Tag: Son

  • God of Boxes

    God of Boxes

    Psalm 85:8–13; Amos 4:6–13; Luke 1:57–80

    God speaks shalom to his people [who follow him] and to his [where he is the core] ones (a very loose paraphrase of Psalm 85:8)

    is close to those that honor God (Psalm 85:9).

    Then…we get Amos. When we first read Amos, we are tempted to think, “This is a loving God?” As with most prophetic speech, being too literal can be problematic. This is more of the arc of the story of Israel. In other words, it wasn’t one thing after another. It was one thing…time passed (even generations)…they didn’t …another thing, and so forth. When it’s all tied together seemingly in a short time span as we read it, it can leave us breathless and/or anxious.

    Which…it should.

    The symmetry of these issues goes along with Egypt, who would not “see” the of God as worth listening to until the death of the firstborn (see Exodus 4:8–12:33). Then there is the addition of Sodom and Gomorrah (still used today as a prophetic whip). This also builds on Moses’ warnings which promised that the curses on Egypt would be inflicted on Israel if they did not choose God (see Deuteronomy 28:15–61).

    This is where we who focus heavily on the of God and the nature of God loving all need to pay attention ourselves. God is love. That doesn’t mean permissiveness. It often means .

    “Know then in your heart that as a parent disciplines a child so the LORD your God disciplines you.” —Deuteronomy 8:5

    We don’t like this. The fact that our emotional response to discipline is, “you don’t love me,” is one of the greatest struggles for our modern sensitivities. We struggle (and that’s fine) with the concept that God would discipline through pestilence, famine, war, etcetera. We will often use the language of “God allows”, or explain things as “an ‘old world’ understanding”. While this is understandable, there is a fundamental soteriological (theology dealing with the nature and means of salvation) flaw in it. When we diminish God’s acts to solely “natural” consequences, we remove God’s movement (including that of the ) in our lives, even the concept of prevenient grace (the grace that goes before us).

    Removing Godly discipline is removing God.

    Zechariah (the father of John the Baptist) was muted (disciplined) by God (through an angel) when he questioned how he and Elizabeth in their advanced years could have a child. Want to see a preaching/teaching pastor freak out? Mute them. Zechariah’s duties may not have been preaching as we understand it, but in an oral culture (most people couldn’t read) not being able to speak was a severe handicap. Instead, when Zechariah confirmed that his ‘s name was John and he was no longer mute, he praised God. After his discipline, he praised God. Being that praise was Zechariah’s first response (and praise not being, “thank you for me.”), it is quite probable that Zechariah was praising God even while mute. Praising God while being disciplined; that is hard.

    It isn’t impossible. Yet we want to put God in a box. The box of the God of love is often the one where God doesn’t punish or discipline. God doesn’t fit into our boxes.


    • In your life, what boxes have you put God into? How do these boxes deal with punishment, discipline, and/or love?
    • Why might a God of discipline also be a God of love? How do we often confuse these?
    • What do we lose when we remove discipline form the nature and/or of God? Is that important?


    Lord, there are things in life and in the Scriptures we just don’t understand. Grant us your grace to see you in and through it all. Amen.

  • Begging In Faith

    Begging In Faith

    Psalm 88; 2 Kings 20:1–11; Mark 9:14–29

    Regardless of your views on the COVID vaccine, medical science (including vaccines) has been miraculous over the years. How medical practices have been improved is amazing (My grandfather once told me of a vaccine he received as a kid. The process was highly unsanitary.). Medical science continues to improve.

    It is possible that Hezekiah’s illness could have been healed by modern medicine. Many of the illnesses in the are quite possible to be healed. This doesn’t minimize the miracle that occurred, especially the manner in which it occurred (a prompt—almost immediate—response to ).

    As our modern medicine improves, it becomes even more likely that modern folks will dismiss the stories of the Scriptures as ignorant people, who didn’t understand any science (which is true). Many contemporary people will then also attribute that same ignorance of science to Christians today. If Christians are not wise in their , and in their defense of it, they may contribute to the reduction of faith in those around them.

    It would be interesting to know whether Jesus considers the generation he called faithless to be more or less faithless than today’s. It would be unwise to presume that it must be today’s, as Jesus had to deal with a lot of that.

    The of the asked for faith in the face of his unbelief. The disciples still didn’t get their own disbelief. Disbelief was all around. Disbelief is all around us.


    • In what areas of your is your faith currently be challenged? How are you getting prayer support for this challenge?
    • Do you think there is a difference between unbelief and faithlessness? Why or why not? If there are differences, how do you see them in your life or the lives of ?
    • What is more important for the church right now, the faithlessness of the world or the faithlessness of those who themselves ? As a Christian, what does it mean to be faithless?


    Lord, help the ongoing war in our hearts and souls against unbelief and faithlessness. Amen.

  • Unity of Three

    Unity of Three

    Isaiah 6:1–8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12–17; John 3:1–17

    In the current , the concept of the Trinity has been attempted to be explained by books such as “The Shack” (which acknowledges itself as an allegory and not as doctrine, a key response to those who decry it), or an egg (shell, white, yolk), water (which, under special circumstances, can exist as solid, liquid, and gas at the same time).

    In older ages, the three-leaf clover, the sun (sun, light, heat), and the Triquetra and triples circles (the symbol on the featured image) were used in an attempt to explain the Trinity. All of these are allegorical (whether current or older). While, if used wrongly, they may lead to false theology, there is no adequate way to really describe the Trinity.

    The Athanasian Creed is an attempt to define the Trinity, but honestly is a theologian’s way to describe and cover all the bases and is really (overly) complicated. It is traditional in liturgical churches to read it today, as today is Trinity Sunday. It is long, so I will not include it in the devotion itself (you can read it here). While it is complicated, it is essential. Even in its complication and desire to cover the entirety of the Trinity, it cannot explain the Trinity fully.

    The reality is that the Trinity is indeed one of the hardest things to understand, and on this side of life barring perhaps someone at the theoretical physics level and higher plane theological level (there’s an interesting combination), none of us will fully get it. It is truly a matter of faith.

    It is also an important one. If you have been baptized, the baptizer should have said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the , and the Holy .” Though in some churches they may eschew “the Father” for “the Mother” (which is an issue, but probably not one that is salvational, though that is up for discussion), or use “God” (which is definitely an issue, as Jesus is God, and the is God), the Trinitarian form is still followed.

    Much of the theology of the church (and thus orthodox Christianity) is built upon the Trinity. We can see glimpses of the Trinity in the Scriptures, but it is (when we’re honest) threads woven through the tapestry of Creation and the Scriptures that we, as humans, try to codify and define in our constant attempt to understand God, Creation, and ourselves.

    Even devotionals (like today) get stuck in theology when talking about the Trinity, for we just want to understand.


    • How would you explain the Trinity to ?
    • How do you explain to yourself, or understand for yourself, the Trinity?
    • Why do you think it could be an important part of your faith?


    Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the of the eternal Trinity, and in the of your divine Majesty to worship the : Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. —Book of Common , 2019

  • Just Breathe

    Just Breathe

    Psalm 104:24–34; Ezekiel 37:1–14; John 20:19–23

    In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, there is a simple practice performed by many, where they say, “Lord Christ, Son of God…” while breathing in and then “…have on me, a sinner,” while exhaling.

    The Jesus Prayer (as it is called in the Orthodox tradition) is a prayer practice, of course. However, it is also a practice. As we, in the larger Christian tradition, consider that the Spirit was breathed into dirt to make humanity, it makes sense to develop a prayer based upon spiritual and the sacrificial life of Christ.

    This same breath is also the breath that God directs Ezekiel to prophesy to. This vision of breath “breathing” life into the dead makes perfect sense as dead bones are just as empty of spiritual life as dirt.

    This leads us to Jesus. His disciples weren’t dead. Their bones weren’t dry (or in an ossuary). In some ways, though, they were dead. They were dead in fear. They were dead to knowing what was next. They were dead to what God was really doing.

    Then Jesus breathed on them. Some commentators view this as a blessing of sorts. more directly tie this to the Spirit as given to humanity to begin with and the Spirit that brought the bones back to life. Within the context, Christians would generally choose the latter (it goes well with Pentecost, after all, and that is how John explains it). Yet, blessing also makes perfect sense, as part of this short passage is about Jesus telling the disciples to be…at peace, which as “” (Hebrew for all-encompassing wholistic peace and ) also makes perfect sense.

    The leads us back to the Jesus Prayer. Breathe in the Breath of Life (the Holy Spirit). Breathe out the deathly breath of , despair, and alienation.


    • Do you think much about breathing? Why or why not?
    • What would it mean to you if you thought of breathing as breathing in the Holy Spirit, and breathing out all your sin (and the wages of sin, )?
    • Why do you think fire (a symbol of Pentecost) and the Holy Spirit (wind) complement each other as a blessing of God for the Church?


    Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of the World, have mercy on us, we humble sinners. Amen.

  • Moved To Change It Up

    Moved To Change It Up

    Psalm 104:24–34; Ezekiel 37:1–14; John 15:26–27; John 16:4b–15; Acts 2:1–21

    The Christian music artist Mandisa has a song, “”. It’s a pretty simple song (and catchy, of course). It talks about “you” (the listener) being an overcomer by the and power of God. It’s a cross-genre song (crossing into the pop-commercial genre) where people who are not believers the message, but probably don’t get it.

    The way Mandisa uses overcomer is slightly different than Ezekiel’s overcome by the Spirit, but there is a commonality…God. Mandisa’s overcomer is how a Christian has the ability to overcome the emotional and spiritual battles of life through the power of God and the Spirit. Ezekiel is overcome (perhaps, taken over) by the Spirit and through this brings life (in vision) to bones that are dead, dry, and useless.

    Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples) is that same sort of thing. The dry spiritual bones of the People of God imbued by the Holy Spirit revitalizes, changes, and reconciles the People of God to God. Just like in the Old Testament, however, not all the dry bones want to be alive again. Yet, here the disciples (as promised by ) stand publically (in contrast to hiding away as they had been) declaring the of God.

    We do have to understand that it is Peter that is the frontman. While the were with him (or he with them), they were not the focus. Does that mean they had no place? Of course not, for the Holy Spirit “fell” upon them, too! Did they have some sort of impassioned impressive speech? The don’t say they do, except that they were saying something, for they were recognized by others.

    You are probably not, in this context, Peter. Most of us aren’t. However, you are like one of the other disciples. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have the Holy Spirit. You have the right, ability, and responsibility to speak to others about the redemptive work of God. You have been gifted to speak to at least one person in a “tongue” they understand, what it means to follow Jesus.


    • Who is your “one” that your hearts burns for, whom you are stirred to talk about Jesus with? How are you specially prepared or placed to speak to that person that others aren’t?
    • How will you commit yourself to God’s mission and your commission to tell a person, people, or even the world about Jesus in a way they will understand?


    Jesus, thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, the Son told us that we would be empowered by you to do more amazing things than He had done. While we cannot understand how that can be, we know that the , Son, and Holy Spirit do not let the fail. Amen.

  • Follow Through The Veil

    Follow Through The Veil

    Psalm 98; Isaiah 49:5–6; Acts 10:1–34

    It’s not enough to restore a backslidden, rebellious, unloving, non-grace-filled, unjust people who either don’t acknowledge or hate God. On top of that, the whole world that doesn’t know God is going to look to you for the of God. No pressure.

    Or how about a valorous warrior, who lead 80 soldiers from the front, a Gentile (dirty to Jews) who followed the Jewish (dirty to Greeks) faith. A person used to pressure was visited by an angel. Military? Yes. ? Probably. Messenger of God?

    Or how about a simple fisherman, who met this wandering carpenter, followed him, befriended him, deserted him, experience a transformative experience of his friend into the of God (and resurrected to boot), going from a simple follower to a leader of leaders of a new faith tradition, and then receive a overturning his entire dietary understanding and eventually his understanding of who Jesus died for (everyone).

    You and I are not Isaiah, Cornelius, or Peter. We are not going to be written of in the Scriptures (they’re closed). Our dreams and visions may be remembered by the and perhaps friends and family. No one else. Not like Isaiah.

    Some followers of Jesus may turn out to be very much like Cornelius, faith-filled followers of Jesus (eventually in Cornelius’ state) who are also valorous soldiers. However, having a personal meeting with an angle and meeting someone greater than any pope, archbishop, bishop? Probably not.

    While most of us can see aspects of ourselves in Peter, his is beyond ours. He physically walked with Jesus. He learned directly from Jesus. He met Jesus after the resurrection (embodied). Not going to measure up to that.

    We’re not called to that. Maybe. What we are called to is a better and deeper relationship with God through the of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy .

    If you’ve been baptized, it is hoped that you understood (if you were an adult) or were taught (if baptized as an infant or child) that is God’s seal on you (from one ) and a public tying of you to the faith. Baptism is only supposed to be at the beginning of the journey. It isn’t the end.

    As we look at Peter’s life, he was transformed day by day. He did not remain the same. That is truly one we can be like Peter.


    • How have you changed since you first followed Jesus?
    • What is the biggest part of you changing in submission to Jesus now?


    Lord, change us into the followers you see us to be, rather than the ones we are. Amen.

  • Dirty Work

    Dirty Work

    Psalm 80; Isaiah 32:9–20; James 3:17–18

    “Tremble, all of you who are at ease;
    shudder, all of you who are secure!”
    —Isaiah 32:11 (CEB)

    Isaiah’s words were directed towards people who were confident that the military might and influence of Egypt would protect them from other enemies. Something along the lines of, “the of my enemy is my friend.” Except that alliances switched all the time. Relying on Egypt—especially Egypt—was not a good long-term plan.

    The , too, often practices the same thing with its Egypt…the government. This is not a new thing. It is not a Democrat or Republican thing. It isn’t a Tory or a Labour thing (political parties in the UK). Whether we gather from history the intertwinings of the church with the later years Roman Empire, to the Roman Catholics ties to many Western European countries, to the Orthodox ties with Eastern European countries.Many critics and critiques of the church claim that the church lost its way when Emperor Constantine. True, the church was blinded by the freedom to be and impose with power. However, that wasn’t the real issue. The real issue was the people of the church.

    Slowly, ever so slowly, discipleship became catechism. Passing the catechism test (which could be very stressful) was all that was needed to be a “member”. Catechism faded away too, to a point where many people don’t even know some of the core tenants of the they espouse. Then people were baptized into a faith their parents didn’t practice (i.e., the Church of England) or thought they were because of the place they were born (the US).

    There were a lot of steps in between. There were even successful attempts to fix the situation (John Wesley’s bands, classes, and societies; the Sunday School movement). However, they lost steam as the world changed. They also lost steam as the church chose to both withdraw from the world and to attack the world.

    One cannot be the to a people one does not know; one cannot be the light to people one acts towards as if hatred were the motivation, rather than love.

    “What of the wisdom from above? First, it is pure, and then peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with and good actions, fair, and genuine. Those who make peace sow the seeds of by their peaceful acts.”
    —James 3:17–28 (CEB)

    Part of the spiritual work that we are called to is creating the healthy spiritual soil from which the green of life. Healthy spiritual soil is pure (and is being purified), gentle, obedient, merciful, acts in the ways of Christ, fair, and genuine. From that healthy spiritual soil, we have the , drive, ability, and even natural to bring peace and justice into the world.


    • What is the condition of your spiritual soil?
    • What does your soil need more of? Fertilizer, minerals, water, sand, loam?
    • Why does ignoring the state of your soil endanger your continued spiritual health and growth?


    Holy Spirit, guide us to nourish the soil that will bring and glory to you, the Father and the Son through our lives. Amen.

  • Go and (p)Reach

    Go and (p)Reach

    Psalm 4; Luke 24:36b-48; Acts 3:12-19; 1 John 3:1-7

    The disciples are still struggling with the Resurrection. You’d think they’d have accustomed themselves to Jesus being alive, but they were obviously still struggling. As part of this last appearance, Jesus explained the Scriptures and His place in them. This is not the first time he did this after the Resurrection.

    This time, though, it comes with a command, to preach the Resurrection and a change of heart and life for the forgiveness of sin. This doesn’t start immediately. It has to wait until the heavenly power comes (the Spirit at Pentecost).

    Waiting in Jerusalem, however, does not mean being inactive. Peter’s healing of the lame man (Acts 3:1-10) opened the door (so to speak) to begin the mission. Peter tells his listeners what it is all about, “But this is how God fulfilled what he foretold through all the prophets: that his Christ would suffer. Change your hearts and lives! Turn back to God so that your sins may be wiped away.” (Acts 3:18-19, CEB)Much later, John wrote that we have in Jesus as we (progressively) ourselves (so as to become more Christ-like). This reflects the changing of hearts that Jesus and Peter made known.

    Jesus’ and Peter’s declarations could also be restated as it is in Matthew 28:19–20, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you…” [CEB]While the passage in Matthew could be interpreted as only applying to the disciples, the passage from Luke cannot be (without serious contortions). The changed heart is also consistent across the Scriptures.

    We are all called to tell the world about Jesus, sin, , and the place of changed hearts in all of that. In the current culture, we are having to how to do this well. Sadly, we are in the midst of getting rid of the baggage that we’ve been carrying, and that is painfully difficult. So much so, that most of us no longer have effective tools or methods to reach (and “preach to”) others.

    In all likelihood, the Western Church will have to relearn how to live in a true and deep community. We have all become accustomed to the shallow community of the Western Church, not the fellowship as described in the Scriptures.

    This does not excuse any of us from looking for opportunities to talk about the grace of Jesus Christ and the change in our hearts. Perhaps, rather than excuse it, it should drive us more.


    • Are you doing anything that resembles telling the world about Jesus in the way Jesus talks about in Luke?
      • If you are, it going?
      • If you aren’t, why not?
    • In regard to telling the world, is it your responsibility or someone else’?


    Almighty God, you gave your only Son to be for us both a for sin and an example of godly living: us grace thankfully to receive his inestimable benefits, and daily to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Third Sunday of Easter Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]