Tag: success

  • Successfully Unsuccessful

    Successfully Unsuccessful

    Psalm 144; Song of Solomon 8:5–14; John 11:45–57 ISV


    A great deal of water cannot extinguish love,
    rivers cannot put it out.
    If a man were to give all the wealth of his house for love,
    he would surely be viewed with contempt.

    Song of Solomon 8:7 ISV

    “…You don’t realize that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than to have the whole nation destroyed.” Now he did not say this on his own initiative. As high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, and not only for the nation, but that he would also gather into one the children of God who were scattered abroad.

    John 11:50–52 ISV

    When we look at people’s lives and the result of their lives, we ought to be looking from God’s perspective rather than the world’s (or the earthly) perspective.


    ‌The comparison trap is real. Are my kids as successful as yours? Are your kids as well-adjusted as mine? Is your career doing better (financial, influence) than mine?‌

    It is an easy mental and emotional trap to fall into because are the only way we believe we can measure our lives. There is, of course, a problem with that. Who decides what makes for ?‌

    The world looks at tangible (money and stuff) and intangible (influence and power). God looks beyond even the intangible.‌

    In many respects, God’s baseline measurement is based on nothing we’ve done, nor anything we can do. God’s measurements begin with Jesus.

    ‌The High Priest, Caiaphas, had prophesied the of Jesus. Not a good marker of success for Jesus, or anyone. Death is rarely a measure of success, but of failure.

    In the Song of Solomon, the says, “If a man were to give all the wealth of his house for love, he would surely be viewed with contempt.” Jesus gave up the wealth of his house for love…his love for us.

    The bride of Christ has long been a term used to describe the (as a whole). It is somewhat ironic, then, that the bride is saying such words, for Jesus is the groom. According to the bride’s words, then, Jesus is understandably viewed with contempt.

    No one reading this, I , views Jesus with contempt, yet it seems that many Christians evaluate success in the lives of others, and in their own lives, based upon what the world views as success.

    We will often hear that history is written by the victors, except that isn’t entirely true, for Jesus and those who followed him were the losers. Yes, Christianity did eventually win in the Western World. We can see how the church is growing outside of the Western world, where becoming a is a losing proposition, and should question the definitions of success we’re using.


    ‌What do you think of as success? Do you ever if you are successful? Who/what are you allowing to define success for you?


    ‌Talk to a believing peer and discover how they define success. Talk to a non-believer and discover how they define success.


    Lord Jesus, your birth, life, death, and resurrection break every human model of success. Spirit guide our thoughts to success as you would have us define under the authority and of God, the Father. Amen.

  • Port Wise

    Port Wise

    Psalm 107:1–3, 23–32; Job 29:1–20; Acts 20:1–16

    “Any port in a !”

    From a strictly practical standpoint, that sailor quip makes sense. Yet, the port may have dangers of its own that were unexpected. If, for example, naval ships from opposing sides set anchor in the same bay due to a storm, once the storm abated, a different storm might begin.

    Security is a multi-faceted need. We recognize our need for security in realms like jobs, health, food, protection. We have become so accustomed to increased safety that new “security” items are released into the market every year.

    Security, though, is a double-edged sword, especially if you are not practicing and spiritual discernment. In certain places in the world, people place themselves under the protection of strong men and gangs. They know that the person or people they are being “protected” by are as bad, or worse, than others, but some protection is better than none.

    People will place their security in the hands of politicians (this is pretty universal across the spectrum, except for anarchists and somewhat libertarians). Much of the political rancor that we are dealing with is how people feel most protected or safe. Even those saying we are protecting your freedom imply that they are protecting your freedom from “them”.

    While this is relatively easy to point to in politics (though often not easy), it may well be a bigger issue in the church and within the context of Christianity.

    Of course, there is the easy to identify, “all religions are equal,” safe port that provides zero to most religions, as most claim to have some sort of ultimate . That ultimate truth is usually not the same as other religions. Thus, all religions are not equal.

    The slightly harder “safe ports” are religions dressed up in Jesus clothes, but have significantly different starting, middle, and ending points. The primary two are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). At least, in the beginning, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were successful because they pulled at many people’s desires to be like others. The Mormons are often successful because they really help others in ways that we need to learn.

    The harder safe ports are things like prosperity and the health & wealth “gospels” which attribute in health and/or wealth to one’s faith (and usually one’s giving). This actually has echoes in the Jewish tradition, too (and teachings that Jesus opposed).

    Those were all the easy ones. In reality, the hard ones are beyond the scope of this. They include acts with cold hearts, loving words empty of loving acts, giving financially without giving of oneself, giving of oneself without giving financially (though this one is not so clear cut), calling oneself a Christian or Jesus Follower and not (or even pursuing) a holy .


    • What “safe” things or ways of thinking have drawn you away from Jesus?
    • What “safe” things or ways of thinking that were originally good changed to capture you, inhibiting your life with Christ?
    • What are some of the safe things or thoughts that you currently have? Have you looked at them through the lens of Jesus Christ?


    Lord, be the Lord of our and the keeper of our souls that we be safe from the trials, tribulations, and temptations of the world. Amen.

  • We Ought To Love

    We Ought To Love

    Psalm 4; Luke 22:24–30; Acts 3:1–10

    The argument that occurred between the disciples is a warning to us all. This is the worldly and fallen condition of man. The worldly/fallen person thinks of self (and even family can be self) above others.

    There is often a belief that life, money, , are all part of a zero-sum game. In other words, for one to get more, another will get less. God’s ways are not the same, yet we often apply this thinking to our lives, even how we “walk out” our life.

    Many of the discussions and even arguments that are happening even among Christians is based upon “who wins” even while it is dressed up in caring for others, the country, the , the world, etcetera. As you read that you may have said to yourself, “God won!” Yes, while that certainly was and remains true. We often don’t that way.

    As we walk in the world, how we treat others (and even ourselves) is very much part of our witness to who Jesus Christ is. There is always the tension within the Scriptures of what the God-ly direction is as they can depending on context. There is, however, absolutely no denial of the motivation of all…self-sacrificing love.

    Self-sacrificing love is not a bottomless well, nor is blind endless sacrifice holy. -to-self needs to be embraced, as uncomfortable as it often is. If our first on issues was, “what is the best way to give myself in love,” that would be huge. Yes, it certainly can be tempered by discernment. It’s just been that too much of our language is how we can get the “other” to do something that makes us feel better.

    Peter couldn’t really do much for the beggar financially. He could have just walked on and said nothing. He could have just said that he had nothing and moved on. Maybe even John wouldn’t have said anything had they passed by. Then the man would not have been healed.


    • What reasons may Peter have had to do what he did?
    • How might Peter’s alter our response to the world?
    • If there isn’t a winner or loser, will that change how you interact with others or think about others?
    • How does God’s love influence your thinking?


    Lord, guide our walk in the world so that we are bearers of your . Amen.

  • Gōdspel


    Psalm 135; Daniel 6:1–28; 1 John 2:12–17

    If all things were equal, it should be very easy to tell people about , and what Jesus did for them even when they opposed God (Romans 5:6–8). However, in the Western world, and especially in the US/Canada region, it has become difficult for a myriad of reasons. While the of God may have a hand in it and did probably provide some nudges here and there, much of the of Jesus has to do with Jesus’ followers.

    While there has been much talk about it is because the White Evangelical church was predominately (by appearances, at least) pro-Trump, it has more to do with the empty lives that Christians have been living. This also isn’t strictly a white Evangelical issue, either. Our brothers and sisters in Christ in the “mainline” denominations have been experiencing decline, for they often watered down Christ for other goals (many of which were worthwhile).

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ hasn’t lost its power or . Western Christians have lost it themselves. Whether it was power or grace, Western Christendom chose one or the other and ended up losing the .

    All of this sounds harsh, and it is. It hurts to read (and write) it. This also is nothing new. On the other hand, living in the power and grace of God doesn’t necessarily mean anything either, and that can get particularly depressing.

    Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were undeniable witnesses of/to God. By their faith and of God lived out, their relationship with God was known and acknowledged. In today’s story of Daniel, this was used against Daniel.

    What is troubling is not that people conspired against Daniel. It wasn’t that Darius was deceived by his advisors. It wasn’t even that Daniel was thrown into the den of lions. The most deeply troubling thing was that this witness was not particularly effective. It wasn’t effective at all, really.

    Yes, the witness of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah was ineffective. Their faith was acknowledged. God was acknowledged and even given great accolades. Yet, time and again the Babylonian leaders went against God.

    By the measure of Evangelism, they were failures. It is entirely possible (and even probable) that seeds of faith were planted in Babylon at that time. Certainly, seeds that led to the restoration of Jerusalem (under Nehemiah) were planted. Without the of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah along with their honorable fealty to Babylon, Jerusalem may not have been restored.

    So, why bring up Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah as evangelism failures? We often look at the great ones of the Bible (which these four were) for what they did successfully. We often fail to see what they didn’t do well.

    The opening statements of today’s devotion are about what we haven’t been doing—and continue to not be doing—well. Opening our eyes and hearts and looking at them is fine. We shouldn’t feel bound or weighed down by them. In fact, they should instead provide us the initiative and determination to break these bonds so that we can do as we are commanded, “Go…make disciples…”


    • What other Bible characters can you think of that you only look at one side (good or bad) of their lives? Why do you think that is?
    • Does one’s success at evangelism impact one’s witness? Does one’s witness mean that one will successfully evangelize?


    Lord, we are to be your light into the world. Help us to be the light and to not just light the , but draw people to you. Amen.

  • Path of Strength

    Path of Strength

    Psalm 29; 1 Kings 2:1–4, 1 Kings 2:10–12; Luke 5:1–11

    In their younger days (and sometimes in their later ones), would flex their muscles, and show off the bulge (even if it was small) of their biceps to their friends. Males, as a general rule, spend much of their lives trying to show their . The reality is that for many men, strength is where they find their validity.

    Females may not understand that, and that’s okay. Sometimes, guys look at other guys and just shake their heads.

    We have carried one of those displays as a word-image: saber-rattlers. The basic understanding is that an army would stand before another army, and rattle their sabers in the sheath. As sabers (or swords) did not fit snugly in their sheaths, the gathered rattle of hundreds or even thousands of sabers all at once would make a loud noise.

    This display was meant to…avoid battle. Much of the flexing and such that men display is to not fight (physically, at least). The goal is for the other to decide that it’s not it. As we all know, physical strength is not everything. Often it is not your strength, but the strength of the ones around you that truly decides the next steps. This is much of the effect of saber-rattling.

    Solomon took over the throne of Israel. The military, political, and economic strength he started with wasn’t his. His , David, had built up the mostly with the sword. God determined that the Temple of the Lord could not built by such a person, despite David’s orientation toward God.

    Solomon had the option to take the same path, but even without the God bestowed, it seemed that there was an underlying that Solomon wasn’t the warlike person that his father was.

    Often we model those that appear successful. This is why males tend to continue saber-rattling and flexing…it works.

    We often choose to model the behavior that appears successful, or model what we think is the behavior that achieved . Other times, we are confronted with the fact that we are not that person. Their way of success is not ours.

    Solomon did not follows his father’s way of success. He chose a different path.

    Peter, James, and John changed their lives, and followed Jesus. They couldn’t recreate the miracle of a fishing trip so successful that it threatened to break the nets.

    As part of their following of Jesus, they even lost their way and ran away. Yes, they came back, and then…they chose their path.

    Following the heart of Jesus, rather than trying to replicate Jesus. Granted, no one wanted to be crucified. Certainly, though, the miracles they experienced post-Jesus…wouldn’t that be great?

    Through those 3, and others, we know who Jesus is. Through those 3, we have the church. Were they alone? No! Yet, in many respects their story is our story…or it should be.


    • When have you followed a bad (for you) path of success or acknowledgement?
    • How do you balance the modes of success that we have been trained and nurtured in with what your heart, soul, and skills provide?
    • How we succeed deeply affects those that follow us. What are ways we as both church and culture need to improve our paths of success to aide those that follow?


    Lord, in far too many respects, the signs of your success are beyond are capabilities. Thank you for not calling us to that, but instead to the ways you have designed us for. Help us to honor both the and the path that you have put before us. Amen.

  • Purple Vision

    Purple Vision

    Numbers 27:15–23; 2 Timothy 2:8–13

    Having worked for family-owned and -run businesses, I know that one of the business’ concerns is, who’s next? Perhaps it might be better to say that the success of a family-owned and -run business is who will successfully lead it with and tenacity once the current leadership steps down.

    I have seen it work well. I have seen it work not-so-well. One business had a plan, and the other business made laissez-faire assumptions.

    Moses had spent a lot of time getting the Israelites to the Promised Land. He had been frustrated, belittled, and probably cursed by the same Israelites. He still wanted them to succeed in the Promised Land. So, Moses asked God for the next .

    God selected Joshua. Now, it could be said that this was obvious, as other than Aaron, only Joshua is noted as Moses’ aide, and even accompanied Moses when he received the Ten Commandments. Joshua, as Moses’ aide, indeed saw the dark side of leading the Israelites.

    I think it is appropriate to presume that God had guided Moses’ selection of Joshua, thus make Joshua the “obvious” choice. On the other hand, we could also presume that Moses’ experience in Pharaoh’s house would have taught Moses how to choose a leader, and then God used that.

    Who was next to lead would set the Israelites for success or failure in the Promised Land.

    In some respects, that is the same view many people have of the incoming Presidential administration and the Congressional seating. Success or failure. In a republic, it’s a little harder to really hit that success or failure button (though pundits try).

    As we look at the days, months, and years to follow this election, we all need to ask ourselves about a few things. For the last few election cycles, the country has been color-coded with red and blue. The animosity between red and blue is approaching that of the Bloods and Crypts from decades ago, who differentiate themselves by red or blue.

    Wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood was a recipe for being harmed by the other gang’s members. Now people are being assaulted by the “opposing” group just for wearing t-shirts, hats, or participating in their constitutionally protected right to protest.

    There has been a centrist movement calling itself “purple”. However, there is something ironic in that. This mix of red and blue representation of republic political alignment has a completely different meaning…royalty.

    Theoretically, the War of Independence was intended to “free” the American colonies from the oppression of British royalty. Instead, we developed an elected aristocracy.

    There is one good thing, though, about the purple. Who we recognize as royalty, who we recognize as king makes all the difference. When we recognize and believe the Christ is King, we can gladly declare ourselves purple, for we seek to follow the True King.


    What will it take, do you think, for Christian conversations on to be purple first, rather than last? What is one behavior or conversation of yours was not purple during this recent political season? How can you develop a practice of purple thoughts and , rather than red or blue?


    Lord, you are the King of the Universe. Through you, Creation came into being. Only you are of our and . Thank you for giving us the to choose. Thank you for loving us enough so that through the Holy , we can become wise. Amen.

  • Dripping Prayer

    Dripping Prayer

    Proverbs 27:15–16; Luke 11:5–14; Luke 18:1–8

    Persistence is often a good thing. However, blind persistence can also be incredibly limiting. As my younger children are about to begin their college journey (yes, still a few months to go), I look back to my time in college. I chose a major I wasn’t skilled at. I chose a major that I would not be successful at.

    I chose the wrong major for a dream. For 4 years I pursued that major. The result? Another school, another (bad) major, and finally dropping out of college.

    But I was persistent, and I was a fool.*

    There is no doubt that some people find great in being persistent. What is often not recognized in that is their innate skill, , or support, which can make all the difference.

    Sometimes the persistence can be like a drip on a rainy day. You can’t get the sound out of your head, even though you “know” your roof is good. It beats on your head and in your heart. Sometimes it tricks you into thinking that your roof really is leaking.

    While the nagging wife could be considered persistent. That kind of persistence (whether it be wife, husband, mother, , whomever) is generally destructive. It destroys hearts, souls, minds, , lives. That’s not good persistence.

    Persistent prayer is different. Whether it’s the story of the friend or the story of the widow, the goal may originate with the self, but there are positive forces at play. In the case of the friend, hospitality is actually center stage. In the case of the widow, is at the center.

    We often focus on the people in the stories, and not the greater “ethos” that the story surrounds.

    Persistent prayer is not nagging prayer. Nagging God to get you a Rolls Royce would not be positive persistence. Persistent prayer for justice for our neighbors? Persistent prayer for their finances and spiritual health?

    Often, we will dress up our persistent prayer in “Godly” language, such as, “ me wealth that I may be more generous.” This can be positive. It is often quite negative, as the person is operating from a scarcity mindset, rather than generosity mindset

    Other times it could be, “Lord, let them get a speeding ticket.” The justice might be correct; the heart motivation might well be revenge or desire for their punishment.

    Persistent prayer may involve the self. even tells us that we are to bring our cares and needs to the Father.


    1) How would you define the difference between stubbornness, nagging, and persistence? How do you know when you are being one or the other?

    2) What are some signs or language that you can use to determine the intent behind our prayer (i.e., justice versus vengeance)?

    3) If God is in answering prayer, why do we not always get what we want?


    Lord, may our prayers be full of your water rather than torrential waters of destruction; to lift up your people and the world to you. Amen.

    *Just for clarity, the fool part is my stubbornness regarding my major pursuit. Without that second college, I wouldn’t have found my wife; so, that part is a win. I did eventually go back to college and complete a degree. It just took a bit longer.

  • Dancing in the Streets

    Dancing in the Streets

    Luke 10:17–24; Revelation 19:6–10

    One of the greatest joys a parent can have is the of their children. This isn’t necessarily financial nor even survival. The best times are watching them succeed when they do not think they are capable.

    That’s Jesus’ when the 72 disciples . They recognized that through Jesus they could now do amazing things. They went out with almost nothing. They came back changed.

    In his book, Rings of , Leonard Sweet says that, “Jesus celebrated, danced, prayed, and let the loose.” That’s the kind of rejoicing that Jesus did.

    This is the kind of rejoicing that occurs in Heaven when the and the . The same kind. This is the joy that Jesus had upon the return of the 72.

    In the days ahead, we will watch and experience friends, , and much of the US population apparently lose common sense as the US Presidential election looms. No one knows what will happen this year, as both political parties have already gathered their legal forces to challenge the results.

    There will be gatherings that mourn the electoral losses. There will be gatherings that celebrate the results. The political talking heads will have their day full of predicting what will happen.

    No matter the result of the election, we will still be able to be rejoicing as we are part of the party in Heaven. We cannot let the ways of the world get the party down.


    1) What’s your when you think of Jesus dancing or leaping for joy?

    2) How does Jesus’ joy for the 72 impact you? Does it matter?

    3) How will you keep your “dancing” joy over the next few months with the tension and animosity that will be building?


    Jesus, thank you for us lives that rejoice. May we live in such a way that people see the joy of our hearts. Amen.