Tag: physical

  • Moving Pain

    Moving Pain

    Psalm 107:1–3, 23–32; Job 38:1–11; 2 Corinthians 6:1–13; Mark 4:35–41

    The right time. God moved at the right time. God’s timing is perfect.

    From a purely intellectual standpoint, these are easy to say. It is much harder to say this in the midst of trial and be at with that truth. We will often tell ourselves that we God, but that doesn’t mean we are at peace with it.

    Sometimes we aren’t called to be at peace with it.

    Pain, whether , emotional, or spiritual, is God’s gift to us that something is wrong. One of the biggest ones is the pain of , particularly death. Death is the ultimate indicator that something is wrong in Creation.

    Pain also often indicates that you need to do something. Just sitting in your pain, because you trust God’s timing or are “at peace” about, is not always the right or righteous move.

    Pain, oddly enough, can also be disguised in positive events and positive moments, as these moments of transition mean letting go of the past.

    The disciples didn’t just in their pain (). They woke up. That was wise.

    (and Timothy) didn’t just sit in their pain that the Corinthians appeared to be abandoning them or letting their (of Paul and Timothy and/or God) cold. A letter was written and delivered. It was said aloud and shared among the Corinthians (and other churches).

    Job didn’t just sit. He carthartically released his pain. We often think of the Book of Job as Job mostly sitting with the others. While he is, Job is also doing what a lot of us try to do when we are in pain (spiritual and emotional, especially)…we process.


    • What pain are you working through right now? What is the biggest obstacle for you in it?
    • How is your pain impacting those around you, particularly those who are closest to you?
    • How is your pain impacting your daily life and choices?


    God, you gave us pain to guide us. Help us to look at the pain we are dealing with to see how you can use it to transform us. Amen.

  • Loving Presence

    Loving Presence

    Psalm 20; Exodus 25:1–22; 1 Corinthians 2:1–10

    “…so that I am present among them.” (Exodus 25:8)

    It seems like a strange statement to us as Christians. Our theology talks about God’s omnipresence (God is everywhere), so a tent doesn’t really change that. The tent was, however, the place set aside for meeting God. As part of the rhythm of the post-Egypt for the Israelites, the Tent of Meeting was the center of movement of the entire for 40 years.

    After the clearing of the Promised Land, the Tent had a semi-permanent place, and still remained the primary place of . The aspect of being present may have been more along the lines of the focal point. Many years later, there were seers and prophets that didn’t necessarily reside near the Tent. They met with God in their own way. Ultimately, they too had to go to the Tent of Meeting for the annual worship events.

    It reflects the reality that humanity needs that kind of center. As our lives become more digital, it is still to be determined whether humanity can really separate its psyche from the physical reality of existence.

    The , its digital relatives, its predecessors (TV, radio, telegraph) were not the first extended form of communication. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was also extended communication. From the ancient , the letter was considered representative of the person themselves. The barriers in the ancient world (education, distance, cost) actually increased the “” of a mere letter. Not quite an ancient Zoom meeting.

    Diplomatic letters didn’t always have a physical meeting before. A personal letter, such as Paul’s, usually did, and we can see that it certainly did. Paul’s words to the Corinthians would be treated more seriously and intimately than an email, tweet, or Facebook post.

    Paul doesn’t shy away from his insecurities in this letter. We Christians often think of Paul as some great person (he was), but avoid his statements regarding his weaknesses. Without question, Paul would have been a champion blogger and writer of our day. He would not have likely been a convention speaker or YouTuber. Based upon his own declarations of his weaknesses, regardless of his writings, he may have never qualified to be a lead pastor of a .

    Lead Pastor doesn’t seem to have been his gifting, so this is not a bad thing. Through his presence, though, churches and communities were launched. Through his letters, churches were built up, disciplined, and discipled. Through his life, he brought up the next generation (Timothy) to lead. We often evaluate our ministry and giftings through the lives and gifts of others. Perhaps we ought to just evaluate them on whether we were present in others’ times of trouble when we had the opportunity to love them.


    • Who is one that you wish your ministry or Christian life resembled? Why? How does your life resemble theirs? Are your spiritual giftings the same as theirs?
    • Who has made the biggest difference in your life? A famous Christian, or someone who loved you through your darkest times?


    Lord Christ, helps our lives to be one of presence to others that they can sense your love coming from us and pouring into them. Amen.

  • Restoration


    Psalm 95; Micah 7:8–20; Mark 14:26–31

    In this passage in Micah, Zion is the personification of Jerusalem and the Promised Land. Zion also takes on the aspect of the people themselves. What is interesting is that Zion proclaims in regards to God, but the actual people weren’t open to that way of thinking.

    The recognition that the consequences of destruction are well-earned is also something many of the people would not understand. If we are honest with ourselves, none of us like the negative consequences of our actions. We only want the positive ones.

    The poetic hyperbole of the rebuilding of Zion is about the speed of versus the speed of falling into one’s own mire. God gave the descendents of Israel plenty of time to allow themselves to descend into the mess of their own making. God also gave them plenty of time to repent. They chose not to.

    God still them, though, just as God still loves us even when continue to do things that God does not want us to do. That is the beauty and the in the poetic rebuilding of Zion. In many respects, we can see a resemblance to what occurs when a person first truly gives their to Jesus Christ. Restoration! Restoration of our with God is always there waiting for our .

    When the disciples made such sure and quick promises to Jesus that they would never him, their words were honest to the best of their understanding. However, once the hard times came, they quickly ran away (granted, after today’s verses). They were truly overwhelmed by the (, religious, cultural, and political) that came to take Jesus.

    They made a rash proclamation and broke it quickly after. Jesus still came and restored the relationship. Restoration is always around the corner.


    • How has God restored you? Can you recall how many times? What lessons were learned from them? What person or people were common in any of these experiences (whether individuals or roles)?
    • What does this tell you about God? What does it tell you about yourself?


    Lord, under your grace and love, we are always under construction. Thank you for working on us. Help us to surrender each wall, door, or room of our hearts that is not like you. Amen.

  • Blessing of Blessings

    Blessing of Blessings

    Psalm 23; Genesis 30:25–43; Acts 3:17–26

    “You’ve been such a in my !”

    Hopefully, you have said that to at least one person in your life. Even more so, would be for someone to say that to you. In both cases…and mean it.

    Laban and Jacob were the perfect foils for one another. Both seemed to have issues with straightforwardness (Jacob has been nicknamed the usurper and trickster, with some justification). It’s hard to believe that the first issue pops up more than 7 years into their when Laban deceives Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel. If personality issues such as this only show up every seven years, then that’s not too bad (though, really, over marriage?). It seems unlikely.

    Through a parable, said that a person who could be trusted with a small task could be trusted with a larger one. There are people who can be trusted with big things but need a lot of people around them to keep from failing with all the little things. There was just something (okay, a lot of things) wrong in this .

    Throughout this, Laban seemed to care little for his daughters, other than how to tie Jacob to him. It is not unreasonable that if it hadn’t have been Jacob, Laban would have tried to hoodwink someone else. The only time Laban appeared to care for his daughters was when Jacob left (Genesis 31), but as Jacob may have been the sharer of the story, he may have left out the positive sides of Laban. Maybe.

    The reason Laban’s care (or lack thereof) for his daughters is important is that this was his justification to chase after Jacob when he left after the events of today’s passage in Genesis. However, If we look at Laban’s words, was Laban really worried about his daughters, or was he concerned about the lost blessing.

    That Laban felt this so powerfully indicates that the blessing was huge, and Laban knew it. It would just like someone who bought Apple stock during its first IPO ($22) and then threw it in the shredder (valued at more than $15,000) today. Laban wanted to seize the blessing, and it makes sense.

    Except the purpose of true blessing isn’t to be seized or owned by one person. True blessing is to be shared with , so that they may be blessed.

    When Peter talks about Abraham’s blessing there is a difference. The Jews didn’t really try to hold onto the blessing, per se, they merely thought that their bloodline along with the Law was the blessing. Some scholars point to Israel’s physical location in ancient times. Much of the commerce of that part of the world went through it. They had the opportunity to be a blessing to others by sharing God’s blessings.

    One of the easiest ways to think of blessings and blessing is to think of water in a cup and in a pipe. A cup is a fixed point with a fixed volume. A pipe carries the water to others. A cup of water either evaporates or stagnates.


    • What does it mean to be a blessing?
    • What qualifies something or someone as a blessing?
    • Why do people seize blessings and not let go?
    • Why might a blessing be greater when it is given away rather than held?


    With the blessings we have received we bless the Lord.
    With the gifts in our hands we his ;
    with our hearts and hands and voices we give thanks to the Lord,
    calling on all his to bless and praise his name. Amen.

    Clowes, David. 500 More Prayers for All Occasions. Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook, 2015. Print.
  • Stingless


    Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; Genesis 1:20–2:4a; 1 Corinthians 15:50–58

    God created humanity in God’s own image. When we read , it may be easy to conclude that this is only a spiritual image. In many respects, it is indeed a spiritual image. On the other hand, as God made us even our being is an expression of God.

    Through sin, however, death and decay were brought into the world. One could argue that Adam and Eve’s sin began the decay and from the decay came death. Decay and death…consequences of sin.

    Yet, before we decay and death all the “glory”, let us recall the real issue…sin. Decay and death are symbolic of what occurs with us spiritually in regard to our relationship to God.

    The ways of the world are to draw everything to its decay and death. This includes, and often even focuses upon, our relationship with God. If the innocence of a newborn child was the starting point, then the decay would begin immediately. Just as with all things rates of decay depend on environment, nutrition, love, guidance.

    However, if we were to strictly rely on the world to reduce the rate of decay, then there still would be no for anything except death. That isn’t much to hope for.

    The hope we have is that death’s has ultimately been broken. Thanks to the cross, we have something beyond to look to. While death causes us pain in the here and now, ultimately we understand that death is merely a stage for us. The pain we feel can be attributed to the “God-shaped” place in our beings that understands that death is not the way things ought to be. It is our reality that we will miss those we love. Our hope is the hope we in the midst of and in the face of what would otherwise be the hopelessness of death.


    O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought and immortality to : Grant that we, who have been raised with him, may abide in his presence and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen. [Tuesday of week collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Beyond Sight/Site

    Beyond Sight/Site

    Psalm 119:9–16; Haggai 2:1–9, 20–23; John 12:34–50

    Haggai and Zechariah were the two prophets that accompanied the Israelites from exile to home. Their primary focus was the restoration of Israel, not so much as a powerhouse, but as a people and nation of God, including both worship and the Davidic kingly line. Later on down the chronological line (beyond today’s readings), the temple is completed. However, the temple that was completed did not have the of the old one in physical status.

    As Haggai’s words are considered canonical (i.e., verified as the action of God), then the Jews saw something much different than the literal (often our when we are reading). From a Jewish standpoint (especially Haggai’s traditionalist perspective), the temple isn’t so much the point as a people faithfully pursuing God with one of the signs being faithful worship as prescribed in the Old Testament. What does it matter what it looked like today (remember the original Temple was David’s plan, inspired by God, but not prescribed) when faithful worship and a God-fearing king were what was required?

    That Haggai was seeing beyond the immediate temple and even beyond the immediate kingly line tells us that ‘ words were not without historical precedence (as some have claimed). As we look beyond Jesus’ time on earth, we can see the fulfillment of Haggai’s words, as in Jesus Christ has changed the world. Though, sadly, many of those who cried, “Lord, Lord,” were liars, murderers, and -grabbers beyond the average struggling Christian.

    Haggai’s understanding of a God-honoring relationship revolved around the temple. That is what and the taught. Haggai understood quite well, as he was coming from exile, that empty actions were not what was needed. It was actions that were firmly grounded in who God is, and that the Israelites were God’s chosen people.

    While Jesus’ words may have seemed revolutionary at the time, Jesus did answer the “Christ will be with us forever” in a way unexpected, though by pure reason, it probably should have been an idea. The Christ was with the Children of God forever…in their souls, their temple to God. Thus a relationship through the temple was now very personal, and the Christ was with them.

    Would Haggai have been able to recognize that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of his in only a way that God could make it happen? Perhaps. We can only look at Haggai’s words and see Christ in retrospect.


    • What practices do you fulfill in relationship with God? How about in regards to the temple, both body and church?
    • What do you think is comparable to the Davidic kingly line in regards to lively rightly before God?
    • When was the last time you evaluated your habits through the lens of habit or “because you need to”? Why is it important?


    Lord, guide us ever deeper into meaningful and life-changing relationship with you. Amen.

  • Found and Find

    Found and Find

    Psalm 119:9–16; Isaiah 43:8–13; 2 Corinthians 3:4–11

    God said, “I announced, I saved, I proclaimed…”

    says, “…our qualification is from God.”

    As much as the Christian “world” tries to keep these two concepts in mind when out our lives, we really struggle with it. There is a constant desire to perform and prove. Many of those who gave in their general lives did so because they believed they could not perform and prove. It is often even more difficult in our spiritual lives.

    The tricky balance of a spiritual is that it should pour out of us naturally. It is often hard (if not impossible) to determine if the life displayed of authentic pouring out or if it is by will and effort alone. We can be tricked into thinking that effort will produce spiritual life . We can also be tricked into thinking that our spiritual life is strictly an internal thing. A spiritual life will pour out something.


    ※Does your spiritual life pour something positive into the lives of , just lost amongst other lives, or does it hurt the lives of others? ※

    In our quest to not shame people (including ourselves) regarding our spiritual journey, we often disregard effort and work. This was often covered under the term, spiritual disciplines. Spiritual Disciplines weren’t (and aren’t) checkboxes to completed. They are ongoing forming, reforming, and reconciling actions. While the performance of them has been used unspiritually to abuse and shame people into outward conformance, the spiritual disciplines are no less important.

    Paul notes that the gives life. Spiritual disciplines are to be the same. There is a big caveat there, however. The spiritual life often goes against the life (i.e., “spirit of the flesh” or “worldly”). This means that the physical life is crying, “I’m dying,” while the spiritual life is crying, “I’m gaining life.”

    • Have you experienced your physical/worldly life dying while your spiritual life was growing? What was that like?
    • Why do you think we often believe our spiritual life is supposed to be easier than the worldly life to grow?
    • How do the opening words (from Isaiah and 2 Corinthians) affect or influence (or should) both worldly and spiritual lives?

    Lord, often we make spiritual living too hard, but more often we think it should be easy, and thus it is all hard. Help us to submit our hearts and spirits to you, so that we may live lives fully committed to you. Amen.

  • Feeling Real

    Feeling Real

    Psalm 84; 1 Kings 6:1–4, 21–22; 1 Corinthians 3:10–23

    Based upon the description of the First , it was impressive. The structure perched on a hill made it even more so. Culturally, physically, and religiously, it was the center of the Israelite city.  We are often amazed and awed by impressive architecture. If you’ve ever been to any of the nation’s capitals (state or nation), you have likely seen something that impressed you.

    Our cities historically were built around some center point, but as cities have grown in odd fashions, often the original center is at an extreme end of the city as it expanded in a single direction out from center. Our homes also have a center, but perhaps that is no longer the case. There was a time where the dining room table or the kitchen was the center of family .

    There was a time when that seemed to be fading away. One of the of the COVID reaction is that we may see a recovery of the home as the center. It is also just as likely, sadly, that this is only a blip.

    The trouble with a center is that when it becomes too much of the focus, it can distract us from the real focus, especially when it comes to our with God.

    alludes to the understanding that each follower of Christ is a temple of God due to the being present in each believer. However, while he uses the implication of a physical temple to describe things, it is about the inner working of the in the believer. This of emphasis would indeed be different for both Jewish and Gentile Christians. Jew and Gentile were both very concerned about the rituals and practices of their former lifestyles. The change from external to internal was very significant.

    Often, we focus on the external because it’s easier. Whether it is idols, temples, buildings, what have you. Physical is easier for us to interact with. The physical can also draw us away from God.


    • When have you found the physical to cause struggles with your relationship with God?
    • What kind of physical things could (maybe not for you) cause people to struggle with their relationship with God?


    Dear Lord, keep our hearts focused on you. Amen