Tag: Sabbath

  • Too Busy To Live

    Too Busy To Live

    Exodus 5:7-9; Romans 8:5-8, 12-17 Recently, there was a song going around the internet called the “Rich Men North of Richmond”. It mostly speaks to the anguish of a working man who is striving and working and is not making ends meet, and, yes, there are some digs that many are questioning, and sometimes just…

  • Worship Even Here

    Worship Even Here

    Psalm 20; Numbers 9:15–23; Revelation 4:1–8 Trusting God is hard. Trusting that all things work for good is hard. How can COVID be good? How can a bad economy be good? How can not being able to be with our loved ones be good? A lot of this hasn’t been good. For the psalmist, that…

  • Can’t Wait to Wait

    Can’t Wait to Wait

    Job 14:1–14; Lamentations 3:1–9, 19–24; Psalm 31:1–4, 15–16 “Jesus, 33, son of Joseph and Mary, was crucified and died yesterday. Survived by mother Mary. Wandering prophet who proclaimed the Kingdom of God was near. Performed miracles. Challenged the status quo. Caused the leaders heartache.” Even in our days, dying in one’s 30s is sad, but…

  • Ready To Wait

    Ready To Wait

    Waiting is an art. Waiting in quietness and peace is a gift.

  • Sabbathing


    Luke 6:1–11; Romans 14:5–13 During COVID, my employer has continued to be operational. Due to the nature of the business (manufacturing of civilian and military aerospace, along with medical), being an “essential business” meant that things continued as usual. Other than “essential” businesses, most people have stayed in their homes. Even one of the worst…

  • Stepping Forward

    Psalm 104; Exodus 13:17–14:4; 2 Corinthians 4:14–18 (read online ⧉) What vision must Moses have had to understand why God chose the path for the Israelites? What did Moses think of his own people to think that God’s decision was right? The division is between two paths, a path against man, a path against nature.…

  • Holy Saturday

    Lamentations 3:1-9; Matthew 27:62-66; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Lamentations 3:19-24 (read online ⧉) Imagine the heartache Mary and the remaining disciples. Imagine the heartache and disappointment that Jesus wasn’t really the Messiah (he died after all). Imagine the relief of the leaders, as the troublemaker was taken care of. Before the previous sunset (Good Friday), per…

  • Lenten Rest

    Psalm 51:1-12; Isaiah 30:15-18; Hebrews 4:1-13 (read online ⧉) Rest. That seems to be a dream for many these days. In these odd times of COVID-driven angst, rest can be fleeting. There is currently an emphasis around the world that people are to stay home. Normally, when staying at home (and the chores are done),…