggage that often doesn’t get dealt with.

    , however, promises that those who mourn will be comforted.

    1) If you are a follower of Jesus, and Jesus says that those who mourn will be comforted, what do you think that means for you?

    2) When you have grieved or mourned have you pushed people away? If so, why? If people “ran away” from you, how did that make you feel?

    3) When is and what makes grieving or mourning healthy and unhealthy?

  • For the Opposition

    Psalm 11, Deuteronomy 32:35, Ezekiel 18:30–32, Matthew 5:43–48

    If you’ve been on social media any amount of time, you might notice that the longer you’re on it, the less you see from those who think differently. Another way to think of it is that the more you interact (click, “like”, just stare at) with a post that makes you angry or feel persecuted, the more posts of exactly that kind you will see. This is the reality of social media that was visibly part of the 2016 presidential campaign and was part of both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, but we were all just ignorant.

    This is incredibly important to understand and needs to be used to intellectually and emotionally filter any social media or traditional media interaction you have. Why? Because are also experiencing their own confirmation bias, and it might be in tension with yours. The most disturbing part of social media is how it is reinforcing some of the basest tendency…finding an .

    There is no question that we are in a divided and an increasingly divided world. The lines are coming more rigid, and the walls between seem to be growing larger. It would be nice to be able to blame social media and the . Except that we are the problem.

    In both Psalm 11 and Deuteronomy 32:35, God makes it clear that it is God’s place to punish “the enemy,” yet we often try to take the place of God. God leaves people to their own demise, but we seem to want to hurry them along, often in an attempt to make ourselves feel/look better.
    Ezekiel tells us that God wants repentance and . When God leaves us to our own devices (or the result of our actions) it’s not that God wants that result for us. God never desires our or spiritual death. Yet, we often are not the first to aid others, retaining our “us versus them” heart.

    calls us to pray for our enemies. Enemies, though, is a very emotionally laden . A better understanding would be those who are in opposition to us. The opposition could be political, differing faiths, differing denominations, differing ideas of whose grass is greener or has more weeds and crabgrass. Persecution definitely is in regards to beliefs, but, still, we are called to pray for them.

    1) changes people. Have you ever had the experience of praying for a person who “opposed” or “persecuted” you and had your heart changed rather than theirs? Do you think that is normal, or abnormal? Why?

    2) In the context of Jesus’ words and the first question, why does Jesus direct us to pray for opposers and persecutors?

    3) Which opposer or persecutor will you commit to pray for?

  • Embarrassing

    Exodus 33:18-23, Exodus 34:29–35, 1 Kings 19:3–18, John 1:10–18

    Have you ever hidden your face? Embarrassment. Shame. . Avoidance.

    The Israelites hid their faces from God. Originally it was out of . They only understood fearing gods, as gods were capricious and unpredictable. Now they were in the of a god that they were told of but hadn’t experienced. This god that was only a tale led them out of Egypt. This god called them to him. Now what? Of course, they hide their faces. They send someone in their stead that way they don’t have to face God.

    Facing God is a -changing experience…and so many try to avoid it.
    Moses was physically changed forever. He was changed in such a way that interaction with people was over. How about you?
    Elijah’s experience was different still. In the midst of his being overwhelmed, in , and in fear, God was there. Elijah may not have hidden his face from God, but God hid his face from Elijah.
    God’s and were too much for any to handle. God made a way.

    was the face of God. Instead of being afraid, or hiding away, God was right there. Imagine instead of being afraid of God, eating with God.

    1) What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? What about it was embarrassing?

    2) Have you ever been too embarrassed to talk to God? Is it more embarrassing to think that God already knows, or is it comforting?

    3) In regards to coming face-to-face with God, why is Jesus’ coming so important?

  • Journey and Direction

    1 Kings 8:41–53, Ruth 1:7–17, Luke 9:57–10:16

    Where are you going?

    It’s a pretty basic question until we apply it to our lives. It wasn’t long ago, the question was followed with, “…to Heaven or Hell.” However, where are you going isn’t just about the destination, it is also about the journey. In fact, who we and how we live on the journey are what makes (or breaks) the Very Good .

    Solomon’s Inaugural prayer talks about the Very Good Live in general terms and one specific one. The general terms are those that are to everyday people. The specific term is focusing on God. The prayer basically revolves around people turning from God (and/or sinning), and people turning to God. Regardless of direction, God is the center.

    When Ruth makes this massive commitment to Naomi, we miss all that she gives up in her attempt to be to her family (which now only consists of her mother-in-law). She also willingly surrenders her entire belief structure (and blood family and culture) to God. She turned toward God.

    There were many people who followed . Many of them were unwilling to make a full commitment. Jesus’ rebuke to 3 of them sounds harsh (it is). However, each of us has that same daily decision to make…Jesus, or not. Jesus sent 72 committed disciples out. He did not send them alone. He sent them in pairs. An example of taking the journey with others, for we can never truly walk this journey alone. We aren’t meant to.
    The disciples weren’t directed to make converts, they were sent to build . Staying as a guest in someone’s house for the duration of their time in a village meant they had to get along with their hosts. It also meant they could build relationships—build the —at a more natural pace, and not the “gospel” that was presented (e.g., “Heaven or Hell”) years ago. If the towns were hospitable, stay. Otherwise, leave. Do your best to be at with others, insofar as it depends on you.

    1) Where has your faith journey taken you? Have you been so focused on the destination that you didn’t experience the journey?

    2) How do you know where you are going, and how do you know when to direction?

    3) How does Solomon’s prayer tie into the task that the disciples were given?

  • A Secured Feast

    Psalm 78:1–43, 2 Kings 4:42–44, Luke 9:10–17

    In the land they had left (Egypt), there was plenty, but it was not theirs. In the wilderness, there was not plenty. In the wilderness, however, Israel had God who provided both sustenance, and beyond that. God provided for the Israelites in ways neither you nor I, or even the Israelites (it seems) could really understand. Perhaps that is much of the struggle the Israelites had. They had to blindly God to provide. Their sweat and labor was not required. It must have been frightening. Put yourselves in their place. Remove yourself from your security. There is literally nothing you can do to provide for yourself. Would you really feel so secure, as you think you do now?

    Sometimes food security isn’t about the food itself, but satisfying the needs of . Elisha’s attendant is charged with feeding a small amount of bread to 100 people. The feeling is along the lines of, “you want me to put this paltry amount of food before these men, and tell them that they will be satisfied?” Elisha is “the man of God,” but the attendant doesn’t believe this carries over to him. God is greater than Elisha (obviously), but there is still insecurity.

    Now, instead of feeding 100 men, you now have to feed 5000. It seems doubtful that the disciples had more loaves than in the story of Elisha. At least they had some fish, and 50 times the number of people to feed. Again, not enough food to provide for others. Only God can do this.

    When we come to the Lord’s Table () we can be secure that God has prepared the table for us. God is our table host. God is our . In a country where 30-50% of food is thrown away, most of us don’t know long term food insecurity. In a culture where food insecurity was the norm, being a guest of a ruler’s feast was not only not , it was a once-in-a-lifetime (if ever) invitation. Yet, we are free to come to the table, secure in more than food, but secure in knowing the one who saves us.

    1) for ourselves is an . American culture takes it to a higher level. Why is this a problem when we come to the Lord’s Table?

    2) In Scripture, so many miracles exist around food. Why do you think that is?

    3) When you’re invited to eat with God, amazing things can (and do) happen. Why do we expect so little, then?

  • The Proper Guest

    Psalm 104:1–15, John 6:53–58, 1 Corinthians 11:17–11:27

    From the Christian , God breathed life into us. We’re not just talking about the lungs, but the spiritual life, too. God is the great sustainer. While there are those whose perspective of God is the Clockwork God (the concept that God started the whole thing and “walked away”) and for whom it is only biological life and no spirit, most people seem to be between. The two “extremes” operate within the framework that God is not active, and God does not interact with . Again, because one perspective has God off who knows where, and the other perspective has no God (or other “force” for that matter). There is an odd in-between version of the Spirit as a non-personal “force”, but that is even harder to comprehend.
    From an orthodox Christian perspective, without God’s spirit, we would truly be nothing more than mere biological machines. When we look at humanity, despite its often horrible state, we cannot help perceiving that there is something far more significant than just being a machine.

    What happens, though, when someone takes normal things and makes them anything but normal? .

    When Jesus calls on people to eat his flesh and drink his blood, let’s be honest, it isn’t normal. The church has long held the view that there is definitely something going on here. On one hand, there are those that believe that when we take communion, we are literally (not just spiritually) eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus (called transubstantiation, if you want to know). There are those that believe that it is merely (and only) a memorial, we do it solely because Jesus (and Paul) told us to (which are good reasons), and because the church has done it for centuries (tradition is not a bad reason either). There are two other major perspectives. Consubstantiation is a belief that it is both body and bread, and blood and wine. The last belief is that while it is “just” bread and wine (in the Nazarene and other denominations, grape juice), it is far more than “just” that. There is an understanding that Jesus is present at the table presiding over communion, in the same spirit as the Last Supper.

    Think of that. You’re eating in the of Jesus, as a guest.

    Regardless of your perspective on communion, the church (Orthodox to Roman Catholic to Protestant) calls it a sacrament. What is a sacrament? It is something instituted by an of Jesus. Within the larger Protestant grouping, it is one of two sacraments, the other being . Other traditions count additional acts as sacraments, but communion and baptism are universal.

    There is another aspect that is crucial to the sacraments…ourselves. Sacraments are instituted by God, so we don’t make them holy. However, Paul warns everyone to take them seriously. This is why an understanding of at whose table you are eating is so important. Not only are you eating and drinking with your local church , there is the larger denomination, the church as a whole (again, across denominations), and with the church universal (both before and after us). It should never be something approached flippantly. This does not you cannot be joyful. In fact, joyful and thankful should be the exact perspective we bring to the table.

    1) For some communion should be done rarely; at most, once a month. For others, communion is weekly. For others still, it is every worship (which can be many times in a week). What is your perspective? Why? Can you see why others might have a different perspective?

    2) Do you ever think of Jesus hosting your table during communion? Does that impact how you view communion, and your participation in it?

    3) Why do you think Jesus and Paul emphasize the body and blood? What is the significance of those two words?