Tag: wordofGod

  • The Dead Speak

    The Dead Speak

    Isaiah 25:6–9; Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24; John 20:1–18

    The stone. We always talk about the stone on Easter. There was no question it was a big stone so that it was moved without human intervention was a big deal. As much as the stone is represented simply, it isn’t simple.

    Mary ran back to inform the disciples. Peter and John raced to the tomb. John entered first, but it is not like simply walking through a doorway. There were actually some gymnastics involved. Whether there was actually coming from the outside (some of the ancient tombs were not configured that way) or if John and Peter brought a lamp isn’t important. However light made it in, there was light to see.

    There are two mentions of cloths. The first refers to the wrappings that were around the body. Bluntly, a grave-robber is not going to leave them behind, for often the wrappings were what contained the expensive spices, and grave-robbing is not the kind of thing where one carefully removes the wrappings and leaves them.

    The other cloth, though, was folded. There is no hurry to leave here. There is care implied with the folding (or rolling) of the cloth. Some commentators interpret this as if had “left the table” with plans to (referring to the Second Coming). The facecloth was usually used to tie closed the jaw of the deceased.

    It might be reading too much into it, but bear with me. Sin and had closed the mouth of God. Sin and death and silenced the of God. The Son of God removed the cloth. The mouth of God was opened. The Word of God was released to change the world.

    Christ has died! Christ has Risen! Christ will come again!


    O God, who for our gave your only begotten Son to die upon the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the devil and the of death: Grant us to die daily to sin, that we may live with him in the of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy , now and for ever. Amen. [Easter Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • Mighty


    Judges 2:6–15; 2 Corinthians 10:1–11

    At this point, there are a lot of stirred up people. You might even be one of them. The question is, what really is stirring you?

    Is it a belief that the current president is a lunatic and must be destroyed (metaphorically or in reality)? Is it a belief that the current president is the righteous that will lead the country to some sort of ?

    In the middle of this mess are Christians. Some are confused. Many are disgusted. Some champion the president. Some champion the president-elect. Theoretically, all treasure Christ as Lord.

    That’s the rub.

    One of the constant mutterings of the (on myriad “sides” of many issues) is about a nation. A real Christian nation wouldn’t [fill in the blank]. What if we never knew what a Christian nation was? What if, there has never been a “true” Christian nation in history?

    When we look at what happens after the of Joshua, it’s easy (and understandable) to put much of the blame on Joshua and that’s generations’ leaders. On the other hand, no one forced the Israelites to pick up the patterns of the defeated people, especially the Baal and Astarte’s .

    In far too many respects, the mythos of a Christian nation is as spiritually deadly as the mythos of an Israelite nation upon the death of Joshua (and his peers). “We are a/the [] nation.” It can become a great deceit.

    Thus, God’s word is sharper than any sword. ‘s words in letters were far sharper than his presence. Why? Often a letter is missing so much of the feeling and emotion of presence.

    There is a reason why emojis and emoticons have become such a part of the digital world…text only goes so far. However, sometimes the lack of emotion in the text makes it the very thing we need.

    Just as Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was one of love, his previous letter(s) had apparently earned him a reputation.

    God’s letter, the Bible, is much the same. It is God’s story to us. We do miss a lot of God’s emotions. Yet perhaps we need a lot of sharpening.

    It was my hope that we would be beyond this. It was my hope that we would be stepping toward . That is not the case.

    While it will be easy to point at one president or one political party, the truth is that we are as much the issue as anyone else. The truth is that we are in as great a need of God’s word shaping and sharpening us as anyone else.


    What is something in your life that needs sharpening by God’s word?


    Lord, let your word shape us, and your love strengthen to be your hands, feet, and words in this world. Amen.