Tag: resurrection

  • Power of Resurrection

    Power of Resurrection

    1 Corinthians 15:1–11; John 5:24–30 (read online ⧉)

    is deeply concerned that the Corinthians have already set aside the . He is right to be. Without the Resurrection, all Christians should be pitied.

    We often tie everlasting to the Resurrection, but the reality is that without the Resurrection, Jesus’ life and death are merely interesting points in history. The Resurrection is proof that Jesus was/is who he said he was. The Resurrection proves that death brought through the Fall of Creation can be overcomed (and is being overcomed). The Resurrection proves that Jesus did live a sinless life that that was qualified to be the necessary for all of humanity’s .

    So, yes, the Resurrection is kind of important.

    Also tied to the Resurrection is the Final Judgement that comes with it. At the Resurrection of humanity, Jesus will be the judge. Jesus died. If Jesus did not live again, then the judgment is just an empty threat. If judgment is an empty threat, then the necessity of Jesus’ death on the cross becomes cruelly needless bloodshed.

    The Resurrection is proof that God did, does, and will continue to turn the world upside down.

    The Resurrection is also what should be empowering us to bring the of the World (Jesus Christ) to . It is the power of Resurrection that brings new life to people. It is the power of the Resurrection that restores people from a place of death. In other words, if you don’t believe in the Resurrection, why would you about Jesus? Why would you believe a murderer, adulterer, thief (like the one Jesus said would be with him in Paradise) could be loved by God and be transformed into Christ-likeness. Oh, and why would you think Jesus matters to you, or that Jesus made a difference in your life?

    Today is Easter Monday (it’s actually a holiday in some places). Last year it was a workday for many, who would just set aside the Resurrection and go to work. In today’s COVID climate none of us (even those of us going to work remotely or on-site) is looking at Easter Monday as “normal”. COVID-19 shows us our need—in fact, the need of humanity—for Resurrection. Economies, societies, cultures will all need Resurrection power to restore things that are now dead. It’s not as if we all didn’t need Resurrection power as it was, it’s that we are aware of just how much we need it.

    Giving Father, self-sacrificing Jesus, all-empowering , we give you thanks for the ever-present and ever-working power of the Resurrection. Help us to keep in our hearts, souls, and minds that Resurrection power is not something we had or will have. Help us to understand and believe to the core of our beings that Resurrection power is something we have right now, and to live lives that show we know it to be true. Amen.

    1) How does Resurrection power affect you? How do you think about it?

    2) If there was no Resurrection, would you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior? Why or why not?

    3) While Easter Monday is uncommonly used in the USA, it is incredibly important. Why is the concept of Easter Monday important for our daily lives?


    Psalm 118:1–24; John 20:1–23; Colossians 3:1–12 (read online ⧉)

    What a day!

    Most of us have lost a one. It is hard. Sometimes we have been present when they died, sometimes we weren’t. How deep the ache depends on the . Even with people we barely knew or lost touch with, there is still a feeling of when they die.

    All of them were still in shock. The women had a (culturally assigned) task to do, and that was perfume ‘ body so that his body wouldn’t smell as bad as it decomposed (yes, it is that basic and gruesome). They had a task which, as hard as it was, provided something to do and help process their loss. The male disciples didn’t have that. They got to sit and stare at each other, with each one probably more at a loss than the others.

    And then their whole world got turned upside down…again!



    Shock. . Shock. Disbelief.

    And then…now what? What does this mean?

    We often skip verses 19–23 on . However, note the timing of the commissioning of the disciples. It’s still the Day of Resurrection. Still. The day is not yet over. Doing something is not in the future. It is now.

    Peace, sent, receive, forgive. Not quite the normal order that we think of when it comes to the disciples being commissioned, and perhaps the order isn’t quite as important as when they were commissioned. Everything thing has just been turned upside down…go and do likewise!

    This immediacy even translates later when writes to the Colossians. He calls on them to forego their ways of old, because they are saved (and with Christ) now. It’s not that we to be saved, or wait to go tell others, when we have it down, when we’re perfect. There is no step beyond our at which point we are free or commissioned to about Jesus. At the point of our salvation, no later, are we to start talking about Jesus.

    No matter how you feel about yourself, whether you are worthy of Christ (you aren’t), or whether he loves you fully (he does), go and talk about Jesus.

    1) Why do you think Jesus commissioned the disciples so soon after his resurrection? In today’s world we often provide “space” to “process”. Jesus didn’t do that. What does that tell us?

    2) Paul tells the Colossians that they are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of God they already have. Why is that an important concept and awareness for us?

    3) Jesus was killed by Jew and Gentile. Jesus came to save both Jew and Gentile. If there really is a both/and, why did the church divide then, and why does it divide now?

  • Good Friday

    Psalm 22; John 18:1-19:42; Philippians 2:8–9 (read online ⧉)

    This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.
    Psalm 118:24

    It seems strange to rejoice. It seems strange to today Good Friday. Yet, we do rejoice that went through horrible shaming, abuse, disgrace, and agony…then was crucified. We do not rejoice what Jesus went through. We rejoice that he went through it.

    As Jesus quoted Psalm 22:1 on the cross, many have claimed that God could not bear to look upon the and shame that Jesus bore, so God turned away. Yet, Mary, Jesus’ human mother, did not turn away. She stayed to the . That being the case, can we really think that God would turn away?

    We try to avoid the cross. We wear little cross necklaces. We decorate the walls of our homes and churches with them. Some of us even have tattoos of crosses. We soften the cross with our familiarity with it. As much as in our daily lives we surround ourselves with crosses, nothing, absolutely nothing, can erase the brutality of the cross.

    Yes, we rejoice on .

    Christmas and () are nice joyful days. They are easy to make warm and -friendly. Good Friday, not so much.

    Yet, we rejoice on Good Friday.

    Christmas was the proof that God was moving, and that God’s word was being .

    Easter is often the “candy” that initially attracts people to think about, “what’s next?”

    Good Friday is what holds it : the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

    1. Have you ever thought about rejoicing on Good Friday?

    2. Have you ever hammered a nail? Think about that noise echoing in your mind.

  • Holy Wednesday

    Psalm 94; Zechariah 13:7-9; Hebrews 12:1-4; John 16:1-15 (read online ⧉)

    The psalmist declares that the Lord’s people will not be forsaken, and justice will return. He continues with the steadfast of God holding him up when he slips. The beginning of this psalm is harsh in tone but quickly turns to praise of God.

    The hour draws near. From a human perspective (and God’s), what is about to happen is harsh indeed. What is about to come is almost like the very vengeance that the psalmist opens up with. Except, all of that will be poured out onto one person!

    There is a sense that , with the time drawing near, has turned on the fire hose, trying to fill the disciples (even the one who betrays him) with everything he can before he is gone. This passage in John is often cited on Trinity Sunday, the day to focus on an essential of the . This short passage is given toward the end, conveying a still not completely understood.

    “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”
    John 16:12

    The clock is ticking. Jesus promises that the disciples will not be alone. Imagine them trying to understand that this Advocate might be better than Jesus? Better for them at least. How could that be? They had to have been so very confused. Despite wanting to give it all to them, Jesus moved .

    He was coming around the final lap. In his case, there was a crowd of earthly witnesses. Some waiting for him to fall. waiting for him to take an earthly throne. Some just wanting him to go away.

    1. Much of Holy Week is just waiting. What are you waiting for?

    2. If you gave up something for , are you anticipating getting it back?

    3. If you didn’t give up something, what do you think the anticipation does to a person’s anticipation of and Resurrection Sunday?

  • Holy Monday

    Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 36:5-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:3-9 (read online ⧉)

    was given as a to us (Isaiah 42:6b; Hebrews 9:14-15). Can any of us truly understand just what that means? We get glimpses of it in our lives, but to truly understand it, we will have to have been resurrected. The width, length, height, and depth of it truly is beyond our comprehension.

    That Jesus stoutheartedly continued on this path, knowing the coming afflictions, should amaze us all. Some are quick to dismiss it, as Jesus is God, but the of being fully must not be ignored. His full humanity was going to an inglorious and painful . Knowing that part of the human condition is trying to find “the silver lining”, one can imagine Jesus’ when the perfume was poured upon him.
    She probably didn’t understand Jesus’ heart, but that simple (and costly) seemed to have touched Jesus. Jesus was quite correct. Her story has been told, along with his, since the . A simple act of , a simple act of doing something in empathy, lives forever.

    Anointing the anointed. People are set apart for certain tasks. There is a need for the and individuals to recognize those set apart, by anointing those who have been anointed by God.

    1. Do you know of someone who has been set apart? Have you anointed them?

    2. Anointing isn’t always oils or perfumes. What other forms do you think it could be?

    3. It can be hard to embrace the dual natures of Jesus—God and Man. Do you ever struggle reconciling that in your heart and/or mind?

    4. How would you, or could you, explain it to someone who does not know Jesus?

  • Expecting or Distracted?

    Psalm 51:1-12; Habakkuk 3:2–13; John 12:1–11

    It is so easy to be distracted from the important things in life. Some blame electronics. blame the media. Others blame no prayer in school. Others blame a culture that has walked away from its somewhat Christian-ish roots. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to human behavior.

    O Lord, I have heard of your renown,
    and I stand in awe, O Lord, of your work.
    In our own time revive it;
    in our own time make it known;
    in wrath may you remember .

    The opening stanza of Habakkuk’s song tells us that our disengagement from God is nothing new. Habakkuk calls us to be in awe of God. If you’ve ever had the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds fly over you in formation, you’ve had that sense of thunder through the entirety of your body. The jet wash passes over you. The sound overwhelms you. Plus the smell (which you may not like) of burnt jet fuel. There is an almost instinctual resonance to such an experience. Multnomah or Snoqualmie Falls with the spring runoff can do the same with the overwhelming volume of water, both noise and sheer amount.

    All of that pales in comparison to the awe that we ought to feel when we contemplate God. As we for Christ’s return we, like Habakkuk, want God to make his undeniably known, and that his overwhelming wrath to overcome and , with a lot of mercy. While we may not be overwhelmed by God, there still appears to be that wiring inside of us that is looking for it with hopeful .

    Hopeful expectation.

    The Jews, under Roman occupation, were waiting for something. Some didn’t know what they were waiting for. Some were waiting for a revolution. Some were waiting for a Messiah. Those waiting for a Messiah—a savior—had a hopeful expectation.

        “You came forth to save your people, to save your anointed.” [Habakkuk 3:13]

    1. Are you being truthful to yourself when say, “I’m waiting expectantly for to come back”?
      • If not, what is keeping you from seizing the that Jesus is coming back?
      • If so, what can you do to build up the expectation in others?
    2. The power of Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified), is followed by the of the Resurrection. Yet the Resurrection is not the end. It is only the beginning. How is the Resurrection the beginning for you?
  • Grateful In Ashes

    Joel 2:12-17, Psalm 51:1-17, 2 Corinthians 4:21-6:10 (read online ⧉)

    Through the prophet Joel, God sought to realign the life of the Israelites to Him. God was calling them to live a life oriented to Him. God didn’t want them to miss out on the life they were meant for. As we begin the Lenten season, it is a time for each of us to reflect upon what in our life is keeping us from being oriented on Him.

    From the early days of our faith, Christians have observed the remembrance of Christ’s (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter) with great reverence. It became the custom to prepare for that observance by a season of and fasting, and the reconciliation of those who had been separated from the of faith. When keeping the season of Lent, we take to God’s call to repentance and the assurance of forgiveness proclaimed in the , and practice in our daily lives the work of reconciliation. You are invited to the observance of Lent through self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s Holy Word.

    On Ash Wednesday, many people to receive the mark of ashes, which is a reminder of our mortal nature and of God’s invitation to receive Christ’s redeeming work. The ashes are a sign of repentance, that one’s life is not as God-focused as it ought to be. It is a declaration that all is not well, that something needs to .

    As we walk together through Lent, through our paths of , self-denial, and repentance, this is all part of our response of to God who sent Christ, the ultimate letter, to us that we can see that God wants us as His Children.

    1) Giving up something (self-denial and/or fasting) is often practiced during Lent. The purpose is to grow closer to God. If you choose to do this, what will you give up? We challenge you to share whatever this is with someone who will hold you accountable.

    2) Other practices for Lent are focused prayer, self-examination, deeper scripture reading, all of which are intended to draw us deeper and to slow us down. What will you focus on this Lent to grow your Christian walk?

    3) One of the newer trends is to give up something you know you need to give up already. Do you think that could be effective as a spiritual discipline? Why or why not?

  • Another Test?

    Nehemiah 8:1–6; Luke 24:18–27; Acts 17:10–15 (read online ⧉)

    The Israelite Exiles have returned home, sort of. As Ezra reads the , the remnant of Israel learns what it means to be God’s people. Generations had already wandered away emotionally and spiritually. Then they went into exile in a foreign land with various gods and practices and unlearned even more. The confrontation with God’s was probably startling to many, and -wrenching for .

    Even when theoretically well-established with the Scriptures, and even being (outer) disciples of , disciples such as Cleopas still needed to have things explained further to him. Perhaps, like many of us, it needed that “one more time” to get. Perhaps Jesus said it the “right” way this time so that Cleopas understood. Maybe for Cleopas, it took the report of the and Jesus’ explanation and the breaking of the bread to “get it”. We just don’t know why it took so much for Cleopas (and we really can’t forget Cleopas’ companion) to get it, but each of us has had a similar experience, where we just need to go over it and over it and over it (whatever “it” is).

    This is what makes the Bereans a good example. They eagerly dug into the Scriptures to validate what they were told.

    1) When was the last time you eagerly dug into the Scriptures?

    2) The Israelites needed to test things against the Scriptures but didn’t. How is your habit of things against the Scriptures?

    3) Do you recall that we are to test the Scriptures through the lens of God’s for us as displayed by Jesus Christ? In what ways is this displayed by Jesus’ explanations to Cleopas and his companion?

    : take one opinion or commentary regarding or from the world and test it against the Scriptures.