Tag: promise

  • Is Swearing Bad?

    Is Swearing Bad?

    Leviticus 5:4–6; Numbers 30:10–16; Deuteronomy 12:29–32; Judges 11:29–40; Matthew 5:37 (read online ⧉)

    No, we’re not talking about bad language. We are talking about making and “taking” oaths.

    All elected politicians take oaths regarding following the law and upholding the respective (state or US) constitution. Officers, Military service people, doctors all swear oaths when formally taking the position of their training/office.

    Oaths are not small. Oaths are not equal to promises. Oaths tend more toward the covenantal side of things. This means that there should be a depth to them of body, mind, and soul that is far more than just a promise. Some people do take promises to the oath standard, but most people do not.

    Oaths will often also have a penalty that goes with breaking them. Promises generally do not (except for the diminishment of your “good” name). Also, oaths will usually invoke a greater . In the United States and even in a number of “post”-Christian countries, that greater power is still God.

    God. The “special” ingredient of an oath.

    Oaths (or swearing, the right kind) are not a bad thing. Rash (or emotional or reactive) oaths, however, are. As the first passage indicates, there is a kind of guilt associated with a rash oath, and that is whether it is to do good or to do bad. That, in and of itself, should indicate the weight God holds for oaths.

    While Numbers makes a wife’s or daughter’s oath the responsibility of the husband/father, it is still an oath. Part of it is a cultural that the man would indeed ultimately bear the responsibility of the oath anyway. The wife and daughter are of his household, and thus his responsibility.

    Even how the man is supposed to deal with their oaths is important. He has to be quick and discerning about voiding them or owning them. He is responsible. He would also likely make the oathmaker bear some responsibility, too. The point is that oaths are not to be taken lightly.

    Jephthah provides the stunning example of why rash oaths are a really bad idea. The prologue to Jephthah’s story is the passage in Deuteronomy about sacrificing children, and that God really hates it. Think about those who would run out of the city to greet the victorious Jephthah…it would probably be someone from his .

    Jephthah made an oath. His daughter paid the price for his oath. This was not a God-honoring oath, nor a God-honoring sacrifice. That Jephthah was a judge for Israel makes this tale even that much more tragic, and even less God-honoring.

    When Jesus says to say yes or no, he is referring to a practice whereby oaths were binding based upon what they were sworn on. won. Forget the sacrificial offering. Forget the altar (that made the money sacred). It was the money.

    It’s not that Jesus says there is no space for oaths, it’s that the space for oaths is much smaller than it used to be. Invoking God really should be between you and God, and not a third party.

    There is also another small lesson, and it is good to keep when we are all in a state (pandemic and stay-at-home) where emotional responses are likely to result in rash oaths. This is a time when many people will turn deeply to God (and we celebrate it). In so doing, however, they often become (positively) overwhelmed and make rash oaths.

    Many of these rash oaths are made to God. God wants – and trust-filled oaths. Rash oaths might be faith- and trust-filled at the moment. It is over time that the extent of faith and trust is tested. These are the oaths that God values.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Gracious God, may the words of our mouths and hearts bring and to you. May these poor words of ours warm your heart as we follow the path you guide us. Amen.

    1) Have you ever sworn an oath? Why? What was it’s result/consequence?
    2) How would you define the difference between promise, oath, and ?
    3) What is the most rash decision you have made? What was the result?

  • Holy Night

    Holy Night

    29 April 2020 Devotional

    Genesis 1:1–19; Genesis 22:17–18; Psalm 134 (read online ⧉)

    I try to settle, but I just pass through
    A rain dog, gypsy
    A wandering Jew
    All those homes were not ours
    Then I slept one night
    In Abraham’s field
    And dreamt there was no moon
    The night he died
    Counting stars

    from The Orphan by the Newsboys

    One of the interesting conflicts in the Scriptures is the human tendency to fear the dark (because of bad people and wild animals). Yet, on the other hand, God did not make the dark to be bad. God called it good.

    We want to conquer the darkness. As our cities become fuller (or at least were pre-COVID), the “light pollution” was significant. If Abraham was, for example, a homeless person in Seattle, there would be very few stars to count. It wouldn’t be much of a promise.

    If you’ve had any experience away from cities, you’ll understand the magnificence of God’s night sky as created. If you’ve been someplace really remote on a moonless night (i.e., “new moon”), it is even more spectacular.

    As the “church” aged, the simplicity of day=good and night=bad developed into a theology that happened in the day, especially in the morning to go with the day or morning star (the sun being a symbol of ). Modern churches did develop night worship to a degree, but it has been far and away diminished in comparison to daytime worship.

    The psalmist’s very short homage to the night workers at the House of God brings to point the many people behind the scenes of churches, schools, hospitals, and many institutions that do not get the recognition for they are behind the scenes. The night workers at the House of God were not any less important than the ones assigned in the day. It was just that they were not as visible. Did they get the accolades? Probably not. Did they fulfill their calling? Yes. Without them, worship couldn’t happen during the day. The night was just as essential to daytime worship as those who were there during the day.

    There is one thing that the night can bring us that day often doesn’t…stillness. Under the night sky, there is often a greater willingness to just sit (or lay down) and stare at the jewels that God placed in the heavens. In that place of stillness and of sparkling jewels, God can speak in that still small voice…and we might actually hear.


    God, through the , Jesus, you made the moon and the stars, and all the heavenly bodies. Help us to recognize your and love in them. May your guide us today to stop and just gaze in wonder at what you have made. Amen.


    1) What do you think of when gazing at the stars? What is the strongest memory you have of the night sky?

    2) Who are some of the people behind the scenes that you can think of, that glorify God by their humble and hidden service?

    3) We often on people to be humble. On the other hand, there is often this desire to have a superstar who is charismatic and often needs some lessons in . How do we get to this point?

  • Stepping Forward

    Psalm 104; Exodus 13:17–14:4; 2 Corinthians 4:14–18 (read online ⧉)

    What must Moses have had to understand why God chose the path for the Israelites? What did Moses think of his own people to think that God’s decision was right?

    The is between two paths, a path against man, a path against nature. Against nature might not be the most apt description. Yet, the Israelites’ path across the Red Sea was not the most obvious. It was quite the opposite. However, opposing man would have been most disastrous. If one has to choose enemies to fight, does one choose the unknown (the Philistines) or the known (the Egyptians)?

    There is an interesting piece of trivia tucked in the middle of this, and that is the bones of Joseph. Joseph had made sure to hand down instruction that his bones be carried out of Egypt…to the place of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Joseph’s father. Think of that. In many respects, Joseph’s bones were the symbol of a deep and abiding in God regardless of timing.

    While God was concerned that, as a whole, the people of Israel would on God, Joseph did not. Paul understood that God was not human, and thus could not be judged by our understanding of or desire about things.

    Each day is another path on the path with God. Paul notes that we do not give up (as long as we continue our walk, that is). He observes (and science backs up) that our bodies are being destroyed every day. There is the cell aspect, and there is just the reality of our mortality. Paul also observes that God renews our inner being (our soul, per se) day by day. Just as we take 1 step to walk further, so we must go through each day willingly being renewed by God.

    Joseph often did not focus on the things seen. He focused on God in whom he trusted. He trusted God to guide his paths, even when he couldn’t see where the path was going. As rough as it is, we are called to do the came. Paul was saying that this too was to be the path of the Corinthians. They just had to choose it.

    God grant us your and guidance as walk in blindness through the situation we find ourselves in. Help us to rely on your rod and staff to show us the way. Help us to keep our hearts open to your call. Help us to not succumb to the fears of the unknown, the fears of the world, or the fears of our hearts. Amen.

    1) Where do you currently see your path with God going? As you look back, what do you recall about the times you were “blind”?

    2) Why do you think Moses felt it important to , where he did, the piece about Joseph’s bones? What do you think he was trying to tell the Israelite generations that were to follow?

    3) We often talk about , that 1 day a week to focus on God and . However, each day requires renewal, too. What are you doing every day for spiritual, mental and renewal?

  • Ends and Returns

    Psalm 126; Acts 1:3–11; Revelation 1:4–18 (read online ⧉)

    I believe in Jesus Christ, his only , our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the .
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
    From the Apostle’s Creed

    “You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines,s and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of labor pains.”
    Matthew 24:6–8

    In the current COVID situation, life is a mess. It feels like an understatement, doesn’t it? A mess seems such a placid way to describe it. As usual, there are plenty of politicians, rabble-rousers, and religiousesque folks that are stirring up emotions in people. There are those that are convinced that this is a government (US, state, China, UN, etc.) conspiracy. There are those convinced this is Mother Earth getting her revenge. There are those that are convinced that this is the wrath of God.

    The real answer? The only answer? COVID is proof that the world is a fallen world, separated from God. Sadly, that is often not an acceptable answer, even by those that call themselves . We want . We want reasons and even responses that we can hold onto. Life is often not that way.

    Jesus warned his followers that there would always people stirring things up. These people would use even rumors to influence, guide, and even power. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

    There is a that this will end. Jesus will come back. That is the hope. Even that hope, however, is often used to manipulate people.

    The angels told the disciples that Jesus would the same way he left. The disciples probably still hadn’t recovered from their emotional valleys and mountains. Yet this was a hope they would rely on. John made it clear that he, even in his exile on the Isle of Patmos, was still hopeful and expectant that Jesus would return. John, by this point, had outlived all the other disciples, and knew many who had been martyred. He still held onto hope. By this point, it was likely that he no longer expected Jesus to return in his lifetime, but that didn’t change that he knew the person (Jesus) and trusted him regardless.

    Jesus, Savior of the World, Savior of my soul, I give you thanks for the promise given to me through your disciples. May we be inspired and driven by your example to be ever better versions of ourselves, and looking toward our final unification with you, whether you return, or I go. Amen.

    1) Which do you think is better, Jesus returning now, or Jesus returning later? Why?

    2) If you had witnessed Jesus’ ascension, and heard the angels’ words, what would your have been?

    3) Why do end times always attract our interest?

  • New, not Renewed

    Jeremiah 31:31–34; Psalm 51:1–12; John 12:20–33 (read online ⧉)

    The of a new covenant was ! A people who were lost and broken, many of whom knew that they had fallen away from God received the positive and hopeful news that there would be a new covenant. The problem was when and how would this happen? The people of Jeremiah’s time would be looking for it now.

    The people of ‘ time were also expectantly waiting, but it would seem far too many were more concerned with the how rather than the when. By Jesus’ time, some insisted that everyone would know the law as revealed by Moses would be in everyone’s . The law, as revealed by Moses, would be perfectly understood and lived out by every Jew.

    By Jesus’ day, the “new” covenant became more of a renewed covenant of old. The of a new covenant was being dashed against the rocks of the old one. With Jesus’ ongoing shake-up of , he continued to draw attention. Previously, Jesus had told his disciples to not go to the or Samaritans, though he did have personal interactions with them.

    Now, however, Greeks wanted to Jesus. Being called Greeks, it is quite likely that they weren’t from nearby, but had come to the to (probably being converts to Judaism). In other words, Jesus was no longer just locally known. From a strictly logical standpoint, we know that the religious leaders were trying to get rid of Jesus, how much more so when the “tourists” start asking for Jesus.

    1. What do we do when “the tourists” start asking us about Jesus?
    2. Do we celebrate a new member of the new covenant?
    3. Do we start asking them about how they are following the law?
    4. Are we honest about how we are not following the law ourselves?
  • Giving and Moving

    Genesis 22:1-19; Hebrews 11:13-19; Psalm 105-37-45

    The almost of Isaac is, for many, one of the hardest passages of scripture to read. Those who are parents cannot imagine being God asking Abraham to do this. Those who are parents cannot imagine being Abraham and being asked to do this. Note the ““. In English translations, we often lose a Hebrew grammar article, נָא (na’). It makes the “take” into, “please take.” Then God says, “…your , your only son, Isaac, whom you love…”.

    As the child of God’s , Isaac is Abraham’s “true” son. There is no other child of the promise. Isaac is not just a child of the promise to Abraham, but also to God. And God knows how much Abraham loves Isaac.

    Isaac. We don’t know much about either’s thoughts during their trip to Moriah. Isaac trusted his father. At this point, too, Abraham was quite old—his prime behind him—and Isaac was probably an older teenager—entering his prime. Scripture doesn’t say that Isaac fought his father. Isaac trusted his father and allowed (it seems) himself to be bound and placed on the pile of sticks. Culturally, this was not abnormal. Child sacrifices to harsh and unpredictable gods was .

    As Christians, looking back, we cannot help but see Abraham as a of God the Father, and Isaac as God the Son (). The loving father sacrificing his son; the loving son his father.

    As the author of Hebrews notes, Abraham was promised that his descendants of the promise would come from Isaac. Abraham probably didn’t understand, but he had walked long enough with God, that even in the time of trial, pain, and confusion, he still trusted.

    1) Have you, or someone you know, had a crisis of belief, where your choice was to follow God or up on your dreams or hopes?

    2) What did that crisis teach you about God?

    3) What did that crisis teach you about ?

    4) What did that crisis teach you about yourself?

  • Promises, Promises

    Genesis 21:1-7; Psalm 105:1-11, Psalm 102:12-28; Hebrews 1:8-12 (read online ⧉)

    God is a promise-maker. God is a promise keeper. He promised Abraham and Sarah that there would be a child of theirs. Fulfillment was a long time coming, and at a time they thought it couldn’t. God took shame and turned it into laughter. God took and turned it into joy.

    Is Psalm 105, the psalmist echoes the hearts of Abraham and Sarah regarding wonderful works and miracles. The rejoicing they must have made. The psalmist reminds the Israelites that they are children of a promise by God, as offspring of Abraham.

    The last verse of Psalm 102 (verse 28) says, “The children of your servants shall live secure; their offspring shall be established in your .” The promise Abraham is fulfilled with his children who live in God’s presence.

    Just as God’s promises reliable based on God’s very , we also know that God is reliable for He is “…enthroned forever; your endures to all generations…”. We also know that God still has a for the descendants (via bloodline) of Abraham, and Zion is their—and our—ultimate home. The Israelites and we cling to the “stones” of the promised Zion.

    The promise is that God will come back and rebuild Zion. The promise is that we will all be part of that glorious day.

    1)Do you struggle to believe that God will come back?

    2)If you knew when God would come back, how would that your ?

    3) Christians have been waiting for since the time of Paul. How is the Christian faith similar to the faith of Abraham?

  • Restart and Reset

    Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16; Romans 4:13–25; Mark 8:31–38 (read online ⧉)

    We celebrate people who reach the 100-year mark (or more). Reporters will how they’ve lived so long, and the person will say that they never did such-and-such, or always did such-and-such, or that it is all about . We are amazed at their age. Of course, we are always seeing the once who are out-and-about and doing pretty well.

    If you asked any of them if they would like to have a child at their age, I’m sure they would look you as if you were crazy. Start all over again as a parent?

    Yet, here God is telling Abram, now Abraham, that he was going to be a dad…again. And 90-year old Sarai, now Sarah, will bear her first child.

    To top it all off, Abraham and Sarah would be the ancestors of nations! To see the proof of being ancestors to nations, Abraham and Sarah would either have to live a very long time, or they could trust God. They did live a long time, but neither saw a grandchild from their . They could only trust God.

    Trust and faith. By God, God called Abraham . Abraham trusted God, as God trustworthy, thus Abraham had faith that God’s promise would be . While Abraham had a long walk in faith, there were probably many things he questioned as to God’s plan.

    Peter opened up with his doubts. He “knew” that God’s plan was wrong. corrects him swiftly and with brutal honesty. Jesus then takes that and expands upon it. Jesus tells his disciples that there is a “cross” for each of us to bear. Yet it is by carrying our cross that we step in concert with God…a walk.

    1) writes about Abraham’s faithful walk with God. Why was Paul so adamant that faith was the driving force, rather than acts? How does this inform your walk with God?

    2) When you read about “picking up your cross”, what does that mean to you?

    3) As we “walk to the cross” through the time of , is it time for you to lay down the cross you carry now, and pick up a new one?