Tag: presence

  • Mighty


    Judges 2:6–15; 2 Corinthians 10:1–11

    At this point, there are a lot of stirred up people. You might even be one of them. The question is, what really is stirring you?

    Is it a belief that the current president is a lunatic and must be destroyed (metaphorically or in reality)? Is it a belief that the current president is the righteous leader that will lead the country to some sort of ?

    In the middle of this mess are Christians. Some are confused. Many are disgusted. Some champion the president. Some champion the president-elect. Theoretically, all treasure Christ as Lord.

    That’s the rub.

    One of the constant mutterings of the church (on myriad “sides” of many issues) is about a Christian nation. A real Christian nation wouldn’t [fill in the blank]. What if we never knew what a Christian nation was? What if, there has never been a “true” Christian nation in history?

    When we look at what happens after the death of Joshua, it’s easy (and understandable) to put much of the blame on Joshua and that’s generations’ leaders. On the other hand, no one forced the Israelites to pick up the patterns of the defeated people, especially the Baal and Astarte’s worship.

    In far too many respects, the mythos of a Christian nation is as spiritually deadly as the mythos of an Israelite nation upon the death of Joshua (and his peers). “We are a/the [] nation.” It can become a great deceit.

    Thus, God’s is sharper than any sword. Paul’s words in letters were far sharper than his . Why? Often a letter is missing so much of the feeling and emotion of presence.

    There is a reason why emojis and emoticons have become such a part of the digital world…text only goes so far. However, sometimes the lack of emotion in the text makes it the very thing we need.

    Just as Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was one of , his previous letter(s) had apparently earned him a reputation.

    God’s letter, the Bible, is much the same. It is God’s story to us. We do miss a lot of God’s emotions. Yet perhaps we need a lot of sharpening.

    It was my hope that we would be beyond this. It was my hope that we would be stepping toward . That is not the case.

    While it will be easy to point at one president or one political party, the is that we are as much the issue as anyone else. The truth is that we are in as great a need of God’s word shaping and sharpening us as anyone else.


    What is something in your that needs sharpening by God’s word?


    Lord, let your word us, and your love strengthen to be your hands, feet, and words in this world. Amen.

  • Funny Smelling

    Funny Smelling

    Exodus 30:22–38; Acts 22:2–16

    Have you ever had the experience of a particular smell, either good or bad, that triggers memories? There are a number of smells that will trigger memories of my grandparents’ house. My daughter has also shared experiences where certain smells trigger her memories, and they are often of her grandma’s house (my mom).In many respects, the smells from my childhood create almost a homesickness. There was something deeply contentful about those smells and the feelings invoked. I can’t imagine not having them.

    God provided a recipe for a very special—a holy—. So special that it’s only time of use was in the . It was just incense. Incense is nothing special.

    God made it so. Likely, it was set apart so that the smell became associated with the God and being in God’s presence.

    Imagine a rough, horrible day that you found nothing good in. Because you have to, and only because you have to culturally, you go to the temple. You smell the incense. If you’re like me, that smell would trigger the , God is here.

    Because incense was a familiar thing, this special recipe had to be set aside, so that even the common could be holy.

    Sometimes normal things, sometimes odd things, sometimes even people who are the “enemy” are set aside to do God’s will.

    was the enemy, until he wasn’t. Paul was going about his normal business, and then came to him in a vision.

    While it might seem strange to combine the Law of incense with the story of Paul’s , the reality is that God often defies our human logic. God sees beyond the human vision that we have. Paul, in many respects, was transformed from the “common” (the Law abiding Jew) to the “uncommon” (called by Jesus). Paul’s very life became the startling transformation from persecutor to proclaimer.

    Just as being set aside, the “common” incense became uncommon, and thus a testimony of God and to God’s presence. So, too, Paul’s life became the transformative testimony (even without words) of what God can do for the world, if the world chooses to hear.


    In your life, has there been any common thing that has become a symbol of God (or God’s presence) for you? Why?


    Lord, you have called to follow you. Help us to be willing to be uncomfortable in that call. You have not called us to an easy life. You have called us to a fulfilled life in you. us your , , , and most of all, courage, to be the light. Amen.

  • Foundational


    Matthew 19:16–26; Hebrews 9:1–14; Romans 10:8–13

    The story of the rich young ruler, in my experience, has always been presented in one way…he cared too much for his stuff. This is true…to a point. Is the conclusion that we have often been led to actually correct? Or perhaps we, too, are missing which point Jesus was trying to make.

    The opening question by the man was about . Jesus gives the Great Commandments as the response, plus a few ones that had been problematic with the religious elite. We could question the of the man’s statement but note that Jesus didn’t.

    Yes, Jesus could have just been condescending, however, Jesus’ words were not particularly sharp, which tells us that he accepted the man’s words. There was likely a have-been/continue-to-do-so tension, meaning that it was an ongoing practice, not just a past one.

    This is significant as by straight reading the man had lived in such a way as to have eternal life. We who follow Jesus might question that, but that Jesus gave such a response is critical. For those who might conclude that this is a universalist response, the man was still a Jews, and thus one of the .

    However, was eternal life really the question? The man believed that despite the seemingly positive response he still lacked something. Jesus let him have it. Yet was that really the answer? We conclude so because the man walked away. It could be truly a matter of the .

    Our earthly responses often seem to affect our response to the security of our salvation. The writer of Hebrews noted that much had to be done on a regular basis by the priests to keep things “okay” between God and man (this is by the Law, not ). The writer of Hebrews goes on to explain that Jesus is the perfection of restorative relationship. Jesus’ mere presence in Heaven (and as part of the Trinity) is a perpetual “offering” on our behalf.

    In the heart of the man is a question I hear from many people, and in my darker moments, I ask myself. “How do I (really) know that I am saved?”

    It is through the author of Hebrews and the words of Paul that we get this answer. These words are first laid upon the solid foundation that is Jesus Christ, whose , , love, and are truer than we are capable of understanding.


    1) What do you understand from our passage in Hebrews that applies to the sureness of (y)our salvation?

    2) What do you understand from our passage in Romans that applies to the sureness of (y)our salvation?

    3) Why do you think it is so hard for us to accept the truth revealed by the Scriptures regarding our salvation?


    Triune God, you created us. You gave us life. You gifted us salvation. You graced us with eternal life. Help us to seek that it is not our works that save us, but you alone. Amen.

  • Message Over Mammon

    Message Over Mammon

    Luke 10:1–9; 2 Corinthians 12:1–14

    There are many people who attract attention naturally. Some do it with mere charisma. Some do it with money. do it with the words (positive and negative).

    There are others that do it out of . Whether it is to gain the attention of people or to feel power, or success (all still people-based, really), gaining attraction to puff oneself up isn’t Christ-like.

    When sent out the 72 disciples he gave an interesting direction: don’t change houses. In other words, if you were invited into a house in a town, stay at that house until you leave the town. As they were representatives of the famous prophet, they would likely be treated well. It might even mean that people would compete for their .

    The concern with this is that the message would lose weight as the disciples would go from house to house. What gravitas would the “” have if its disciples (emissaries, ambassadors) traipsed from one place to another following the food and the sandal-licking (they didn’t have boots, then). If people competed over the fame and flattery of having one of the disciples, would they really care about the message?

    The next concern would be the effect upon the disciples. Being “wined and dined” could have a potentially huge negative effect on their spiritual growth and their . It could even lead to some of the same bullying behavior of the Jewish religious leaders. That would have been very bad.

    We see how it did evolve through Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The “super” apostles were, it seems, spiritual abusers. They -tripped people to more money. Based on Paul’s language, the super-apostles used language that implied that the Corinthians were being spiritually blessed by them (the super-apostles) so much money.

    When Paul apologizes that he didn’t ask for money or to be taken care of, there is a realization that the Corinthians had been hoodwinked. They had bought wholeheartedly into the swindle of the super-apostles. In so doing, they lost the vision of the Gospel.

    By succumbing to the words of these super-apostles, they reattached the chains of bondage. Paul was heartbroken. The heart of the message of in Christ had been lost.

  • Cross Section

    Cross Section

    Psalm 78; Zechariah 8:1–6; Acts 2:14–21

    Ever had an itch. One of those itches you just can quite reach. Maybe you’ve used a pen (or pencil). Maybe you’ve used one of those bamboo scratchers shaped like a hand. Or perhaps you’ve used a wall corner. Or, if push comes to shove, you ask for help.

    In many respects, church (or the church service) has been a back-scratcher for years. There have been shifts over the years as how the service is done (from “liturgical” to “modern”, for example) to the musical instruments (no instruments, to organs, to brass and wind, to piano, to guitars, to electric guitars, to full ) to the style of music (chant, hymns, country, contemporary, hip-hop, rap).

    Music is one of the biggest backscratchers, as people will determine which church they will attend depending on the music genre (and then the instrumentation, too). Preaching styles, too, also affect church attendance (3-point sermons, topical, expository).

    For the last few decades, though, the bigger one may well be programs, especially programs for youth and children. This isn’t a bad thing, to be clear. It does, however, have some problems. They are the same problems as service styles, music styles, instrumentation, preaching…they scratch an itch.

    It was much easier when there was only one style. Then there would be only one . There is also the reality that the lack or of any of the above (and this is not an exhaustive list) may be a “barrier” for a new person (whether unbeliever, new believer, or seasoned believer).

    It is the whys of it all that matter. There was a quip (a stereotype that is sadly mostly true in the US) that the hour of church on Sunday is the most segregated hour of the week. The context of this quip is . However, it applies to so much more.

    In many churches, maybe even yours, you can look around during the church service and see the segregation of . Sometimes the children leave at the beginning or in the middle if they’re there at all. Sometimes the youth leave. Sometimes they all . Each church can do it completely differently.

    The result, however, is contrary to what the New Testament seems to display…unified across age and people groups.

    Some are beginning to question if we have lost our biggest opportunity to one another by separating to scratch our itch.

    This is not an attack on the way your church “does” church, though it might seem to be. The question we need to be asking ourselves is…how does [youth group, music choice, etc.] affect successful ? How does it inhibit discipleship? How do we scratch our itches and still maintain our fidelity to “telling the next generation” the “great things that God has done”?

  • Ever Cleaning

    Ever Cleaning

    Matthew 12:43–45

    Have you ever had a guest (or guests) coming, and all of a sudden you realize your house is a mess? Maybe you go a little crazy cleaning the house up-and-down. You might even draft the spouse or kids to “help”.

    The guest(s) then come. The event/time comes and probably went just fine. Then you don’t clean the house until the next guest. You just leave it. The toilets and sinks turn foul. The and hair build on every surface and in every crevice. Food crumbs are being walked out of the house by ant trails. You just let it all go until the next guest, right?

    Of course not! Granted, you may not clean as minutely as when a guest comes. You won’t let it all go, though.

    This passage of is not quite the same as cleaning the house for the guest. It’s cleaning the house to get rid of the bad guest. It also about why one cleans the house.

    The “ generation” wanted the Messiah to come and make everything better…without changing what they were doing. They wanted the Messiah to refresh, but they really didn’t want renewal.

    On the other hand, there are aspects to this parable that apply to our own lives.

    Often, when we first come to Jesus it seems as if a huge burden (the bad guest) had gone away. Yet, for many people what ends up happening is that for a short time things are great, but all of a sudden all the habits or addictions or struggles that appeared to be conquered all come back with a vengeance. Kind of like the 7 new spirits.

    The house in the parable is empty of . No spirits. No Jesus. No . That means an unHoly party is quite possible.

    Once we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we still need to keep the house somewhat clean. Yes, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit present we don’t get a complete unHoly party, but we certainly don’t have a peace-filled house if we allow the evil spirits to still live there.

    There is no “one time” cleansing of the house of our soul. There is passing the deed from the world to us, then to God. That doesn’t mean we can stop cleaning the house.

    Reading the Scriptures helps to fill the space with God’s . Confessing our sins helps to fill the house with . At all times, God wants to fill the house with …we just need to accept it.


    1) What do you do to regularly “clean” the house that is your soul?

    2) Have you ever been told that once you know Jesus, everything will be fine? What is the problem with that? What is the in that?

    3) Why is it important to recognize that all Christians need to be regularly “cleaning” their soul?


    Holy Spirit, guide us to the corners and even the closets of our lives that need to be cleaned. Help us to regularly look to you and your people for guidance in that. Amen.

  • Rusted Jalopy

    Rusted Jalopy

    Rusted Jalopy

    3 September 2020

    Judges 2:11–23; Ezekiel 24:1–14

    Prior to the discovery of titanium (and development of ways to use it), steel was the material of choice for strength, durability, and being shapable. Even now it remains the primary tool material as it is less expensive than titanium. It does have its issues, however.

    We’ve all seen photos of old rusted/rustic cars. The photos are artistically beautiful, but the cars are useless for what they were built to be.

    Rust is a sign that the iron in the steel is being “attacked”. Rust breaks down the bonds in the metal to the point that formerly strong steel turns into when touched.

    Rust can also build onto itself. So, while it is growing “down” into the metal, it can grow thicker. Then it can become like armor to the steel or iron, however, there is the risk that while the “armor” may be strong, the underlying metal is very weak.

    There are several techniques to remove rust. One is to blast it with a combination of sand. Another method is to grind or sand it. Another is to dip it into acid. Interestingly, acid is also used to help steel (specifically, stainless steel) become more corrosion-resistant.

    In metallurgy terms, rust is corrosion. Corrosion is not a good thing. Corrosion is built on the same root (in English) as corruption. Corruption, like rust, can start small and almost unnoticeable. However, unless it is cleansed, it will destroy the “host”.

    In many ways, the People of Israel left Egypt with the seeds of corrosion embedded in them. For 40 years, they were “sandblasted” in the desert to remove the corruption. It didn’t last.

    The “seeds” were still there. They succumbed to temptations and became corrupted. The Book of Judges talks about the ebb and flow, but the people never seem to be able or willing to up the seed of corrosion.

    By the time of Ezekiel, the corruption was to the point that their spiritual hearts would crumble to dust at a touch. The rough vision presented is along the lines of the corruption of Israel became the pot that was the crucible of their destruction. They willingly jumped into the pot and became nothing at all.

    We, sadly, are not much different. The seeds of corruption remain in us, even after our salvation. Our purification (progressive then entire ) is a result of our willingness to set ourselves at the feet of God, allowing and asking to be cleansed of everything the separates from the holiness of God.

    While it is easy to look at the world and see its corruption and eventual destruction, we must be aware that we will also fall to corruption and destruction if we do not daily ourselves to Christ and for cleansing by the .

    ※ Prayer ※

    , Son, and Holy Spirit, guide us into your perfect will. Help us to follow your will and walk the path that you have laid before us. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) What’s the first thing you think of with the “corruption”? Why is that the first thing that comes to mind?

    2) Why is it important to understand the ever- of the “seeds” of corruption?

    3) Do you really think that we need “purification” after our salvation? Why or why not?

  • …Who’s There?

    …Who’s There?

    Matthew 7:7–12; Luke 13:22–30; Revelation 3:14–22

    “Knock, Knock” jokes rank up there with “dad” jokes. Most of the time they are a play on words, and almost all the time they’re only cute (or funny) when a kid says them.

    These passages with knocking in them are probably quite familiar to you. If not, hang around circles, and they will show up.

    The first passage is probably number two on the knocking list. It is filled with a great promise. However, some have misunderstood the promise, and that has caused a lot of pain.

    When taken out of context, the passage sounds like God is some cosmic vending machine. You just put your in and out comes whatever it is you want. Within those same circles, there is an added, God just wants you to be happy.

    In context, though, the passage is about entering the of God. It’s not about wealth or health. It’s about where your citizen is while on Earth, and where you will be after your time here is gone.

    The second knocking passage is similar to the first, however, it adds a rejection clause. The implication is people trying to force their way “past” the gates. The implication in this passage is that just because you’re at the right place (let’s say, ) and saw God, that doesn’t mean your has submitted to God.

    As continues, he goes so far as to poke at the Jewish pride of being the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Just because they were born in the right place of the right blood did not give them the right to enter the .

    The third of our knocking passages is probably the most famous of them all. It sounds so warm and fuzzy that Jesus is knocking on the door. However, when we have the warm fuzzy feelings, we should often double-check them.

    The message isn’t Jesus come on in. The message is really a question, do you know Me? One generally does not open one’s doors strangers without some caution. One certainly doesn’t invite them in for dinner. The implication is that they don’t know or forgot Jesus!

    Knocking is making one’s known to another. It can be a sound of warning. It can be a sound of greeting. What it is exactly depends on the relationship between those on the other sides of the door.

    Knocking doesn’t stop at knocking. There is a choice that goes along with it: yelling, “go away”; opening the door grudgingly; opening the door gladly with a warm welcome; ignoring the knocker, and hope they go away; there are probably other responses, too.

    Which door will Jesus walk through?


    Lord Jesus, there are many doors in this . Help us to view them as opportunities to seek and see you, and to also bring through those doors to you. Amen.


    1) What feelings did/do each of today’s passages create in you? Why?

    2) The first two passages are about the Kingdom of God. How does the third passage affect your understanding of the first two?

    3) We all want to believe that we would warmly and gladly welcome Jesus if he knocks. How comfortable are you if he knocks right now? Now what?