Tag: word

  • Field Work

    Field Work

    Psalm 130; Genesis 2:4b–14; Luke 8:4–15

    Regardless of where you are concerning the continuum of evolution to creationism, humanity is unique. Many of those who look at humanity from the evolutionary standpoint are less than impressed with the result of evolution. Many of those who look at humanity from the creationism standpoint are less than impressed with that result, too. Humanity with all its beauty, difference, and creativity, is a complete mess. If you need any convincing (doubtful), there is the news (from any source), the , and even basic interactions with people in the neighborhood that will likely convince you. If you read the , they’ll convince you, too.

    The Scriptures, whether First/Old or Second/New, also revolve around the acts of agriculture. The Israelites come from livestock handlers. Part of the of Joseph was the area of Goshen, which was ideal for livestock. While we often focus on the bricks and straw of Exodus, we cannot exclude the previous generations and their animal husbandry. Most of us a fairly removed from the practice of agriculture. Some of us have gardens that some vegetables (and even fruit). go hunting (to eat not for sport). Others get on a whole cow and among families. Still, these are all really shadows of a way of .

    Thus when we read the story of the seeds being sown, we can miss a lot of the context. A farmer doesn’t just toss seed anywhere, but the sower did. It is symbolic of the of God, sowing the seed of the to the entire world.

    The Garden of Eden, according to Genesis 2, had not yet had crops when God created humanity. As a fertile land, though, the implication is that humanity didn’t exactly need to farm crops. The wild abundance was enough.

    Even later in Genesis 2, humanity was to work the crops. We are made to work. It is what we work at that makes all the difference to God.

    All of us cast seeds. That really isn’t the question. It is the kind of seed that matters. All of us work the fields. It is the kind of fields that we work in that matters.

  • Pridefully Divine

    Pridefully Divine

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 5:15–24; John 15:18–20, 15:26–27

    When we read about “divine beings” we, understandably, think about angels. What, however, makes a divine being…divine? Apart from God, there is no divine being that isn’t of God. Which becomes a little daunting theologically when we recognize we have the in us.

    To be clear, we are not gods (except, perhaps in our deluded fallen minds). We a created beings with the spark of divinity inside of us. It may be a fine line to some. It is a line as large as itself to others. Yet, part of the divine spark responds to God, and God completes us. So, it’s not wrong (totally) to think in terms of the divine beings in Psalm 29:1. Just like those divine beings, we are called and made to glorify God.

    This seems contrary, in some ways, to the initial verses of Isaiah. Humanity will be brought low. Yet, it is often the arrogance of humanity that results in wars, animosity, and the general inability of getting along. It is also that particular thing, that when brought low, places humanity in the position of accepting God. One cannot truly accept God through arrogance.

    Even as we read further, the arrogance continues with demanding that God hurry up and accomplish God’s work. This all merely so humanity can understand it. Perhaps arrogance is the wrong word. Self-absorbed is probably closer, while arrogance remains part of it.

    There there is a lot of doom.

    The last of today’s verses in Isaiah though starts with purifying. If you catch the wording, “ of fire”, might it remind you of when tongues of fire appeared? In this case, the tongues of fire are more of purification rather than empowerment. But that God and the “ one” are tied into the same verse as “tongues of fire” really do seem to be somehow tied to Pentecost. Then again, that very well be reading too much into it (but it’s fun).

    And, while it doesn’t seem to be related when we understand the pride and arrogance of humanity as observed in Isaiah, Jesus’ words to his disciples (and thus to us) make more sense. The fallen nature of humanity has striven against God. For far too many, it evolved into hate. To be, once again, more along the lines of a divine being rather than fallen creation would indeed cause striving fallen humanity to hate and lash out at those who have been touched by God in such a way.

    If we take all of today’s Scriptures into the picture, it makes perfect sense why Jesus warns the disciples that no matter how much they now have (or will have after Pentecost), they are still not greater than God. A good warning, as not too long after Pentecost, Peter performed his first miracle. The Companion (Comforter, Counselor) would come, and they would be tempted to think more of themselves, and even be called gods ( and Barnabas).



    Lord, guard our hearts against the pride of the world. Let our pride be that you us and that you work through us recognizing that it is for you and for ourselves that we about the world. Amen.

  • Writings Valued

    Writings Valued

    Psalm 47; Exodus 24:15–18; Revelation 1:9–18

    scriptures have always been important. Note that the “s” wasn’t capitalized. This isn’t just the Holy Scriptures we define as the Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testament). This could include many things.

    The Apocrypha, for example, is a collection of books of Jewish origin that are significant but are not held at the same revealed stature as the other books. Certain traditions (both Jewish and ) look a the books as wisdom and guidance, but not something one bases one’s theology on. There is the Qur’an (Islam), the Kangyur (Tibetan Buddhists), and the Vidas (Hindu).

    Then there are the other holy scriptures, the secular ones. They are “holy” insofar as people seem to venerate them as if they were truly inspired by God. This list may be off-putting, but bear with me: the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution.

    Before you think of tar-and-feathering me, think about how many people (from fully atheist to devout religious followers) put many of the so-called secular “scriptures” in the place, it seems, of idols. Often when we of “holy” things, we what we think of as holy (religious) things from non-holy (secular) things. However, many secular texts are elevated to a point of religious fervor. So, it behooves us to recognize that there are Holy and not-so holy scriptures and they can be held in a fervent way.

    Moses and John wrote stuff down as directed. Their words became part of what we recognize and the Holy Scriptures (the Bible). They, along with other writers, contributed to the Bible under the auspices (or under the spiritual influence/directive) of God. We often call this God-breathed or plenary inspiration.

    This means that, to us, the Bible is not just a collection of stories, poems, visions, or rules. It is so much more than that. It is, as some would say, the love letter of God to his people, or the story of God for his people.

    To many people, though, Moses’ time in the clouds on the mountain and John’s -inspired trance are just empty stories. They put more weight in the Communist Manifesto or the US Constitution than the Bible.

    As we interact with the world around us, it is critically important to understand that there are writings that people hold as holy scriptures that are not the Bible. Our first step to sharing Christ is to understand that, for this begins to tell us what they value. If our first is to dismiss their holy scriptures, their response is that they (the people in question) are not valued.


    Lord, as we your , for you are the Word of Life, help us to honor others so that we can bring your of love and into their lives. Amen.

  • Places for Scripture

    Places for Scripture

    Psalm 93; Deuteronomy 11:18–21; Mark 16:19–20

    “Place these words…on your heart” and then forward to “…they went out and proclaimed the message everywhere.”One of the little truths about this passage in Deuteronomy is the very simple tool given that many turned into a soulless rule or merely room decor. God directed that God’s word be placed everywhere in our lives, even on door frames! You can go to places like Michael’s and Hobby Lobby and find the Scriptures available for room decor. You can do it simply with a piece of paper and tape.

    Honestly, I used to disparage the use of Scripture as decor, mostly because I saw it in too many homes and places that seemed anything but filled with God’s . However, it is certainly not fair to God’s Word that I should be that way. As we read, it’s actually bad that I thought that way. I have found and redemptive actions in simply reading a verse of Scripture or that which reminds me of the Scriptures as I walk around my home.

    At my paying job (purchasing manager in manufacturing), I’ve been told that my workspace is too white (white walls, no decor). Over the last few days (before this devotion), I’ve been thinking that I need some of the Scriptures in my work life. Will it be visible? Yes. Will it be there for to see? If they wish. I’m going to put it there for me so that I —when that really irritating person walks through my door for the umpteenth time that day—whose I am, and who I am to reflect. It won’t be there to provide the appearance of a warm and cozy home. It is for me to remember.

    Remember. The whole point of Moses’ directive is so that the Israelites (and we) remember. For a number of years, I heard the same passage from 1 John 1 read at the beginning of every Sunday service as part of the opening corporate confession of . Then we left that church , we stopped hearing it. I can still quote it. It gives me great peace, too, and gives direction to grace to others. It’s a whopping four verses.

    So, if you remember and share the words, what about the signs? That is a great question! How do you know a ? How they speak? How they dress? How they spend? How they give? How they receive? Yes, to all of these and more! It’s not very easy. That is one of the pitfalls of our post-Enlightenment world. The world, and we, want an easy answer to determine who is in and who is out.

    Except, as we read the Scriptures when can that when we “know” who is in and who is out we stop loving God and loving others…which may mean we’re out.


    • What ways are you open to bring the Scriptures regularly into your life? What ways are you currently using? Which ones are you thinking about adding?
    • What are some reasons that we should have some of the Scriptures deep within us as we share the Gospel of Jesus?


    Holy Spirit, quicken our hearts and mind to want more of you and the Word inside of us, that we may be emboldened and encouraged to go into the world seeking to transform it by your love coming through us. Amen.

  • Take the Message Forward

    Take the Message Forward

    Psalm 150; Jeremiah 30:1–11a; 1 John 3:10–16

    We have a lot in front of us. The end of the COVID-era seems to be approaching. Although there seems to be a step back for every step forward, at least we are moving forward. This doesn’t mean we’ll be going back to . In fact, the normal we knew before is dead.

    Many of will grasp for the past looking for the comfortable. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if the past we hold onto results in two steps back for every step forward, then that is not effective, nor does it fulfill our mission to Go and (p)Reach. The promise of restoration that we find in Jeremiah is indeed a message of hope. In it, though, is an underlying truth. The restoration is to the place of home/old with a new model.

    The exiles would certainly enter the Promised Land again. However, they wouldn’t return to either the ways that led them to exile, nor would they return to the glory years of David and Solomon. It would be something new.

    For those who remembered the old Temple, the new (to be built) temple would be a shadow of the old, and they would (understandably) mourn its loss while rejoicing with the new. Others would have only legends, dreams, and “when I was your ” stories. They would not be able to rely on the old ways. They would have to forge a new way of being in the midst of their ongoing identity.

    Part of our new way of being is the reality that Christians are a minority, and even the treasured word Evangelical is almost a curse at this point. It right and understandable to mourn and grieve. It is also expected that we will be in a mode of reflection and repentance for a while, as we try to heal the rifts of our own brokenness, and the division solidified because of it and the brokenness of others.

    John writes that we shouldn’t be surprised that people of the world hate us. Nor should we look for their hatred, which sometimes seems to be our default . Nor are we to behave in a way that will solidify their hatred or their negative opinion of us. Of course, this does not mean we water down the message of reconciliation, repentance, change of , and .

    How we do it is in a state of flux. Relations are definitely a way to allow communicating the message. There will always be a place of action of the heart (i.e., compassionate ministries). There will also always be a place for preaching. There is no one way, anymore. In fact, there never was.

    We are in an awkward place where we need to be functioning in a reconciling, repenting, and heart-changing with our fellow Christians. That may indeed need to come first, and only a church will reach the world (and denominations have their place, too). Only when Christians aren’t ripping into each other and living the moral life that they are called will the world bother to listen to us. Maybe, just maybe, then they will be open to hearing about Jesus.

    The is never fully in focus. The church may be a shell. It may be completely reinvented. It may return to the First Century. The church may change, but the message never will.


    • What has been the hardest thing about interacting with people the last year or so? What has been the greatest thing?
    • What is the one thing you are holding onto from our pre-COVID era? What are you grieving about that we are losing from the pre-COVID era?
    • These things that we are holding onto, are they for the benefit of the mission to reach the world for Christ, or are they our place of comfort?


    Lord, the Giver of Life, we need to find the path that will lead us in such a way as to bring life and life-giving water to the world. Help us to be strong in the face of difficulties and change. Fill us with your grace and so that we see others as bearers of the image of God, no matter about which we . Amen.

  • End of Ends

    End of Ends

    Psalm 4; Daniel 9:1–19; 1 John 2:18–25

    Eschatology. It is a fabulous theological word. It means the study of the End Times. You can watch plenty of End Times theology on TV. It usually involves zombies, nuclear weapons, or (my personal favorite) large reptilian creatures that like to stomp cities.

    Less the actual Eschatological part, that was all tongue-in-cheek. Sort of. How we view the End Times says a lot about our of the world, our personal struggles, and even our cultural struggles.

    A number of years ago I read a summary (only the summary) of research regarding End Times (also called the Apocalypse, not the mutant—comic book reference). There was a cross-section of media stories and fiction that would get a bigger presence depending on the general cultural gestalt. Japan, for example, is still dealing with the cultural scars of the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Godzilla, in particular, is a cultural image representing nuclear running amok, and the underlying of the results.

    Even as we read about the “Four Horsemen” of the Apocalypse (famine, war, pestilence, ) we can see (with the first 3) some things that were constant companions of fear regarding the end. Death, of course, comes to us all.

    Death is a pretty universal fear. There are very few people in history that do not fear (death is “merely” the result). The power of death over the is significant, and when added to an eschatological framework (see, I used it later) those “things” that we fear most in regards to dying and death become part of our End Times thinking.

    Sometimes death of the self is mixed into the perceived death of culture, , and other things. In the case of Daniel, the End Times includes the concept of the death of Israel as a people and a nation.

    Other times death can be overridden.

    As a result of the , the sting of death has been removed. It is no longer permanent for the believers in Christ. What this also allows for is the ability (should we so choose) to our fears of death, End Times, and pretty much everything else.

    With the Resurrection before us, the End Times, or more correctly the fear of the End Times, loses much of its weight for the End Times are merely the opening act to eternity.


    • What are your thoughts about End Times? Have you thought about them recently?
    • What emotions do End Times thoughts evoke in you?
    • Why might understanding that End Times are not the end times for believers in Christ be important?


    Lord, help us to deepen our in you so that the anxieties of the world do not shake our foundation based upon your love. Amen.

  • How Far Do We Go

    How Far Do We Go

    Psalm 135; Daniel 3:1–30; 1 John 2:3–11

    The fiery furnace story with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Hebrew names: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) is one of those ever-present Sunday School stories. It is a great story of , , and most importantly….

    Love. Yes. Faith and trust really only go so far, especially when it comes to one’s . Love conquers all. If we were to use the phrase used to King David, perhaps that will help. “A man [in this case, men] after the Lord’s own .”Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were men after the Lord’s own heart. Their faith and trust in God had transformed into love. This may seem like a stretch, and that is understandable. Love, though, would seem to be the only movement that would the 3 men to say what they said in response to the king.

    The letter from John provides some insight into this conclusion, “But the love of God is truly perfected in whoever keeps his .” Keeping God’s word (i.e., “not worshiping other gods”) was definitely what the 3 men did, and in a way that is both legend and example.

    While a miracle did occur, they did not hold a lack of one against God. As many of us are going through hard times and harder losses, there is a strong to hold the lack of miracles against God. We often want our belief to buy us something with God.

    That is not love. That is bargaining. That is not trust. That is exchange. That is not faith.


    • How should this understanding of love affect our interactions with others? How should this affect our understanding of ?
    • What are lessons that you have learned about the fiery furnace in you ? How did you apply them?


    Lord, you have have given us the of faith and love. May we continue to deepen our trust in you that we truly able to trust you fully in all things. Amen.

  • Community Essentials

    Community Essentials

    Psalm 133; John 20:19–31; Acts 4:32–35; 1 John 1:1–2:2

    Security is a very important thing. In many respects, a number of the high-profile political arguments are over what exactly is security. Differing opinions of what includes security and the perception of who is responsible for such security can really create the potential for discord.

    The reason security should be part of our analysis of (in practicality) policies and reactions. Life experiences can dramatically affect one’s personal perception of security, and may dramatically affect what one considers essential for security.

    As we read Psalm 133, the essentials of security were pretty minimal. Modern conveniences didn’t exist. Concepts such as hospitals and medical care would exist until centuries later. Food, wild animals, and war were the biggest security things. Security was generally among one’s “brothers”. In other words, was security. Security was also firmly ground on God’s blessings.

    We can find unity in many things. Often unity goes hand-in-hand with security. The disciples were unified in their following of Jesus and their fear. Fear would not seem to be a security characteristic. Yet fear often drives the pursuit of security, and fear often provides a unifying characteristic so that people are united in pursuing the same security with the same motive.

    The unified fear of the Disciples after the crucifixion of Jesus was transformed into a unified sharing of resources that we see in Acts. This passage in Acts is often held up as one of the litmus tests of “true” Christians and the “true” church. There is an ideal in it that most of us can appreciate; look out for the benefit of others.

    The part that those that hold this up as a litmus test disregards what got them there in the first place. First, we had the unifying story of the 11 original Disciples. Then in the same spirit of unity, the greater circle (of at least 60 or 72) raised 1 of their number (Matthias) to the 12. Then, as the group expanded, there were the struggles that the people of the church has with the Jews and with the Romans. Again, shared fears (and realities) created security in unity.

    This creates emotional security that allows one to be free to care for others in a way that is rarely seen in history. Even in more collectivist cultures, what is described in acts is unusual.

    This is not to say that we shouldn’t strive for it, but this unique time and place should not be a litmus test for the “perfection” of one’s and one’s church. In many respects, those that use it as a litmus test are using worldly stuff (i.e., mammon) to define “real” Christians.

    The real litmus test can be found in 1 John. A community that submits to be held accountable to the of God, and to each other. True unity is knowing that your fellow Christians are looking out for your interests, in particular, the growth up, wide, and down of your faith in and with Jesus Christ.

    To be fair, this kind of community is often harder to find than a community that shares stuff. Be so united, loving, and trusting with one’s self (versus one’s stuff) is probably the highest bar to hurdle.


    • Can you imagine a community of commons, such as the one in Acts? What would you expect of such a community towards you (and your family) and towards others? How about those outside the community? What would be the requirements of membership in such a community?
    • Are you in a community where your spiritual struggles and growth are shared, encouraged, strengthened, sharpened, and questioned (for improvement)?
      • If not, what would it take for you to be in one? How would you get started with one? Should you?
      • If so, how did the group form? How would you keep it together and focused? What are lessons from it that you can so that other groups like yours could be formed?


    Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal established the new of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    Second Sunday of Easter Collect, Book of Common 2019