Tag: NotBlue

  • Kingdom Justice

    Kingdom Justice

    Psalm 7; Revelation 19:1–9

    “They got what they deserved.”

    We long for justice. In fact, much of the separation between political parties and people, in general, is defined by justice. When we look at emotionally charged issues such as racism, justice is often the biggest piece.

    The person negatively affected want to feel heard and, more importantly, things to get better (i.e., “more just”). The person who appears to benefit from racism often assumes that the justice of the affected will negatively affect them. Until both come to a logically, emotionally, and spiritually satisfying definition of justice and what justice looks like.

    This sounds pretty close to impossible, doesn’t it? It is. This is why those who seek justice often become frustrated, which often develops into anger, whether they are the aggrieved or the established.

    As much as we often think that the US is unique, we aren’t. There are countries with greater racism problems, and there are countries with lesser. It doesn’t change that it is there. Often the tensions are just as strong elsewhere, sometimes even stronger. The question is, how do we resolve it?

    The answer lies in Rwanda. Decades ago, there was a massive shift between the two primary (but not only) groups, the Tutsi and Hutu. Through a combination of internal , German and Belgium historical politics, and Roman Catholic historical misunderstandings, there was a mass killing (often called genocide) of Tutsi people.

    This is a prime example because the entire scenario is a mess. According to some historians, the “separation” of the Tutsi/Hutu is a 20th Century (political) invention. claim that they have always been distinct. Add internal animosities, colonialist history, and religious teachings, there is no singular cause. It just blew up.

    In such a scenario, there is light. There is a village where both victim Tutsi and aggressor Hutu. In a recent interview, a man and a woman talked about their lives in the village as neighbors. You heard the they have for each other, and how they look out for one another. Then you heard that the man killed the woman’s family.

    Where’s the justice? Exactly. Whose justice? The woman who will never get her family back? Will she live and writhe in anger? The man? Who followed others, yet took responsibility, and still has nightmares of what he did? Especially, as he hurt a woman that he knows and loves.

    The justice of the of Heaven is so different than the justice we comprehend. Even justice we believe is guided by the love, , mercy, and of Christ through the Spirit is still lacking.


    What do you think of different people having different understandings of justice? How about in the context of both being followers of Jesus? How do we work through justice issues as fellow followers of Christ, when our starting points are different?


    God of Mercy and Justice, help us to be your hands and feet. Guide us to reconcile our own hurting hearts and the hearts of others, that we all may better bear your light and love into the world. Amen.

  • Purple Vision

    Purple Vision

    Numbers 27:15–23; 2 Timothy 2:8–13

    Having worked for family-owned and -run businesses, I know that one of the business’ concerns is, who’s next? Perhaps it might be better to say that the of a family-owned and -run business is who will successfully lead it with and tenacity once the current leadership steps down.

    I have seen it work well. I have seen it work not-so-well. One business had a plan, and the other business made laissez-faire assumptions.

    Moses had spent a lot of time getting the Israelites to the Promised Land. He had been frustrated, belittled, and probably cursed by the same Israelites. He still wanted them to succeed in the Promised Land. So, Moses asked God for the next leader.

    God selected Joshua. Now, it could be said that this was obvious, as other than Aaron, only Joshua is noted as Moses’ aide, and even accompanied Moses when he received the Ten Commandments. Joshua, as Moses’ aide, indeed saw the dark side of leading the Israelites.

    I think it is appropriate to presume that God had guided Moses’ selection of Joshua, thus make Joshua the “obvious” choice. On the other hand, we could also presume that Moses’ experience in Pharaoh’s house would have taught Moses how to choose a leader, and then God used that.

    Who was next to lead would set the Israelites for success or failure in the Promised Land.

    In some respects, that is the same view many people have of the incoming Presidential administration and the Congressional seating. Success or failure. In a republic, it’s a little harder to really hit that success or failure button (though pundits try).

    As we look at the days, months, and years to follow this election, we all need to ourselves about a few things. For the last few election cycles, the country has been color-coded with red and blue. The animosity between red and blue is approaching that of the Bloods and Crypts from decades ago, who differentiate themselves by red or blue.

    Wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood was a recipe for being harmed by the other gang’s members. Now people are being assaulted by the “opposing” group just for wearing t-shirts, hats, or participating in their constitutionally protected right to protest.

    There has been a centrist movement calling itself “purple”. However, there is something ironic in that. This mix of red and blue representation of republic political alignment has a completely different meaning…royalty.

    Theoretically, the War of Independence was intended to “free” the American colonies from the oppression of British royalty. Instead, we developed an elected aristocracy.

    There is one good thing, though, about the purple. Who we recognize as royalty, who we recognize as king makes all the difference. When we recognize and believe the Jesus Christ is King, we can gladly declare ourselves purple, for we seek to follow the True King.


    What will it take, do you think, for conversations on politics to be purple first, rather than last? What is one behavior or of yours was not purple during this recent political season? How can you develop a practice of purple thoughts and , rather than red or blue?


    Lord, you are the King of the Universe. Through you, came into being. Only you are worthy of our worship and . Thank you for us the freedom to choose. Thank you for loving us enough so that through the , we can become wise. Amen.