Tag: Sabbath

  • Too Busy To Live

    Too Busy To Live

    Exodus 5:7-9; Romans 8:5-8, 12-17

    Recently, there was a song going around the internet called the “Rich Men North of Richmond”. It mostly speaks to the anguish of a working man who is striving and working and is not making ends meet, and, yes, there are some digs that many are questioning, and sometimes just questioning those who are supporting the song.

    There seems a lot of truth, or a lot of perception of that this is the truth, that below middle-class wage earners (and many middle-class ones, too) are working their fingers, bodies, souls, minds off to make ends meet. How many are the like the Hebrews at this point in Exodus, who are trying to make ends meet without a basic component previously supplied, and now not.

    In a culture that has idolized working hard to the nth degree, why are we surprised that rest and worship are viewed as a measure of luxury and a sign of laziness. There is, of course, too much rest, but our culture, at this point, does not value rest.

    COVID seemed to have reset the rest aspect, but we are now watching it fade away. Mindfulness and meditation apps were all the rage during COVID. It doesn’t seem so now. As worship, especially the type depicted in the Pentateuch of no work (arguments over what defines normal, aside), is not normal work (which, of course, is the point), it must be rest, and rest is not to be trusted.

    As the culture turns away from organized , it appears to diminish and deride worship as well. We can see this among people who used to the church a home. We know that the human body itself cannot function without rest. Neither can the human mind. Binge-watching television, youtube, or tiktok, isn’t resting, or relaxing. It is, in so many words, medicating. It is helping us bury our lack of rest.

    I wonder if many people are so leery of rest and so leery of a set time of difference, that times of gathered singing, , prayer, and thoughts (i.e., sermon or homily), are to be avoided. It may be that we are watching even many of whom were thought to be walk away from gathered worship because it is different. And we avoid the different, and different includes worship and rest.

    Whether it is the drive to make money, for person or corporation, would have fill our lives with activity without rest, we can see that we do not value rest, and that we are no different than pharaoh and looking at rest and worship it’s nothing more than laziness.

    We can see it in the old (in internet ) FOMO (fear of missing out) and YOLO (you only live once). FOMO has fear in its name. YOLO is really the same, just with a positive twist. It seems we almost might fear rest.

    Whether we’re looking at the world or reading the , fear is not always fully understood (or desired to be understood). The fear noted in Romans may seem different that the fear of FOMO and YOLK, but the fear is still fear. The paarticular type of fear of YOLO and FOMO can lead to parents, meaning well, burying their children in activities so that they don’t miss out on something. What if my child is a hidden talent? What if my child is the greatest to humanity in something? They must know!

    However, perhaps they are missing out on what is most needed, us. What if, too, we keep them busy because we are to fearful of rest? True rest.

    ⁜ Reflection ⁜

    • How do you view and experience rest? How does worship (gathered singing, praise, prayer, and thoughts) fit into that?
    • Who in your circle of influence do you see as needing rest? How can you encourage them to take rest?
    • What activities in yourself and others do you see as attempting to be rest, but actually aren’t?

    ⁜ Prayer ⁜

    Jesus, you didn’t call us to work to the bone. You called yourself the Lord of the while telling your disciples that Sabbath was made for humanity. Help us to continue to recover what it means to rest as was intended for us, not for how we see it. us the courage to say, “no” and help us not self-condemn when we seek rest. Amen.

  • Worship Even Here

    Worship Even Here

    Psalm 20; Numbers 9:15–23; Revelation 4:1–8

    God is hard. Trusting that all things work for good is hard. How can COVID be good? How can a bad economy be good? How can not being able to be with our ones be good? A lot of this hasn’t been good.

    For the psalmist, that isn’t the question. For the psalmist, it is that God hears, answers, and remembers. This doesn’t mean that everything will be easy going forward. It means that God is with you.

    Assuming that this by or about David, note that there really isn’t a mention of rescue. Not really. David had experienced many hard times (some as a consequence of his own actions). God didn’t spare him hard times. God was with David and responded to David in the hard times. Much of this would seem to come from David’s rhythm of and communion with God. From what we can gather (which is, granted, limited), David had a regular practice of seeking God.

    The pattern that the Israelites had wandering in the wilderness was different. Most of us cannot imagine being wanderers, whether the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula or the homeless around the corner. The Israelites had a wandering pattern for 40 years.

    The pattern wasn’t fully predictable. For those of you have traveled with children, or been in the military, the ability to gather everyone and their stuff in a short amount of time is trying. Imagine trying to do that every day. Most nomadic cultures move about seasonally, but the imply that more than once they got settled down for the night, and had to pack the next day.

    During pauses between travel time, the Tabernacle (or The Tent of Meeting) would be assembled, and worship would begin. While we can read the takedown and set up, what we miss is the worship that goes along with it. The cloud was the of God. We can that on the Sabbath that they would not travel (it’s a safe , at least).

    While this seems strange to us—especially for those that worship at the same building week after week—we can read in Revelation worship that is beyond our comprehension. 24 people praising God day and night, and saying the same thing. While this is really a vision, thus not necessarily exactly how it will work, the difference between the Israelites wandering and the people praising would seem to be stark.

    It is. It is, that is, only if you focus on the how. Worship of God is not limited to a building one day a week. Communion with God is not necessarily in that perfect time. Both can happen at any time. We just need to be looking for it.


    • What do you think these different visions of worship and rhythms tell us about God?
    • What do you think these different visions of worship and life rhythms tell us about ourselves?
    • Do any of these cause to reflect on any changes that are possible for you worship rhythms?


    , guide the worship rhythm’s of our hearts. Help us to find ways and places to worship God in the face of all circumstances. Amen.

  • Can’t Wait to Wait

    Can’t Wait to Wait

    Job 14:1–14; Lamentations 3:1–9, 19–24; Psalm 31:1–4, 15–16

    “Jesus, 33, son of Joseph and Mary, was crucified and died yesterday. Survived by mother Mary. Wandering prophet who proclaimed the Kingdom of God was near. Performed miracles. Challenged the status quo. Caused the leaders heartache.”

    Even in our days, in one’s 30s is sad, but doesn’t have the same resonance as dying in one’s 20s or younger. There is something about age that leads us to directly evaluate a person’s . If they lived to 90 or 100 or beyond, no one really it. As our modern lifespan increases, we may begin to push at that, but not by much.

    By measurements such as children (Jesus had none), wealth (Jesus had none), or influence (he was crucified), Jesus was a failure. It’s jarring to think that way. We look beyond Good Friday and Holy Saturday. We know what is next.

    In many respects, Saturday is the hardest day of waiting in the year. The tragedy and horror of Good Friday. The and glory of Resurrection Sunday. No one wants to sit in the in-between time and wait. On Holy Saturday, our lives are often filled with activity. It is a “standard” day off from the 5-day work week. It is also the day we prepare for Easter celebrations. We don’t wait very well.

    Even the lectionary (the set of Scripture readings for each day) doesn’t wait very well. In there are 3 readings that were skipped as part of today’s devotional (1 Peter 4:1–8; Matthew 27:57–66; John 19:38–42) as there couldn’t “rest” between Good Friday and Easter when one includes them. In particular, is the shock, grieving, , and even the feeling of abandonment that is so central to Holy Saturday.

    I wish that the Church (and even I) could treat Holy Saturday as a pre-. Saturday for Jesus’ followers was a rest day, no matter how much they had to do to complete Jesus’ burial rites and process. Perhaps it may be time to have a 2-day Holy Day time, each with its own purpose.

    The one unique part of Holy Saturday that I have personally continued to come back to is how much it resembles our lives right now. We have been saved and reconciled to God: Good Friday and Salvation (no matter when our salvation occurred). We are in a state of hopeful expectation: Easter, the of the Messiah, our resurrection, and life. Our lives, our very living, are between the two.


    • We are all waiting for something in our lives, often in different aspects. What are you waiting for in regards to career, education, faith, family, or other areas?
    • What your reflections on waiting? Are you good about waiting? What do you do with your waiting time?


    O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.[Holy Saturday Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Ready To Wait

    Ready To Wait

    Psalm 51:1–12; Isaiah 30:15–18; Hebrews 4:1–13

    This passage from Isaiah was for me. It sounds like my . “Lord, help me figure this out.” “Wait.” “Argh! It’s too much! I’ve got to do something!” “Wait.” “I can’t wait! It’s too much!” [time passes] “Well, THAT was a stupid decision.” “I did say, wait.”

    I’m sure it’s just me. I’m certain that God has never told you to wait, and then wait some more. I’m the only one. Right?

    This, of course, is not to direct waiting at all times and in all places, but only when God says to. Then God adds the hard part, waiting in quietness (i.e., ) and peace. The linchpin, however, is when to move.

    There was a time, many years ago, where I could or lay awake quietly for hours. Now? I’m often just a jumping bean in a can.

    Waiting is an art. Waiting in quietness and peace is a .

    Sometimes, we just won’t wait. There can often be good (so we think) reasons. There are other times that we just cannot think beyond ourselves or the hour at hand. Despite all the bad that can happen when we don’t wait, God still promises to be there when we are to in his embrace.

    Rest can be defined as many things. The author of Hebrews talks about the ultimate Sabbath Shalom rest that is beyond this life but can be experienced as a foreshadow in this life. There is always another rest until the final one.

    There can also be many types of rest. This is important for often our waiting is a form of resting.

    An athlete can only train so much before their body needs to rest and recharge. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders take a “rest” (sometimes to start their day) just staring out a window. Introverts will often rest by avoiding people (guilty). As a person in a family of 5 introverts, I actually have no clue how extroverts rest (do they?). Perhaps the commandment to rest was directed at extroverts? Not that introverts don’t need to rest, too.

    What we can confuse, however, is resting when we are to be waiting (which often involves preparation) and waiting (preparing often for the wrong thing) when we are to be resting.

    The beauty of the Year (e.g., Lent) is the combination of rest and waiting that are part of the plan. Not that many (even liturgical) churches do it completely, but the intent was to rest in God and wait for God.


    • Are you waiting, resting, or waiting and resting for God? How do you tell which one you are doing?
    • If you are waiting, do you know what you are waiting for? If you know you are waiting, do you know how you will know to move?
    • If you are resting, what are you resting from? If you don’t know what you are resting from, are you really resting?


    Lord, many of us feel that we have been waiting for over a year. While we were waiting, many of us failed to rest. Help us to rest so that we are prepared for the coming storm of your . Amen.

  • Sabbathing



    5 September 2020

    Luke 6:1–11; Romans 14:5–13

    During COVID, my employer has continued to be operational. Due to the nature of the business (manufacturing of civilian and military aerospace, along with medical), being an “essential business” meant that things continued as usual.

    Other than “essential” businesses, most people have stayed in their homes. Even one of the worst commutes in the country (here in the Puget Sound) has been almost reasonable (until recently) as people just weren’t commuting.

    Staying at home meant so little was occurring. activity was cut in half. What has been amazing is how quickly nature recognized it. For example, multiple times at my employer, we have seen a coyote wandering around in the middle of the day. This is down the hill from the Everett Boeing complex.

    Nature has taken notice and advantage of humanity’s absence. It is not just in the Puget Sound. It is many places. Humanity inside and nature was free to run.

    The land has received somewhat of a . It is resting from the frenetic pace of humanity.

    For a brief moment, humanity also took a brief break. Now, however, the frenetic pace has found a few more notches to go up. Public people are now brazenly acting as bad as the “trolls” ( term for people looking to cause trouble and ) that used to be condemned. Online bullying is now encouraged so that people think and espouse the “correct” things.

    Humanity needs a Sabbath.

    There were arguments within the church about what day the Sabbath is. This denies the Lord of the Sabbath. Blue Laws (laws that closed almost all businesses on Sundays) were a legalistic attempt to enforce a Sabbath, but they could never fulfill the spiritual aspect of it.

    This was ‘s point to the Romans. Already there were arguments over which day was correct to God (besides all of them). Part of this may be attributable to the days of the week being named after Roman gods. Just a conjecture.

    Paul’s and ‘ point was that the Sabbath was an of worship, not a day of the week. Even today, that is still a discussion for many that don’t differentiate between cultural norms and spiritual needs.

    ※ Prayer ※

    Lord Jesus, help us to keep our Sabbath focus on you and to live out the Sabbath in our lives. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) What does Sabbath mean to you? How do you live out a Sabbath?

    2) How can you live out a Sabbath that will draw to live out a Sabbath, too?

  • Stepping Forward

    Psalm 104; Exodus 13:17–14:4; 2 Corinthians 4:14–18 (read online ⧉)

    What must Moses have had to understand why God chose the path for the Israelites? What did Moses think of his own people to think that God’s decision was right?

    The is between two paths, a path against man, a path against nature. Against nature might not be the most apt description. Yet, the Israelites’ path across the Red Sea was not the most obvious. It was quite the opposite. However, opposing man would have been most disastrous. If one has to choose enemies to fight, does one choose the unknown (the Philistines) or the known (the Egyptians)?

    There is an interesting piece of trivia tucked in the middle of this, and that is the bones of Joseph. Joseph had made sure to hand down instruction that his bones be carried out of Egypt…to the place of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Joseph’s . Think of that. In many respects, Joseph’s bones were the symbol of a deep and abiding in God regardless of timing.

    While God was concerned that, as a whole, the people of Israel would on God, Joseph did not. Paul understood that God was not , and thus could not be judged by our understanding of or desire about things.

    Each day is another path on the path with God. Paul notes that we do not give up (as long as we continue our walk, that is). He observes (and science backs up) that our bodies are being destroyed every day. There is the cell aspect, and there is just the reality of our mortality. Paul also observes that God renews our inner being (our soul, per se) day by day. Just as we take 1 step to walk further, so we must go through each day willingly being renewed by God.

    Joseph often did not focus on the things seen. He focused on God in whom he trusted. He trusted God to guide his paths, even when he couldn’t see where the path was going. As rough as it is, we are called to do the came. Paul was saying that this too was to be the path of the Corinthians. They just had to choose it.

    God grant us your mercy and guidance as walk in blindness through the situation we find ourselves in. Help us to rely on your rod and staff to show us the way. Help us to keep our hearts open to your call. Help us to not succumb to the fears of the unknown, the fears of the world, or the fears of our hearts. Amen.

    1) Where do you currently see your path with God going? As you look back, what do you recall about the times you were “blind”?

    2) Why do you think Moses felt it important to , where he did, the piece about Joseph’s bones? What do you think he was trying to tell the Israelite generations that were to follow?

    3) We often talk about , that 1 day a week to focus on God and rest. However, each day requires renewal, too. What are you doing every day for spiritual, mental and renewal?

  • Holy Saturday

    Lamentations 3:1-9; Matthew 27:62-66; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Lamentations 3:19-24 (read online ⧉)

    Imagine the heartache Mary and the remaining disciples. Imagine the heartache and disappointment that wasn’t really the Messiah (he died after all). Imagine the relief of the leaders, as the troublemaker was taken care of.

    Before the previous sunset (), per Jewish custom, a dead body needed to be taken care of, as the sunset was the beginning of the when no work could be done. Quickly done. The desire and drive to properly care for Jesus’ body would have to be postponed.

    Mourning for the , and for not properly preparing Jesus’ body. What an emotional state to remain in.

    The disciples were a shepherdless flock, and one of their number betrayed everyone and was now dead. Shock and dismay.

    . This is the day of loss. As it was the Sabbath, there was truly nothing they could do, but in their loss.

    Did they go to the or synagogue? Did they manage to praise God? Did they eat, or did they ?

    We want to skip to the good part…Easter. We really should sit with the disciples and Mary.

    Let’s hurry up…and wait.

    1. Waiting for God takes on new significance on Saturday. Are you willing to wait for God?

  • Lenten Rest

    Psalm 51:1-12; Isaiah 30:15-18; Hebrews 4:1-13 (read online ⧉)

    . That seems to be a dream for many these days. In these odd times of COVID-driven angst, rest can be fleeting. There is currently an emphasis around the world that people are to stay home. Normally, when staying at home (and the chores are done), that means some sort of rest. However, the busyness of the world still remains. In addition to the various forms of media, the , activities of various sorts, all seem to keep us from resting (and can keep us, for a time, sane when stuck inside), people are working from home at a rate never experienced before. If we were “back” to our “” our weekends were almost as full as the workweek.

    It isn’t just COVID-19. It is a growing need to fill an emptiness. Yet, emptiness is not always what it seems. Is the glass half full, or half-empty? This is the question of optimism versus pessimism. What if the better question is, what is the glass full of? In normal circumstances, a glass is always full. If it filled halfway with water, then the remainder is filled with air. The glass is full, we just are blind to what it is full of.

    People look at a glass that is not 100% filled and feel the need to fill it. Some feel such a drive to fill the glass, that they keep pouring into it until it overflows. There is no rest there. Imagine trying to pick up a glass completely full to the top with water to try to drink from it. Most of the time, you’re going to spill some water. The gap—the so-called unfilled part—allows the water to with the glass, and you don’t spill.
    When people keep going, and going, and going, and going, and going, at some point, everything turns to chaos or the breakdown, or they get sick. God did not intend us to keep going. Even the earth was supposed to be given a break from growing food. COVID-19 is creating another type of going that is as unhealthy (potentially more unhealthy) as the busyness as it is often laced with .

    Lent can as a disruptor of our busy lives—not so that we cannot do things, or get things done—but so that we are jolted out of our busy habits, in hopes that we might reflect upon what is important. In this particular season of COVID-19, rest seems even further out of reach than it often is with our busyness.
    (rest) is critical for our , mental, and spiritual well-being. As many people are now in tight quarters, finding a way to get a Sabbath (rest) can be even more difficult and conversely is even more important.

    When entering the Sabbath Rest, it is different than taking a nap or a vacation. It is a place and time where we are fully present with God so that God fills as we need, and as he wants us to be. This rest is where we release our expectations to God. When we allow God to outline his expectations, we will often find that his expectations are far less than ours, but that his fulfill our needs, desires, and wants far more than our finite understanding.

    1) Do you time each day, week, month, year to “” with God? If not, why not?

    2) If you do, does it include a place (like a room, corner, or even a special place away)? Do you find places helpful in finding rest?

    3) Why do you think we struggle in resting?

    4) While the world tries to create more labor-saving things and techniques, it seems that there is less time. Why do you think that is?