Waiting to See

30 May 2019

Daniel 7:13-14, Luke 24:44-53, Ephesians 4:1-16

The Book of Daniel contains many writings. Often the prophet themselves may not know what exactly the words mean. Christians, by-and-large, don’t disagree much on these verses in Daniel have to do with Jesus. It seems pretty obvious, but we can often deceive ourselves when it comes to (think the Book of Revelation). However, with our understanding (and belief) about Jesus, this passage in Daniel seems to us only applicable to Jesus. Just think about that. Daniel was given a vision of the that in no way matched his understanding of God, yet here it was.

Even with Jesus, experiencing his , , and resurrection, the disciples had to have Jesus open their minds so that they could understand Scripture, including the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. It wasn’t easy. God had to open their minds. The disciples lived with God during his time on Earth, and their minds still had to be open. What does that tell us about ourselves?

Jesus commands them to stay in Jerusalem until they are “empowered.” Yes, we know what that means, but did they? Jesus then blesses them and ascends to Heaven. And off they go to the Temple? How many people would go to someplace different, rather than stay at their “great” experience? They had someplace to go, for they had something to declare.

The experience, the declaration, the way of life. Through the of Christ, it is to that we are called to live.

1) Do you ever what people in the Bible thought about the events that they were living? Do you give them more credit (or less) than they are due?

2) The Spirit had not yet come, yet the disciples’ minds were opened to an understanding of Scripture. What does that tell us and our understanding of Scripture?

3) More waiting. The at the Temple may have just been the outlet for the waiting. What do you do as an outlet when waiting for God?